“Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given you” Joshua 1:3
“Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given you” Joshua 1:3
“"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion"
Genesis 1:26”
“The sacred scripture not only allows for hatred - it commands us to hate evil. Love, true love, God's love, involves hatred of evil, even as true love hates the ignorance in darkness..“
“Great and powerful as the church is, Jesus made very little of it compared to the Kingdom. He simply said of church,”
“I will build my church” Matthew 16:18
“I am advising you to buy of Me gold refined by the fire, that you should be rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be made manifest, and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may be observing. “
“ But if Christ is in you, although your bodies are dead because of sin, your spirits are alive because of righteousness." Romans 8:10 RSV
“… and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image.”
“ We greatly appreciate the blessed fellowship with other believers of like mind and spirit, yet it is the quickening of God's SEVENFOLD Spirit within our spirit, that we love foremost. .“
“ Feed us new things from your enthronement within, make our earth like our heaven, let us see and hear what you see and hear, to understand, rescue us from wicked thoughts, deliver us from evil.. ”
“What our Father has formed in our inner man is the part of us that will exist throughout all time. The reality of God’s King in the unseen dimensions is formed within you, an anointing on a part of you that imakes your spirit alive! “
“ .We are being transformed-changed into a completed image, having a righteous judgement springing up from within that guides us to be united to God as our Father. To know that which is hallowed, so we can exalt the nature of love, peace, and enjoy our Father with deep conviction within our spirit that the Lamb is worthy, who makes us to be priests of God, having the glory of a divine nature, yes to be named the Priests of God! “
“In the church world today are people who excel in many virtues, live in states of holiness so far as their visible conduct is concerned, and yet spoil it all with unmerciful judgements and critical disposition.”
“Exodus chapter twenty-five gives the description and instruction concerning the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat which was to be over it, in the Tabernacle of Moses. The commandment of the Lord to Moses was to take an offering from all whose hearts willingly offered, and construct a tabernacle, a tent-of-meeting. It was to be the LORD'S TENT in the midst of the great encampment of Israel. “
“We are transformed by looking to Jesus so our body might be filled with the power of God’s LOVE , LIGHT , and LIFE, that power that makes Jesus shine in Mt. Zion, where the eagles have gathered, 144,000 governmental sons that have that place prepared of our Father. Rejoice He will satisfy all of our longings for Him.“
“I take great spiritual liberty to praise the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He has accomplished so much more than we could sacrifice, yet, to praise Him and be thankful is being a spiritual sacrifice “
“The stage is set for our full experience of Jesus Christ’s Kingdom, to fully realize what He is doing within the inner man of mature Christians, our spirit is being made ONE with our Father who is sending away our sins, as the scapegoat was left in the wilderness on the day of AT ONE MENT.”
“We earnestly strive to partake of spiritual blessings, having heard His heavenly call to develop a relationship with God as a son with authority, do seek commission to partake daily of the divine name, to inherit abundant skill to be about the Father's business. “
“There is a blessing from God on all those called to the marriage feast of the Lamb’s, a supper that feeds us living substance wherein our spirit can LIVE, raising us further than ever before.”
"And I perceived, and I hear one eagle flying in mid-heaven, saying with a loud voice,"Woe! woe! woe! to those dwelling on the earth as a result of the rest of the soundings of the trumpets."
“The day of God’s judgment is not a day of eternal doom, but is becoming in truth a blessed day of ASSURANCE TO ALL MEN.”