The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Mercy Seat

Exodus chapter twenty-five gives the description and instruction concerning the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat which was to be over the Ark in the Tabernacle of Moses. The commandment of the Lord to Moses was to take an offering from ALL WHOSE HEARTS WILLINGLY OFFERED and construct a tabernacle, a tent-of-meeting. It was to be the LORD'S TENT in the midst of the great encampment of Israel. The specifications were exact concerning every detail of that Tabernacle, the various instruments of service, and the surrounding wall of boards.

Everything was planned to make it possible to take it down and re-erect it with speed. Israel was on the move going toward the Promised Land. The Visible Presence of the Lord was with them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The Tabernacle was to be peculiarly the place where the glory of God rested. It was the center of Israel's worship. All of this was GOD'S plan, fitted to the revelation He was giving of Himself. The tent-of-meeting consisted of two parts: The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.

"Then you will set up the tabernacle according to its layout which you are shown on the mount. You will make a curtain of blue, purple, double-dipped crimson and corded cambric; in the handiwork of a designer shall you make it with cherubim. You will put it four columns of acacia overlaid with gold, with their hooks of gold, on four sockets of silver; and you will put the curtain under the links.

Then you will bring there, inside the curtain, the coffer of the testimony. The curtain will separate for you between the holy place and the holy of holies; and you will put the propitiatory shelter on the coffer of the testimony in the holy of holies. Yet you will place the table (golden altar of incense) outside the curtain, and the lampstand opposite the table at the angle wall of the tabernacle southward; the table (shewbread) you shall put on at the north angle wall."   Exodus 26:31-34 concordant

These two compartments were separated by a veil, a large curtain of blue and scarlet and fine twined linen of cunning work by Cherubim. The veil was to be hung on four pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold with hooks of gold and sockets of silver. The Ark of the Covenant was to be brought within the veil and the veil was to divide between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.

Moses was to make a "Mercy-Seat," a cover for the Ark of the Covenant, of a slab of solid gold, to be, in fact, a lid, with work of Cherubim, one at each end facing each other, and all of one piece. The tables of the law of Moses, and some manna was hidden, along with Aaron's rod that budded, all placed in the Ark and the Mercy Seat placed above it. The Mercy Seat is a type of enthronement of Jesus Christ, our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, Who issues mercy from His seat behind the veil of man’s fleshly knowledge.

The Ark of the Covenant, in the Most Holy Place, was adorned there with the Mercy Seat, being of pure gold so that the glory between the cherubim was the God with Whom Israel had dwelt. From there, God communed with His people and set judgment in the midst of Israel:

"And thou shalt put the Mercy Seat above the Ark...and there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the Mercy Seat, from between the two Cherubims which are upon the Ark."   Exodus 25:21-22

"Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel...Thou that dwells between the Cherubims, shine forth."   Psalm 80:1

We now see Jesus IS the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant, the place of lasting judgment of justice and mercy for forgiveness of all sin. Everything about the tabernacle of Moses teaches us to be centered in that Mercy Seat, in that Most Holy Place. Spiritually it (He) is still the center of attention in our tabernacle.

The tabernacle of Moses was in the center of the camp of Israel. All the sacrifices had to do with atonement with that Mercy Seat within the veil. All the shedding of blood in animal sacrifice offerings had to do with that one chief sprinkling of blood upon the Mercy Seat that God accepted for atonement. An enthronement of Mercy was, in the arrangement of things, the center of it all.

Today the divine pattern fits the centerpiece of our Most Holy FAITH. We now know so much about the throne of Mercy! By the spirit of our centerpiece we, too, enter the places behind the veil in order to be in the midst of the throne as one of God's people. The Mercy seat on the ark of God was the only piece of furniture in the Most Holy Place. It was made for that place carefully and it stood alone. There were no extra seats for “insiders.”

The Mercy Seat was not a seat as something to sit on, as we Americans know a seat. The old English word actually means the "origin" or "center," just as you speak of the "seat of pain" or the "seat of government" as the point of origin of a thing. The Greek word indicates the meaning of being a "lid" or "cover."  The best words to translate meaning to the Mercy Seat was to recognize the place where MERCY ORIGINATED to cover Israel.

This is the description of something supreme — here was the covering MERCY of God! The Mercy Seat in the tent of meeting is an accurate picture, a type and shadow, of many very important principles about the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Now a great host of people are gathered spiritually at the enthronements of Christ Jesus where they are made one with the Mercy Seat of God. The word for Mercy Seat in the Greek language is HILASTERION. In the New Testament there are only four verses that use this word:

"And over it the Cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat…"   Hebrews 9:5

"Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past…"   Romans 3:25

"God...sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."   I John 4:10

"And He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."   I John 2:2

From these four verses you will see that the Greek word “hilasterion” has been translated both as “mercy seat” and also “propitiation”. Christ Jesus, in the sacred scripture, is the PROPITIATION for our errors, sins, and faults. This Greek word is also used as Mercy Seat. Jesus Christ is OUR MERCY SEAT and now we have a faithful and MERCIFUL HIGH PRIEST who is also seated at the center. He is the origin of EVERLASTING MERCIES AND INFINITE LIFE springing up from within us.

The word “propitiate” means to appease, to sooth, to cause to be favorably disposed, to conciliate. Now this leads to a point of immense importance. Man has gone astray. His divided carnal mind is now an enemy of God's spiritual mind and needs to be reconciled. Wherefore then, as might be expected, the New Testament scriptures never speak of reconciling God to man, but always of reconciling men to God. There is no other expression to be found within the covers of the New Testament:

"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. And again, All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ."   II Corinthians 5:18-19

In a word, it is God the Father, in His infinite mercy and grace, Who has brought us back, reconciling us to Himself. If Jesus Christ, our Mercy Seat, was to turn away from us, we would at once be lastingly short of God's glory. I do not hesitate to tell you that God has established His Mercy Seat in a dimension of spirit that is sending His Spirit out into our earthly conditions. The day of grace is not, as some proclaim, about to end. Indeed, it is beginning to be completed in a people:

"And opened was the temple of God in heaven, and seen was the ark of God's covenant in His temple, and lightning and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail occurred."   Revelation 11:19 concordant

"Are you not aware that you are a temple of God and the spirit of God is making its home in you?"   I Corinthians 3:16 concordant

Though we have but tasted of His mercies, through vast ages yet unborn He will continue to unfold the riches of His grace. He will continue manifesting it through many chosen vessels of mercy until the fullness of Christ is revealed and God becomes, finally, everything to everybody: GOD ALL-IN-ALL.

Ultimately through the church ages, some became ONE IN CHRIST. Some are growing up INTO HIM Who is the Head, coming to the measure and stature of the FULLNESS OF CHRIST. Now some are partakers of this heavenly calling and bespeaking of this same truth because many are destined to BE ONE WITH GOD'S MERCY SEAT. This beautiful truth David stated so simply, yet graphically:

"Bless Yahweh, my soul, And all within me, bless His holy Name! Bless Yahweh, my soul, And do not forget any of His well dealings, Who is pardoning all your depravity. Who is healing all your ailments. Who is redeeming your life from ruin. Who is crowning you with benignity and compassion. Who is satisfying your future with good, So your youth is renewed like the vultures [eagles]."   Psalms 103:1-5 concordant

This is the love of a Father placing upon the head of a son the insignia of anointed understanding as one of His, as He did with David. Where IS this crown, this kingly, priestly anointing, this power and authority to rule? Is it coming in God's own LOVINGKINDNESS and TENDER MERCIES? Yes, God crowns us with LOVING MERCY!

Crowns of LOVE and MERCY are the kinds of crowns God’s sons and daughters have to wear. What else do you have in mind when you think of wearing a crown in the Kingdom? Paul knew he had one laid up for him. It is my sincere hope that these words will prove helpful:

"In mercy shall the throne be established."   Isaiah 16:5

"Mercy shall be built up for ever."   Psalms 89:2

It is when we grow in understanding spiritual thoughts that the nature of mercy and love is opened to our inner man of spirit. We are now the temple. We now see the Ark is in our temple showing JUDGMENTS OF MERCY THAT ARE ENTHRONED within us. To this destiny we are pressing in order to experience even now a sealing to this present reality. Christ Jesus is now OUR Mercy Seat.

In due time the priests of His Kingdom are sent forth as an extension of that Mercy Seat that will transform the Lord’s people from church heavens and church orders to the order of the Kingdom. As reapers they shall proceed even to the lowest hell imaginable to draw “whosoever will” by showing forth the glory of God's King.

The Most Holy Place is prepared and ordained...for HIS MERCY TO BE AT THE CENTER OF US! Can we worship God without malice in our heart? Not toward anyone? If we fit into His measure, in His compartment of mercy, we would now be happy! A place has been made just for those who have grown to be merciful of heart!

" Happy are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy."   Matthew 5:7 concordant

The unmerciful at heart will not see the way to stand on this holy ground. There is no place here to view any person with thoughts of malice, prejudice, violence, or hatred from human judgments. Although some may think we deserve hell forever, we will find His Mercy Seat extended to them! We have not deserved mercy any more than any other man or other races.

I have no merit to claim His favor but that He freely gives to us all a holy station. We then shall freely give in like manner, not imputing men's sins unto them, but always showing forth how He has reconciled us to God by His redeeming mercies.

This is oft times difficult for those who have come from any Christian church system. It is challenging not to have a heavy hangover of condemnation in bringing charges against each other over misunderstood words. Because of bitter disagreements over the letter of the word, even brethren hold others in guilt and shame if they do not submit to their order.

Most mature Christians sense a need to change from being used as a channel of charging faults, from backbiting judgments that are blaming other brethren by our own reasoned opinions and limited understandings. When the veil in our hearts is still secretly disqualifying others by judging them not worthy, WE are the ones keeping the Lord’s people under teachings and thought patterns of religious laws: "It is a sin to do this or that, don't eat this or that, don't touch this or that." There is so much judgment by outer appearances! No wonder many Christians are not able to pierce those fleshly veils into the awesome power of spirit, into the holy place, the King’s SEAT of MERCY.

Many well-intended preachers have stormed to rant and rave with their judgments about what other people are doing wrong in their perceived sin and lack. Yet as heavenly thoughts open, we see: "There is NO difficulty that God's love and mercy will not conquer; no disease that enough love and mercy will not heal; no door that enough love and mercy will not open; no gulf that enough love and mercy will not bridge; no wall that enough love and mercy will not throw down; no sin that enough love and mercy will not redeem”.

LOVE NEVER FAILS. It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the problem, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled and tangled up our mistake. A sufficient realization of the love and mercy coming from Jesus Christ will dissolve it all. As we receive this, God's love is enough. It satisfies so that even now we can be the happiest and most blessed beings on the planet. We are carrying the blessing of Abraham to all the families of the earth, connected to what the Mercy Seat is all about.

"Therefore, I also, on hearing of this faith of yours in the Lord Jesus, and that for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may be giving you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the realization of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened, for you to perceive what is the expectation of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of the enjoyment of His allotment among the saints,

and what the transcendent greatness of His power for us who are believing, in accord with the operation of the might of His strength, which is operative in the Christ, rousing Him from among the dead and seating Him at His right hand among the celestials, up over every sovereignty and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this eon, but also in that which is impending: and subjects all under His feet, and gives Him, as Head over all, to the ecclesia which is His body, the complement of the One completing the all in all."   Ephesians 1:17-23 concordant

"…yet God, being rich in mercy, because of His vast love with which He loves us (also being dead to the offenses and the lusts), vivifies us together in Christ (in grace are you saved!) and rouses us together and seats us together among the celestials, in Christ Jesus, that, in the oncoming eons, He should be displaying the transcendent riches of His grace in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus."   Ephesians 2:6-7 concordant

"And, coming, He brings the evangel of peace to you, to those afar, peace, and to those near, through Him we both have had the access, in one spirit, to the Father. Consequently, then, no longer are you guests and sojourners, but are fellow-citizens of the saints and belong to God's family, being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, the capstone of the corner being Christ Jesus Himself, in Whom the entire building, being connected together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in Whom you, also, are being built together for God's dwelling place, in spirit."   Ephesians 2:17-22 concordant

"On this behalf am I bowing my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, after Whom every kindred in the heavens and on earth is being named, that He may be giving you, in accord with the riches of His glory, to be made staunch with power, through His spirit, in the man within, Christ to dwell in your hearts through faith, that you, having been rooted and grounded in love, should be strong to grasp, together with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and depth and height, to know the love of Christ as well which transcends knowledge, that you may be completed for the entire complement of God."   Ephesians 3:14-19 concordant

"…we should all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ, that we may by no means still be minors, surging hither and thither and being carried about by every wind of teaching by human caprice by craftiness with a view to the systematizing of the deception.

Now, being true, in love we should be making all grow into Him, Who is the Head — Christ — out of Whom the entire body, being articulated together and united through every assimilation of the supply, in accord with the operation in measure of each one’s part, is making for the growth of the body, for the upbuilding of itself in love.

This, then, I am saying and attesting in the Lord: By no means are you still to be walking according as those of the nations also are walking, in the vanity of their mind, their comprehension being darkened, being estranged from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the callousness of their hearts, who, being past feeling, in greed, give themselves up with wantonness to all uncleanness as a vocation."   Ephesians 4:12-19 concordant

Blessed are the Merciful

God Hath Chosen the Foolish