The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Placing the Foot

The ordinary act of taking a step, the placing of the foot, becomes an extraordinary act under certain circumstances. When promising the land of Canaan to Abraham, the Lord instructed him:

“Rise, walk about in the land throughout its length and its width, for I shall give it to you and to your seed, unto the eon.”   Genesis 13:17 concordant

Hundreds of years later, God spoke to the people of Israel through Moses, saying:

Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours…there shall no man be able to stand before you; for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon…for ye shall pass over the Jordan to go in to possess the land…and dwell therein…”   Deuteronomy 11:24-31

Thus, when Joshua led the children of Israel into the land of Canaan, the conquest was accomplished by virtue of a previous arrangement granted by God. This was acknowledged by Joshua’s obedience to the instructions of the Lord their God:

“Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given you…”   Joshua 1:3

The famous world discoverers frequently appropriated new lands and even the great Pacific ocean for their “crowns” in like manner. The permanence of their conquest, however, depended upon the strength of their military forces to maintain their claim. This use of force indicates that man is placing one’s feet upon something in conquest that is now subject to his possession.

Joshua called the chiefs of his army together and bid them place their feet upon the necks of five enemy kings during the conquest of the promised land. These kings tried to escape to a cave, which became their prison. Yahweh pledged that Joshua should place his foot on the neck of his enemies, for all the enemies with whom they were fighting. In other words, Yahweh promised to ACTIVELY SUBDUE their enemies and bring them to COMPLETE POSSESSION of the land:

"It came to be as when they brought forth these kings to Joshua, that Joshua called together all the men of Israel and said to the captains of the men of war who had gone with him, Come near; place your feet on the necks of these kings. So they came near and placed their feet on their necks. Then Joshua said to them, Do not fear, and do not be dismayed. Be steadfast, and be resolute, for as thus shall Yahweh do to all your enemies against whom you are fighting."   Joshua 10:24-25 concordant

In the book of Revelation, chapter 10, we see a strong messenger descending, clothed, crowned with a rainbow covenant, with feet as pillars, with His right foot set upon the sea of wicked humanity and His left foot upon the land, representing the earthliness within people.

"And the messenger whom I perceived standing on the sea and on the land lifts his right hand to heaven and swears by Him Who is living for the eons of the eons, Who creates heaven and that which is in it, and the earth and that which is in it, and the sea and that which is in it, that there will be no longer a time of delay, but in the days of the seventh messenger’s voice, whenever he may be about to be trumpeting, the secret of  God is consummated also, as He evangelizes to His own slaves and the prophets."   Revelation 10:5-7 concordant

Yet, the prophet Isaiah states mankind in general is living under the control of wicked fleshly motives and are troubled within themselves “as the turbulent waters of the seas” that are tossed this way and that:

“…the wicked are like the troubled sea…”   Isaiah 57:20

The wicked are not just the people in prison, but people of the world living selfishly in God’s eyes, lustfully hastening to destruction, hating others, licentious drunkenness, fighting, lying, stealing, etc. The wicked one has been found coming from the HEART OF MAN. Out of man is still coming a man of sin, one that is born of the flesh and still walking in darkness, ignorantly opposing the life and truth of God. Within each person’s life is a soulish heart that wants to be good and also wants to be the center of attention like a god. Even among the brethren, an apostasy has arisen:

"Now we are asking you, brethren, for the sake of the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling onto Him, that you be not quickly shaken from your mind, nor yet be alarmed, either through spirit, or through word, or through an epistle as through us, as that the day of the Lord is present.

No one should be deluding you by any method, for, should not the apostasy be coming first and the man of lawlessness be unveiled, the son of destruction, who is opposing and lifting himself up over everyone termed a god or an object of veneration, so that he is seated in the temple of God, demonstrating that he himself is God? Do you not remember that, still being with you, I told you these things?"   II Thessalonians 2:1-5 concordant

This reference to the “man of lawlessness” is a reference to leaders of the candlestick church heavens who are controlled by the spirit of apostasy. In a fallen state of religious works, they fight over doctrines in order to hold traditional sway, with hateful words, behaving like animals, building on human ambitions. All the many sons of Adam, whose son Cain became wicked in beastly selfish acts, are called to the New Jerusalem order now descending. He is quickening our inner spiritual person with the mind of Christ. The King’s understanding and His wisdom is now being placed within our hearts.

Christ is coming within His people to stand up within us, to reign within us, to resist the sea of wickedness surrounding men’s inner spiritual lives. God reveals the secret things of our heart. As the light of His presence burns within us, up goes our beastly-natured lawlessness in fiery flames, rooting out bitterness of tongue, exposing walls of hatred, and uncovering every malicious intent within us.

It can seem almost impossible for us to control, subjugate, and possess even our own soul. The wicked are like the troubled sea. It takes the spiritual part of us to be quickened by God’s Spirit, making our spirit alive to what He has done in the King. His coming into view by the Spirit cleanses our inner parts, making us fit for the body of Christ right here and now. Following Christ Jesus brings us to higher heavens than the candlestick church heavens.

We are brought into a oneness of spirit, to a unity found only in Him. Connection to the Spirit of Christ shows us who and what God is, so we can see and know what is right as He knows. The King has been working within His body to establish a wonderful new government that is assembled in His judgments. Unto Him has come the power to place HIS FOOT upon our earthly parts, our earthly concepts, our own carnal thoughts and worldly ways, thereby slaying the lawless man of sin within us:

“And I perceived, and 'lo'! the Lambkin standing on mount Zion, and with It a hundred forty-four thousand, having Its name and lts Father's name written on their foreheads.” Revelation 14:1 concordant

Thus on Mount Zion, some Christians have a mind that understands the Father and knows what is written on the Son because it is written within them too. They enjoy God in the spirit of the Lord’s Day, in wisdom that satisfies every matter pertaining to their life. The Father’s heavenly name, or nature, is written within our mind, bringing inner light that rises to shine the divine ways of Christ. This exposes the dark ways of destruction opposing God by lifting up works done in the fleshly nature of fallen man.

The King is coming to His rightful place, within us! His victorious foot is placed on the worldly and earthly territory of our lives. He exposes our religious good efforts. He exposes how man has used the scriptures sinfully, projecting earthly interpretations of scripture to build followings that only glorify a passing heaven. This is the church heaven that is only an in-part heaven of the candlestick churches rather than the full promise of God. 

Yet in a governmental people that He has gathered for two thousand years, the Lambkin now stands. The place of His feet is to be glorious as the feet members of the body of Christ are caught up to the glory of new heavens. Even while we follow on to know the Lord in this earthly life, we are delivered from the troubled seas of carnal thoughts and worldly ways. We know the spiritual calm of Christ working within. We are raised to a calm, clear place, a sea of glass, in our homeland, the new Jerusalem which is the city “made without hands” that Abraham sought.

As the secrets of God’s heavens are being revealed, the long warfare between the flesh and the spirit is finally “coming under foot.” We are being saved to the uttermost, to now experience some of the final victories. The conquest of Christ Jesus is secured by God. Everywhere His feet tread, conquering life is formed within His people and they now are standing up, strong in Christ.

When we learn to let Christ place His foot on the neck of all His enemies, He will come by the Spirit, conquering every bit of the remaining enemies in our life. Stand beside the brethren in the spirit of Mt. Zion, learn to take the bitter with the sweet, to know the right standard of truth, knowing some of what God knows.

God’s light exposes every wrong idea in our earthly way of thinking. Without Christ being within us, we would never be able to save ourselves. We pray to stretch out to the mysterious appearing of God before us, that His revelation will guide us to the proper faculties of our heavenly inheritance. I speak of godly gain here and now, of God dwelling within our inner spiritual person in a fulfilling maturity.

No longer coming short, no longer limited to heavens that supply only a down payment, we have discarded childish ways to go on to higher goals. Knowing the breadth, length, height, and depth of some of the prizes of God’s callings, we are being clothed now with lasting jewels—clothed in white, in divine heavens that are lasting.

Truths of the divine Life can be understood in the patterns of life shown in the natural creation. Vegetable life is not contained in a reservoir somewhere in the skies, and measured out spasmodically at certain seasons. Animal life is not bottled up somewhere in the blue beyond and dropped down to earth now and again when it is time for an embryo to be birthed. Oh, no! A form of life is in every species, with its life form placed in the seed of every plant and tree, every form of animal and fish and fowl. The instinct of natural life is fixed within species, rooted in that organism, so it is fully capable of reproducing itself into another generation.

Resident within each person is its own tissue and substance in a three fold form of life that works in body, soul, and spirit to empower a pattern of life similar to earth’s natural creation. The Spirit of God can be seen in Jesus. He grants abundant access to heaven’s higher ground. Access to the higher ground of enthronement costs more than occasional visits to church on Sundays. There are higher callings than five fold ministries performing service in church meetings. The pattern of sonship calls us to come out of every camp dominated by man, to trust in an indwelling spiritual power, one that grants us insight into spiritual matters.

Godliness IS profitable! We can gain blessing in this life AND the life to come. God grants access to His promises long before we die and “go to heaven.” We shall not all sleep—not everyone goes to the grave ignorant of God. When our inner spiritual body is alive, we are awake and gain entrance into a heavenly union through faith in the King.

We are now in the spirit of the Lord’s Day. The next great appearing will extend the tenets of His domain to all other dominions to place them under His feet. God has given Him rest in a place, a city, a homeland where we also belong, that surely gives us inner connection to understanding:

“The kingdom of heaven is like a…seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field.”   Matthew 13:24

Our heavenly Father has been sowing seed. His Word is in our life. The great sower of seeds speaks His Word deep into our heart, sending watering by the spirit to quicken our spirit to gain understanding that produces proper fruit for a crop belonging to Him. What He sows in us makes us fit into a higher life form. Formed within our inner being is love, joy, and peace: HIS nature.

Thank God for the occasional touch of healing given while in the midst of the churches on Sundays as He “passes this way,” and for the great revivals and outpourings on Pentecostal meetings! Yet in all the reviving and refreshing to this date, LOVE HAS NOT PREVAILED. Divisions soon arise among brethren and heavenly people descend into more religious sects, becoming another religious system where worship is done by rote.

Thank God for the fellowship and encouragement with those of “like precious faith,” but for us now, the reality of following Christ Jesus has drawn us to behold the necessity of observing the inward activities of CHRIST. Now we see our heavenly Father truly is reproducing a clearer image of the Word, unfolding spiritual understanding that can make all the difference in our being one spirit with the Lord.

Each of us find lasting love by being more and more sensitive to the workings of Christ within us, consciously drawing from the strong messages that are spoken from heaven. These cause us to know what the spirit of sonship is teaching us personally. We are being written upon by the Father, having guidance, seeing continual transformation into the clearest image, becoming a pure image. Our Father has created us to ENJOY His good works!

We cannot make God manifest the fullest portion to us, but wherever His truth is revealed, do not delay or misunderstand the instruction of our Father. Our inner reality can be transformed now! His truth illuminates our inner parts with wonderful divine accomplishments, opening the things of God for us who follow on to know the Lord.

We can testify confidently to assure others with grand and glorious faith that God is, and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him out. Jesus is coming by conquering the earthly ways within His own people. He reigns over us by placing His feet (understanding) within our inner spiritual person. He stands up within our inner spiritual person, revealing a form of godliness to our inner being.

Today when we hear His voice, we are challenged to understand His wisdom. We are challenged to change our mindset, check our disposition, and control our body by the indwelling Word and Spirit that is quickened by Christ within us. His truth is established within sons in whom He stands upon in Zion.

The river of God’s life is flowing out from the throne of Jesus. It washes us and cleanses us to receive daily truth from the Word of God. Godly understanding of his wisdom grants inheritance of heavenly substance. His Kingdom people now feed on heavenly manna. They have a new supper where they hear the voice of the Lamb standing up within them with an unchanging claim of rightful possession over all heaven and earth, and under the earth.

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