The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Clothed Upon

The molding of men by Christ is the priority of the Kingdom of God. Men are molded only by a greater power then themselves. Now a divine operation is processing our inner being to become established in God’s divine nature, even while the church world is dissolving in scandal and disgrace. Christians are not to be molded by politics, economic systems, medicine, or other worldly stages. We are to be taught by Christ, who is the spirit of truth operating within to reveal judgment that is right, stopping us from moving in the selfish interests of man. Christ does make us adjust to righteousness within our inner being.

The Old and New Testament scriptures reveal knowledge to us of the nature of God. For example, when God commands, “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” He is telling us something about himself — about how He is. It reveals that He is committed, reliable, true, dependable, faithful and trustworthy. He will not cheat on you, lie to you, deceive you, betray you, defraud you, forsake you, or fail you. He will not abandon His friends for greener grass or look for something sweeter on the other side of the fence. He is not adulterous, has no roving eye or lying, cheating heart.

Our Father loves to take care of us, cherish us, nurture us, protect us, and leads us to join His commitments and best covenant. He honors his word and is faithful in all of his involvements. Because He is love, He faithfully preserves a constant, unchanging union that abides within the spirit of His sons and daughters. His own Spirit has quickened our spirit to be as He is! We can understand the divine thought in some very special matters revealing the character and heart intentions of God. This allows us to experience how His sons and daughters come alive in union with those teachings that Christ reveals within us as believing followers.

We have the new covenant written within our hearts. Head knowledge about the scriptures does not grant one entrance to experience paradise, where the King of God declares it is unlawful for man to speak. Christ leading from within reveals to us the law of Life in Christ Jesus. We are to behold the glory He had before the creation. Revelation of the truth is bestowed within the hearts of God’s sons and daughters. Yes, great mysteries are revealed so we may see and understand how to become one in spirit as an abiding place for God.

When we were born of our fleshly parents, some of our problems with death were inherited from them. Sin had worked death into our parents’ lives. God has subjected all men to sin and death, to a corruption in the flesh that passes away in mortality. The roots of that corruption are seldom understood because of the ignorance in the inner thinking part of a man.

The heart of every man is darkened and made a slave to earthly viewpoints. It is given to vain causes that hold unregenerate men to be busy with the bondages of self interests, chasing vain pursuits that lead unto destruction and death. Yet, Christians are called to enter the kingdom of God within their inner person:

Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

The only way into the kingdom of God is by being born, or awakened, to our inner spiritual being that has awareness of God’s own spiritual dimensions. Christian men and women should be aware of their being “born of the spirit,” destined to understand and correspond with God's spirit. Their quickened inner spirit gives ear to hear what the spirit of truth teaches. Some grow to develop spiritual eyes to see clearly to understand what is coming from God.

“As we have borne the image of the earthly, let us also bear the image of the heavenly.”   I Corinthians 15:49

I point to the need for our inner spiritual man to grow and take dominance within our tri-part beings, controlling our own soul and body. Christ within us is actively awakened to overthrow old dispositions, old attitudes, old habits, living styles, and hearts’ desires. Yes, He within us is removing the limitations of our old sinful nature in order to open new heavens that can be experienced now. Men and women are made new, with renewed minds and new heart thoughts as their spirit is quickened of God’s spirit.

Teachers of the letter of the word do religiously apply God’s scriptural truths and profess control of their fleshy members by observance of outer religious activities. The followers of Jesus, however, are receiving the life in His law, the law of life in His Spirit, with the power of self control extended within their inward parts. This is where God’s power comes to be revealed in making their spirit one with His. By this, their soul is instructed by God to not keep external rules, nor do observance of church rituals, or hold up scriptural “letter of the word” regulations in their fleshly strength. These things are of vain glory, only giving a mere appearance of godliness. 

As our inner parts are molded by Christ, we become mature in being led by God’s Spirit. We see God in many new ways, for He has been our Father! He is coming to dwell within our inner being to free us from every bondage to corruption and has freed us from external religious rules applied to such things as: “Do not eat this, do not touch that”! God’s Spirit is extended to our spirit. We are touched within, affected in our dispositions, attitudes, and thinking. Now it preserves us in what makes for true transformation into the peace, love, and joy of God’s King, IN THE POWER OF HIS SPIRIT.

"All scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial for teaching, for exposure, for correction, for discipline in righteousness, that the man of God may be equipped, fitted out for every good act." II Timothy 3:16-17 concordant

God opens many eyes to clearly see and understand every good act of His in the great mysteries of the Bible. The Old Testament shows laws controlling the fallen outward man, outward animal sacrifices, natural temples, outward garnishing of a priesthood, outward rituals and ceremonies. But these are truly all teaching of hidden spiritual things revealed only within our inner spirit. God has revealed though external demonstrations the signs of what Yahweh is in spirit.

All the Old Testament ordinances merely reflect a “moon” image of God. Israel was only a type and shadow of the realities of a spiritual family of God and a nation of people in the body of Christ. Real sunlight is reflected when the moon shines on our nights, but it is only the reflected light of the sun. The progression of light in covenants of the New Testament host themes of wonder which blossom and burst forth to unfold the splendor that was reserved for God’s King within our spiritual understanding. The law of the Spirit of Life that is in Christ Jesus frees us from sin and death from within. It blooms within us so we behold His powerful truths:

“For we are aware that, if our terrestrial tabernacle house should be demolished, we have a building of God, a house not made by hands, eonian, in the heavens. For in this also we are groaning, longing to be dressed (clothed upon) in our habitation which is out of heaven, if so be that, being dressed also, we shall not be found naked. For we also, who are in the tabernacle, are groaning, being burdened, on which we are not wanting to be stripped, but to be dressed (clothed upon), that the mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now He Who produces us for this same longing is God, Who is also giving us the earnest of the spirit.”   II Corinthians 5:1-5 concordant

God Himself faithfully reforms us from mortality, yet we do not trust keeping the letter of the word by the earnest of the spirit. Head knowledge teachings about scriptural laws and external regulations created by men can neither see nor understand God's truth in the book of Revelation. The moon realm of keeping the law, observing the letter of the word, the knowledge of external rules, regulations, laws by commandments, is NOW removed within those whose inner person is clothed with the King’s life! He truly sends the full sevenfold measure of spirit into our hearts so we may be clothed with the light of God that radiates from the face of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we no longer have any need of the indirect, reflected light of themoon,(ten commandment laws and New Testament church regulations) for we are clothed in the LIGHT of a new day, the day God’s Kingdom appears. Many are now enthroned with it, yet every Christian, even at the most elemental level of their spiritual walk, should gain knowledge and wonder of His peace and victory as they long to grow up into the Godhead. The inner parts of Kingdom priests put standards of righteousness under their feet (understanding), to walk in the understanding He provides.

All natural life testifies these simple but sublime facts are true: a seed determines the fruit and the environment determines the growth. Likewise God has planted His Word as His seed, determined to grow in the hearts of people like you and me. It grows quickly when nourished correctly, so we can know what His spirit teaches. He reveals the many mysteries in the bible that show the fallen race of Adam can never be holy of himself. Christ will never lead us to sin. He only quickens cooperation in the growth process and real experience, where the soulish part of man (his natural mindedness) fails to grasp the truth of God. Now at any given time his judgment is adverse about the godly matters of Our heavenly Father.

God knows more than anyone what man is made of, what remains of the fleshly part of man that makes him always come up short of His glory. Only the quickening power of Christ progressively heals us by working within us with power that really raises us from the dead. We can be loving our enemies, and be loving family members, even to lay down our lives for one another. We become alive to the Kingdom of God by the revealing work of Christ within us, revealing the full measure of Christ which bestows righteousness, truth, life, and wholeness within our inner being.

All Christians must understand how to put on Christ so that the nakedness of man will not be seen in us. We are rather to be clothed upon with the glorious light of God’s Kingdom. He promised His coming will be within His people. The promise of God answers clearly for supplying a clothing, a spiritual garment in our inner person that is connected to a life powerful enough to swallow up the mortal death working in our natural minds and physical bodies.

Christ teaches our spirit to now dominate our soul. Being awakened, born again to God's Word and Spirit, we are called to thereafter increase in spiritual strength daily. At the same time, the Adamic man, the natural minded soulish man, decreases its influence in our daily affairs. We are taught by God's Spirit to put on our heavenly habitation, to be dressed, clothed upon, not being naked before God.

We needed His Spirit to recognize how His Life clothes our inner person with rightness. God daily quickens the spirit of His sons and daughters. His Word speaks to our heart of an enlightened path, so now we can recognize what He is conscious of without being robbed by worldly cares. His peace swallows up all our turmoil, our mistakes, and cleans up the messes we've made without condemnation, for He did not change His mind about us.

God’s peace causes us to cast out fear, to stop worrying about all the worldly problems and gross errors of those to whom we are exposed. We stop getting upset every time things don't go as we thought they should. Instead, we have learned to wait on the Lord, KNOWING CHRIST, to concentrate on what our Father is feeding our inner spiritual man.

He has much nurturing hidden manna and quickened waterings from higher places that cultivate the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus within our inner being. We grow up in the straight way by hearing what He is saying, then seeing what He prospers. He gives plenteous supply to our spiritual development. When we follow what He Himself has written upon us, oh it’s the most important thing to consider!

It is great to know, to believe that God plans on setting ALL MEN FREE — free from death, free from fear, free from past hurts, free from rules and laws, free from commandments, free from religious condemnation, free from the consciousness of sin. All men are free to find liberty as being a son of the living God whose strength is not in knowing the letter of the word of scripture (for the strength of sin is the law), but rather in being free ourselves to know God in our inner being, resting in what He wants, being indwelt, as a brother or sister, righteous and strong, to Jesus Himself.

Every man lives in a combination of his soul and spirit that makes up his inner character, his nature. We are judged by God as what condition dominates our inner being. We are marked either by man’s natural soul and lost, dark spirit, or marked by Christ being formed within our inner man. Christ quickens and divinely inspires our enlivened spirit. He inspires every man to do righteous things, to be dominated by the nature of Our Father from within.

We are doing righteous things by refusing the letter of the law applied to the natural minded man. This way has made nothing — no not ONE person — perfect. Can perfection really come from that for which only Adam grasps?

“For what was impossible to the law, in which it was infirm through the flesh, did God, sending His own Son in the likeness of sin's flesh and concerning sin, He condemns sin in the flesh, that the just requirement of the law may be fulfilled in us, who are not walking in accord with flesh, but in accord with spirit.”   Romans 8:3-4 concordant

We need instruction to follow His spirit into the right place in the Kingdom of God. By the spirit, we find our place of peace by a power obedient to God’s instructions. When we are led by His Spirit, we are empowered with inner liberty to set ourselves to see Him. We soar with others who are free from religious standards holding religious judgments. We are free to be citizens of a loving heavenly family. Christ does enable His chosen people to find love within themselves and treat others as they would like to be treated. Indeed, that is what we are inheriting of Him.

The reason Christ Jesus has redeemed us is not just to save us from hell and take us to heaven someday after we die. Rather, it is to quicken our spirit so that we can now discover and develop our inner spiritual man, our lasting spiritual person, to find our true identity as the sons and daughters of our heavenly Father.

Born again Christians had to learn to apply church laws — all the rules, regulations, commandments, standards, sacraments, and so on — for doing the so-called church disciplines as absolutely important. Many Christians have slept through this to find out their years of experience of a church standard was utterly impotent, cold, and sterile, without power to fully change their being. Like being childish, it is like the reflective light of the moon that must be put under our feet.  

So Christ has led us to come out of man-dominated systems, to continue following the Lord Jesus Christ. He leads us to spiritually advance within our inner spiritual person even though we may walk alone. This process effectively CLOTHES US with more of the life of Christ, making a spiritual garment with sonship connections that is getting direct light rather than the reflected light of the moon.

God is the Father of ALL LIGHT SOURCES. He dwells within to now change us to a heavenly Image so our nakedness no longer appears. Now with those who are clothed with an inner spiritual garment, we are raised into the further third heaven. We are to fit with a people He raised into a Kingdom order as the fulfilment of the promise to cloth those with power that gave Him power to place His enemies under His feet.

Kingdom or Church

Our Spirit is Alive