The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

God is Love

GOD IS LOVE! Poor falterings have thus far proclaimed the gospel, but we have received a true Word for the present time about the coming Kingdom age.  GOD IS LOVE is unchangeable! GOD IS LOVE forever! God will always extend love toward people in heavenly conditions, toward people in earthly conditions, and toward people in hellish conditions.

GOD'S LOVE IS DESTINED TO BE SENT TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE! The great practical consequence for you and me is to respond as He appears in order to become recipients of that love. We are to become partakers of that love to embody and manifest Godly Love toward people in every place. God’s love is the best and most wonderful thing we can find in the inner chambers of our being.

What is love? Love is patient and kind, not jealous, bragging, puffed up, not self seeking, not incensed, not rejoicing in injustice. Love has a powerful desire for truth, wants to forgive all, truly does believe and expect all. God says that love is remaining within our inner beings. His beloved find joy in pursuing the imparting of love to make others fulfilled.

Our Heavenly Father is the source of agape love, His great love that meets us within the inner chambers of our being. We recognize there is nothing else worth pursuit. He is coming in a full measure that abides within us now. With what is measured by His spirit, a man can live freely, willingly, universally according to God the Father. We know our Father must give supply and forgive us with loving mercies, as ones who also forbear in every matter.

The spirit of love does not need to be rewarded or honored. It is extended in blessing to comfort everyone who draws near and needs it. Because God is love, we can endure the wrath of our enemies, the treachery of a beloved one, even our own mistakes, only because the spirit of love has the opportunity to triumph within us. Rebellious spirits may despitefully use us and persecute us, yet now are they seen as but openings to great avenues of knowing love.

We can experience incredibly full portions in our daily feeding with the Father, praying that He leads us from temptations in order to exalt the King’s reign coming swiftly within our inner person. GOD IS LOVE and we know He supplies LOVE to us within our inner person. Little wonder, then, that the whole vast creation sold under bondage and slavery to sinful acts, bringing sorrow and death to their own being, still groan within, with GROANS that long in expectation for God's love to appear and bring a more glorious freedom.

Our Father promises to deliver all creation, bringing all of us freedom from every fear and every tear, freedom from all mourning, all clamor, freedom from all human misery and torment, freedom from the sorrows of death. Those who are freed attain to a spiritual state within their inner person that knows the spirit of love as a present reality, so the former things are no more remembered.

To experience mature development of our inner person, we need help seeing the state of Jesus right now. Christians yet need to gain understanding of His wonderful truths and have faith in what He teaches us of love. We can love God, we can love the brethren, we can love our enemies, and the whole wretched human race, because God is love. It is clear that men have not attained this love by self-efforts. They can’t even perceive Kingdom concepts until they yield to disciplines that connect them spiritually to His power.

Within our spirit, He bestows His spirit of love. It is all we would ever need to be filled with divine characteristics to the fullest. God is love, a divine fulfillment that fills us so we can love God, our neighbor, and our wife and be not bitter toward her. Abiding love continually appears within our commitments to loving God as He leads us to enter His rest.

We must find that place within that is peaceful as we learn to enjoy a reality of ceasing from our own religious efforts. We must learn that doing good works in fleshly strength makes a way for us to be ground to powder, found helpless and undone. He is now working within to save us with His personal faith in God’s spiritual power. We wait patiently for His many followers to hear what His spirit is saying now to the church.

God, our Father, feeds us daily revelation that continually provides the needed balance for His substance to fill us as we gain more and more of His Love. Whenever men give Him room in their hearts, love is coming — coming in life's circumstances as they are unfolding— or even squeezing us to recolonize our attitudes with His kindness, to take His power to love and not be jealous or be puffed up in any vain way.

We do not trust our own wealth nor are we self-seeking, but we are strengthened to draw upon a supply of power that makes a lasting connection within our spirit. Abiding love is a truth God writes upon us as promised. Love abides within us so that we can endure God’s timeless qualities dwelling in us.

"For thus God loves the world, so that He gives his only begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be having life eonian."   John 3:16 concordant

God still gives through His Son Who wants us to have age lasting life. Though one hundred and sixty billion men and women have lived and died and gone to Christless graves, HE LOVES THEM STILL. His mercy endures forever! Throughout all the ages to come, God's love will be conquering all, praise His name!

Hence it is that God, wanting to share with us what His love is, sent One who was from the beginning conceived in Infinite Love. Into Mary’s being there entered the life of a Heavenly Father, so a Holy Thing was born of a virgin. People have had great difficulty relating to the abstractions of His invisible life force, so Jesus comes to now personalize what God is. Within the person of Jesus Christ we see what God wants of our inner person.

God wants our inner being to now be fashioned like Him as we grasp the right Image of what God wants, realizing what God is able to do for a man. We must see other men coming in His image, in the likeness of being a perfect person right now, just like Jesus Christ is right now. God’s will is for all Christians to also be perfectly personified within their inner being to the measure of full stature in Christ.

God so loves the people of this planet that He placed a King, a savior, at the head of all He has planned for the ages. God so loves Him that when He died the very skies were darkened and the earth trembled under a noonday sun. All nature was veiled with silence. Darkness in earth and heaven came until Love had finished a sacrifice so divine, so wonderful, so awful, so unique that it could only have been made possible by God Himself. He revealed His Love toward all of us in that manner and He still reveals His love to us without blame:

"God, Who conciliates us to Himself through Christ, and is giving us the dispensation of the reconciliation, how that God was in Christ, conciliating the world to Himself, not reckoning their offenses to them…" II Corinthians 5:18-19 concordant

This same truth is imparted on our inner being, written there so we may now grow and become fit for His Kingdom plans. Truth written by our Father on our spirit is now making us one with His Spirit. We see Him in scripture and revelation in order to to know that God is Fathering sons and daughters.

Many are called out of former busy church fellowships by His spirit of Love empowering them to hear what the spirit says. They learn Kingdom precepts by understanding spiritual words that impart understanding and divine union. We now have access to His enthronement in a light burning brightly in our inner being that finds a time to love and a time to hate.

"To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under heaven ... a time to love, and a time to hate..."   Ecclesiastes 3:1,8

The sacred scripture not only allows for hatred, it commands us to hate evil. Love, true love, God's love, involves hatred of evil, even as true love hates the ignorance in darkness. True love necessitates true hatred of evil, not in an unbalanced way that is harsh and cruel or wishy-washy like so many fleshly theological attempts. Never think God does not have infinite hatred for evil that plagues man! He blazes with cleansing fire, words and ways that mercifully lead us to our Father, who passionately resists evil as well. He said this clearly to King David, a man after God's own heart:

"Therefore I hate every false way…"   Psalms 119:104

Solomon states,

"These six things does the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among the brethren."   Proverbs 6:16-19

In the first chapter of Hebrews the Father speaks of Jesus Christ, as He heaps this great formal laudation of eulogy upon Him:

"Your throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom. Why? You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your fellows."   Hebrews 1:8-9

Jesus pleased God by loving righteousness and hating iniquity. You and I are formed in that same Image. We cannot love righteousness without hating our own iniquity, making less of our own fleshly ways! Jesus said to the Church at Ephesus:

"But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate…"   Revelation 2:6

"You that love the Lord, hate evil…"   Psalms 97:10

Evil serves its purpose and we are instructed of the proper objects for hatred. We hate evil that springs from the darkness of man’s heart. God does not hate the person who is given to evil, yet we see justice in the mental torments and deep sufferings that are a result of evil doing.

WE ARE NOT TO HATE PEOPLE THAT DO EVIL! We do resist evil, but are now MERCIFUL to the person! Furthermore, we are not condemning them to lasting hells of hate for all their devilish works. We pray for mercy even upon those works done by the Nicolaitan teachers of candlestick churches.  

Paul spoke so eloquently against the evils of his time, yet did also say "what I hate I do" about those things in his own heart and mind which were wrong. Paul hated evil also. Do we hate evil? Evil lurks in ignorance of knowing what God approves. Are we indifferent to being delivered from evil and being made one with our Father? Are we moderately concerned about it? Or do we hate evil with a burning passion?

Godliness involves consuming hatred for every malice hidden in evil, lying ways. God is love and God hates all evil. God is the greatest and the only true God of love and hater of evil. If God did not hate evil HE WOULD NOT HAVE SENT JESUS TO REDEEM ALL OF US FROM EVERY EVIL AND RESTORE US TO THE CORRECT IMAGE OF GOD. I say He is doing that very thing now in the Feast of Tabernacles.

There is not one person of us who has not tasted the destructive power of our own tongue, for it is inevitably true that when sin comes of age, it produces corrupt fruits. We all know something about death and how death works in us. We need access to a right attitude to understand what evil really is and how it works within a human being. We see the pernicious and devilish spirit men yield to when they are destructive, hateful, condemning, lying, cheating.

Christians are called to walk a more holy path with carefulness, trusting our Father will keep us from missing the mark of coming up short of Kingdom character. We understand God does not want us to put it off to another day, as something we can look into later when we die and go to heaven. TODAY we can hear His voice and be changed.

God gives fresh revelation with understanding His passionate desire for every creature in His vast creation. We behold also His holy hatred for every error still holding people in the darkness of separation from God's full purposes. Jesus has conciliated us to Himself. He has bought and brought us by the sacrificial life of Jesus to belong to God. God wants to abide in us as He abides in Jesus. He wants us to live by learning how He is—God love, transforming us to be like His firstborn son. We too know God is enabling us to reach into a fuller stature of growth in our inner spiritual man, as each rank of Christians comes in their own order, just as the Spirit of truth has revealed.

God began the fight to destroy evil in Jesus. Jesus won every personal battle. Now comes the great day of the Lord, where He battles to be the FIRST love of our life. God’s hatred against disease, darkness, and death extends even to good religious works done so proudly by men in church services. Why? Because, yes, He resists the proud man, even those standing in messages of truth. The light that shines with the power of love is the truth, brethren.

We too are standing in God's battle against evil when there is within us a proper discernment about what to hate. The shadows will pass as we are no longer in the night of spiritual drunkenness. God makes us stand in proper hatred of evil. Evil powers have ruled the world and have formed corrupt governments which create warfare, poverty, famine, heartbreak, unchecked violence. A governments have citizens doing crimes worthy of death.

Mature Christians possess hate for every perversion that destroys the mind and body of men and women. We rightfully hate what perverts the mind and floods the emotions, saturating many souls in unholy garments spotted with rebellion. We now hate to lie, we hate deception, and we hate dishonesty. We hate any and all pollution of the flesh or spirit. God hates man's pride and selfishness.

God hates man's worldliness because He has something so much better to provide. God hates man's boastful swaggering about in the harlot system of Mystery Babylon, busy with her empty, lifeless, meaningless forms, and her blinding spirit of enslaving traditions. He hates all of this because He has provided a BETTER ORDER in the New Jerusalem.

God is causing us to know of His Love. May our Father flood our life with unspeakable happiness and spiritual blessings from high places. God is making His sons and daughters to be receiving a Father’s love. As our Father, God is putting the full armor of heaven on us to use us to smash any and all strongholds of darkness in our Father's house. This includes spiritual wickedness in high places, in the nations, and all the departed spirits of men and women of all generations. His brethren see clearly enough for Him to reign! They are focused on the hour of judging that is bringing down the enemy's strongholds, having a heart set to reconcile while resisting evil perfectly. Oh, how divine is that!

"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”   John 3:17

"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."   I Peter 2:24 NIV

Our Father makes sure there is no complacency in our heart about these matters: not any vindictiveness, no vengeance, no malicious intent, or other earthly manners in us. His sons will be found out, exposed, and dealt with in the very fabric of their being. That is how God's love works! He is perfecting sons and daughters brought to Zion. Jesus is our Saviour, our Deliverer, and our Redeemer. He also is the Judge who frees us in the inner man from expressing vile insults and blasphemy even while worshipping God.

Our Father loves us enough to pardon, cleanse, and start the transformation within us now by His Infinite Grace and Omnipotent Power. I pray we are willingly cooperating, believing our sin has been dealt with by the sacrifice of Jesus. I pray that His Spirit touches our spirit to give us a knowledge of God's love which continually, daily, guides us to reveal what He loves and what He hates, how He loves, and how He hates.

His Love now instructs our inner man to love mercy and right judgment. We are casting out every deadly fear, learning to cast down reasonings as everything that exalts against God’s knowledge must be placed under foot. All apprehensions must be pulled down under His feet (understanding). His truth destroys the hellish torment in the carnal mind of man — every carnal thought that would work into our minds. Our Father deals with us as sons to dismiss it, and gives us insight into the mind of Christ Jesus, because God IS Love.

Let Us Make Man

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