The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Kingdom or Church

You may join with a denominational church by agreement with church tenants to enter into the midst of its fellowshipping believers, but one does not enter the Kingdom of God in that same way. A change of heart is required. Every citizen of the United States has entered the nation, but only a few of them have entered service to the government. The Kingdom is the sphere of the King’s rule in invisible inner matters of the heart, an intangible phenomenon in this world. 

The candlestick churches of Revelation’s second and third chapters represent examples of the great denominational Christian church experience of the last two thousand years. Now visible are lives of men and women who have begun the walk of a common Christian faith as members of a church, under church disciplines, but yet do not grow much beyond being babes in Christ. Christian babes are spoon-fed all the delicate lies of Mystery Babylon without question. The destiny of those sons called to fit with and into the Kingdom order have been called out of membership with such denominational candlestick churches.

Candlestick churches are in a fallen condition that have “left their first love”. They must press on through much tribulation to enter into the Kingdom of God after qualifying and being made accounted for by God, the judge, as worthy of the Kingdom. There is no need to pay a high price through adversity to enter membership of the earthly churches we know. The true church is, after all, an ecclesia, A PEOPLE GATHERED OUT. They are people called out of sinful, broken conditions, called out of worldly ideas of worship, called out to be awakened spiritually into knowing God as Father of our spirit, of being RAISED through faith in what God says.

Candlestick churches have experienced a lack of proper judgment for two thousand years. His people must come out of the worldly churches as the prerequisite for entrance to gain proper understanding of His spiritual Kingdom. The New Jerusalem order is high above these church heavens. When God brings our candlestick church experience to an end, His Spirit bids us follow Him into what has been promised of God, a feast of fat things.

The third thousand year day is a new day, the third heaven, a new experience. The third Feast of Tabernacles testifies of profound promises given to overcomers of the seven great church conditions in chapters two and three of the book of Revelation:

“To him [in the church] that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life…"   Revelation 2:7

"...shall not be hurt of the second death."   Revelation 2:11

" …will I give to eat of the hidden manna and a white stone having a new name…"   Revelation 2:17

"…will I give power over the nations;"   Revelation 2:26

" …be clothed in white raiment."   Revelation 3:5

" I will make a pillar in the temple of my God...I will write on him.."   Revelation 3:12

"…to him that overcomes shall I grant to sit with me in my throne,”   Revelation 3:21

It has been to the mature processing of overcoming sons called out of the candlestick churches that the Spirit of the Lord promises insight of the HOMELAND of our inner spiritual person, being qualified to partake now of the King’s heavenly rewards. The design for Kingdom reward is far greater than that designed for the two thousand year age of denominational churches. Entrance into the King’s domain can now be made by those whose spiritual lives OVERCOME the failing conditions described in the candlestick churches.

These are real churches consisting of believers whom the righteousness of Christ has been imputed by faith, of whom Paul had to speak to as babes. The Lord has been purging and purifying and transforming overcomers unto the measure of a Perfect Church, unto a unity measured of the full stature of Christ. They are made Kingdom priests (ministers) delivered from earthly compromise and corruption. Our Father has secretly been making new creatures of the New Jerusalem order, of people He is ruling over from within, so they may enter the heavenly Kingdom even now:

“Not everyone saying to Me Lord! Lord! will be entering into the kingdom of the heavens, but he who is doing the will of My Father Who is in the heavens. Many will be declaring to Me in that day, Lord! Lord! Was it not in Your name that we prophesy, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many powerful deeds? And then shall I be avowing to them that I never knew you! Depart from Me, workers of lawlessness!"     Matthew 7:21-23 concordant

Great and powerful as the church is, Jesus made very little of it compared to the Kingdom. He simply said of church:

“I will build my church…”   Matthew 16:18

There is now a hidden unseen church that has been built by Jesus Christ for two thousand years. He mentioned church two times more in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew; that is all that is recorded about Jesus's saying anything about the church during His earthly ministry. He gave no “church” teachings; He answered no “church” questions; He told no “church” parables; He made no “church” promises.

Most of what He said and taught and demonstrated had to do with the reality of the Kingdom of God. In all the Gospel according to John the word church is not once used. In all the Gospel according to Luke the word church is not once used. In all the Gospel according to Mark the word church is not once used. During the forty days between His resurrection and ascension, the Lord never once spoke to His disciples of the church.

On nearly every occasion when He appeared to them, however, He opened the scriptures to them and spoke to them of the KINGDOM of God. The church idea, “the called out” condition, great and glorious as it is, is narrowed to a certain dispensation, which is small compared to that of the Kingdom. The Kingdom shall break in pieces and consume all the kingdoms of this world and of the increase of the King’s government and peace there shall be no end. The fervent prayers upon the lips of men seeking God has ever been “Thy Kingdom come” throughout this blessed dispensation of grace.

Jesus Christ as Saviour has been washing His precious saints in His blood to be numbered in God’s great Book as members of His lasting Kingdom. Our entrance is now being made with a spiritual connection to God as our Father, through Sonship that is given us through Jesus Christ. We pray to enter, seek to enter, knock to enter, press on to enter, overcome to enter, using any means to meet any further qualification in being made one spirit with the Lord. Jesus taught that God is our Father. We also are the sons and daughters of God, now given to following Jesus Christ to a completed salvation within our life.

"So has all of His divine power, that tends to life and devoutness, been presented to us through the recognition of Him Who calls us to His own glory and virtue; through which have been presented to us the precious and greatest promises, that through these you may become participants of the divine nature, fleeing from the corruption which is in the world by lust.

Now for this same thing also, employing all diligence, in your faith supply virtue, yet in virtue knowledge, yet in knowledge, self-control, yet in self-control, endurance, yet in endurance, devoutness, yet in devoutness, brotherly fondness, yet in brotherly fondness, love. For your possessing these and increasing is constituting you not idle nor yet unfruitful in the recognition of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

For he in whom these are not present is blind, closing his eyes, getting oblivious of the cleansing from the penalties of his sins of old. Wherefore, rather, brethren, endeavor through ideal acts to confirm your calling and choice; for, doing these things, you should under no circumstances be tripping at any time. For thus will be richly supplied to you the entrance into the eonian kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."   II Peter 1:3-11 concordant

The sun is setting rapidly upon this tired old church dispensation in which Christians have practiced their faith for so long. The candlestick churches known during these last two thousand years are in the realm of limitation, of mixture and division. They have been equipped only with the earnest of the Spirit, having only the firstfruits of the Spirit. As Paul by the wisdom granted unto him truly stated,

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”   I Corinthians 13:9-11

The church dispensation is limited to an in part provision, a measure of salvation pertaining to the in part realm. The Kingdom, on the other hand, is the realm of inner growth to unlimited virtue, heavenly knowledge of God, controlled temperance, perfect patience, and godliness, having brotherly fondness, and charitable nature. This is the FULLNESS found in God’s sons and daughters fashioned in the image of Jesus. They have become the abiding place of God, dwelling in triumphant divine life.

Revivals are a characteristic of the church realm. God’s purpose is making His people move from church revival mentality into having the King’s nature, an inner unmovable, stable relationship with the Father. Within us is a cry, “ABBA, FATHER", your Kingdom come to dwell perfectly within our inner being”. Our Lord taught us about prayer:

“ praying: Our Father Who art in the heavens, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth also. Our bread, our dole, be giving us today.”   Matthew 6:9-11 concordant

The divine nature of our Father is to feed us. He has fullness of supply and He does not need our help with permanence of character establishing people in the realm of His heavenly Kingdom. The King is not a revivalist, the King is a citizen of the New Jerusalem order. He is in a permanent position as the King of God, an announcer of the Kingdom, a proclaimer, the chief ambassador of God the Father.

The chief Ambassador is advocating and praying with intercessions, pointing out that the present rule of God is perpetual, constant, progressive — never vacillating and never retrogressing. Kingdom sons are built into a spiritual habitation of God as He is being enthroned within their beings. The Lord sifts the heart of His people to reveal the truth about what was formed in church, making us know as He knows. We do not think of God as a resort to visit on Sunday or occasional holiday.  Jesus said:

If anyone should be loving Me, he will be keeping My word, and My Father will be loving him, and We shall be coming to him and making an abode with him. He who is not loving Me, is not keeping My words. And the word which you are hearing is not Mine, but the Father's Who sends Me. These things have I spoken to you, are remaining with you. Now the consoler, the holy spirit, which the Father will be sending in My name, that will be teaching you all, and reminding you of all that I said to you. Peace I am leaving with you. My peace I am giving to you.”   John 14:23-27 concordant

God is remaining in the temples who are cleansed for His thoughts to dwell within, so our life can be enthroned with virtue. Upon the inside, He disciplines our spirit to the form of Christ, and by discipline we dominate our own soulish ways. He shall rule over us forevermore in brilliance as we develop ears that receive what His Spirit says about scripture. The concern for being established in the lasting Kingdom is within our being. How is the Kingdom of God established? Scripture says how it can and cannot be established:

The kingdom of God is not coming with scrutiny. Neither shall they declaring, Lo! here! or, Lo! there! for, lo! the kingdom of God is inside you.”   Luke 17:20-21 concordant

Jesus tells disciples the Kingdom can be established inside them with the qualities of the King’s character. Godliness does come to touch our spirit. But to see the King coming correctly, we must stop looking for some natural thing we can observe! The Kingdom is not coming in observance of man’s planned events, not here with long study, nor there in religious works that are observed, not after this great minister, or that great meeting! Jesus tells us we can receive GOD’s Kingdom that establishes and demonstrates an inner resurrection making a man able to walk with the King.

That is the way He said the kingdom is coming. That manner draws our attention away from observing the outwardly absurdities we see in the outward activities of the world. When we “love not the world”, the King’s domain comes to be observed. It is not a visible, tangible, external operation to be observed with the scrutinizing of the natural mind. Rather it is the spiritual essence of His reign, a spiritual power touching our inner spiritual person to understand how to dwell harmoniously, think harmoniously with the correct peace found in righteousness.

Yes, He, Jesus, sends the “seven fold spirit” to His followers to show the invisible and give internal resistance against dark and vain imaginations. The wisdom of God is displayed within our heart to instruct us until we are awakened and established in a righteousness beyond any external rules of church worship, beyond regulations found in the letter of the law, beyond scriptural interpretations of former generations, way beyond any violent action to enforce political change.

The spirit of wisdom and understanding is given by God to deliver people from their mental confusion, because only God knows how things are. Jesus said His Kingdom comes within us. It establishes truth within us, using the force of His Word. It reveals the true life of God which cannot be established by fleshly efforts of knowing the scriptures or reciting church teachings.

God is behind the scenes of all that is happening now. He is established in it all. He establishes the good and the evil of every action, yet does proper judgment in delivering us from established floods of falseness found in the idolatry of man’s hearts. The efforts of carnal minded men, in carnal minded programs, in carnal minded systems and governments fail to move us:

“Let there be light, and there was light"....... and "in Him was life, and His life was the light of men."   Genesis 1:3, John 1:4

The kingdom of God establishes LOVE for all people everywhere. In the visible and invisible places, He touch us with life-giving rays of light, truth that completes a transformation of our inner person into what He is. It is nearby us, within us right now! God’s power in Jesus’ resurrection is the mightiest power ever displayed in any person’s existence. God comes now, without forcefully demanding, to quicken a transforming, creative God Life in our spirit. He gives reigning rule to those who understand not to use the sword to destroy or words for intimidation, but to resist coercion. His Kingdom does not rule by armies that slaughter with destruction. Oh, no!

The mass of worldly minded people are dead to their own spiritual existence, weighted down with worldly trespassings, stuck in wrong doings of sin. Even church goers can be blinded people led by blind leaders into deep ditches, because they turn their strength to natural religious ways of keeping OBSERVANCE of scripture (remember, it does not come by observance). Yet, anything gained by natural force must be held by that same natural force. They who use condemning words shall perish by using that sword.

We cannot by some alchemy get the gold of brotherhood out of the base dispositions of hate and brutality in the hearts of people. The only possible way to get rid of hatred is having God turn each of us into His friend! He intends to do it, starting within our own spirit to now connect us with transforming power. This is a divine deliverance because light reaches into our inner part to lovingly supply a Word. The Spirit makes us also a brother, a real brother to Jesus, and friends in God’s Kingdom family.

Jesus said the Kingdom of God is coming within His disciples to establish His principles within them. It is so simple and yet so powerful that any child of God should be able to understand it. While our spiritual body is invisible, it is established within by true beliefs, making itself known in those things and being made subject to God’s ways. God speaks out to each of us in a DAILY dole as we pray to hear what He says and feast on it until He dwells perfectly within our tabernacle. 

The Father makes of us His abiding place. We are thankful for being made one spirit with the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. We expect Him to possess our every activity, guide every concept coming to our spiritual thoughts, shine light on our everyday affairs, and keep us enlightened within just like Jesus. These things are happening in the Kingdom of God. Our relationships with others, the way we do our work, how we spend our leisure, the things we seek after in life, are they not all the outward expression of our state of being?

The Kingdom of God is placed within us, and from there we love the brethren. We seek after peace and enjoy expressing truth. Within us we can reach all lowliness and humbleness of mind as its power effectively draws us from worldly influences. His power is molding us to seek further change that alters or reverses the consequences of death we have expressed. The Kingdom is coming within us to rule us from within. It is the challenge that must enlighten us to receive light within our inner being, now not contained to a small part of our heart.

“Ye are the light of the world.”   Matthew 5:14

Spiritual light, deep understanding of our Father, is coming and being revealed within our being. The King’s coming is increasing unendingly! Our understanding of Him grows within us until there is no room for entertaining opposing thoughts, no doubts, no using force to dominate earthly viewpoints. The little stone of Daniel's vision becomes a great enlightened mountain that will now fill the whole earth.

The Father’s Word is planted as a grain of mustard seed within the hearts of those people He draws to truth. He becomes the greatest thing. All power and every dominion shall serve and obey the Son of God. All eyes shall see Him and we are being brought into contact with the light of His face now. Every son who faces Him needs to learn not to utilize fleshly strength or worldly wisdom in the ways the church world has promoted religious activity.

Sons do no building in the deceptive things that have been done in the past. Those tempting legalistic activities that are confident in fleshly ways of motivating Christians to busily and craftily work for God are not teaching how to be LED of the Lord as He works by the Spirit.

The Kingdom of God comes by waiting in faith and patience for God to do a quick work by the Spirit, coming to know what God is really doing within His Zion people. The Holy Spirit was promised to actively lead us from within. In gathering to His teaching, we are learning to wait on His moving in most wonderful ways. What unity with His heavenly army may unfold within our gatherings! 

Many saints are called to Mt. Zion, actively waiting for divinely inspired leading. They have anointed words to share. Yet a minister of the candlestick churches may have ministered all his work in a ministry that is to be burnt up like hay, wood, and stubble, yet be saved himself by his simple faith in Jesus as savior.

God judges some qualified for lasting rewards like golden, jewel-like characteristics placed in a person’s heart. They are to be changed in their inner natures, transformed in their thinking, to have their spirit alive and their soul’s allegiance fully turned to a SINGLE FOCUS. We are alive, yet not by baptizing in water, or enrolling among the adherents of church memberships, or by going to Christian seminaries. We rather trust our Lord's guiding words, to know His teaching BY SPIRIT, following with faith all the way to our Father's glorious Kingdom.

God is Love

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