The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Give Us Our Daily Bread

Oh, what grand and glorious events lie before us on the path to a completed salvation in Christ! The Day of the Lord has come, and the sevenfold full Spirit is being sent as overcomers are enabled to receive it. The day of perfection is being placed within them. The time for full and complete redemption from every kinship, every manner of speaking is NOW, with resurrection life dwelling within our spirit, soul, and body.

Prayer for daily bread now is very rewarding. So much is being experienced in becoming overcoming sons and daughters of God! Now it is the Third Day, the third feast, the third heaven of Christianity’s purpose and plan A fullness of His spiritual strength is being sent to empower our spirit. This plan has been completely obscured and lost amidst the shout and euphoria over the day of firstfruits, with all the gifts and offices with which most Pentecostals and Charismatics are involved.

Those heavens contained healings, deliverances, miracles, prophecies, song and dance, and so forth, yet lack complete spiritual understanding of God’s great MERCIES and the fullness of His work in His people. Jesus has called a great number of people to leave in-part church orders to enter into a private relationship with Him where He is feeding KINGDOM bread, the food of a hidden, but higher, spiritual realization.

The passing heavens of church history is but a foretaste, an earnest of our inheritance as members of the body of Christ Jesus. Some are arising to feast with Him, learning how to tabernacle with God to become one spirit in a marriage supper with the Lamb. Oh, so much lies before us! Jesus admonishes us deeply about praying:

“Thus, then, you be praying: Our Father, Who art in the heavens, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth also. Our bread, our dole, be giving us today." Matthew 6:9-11 concordant

TODAY we are blessed as those called to heaven’s marriage supper, the Feast of Tabernacles. God is tabernacling in all who come to the kingdom. This Divine provision supersedes Pentecostal heavens (the in-part provision). It is the BALANCE OF GOD’S PROVISION, of which the feasts of Passover and Pentecost were merely the preparatory courses, a “downpayment” of what is to come.

A balance must come as the remainder of the dole that joins the sons of God to the complete victory Jesus gained over carnality and confusion, especially that found in the candlestick realms. Now comes deliverance from the tyranny of corruption and death for those who lay hold upon the hidden prizes of God. Those ones are moved mightily to earnestly and sincerely pray:

“Give us today our daily bread.”

There are at least three great heavenly levels of Christianity. Each has its own instructions to understand and experience, by asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer. To this day the vast majority of Christians in church heavens live out their lives in pursuit of outward physical blessings, following the programs of men who like to influence the leading people in the nations of the world.

The prayer Jesus commands, however, is chiefly evidenced in an INNER PURSUIT that desires to ask, even seek, and keeps knocking for openings to understand things of heaven above rather than focus on the good things of the earth. The mature believer has desire above all else for knowing the Father HIMSELF. Growth takes place in the life of every son and daughter of God who yields to that motivation.

This relationship parallels what occurs in normal relationships between children and parents. At first the relationship is in terms of the things that are done to provide for the child’s own well being and comfort. Even as teens, they are not able yet to appreciate the parents’ protective personalities.

Sure signs of wholesome maturity show in the child’s deepening understanding of the parents, an increasing delight in their fellowship, thankfulness for their concerns, acceptance of their ideals, reliance on their counsel, and joy in their approval. A healthy child grows up from loving parents desiring to provide good things just for their own sake. A mature son is in place to enter into the family business with an approving relationship with the father. Access is now granted to all the needed respect and responsibility.

More perception in understanding God’s wisdom is granted as we are taught to ask, seek, and knock for living bread today, to eat His words from His mouth. This person soon discovers that the value of spiritual reality is far above material blessings. MATURE SONS SET THEIR AFFECTION ON THINGS ABOVE, not on things on the earth. They seek God Himself, knocking to enter the spiritual reality of today’s matters so they may fit into His coming.

To unfold the ages, one must not be focused on the temporal realms of the outer man, the material things money gains in the world. The earth is to be renewed as the old things are passing away, yet THE EARTH WILL HAVE HEAVEN COMING TO IT so there may be Life upon this earth. Those apprehended to see God’s purposes in this hour are seeing great transcendent knowledge of truth able to supply super-excessive access to heavenly power in every transition from bondage to freedom.

Some Christians have heard the Lord saying to them, “Come up hither! and I will show you the things that come after all the candlestick church activity. Come Up Here” — where the anointing given by God is A FULL MEASURE, not just an earnest of spirit. A lasting place is revealed to sons and daughters who are stripped of all the ineffectual absurdities presented as approved in traditional churches for generations.

The Christian church age of the in part realms of Passover (the 30 fold) and Pentecost (the 60 fold) realms are passed now from us with great noise. Now a new day has more than dawned within our hearts. Some Christians (100 fold realm) have been quickened and prepared for a complete portion of the Godhead in the Feast of Tabernacles:

“But other [seed] fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, or some thirtyfold.” Matthew 13:8 KJB

Every day maturing sons are filled with the precious mind of Christ. They radiate the reality of God's omnipotence in their center and the invincibility of His life is pleased to be dwelling within them. There is an exultant victory within them because the reality of Christ daily feeds them a supper of joining oneness with the Lord:

“Hallelujah! for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! We may be rejoicing and exulting and will be giving glory to Him, for the wedding of the Lambkin came, and Its bride makes herself ready. And to her it was granted that she may be clothed in clean, resplendent cambric, for the cambric is the just awards of the saints. And he is saying to me, ‘Write: Happy are those invited to the wedding dinner of the Lambkin’…” Revelation 19:7-9 concordant

“And...all nations...shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.” Zechariah 14:16

It should not be denied by any that throughout this last two thousand year dispensation of church history, only a man-child company is to be caught up unto God’s throne. Jesus has gathered only His brethren to the throne, where the body of Christ is enthroned. All nations shall see, with denominations and groups coming forth to worship as the Lambkin feeds a dinner that completely clothes His bride, these precious 30 and 60 fold Christians.

Christians will be delivered from limited worship in the 30 fold feasts of Passover, and the 60 fold Pentecostal realms. Now a glorious opportunity is set forth before the Lord's kings and priests to reach all of His people. All the nations shall come to know Him in the third feast, this Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast is a blessing and glory that flows from a seat in which God TABERNACLES. He feeds us DAILY BREAD, a dole that makes growth to a complete measure in our inner spiritual man. Now the life working in Jesus will be a great reward!

Many brethren have gone beyond the point of no return in following Him. A time comes for us all when there is nothing to go back to, not in the flesh, not in the world, not in the church systems. There is nothing from which we have been drawn through to which we would want to return. It’s all so empty, so meaningless, lifeless, and worthless, compared to knowing HIM in the secret places within our being.

We must go on to His spiritual habitation. This is what we asked for, what we have sought, and do still knock for in prayer: TO KNOW GOD IN HIS FULLNESS. We are committed to this course which cannot be altered for us. We too have gone too far, for our heart is fixed on spiritual reality as its destination. Our Father writes of deep things within the overcoming heart:

To Him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne.” Revelation 3:21

Overcomers of candlestick conditions are granted an enthronement of authority. They know a lasting place, refusing to use their authority for personal gain, such as what money or status they can get out of it. Maturing sons are delivered from building programs of candlestick churches controlled by religious men seeking their own fame and fortune in the church world.

Building programs of religious Christian leaders use Passover’s grace and Pentecost’s temporary healings to keep God’s people from their real goal. Overcomers are stripped from those religious realms of heaven to SING NEW SONGS OF COMPLETE SUBMISSION, expressing an inherited potential for the full and complete salvation. May the infinite Christ reign in every Christian brother and sister and may the nations be restored by the people keeping the Feast of Tabernacles!

Today the world is full of broken hearts and lives, the hospitals are crowded with disease and injuries, the cemeteries are filled fuller every day. The earth itself is groaning under man’s pollution, groaning for justice, groaning for something more, groaning for something better. It is not groaning for more crusades by Pentecostal preachers, nor for more religious broadcasts on television and radio. The world does not need more church missions and missionaries, nor more tracts and bibles, nor another revival.

WHAT EVERY MAN NEEDS IS TO BE JOINED AS ONE SPIRIT TO THE UNUTTERABLE LEADINGS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT QUICKENS OUR SPIRIT INTO UNISON AND HARMONY WITH GOD! All we Christian brothers and sisters are called to be chosen and made faithful to become fit and measured.

We are called to be among His people, the 100 fold people, those who are not minors being carried off by every teaching. Our prayers, praise God, are long-awaited yet answered in the Day of the Lord, the time for revelation of Jesus Christ being here! In this third thousand years, the third heaven will unfold as the third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles.

The marriage supper of the Lamb feeds His people LIVING BREAD. This bread is the spirit of Truth that connects our spirit, clothes our spirit, and makes us wholly understand our glorious Lord’s intentions. Jesus and His body of brethren are being revealed in our heavens with flaming flashes of light. In glorious strength, our Father will now exhibit His glory and power, even to be admired AMONG HIS SAINTS in a meaningful new way.

The third heaven is established IN a people in righteousness and peace because God indwells them:

“… the just judging of God, to deem you worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering also, if so be that it is just of God to repay affliction to those afflicting you, and to you who are being afflicted, ease with us, at the unveiling of the Lord Jesus from heaven with His powerful messengers, in flaming fire, dealing out vengeance to those who are not acquainted with God and those who are not obeying the evangel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall incur the justice of eonian extermination from the face of the Lord, and from the glory of His strength, whenever He may be coming to be glorified in His saints and to be marveled at in all who believe (seeing that our testimony to you was believed) in that day." II Thessalonians 1:5-10 concordant

An age [eon] of not seeing His face is NOT the same as eternal damnation of endless torments in hell. We simply realize that we must have the SPIRIT OF TRUTH enthroned within us if we are to lay hold upon a place of honor in the family of God. We are being opened to examination in order to receive more than what was given in the Passover rains upon the early church or in the latter rains that soaked the Lord’s people again with Pentecost:

"And at the fulfillment of the day of Pentecost they were all alike in the same place. And suddenly there came out of heaven a blare, even as of a violent, carrying blast, and it fills the whole house where they were sitting. And seen by them were dividing tongues as if of fire, and one is seated on each one of them. And they are all filled with holy spirit…." Acts 2:1-4 concordant

The past age of the church has not brought the church world into the fullness of God, nor has it ministered a redemption for the body, nor has it produced a manifestation of the seven spirits of God that are to deliver the nations from war, nor has it delivered the creation from the bondage of corruption. The members of the church age have to GO ON to perfection, to the power and glory of full sonship working in the lives of the Lord’s body. With such power as this, they can rule the nations with a rod of iron, with intention to RESTORE ALL PEOPLE AND THINGS.

Oh, we must go on to perfection! We will find that we will KNOW HIM AS A POWER WITHIN US THAT MUST DAILY BE DRAWN ANEW — DAILY BREAD straight from GOD our FATHER. HE IS NOW COMING BY SPIRIT TO WRITE HIS NAME UPON OUR HEART. HIS APPEARING is writing upon the doors and tablets of our heart. A heavenly place is open within us where He does come in to feed us hidden manna. We sup with new food of the King, with provision of today’s bread that gives nourishing strength to feast at the King’s table, in the true tabernacle pitched by the Lord:

"I am advising you to buy of Me gold refined by the fire, that you should be rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be made manifest, and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may be observing. Whosoever I may be fond of, I am exposing and disciplining.

Be zealous, then, and repent! Lo! I stand at the door and am knocking. If ever anyone should be hearing My voice and opening the door, I will also be coming in to him and be dining with him, and he with Me. The one who is conquering, to him will I be granting to be seated with Me on My throne as I, also, conquer, and am seated with My Father on His throne. Who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the ecclesias." Revelation 3:18-22 concordant

Now this dining with Him is the anointing He feeds our spirit, so within our spirit a LIFE is manifested. Together with us, wherever we are, it will lead, teach, and feed us about being alive together with HIM. His present realities in heaven choose to be revealed in our inner thoughts, adjusting our central goals to set us on a spiritual path seeking to be seated with MERCY. Such thoughts become the focus of our mind, prayer, and worship. We pray:

Come Father. Give us our daily bread."

We pray:

“Feed us new things from your enthronement within. Make our earth like your heaven. Let us see and hear what you see and hear, to help us understand. Rescue us from wicked thoughts, deliver us from evil.”

Hear the Apostle John:

“And I (John) hear a loud voice out of the throne saying, ‘Lo! the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and He will be tabernacling with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them. And He will be brushing away every tear from their eyes. And death will be no more, nor mourning, nor clamor, nor misery; they will be no more, for the former things passed away.’

And He Who is sitting on the throne said, ‘Lo! New am I making all!’ And He is saying, ‘Write, for these sayings are faithful and true’. And He said to me, ‘I have become the Alpha and the Omega, the Origin and the Consummation. To him who is thirsting I shall be giving of the spring of the water of life gratuitously. He who is conquering shall be enjoying this allotment, and I shall be a God to him and he shall be a son to Me.’"

Revelation 21:3-8 concordant

The Knowledge of God
