The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Woe, Woe, Woe

Each of us Christians have received a quickening of our spirit. A new understanding of spiritual things has come and continues in revelation. Life in our spirit creates a relationship with God and, through dealings, godliness grows in our lives. Our inner spiritual man has gladly embraced what our Father is showing. We cooperate with His doings that work to separate us from former ways of thinking and walking as well as from previous associates and associations.

We stopped listening to man’s fleshly thinking and stopped drinking from those fountains dominated by man’s interpretation of scripture. For instance, we no longer are trying to reform our outer Adamic man. Our inner spiritual man just considers him already dead. We learn what God’s spirit teaches about stopping our outer fleshly man from dominating us. We no longer conform to any religious standards of just knowing about right and wrong. We come to know God and conform to His standard of righteousness. God comes to abide within us when we no longer try to keep ourselves in the knowledge we had of right and wrong, using self determination to avoid the wrong.

Mature Christians know that they are indwelt with a higher power. A greater spirit than they have is giving ongoing spiritual input that indeed becomes THE MOST IMPORTANT MATTER OF THEIR LIVES. Christ develops a perfect union within us to complete our inner spiritual beings. Born of the spirit, we are taught of God’s Spirit to grow up into sonship with the Godhead. Now what matters most to us is having part of the divine experience.

Christians will see clearly that they are the offspring of God when they are nourished with the Lord’s words of divine truth. Now our inner spiritual being recognizes that Christ within is revealing a call to sonship unto the living God. We realize that some of the truth He plants within us has grown to form His truth within our mind and spirit. Now our spirit contains God’s light, love, life, and power. The fruit of His spirit is formed within our being. We have changed our understandings many, many times about life and the scriptures until we now understand that Christ is able to make our being better, less miserable, not stumbling about in darkness.

We are nourished and led by God’s Spirit to be raised up inside and leave the old mindsets of traditional minded men. We are caught away to meet the Lord in the spirit, now “raptured” beyond our own fears and natural thinking. God develops the mind of Christ in our renewed minds. His Word becomes our daily Bread, teaching us to practice tabernacling with God every day. That is how we find inner rest in His love and peace in our hearts.

The errors of religious Christianity can be found in our own old mindsets and ways. We could not fully understand God or really know God’s full plan and purpose until the proper time. His people, all Christians, have need of radical change to fully and gladly embrace much more insight to the spiritual truths of scripture.

Old traditions hold false beliefs that are distributed to hold Christians to many haunting old ways of understanding scripture. Man’s apprehensions have deceived and troubled the many Christians taught of this world’s churches. Worldly apprehensions can plague sincere Christians with their residual religious deceptions about what they are or should bedoing for God. We’ve done our best to make a clean break from all false concepts hidden in church traditions that lead to such self effort works.

Though we are convinced of certain truths of new revelations given by spiritually understanding God, the “old man” thought patterns battle to continue to come in and lay claim upon us, plaguing us with former patterns of thinking. Old patterns are filled with false apprehensions, threats, fear, and sometimes even torment. Many vacillate back and forth within their inner being for seasons over certain truths, torn between the old and the new, between religious convictions of traditional ways and the freedom of Christ, between recognizing religious errors in man and the truth of God’s Spirit.

Oh, yes! Many are called, but few are chosen because they stay in the safe harbors of old heavens. But now,  Pentecostal “rivers” and “fountains of waters” are being turned to wormwood by God Himself, who is still the judge of us all. Now some are being drawn out of stagnant waters to drink from a purer river of the water of Life.

We drink deeply every day of this river as God's spirit is found abiding within our spirit. This lifts us UP to the “UP HITHER” realm of Mount Zion where God’s sons are having a personal relationship with the Father. God is writing something beautiful upon these sons. He changes them from thinking in the image of old candlestick church heavens. These former Christian voices control the religious right’s attention, asserting authority into our national mindsets, still controlling us by dictating and dominating our understanding of the scripture.

Christianity is now conforming to the city of God, conforming to that form of worshipping God which is expressing real spiritual understanding of truth. The lights of the city of God are of heaven itself. They must be opened within us until Mystery Babylon has no more pull or power over us in any way. Only then are Christians truly free to enter the third heaven. This is happening in a mature, completing manner within the life of every Christian OVERCOMER:

“…if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."      II Corinthians 5:17

God’s spiritual kingdom must govern our inner born again spirit and be COMING BY THE SPIRIT to establish His Kingdom within us. This evokes the passing away of every in-part method used in church history and all the darkened understanding mixed with religious ways within His own people. The prophet Isaiah spoke of this wonderful coming of God to reign in a people, a reality that shakes the darkened heavens of a passing day, when he prophesied:

“Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before His ancients gloriously."  Isaiah 24:23

This reign of God is of His great choosing, a change of order that was first seen in the land of Egypt when God sent Moses with plagues for the deliverance of His people.

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: they saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings."  Exodus 10:21-23

Is it not remarkable that while there was dense darkness over the whole land of Egypt, there was light in all the land of Goshen where the children of Israel lived? Do not fear leaving the promises of old heavens where you have slaved, beloved. Cast off the thick darkness of religion that covers our relationship with God as a son or daughter. Worship God in an order of shining understanding of Him brightly revealed within us.

We worship that which has become joined within the city of God. The Kingdom of God makes men become made NEW, so that nothing old can function or exert authority within us. Our wise and gracious heavenly Father provides wonderful new light — a new mind, a new consciousness, a new understanding, a new heart, a new spirit, a new identity, a new nature made of scintillating light, truth, life, and the reality of our sonship spirit.

Oh, yes! There is light manifested that is bringing a new Day seen in all the people Christ chooses to indwell. Light on the new creation man available in Christ has been made known to the priests of His kingdom. They who have entered His pure white light do glorify Christ in their spirit.

Just as the darkness over the land of Egypt was designed by God as an instrument to deliver His people out of the bondage of Egypt, Christ is separating us unto the spirit of the new Jerusalem order. God is drawing, separating us from all those traditional church ways and images that use SYSTEMATIZED DECEPTION to pollute Christian worship. The man of sin has exerted authority and dominion over the Lord's people — Christians — all the members of Christ’s body. Now God is moving to rescue His people from the bands and yokes of former ways of worship. We Christians are not to be wandering about in mixtures and confusion on the back side of the desert.

Furthermore, the natural sun, moon, and stars were the light in the outer court of Moses’ tabernacle. There was no other lighting in the outer court. The outer court had no covering and no light, so its light was the sun, moon, and stars. In the inner court of the holy place, lamps (candlesticks) were used as a source of light. In the most holy place, however, there was no light of the sun, nor any light of the moon, nor the light of the stars, nor light of candles. Those lights were completely eclipsed by the light of God’s glory.

God’s light alone is the light seated on the mercy seat. Sons of God are come to be made perfect in the fullness of Christ, to be the lights and luminaries of the new Jerusalem order. The old order for Christians are the candlestick church heavens that must truly be removed from them, so the shine of those lights (sun, moon, stars) no longer dims the shining of God’s light within our being.  The reality of John’s vision, the Seer of Patmos, is being fulfilled in true Christian believers today in so many ways:

“And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and he showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her light was like the light of a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal: and the city had no need of the light of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof.” Revelation 21:10-11,23

The New Jerusalem order is EVERY Christian’s homeland. We do not need the light of the sun, moon, or stars (outer court), nor the light of any candlestick lamp (holy Pentecostal place), because in God's Holy of Holies dwells the eternal presence of the almighty Father in the Son who is the King of a new order of righteousness.

The holy city is experienced by Christians who go beyond the outer courts and the holy places of church experience. Overcoming sons are drawn to the light of the city. They dwell where they have no need for the old outward lights of dead doctrines, ceremonies, baptisms, organizations, choir programs, or any other holy place work functioning in Christianity. Overcoming sons gain the VERY PRESENCE OF GOD HIMSELF shining within their spirit to illuminate their life.

The holy place of Moses’ tabernacle was oblong in shape, being thirty feet in length, fifteen in width, and fifteen in height. The Holy of Holies, on the other hand, was fifteen feet in length, width, and height, a perfect cube. The only other cube described in the scriptures is the holy city, the New Jerusalem which lies foursquare. The perfect cube of the Holy of Holies now finds its fulfillment in the people drawn beyond the veils of fleshly ideas into the light of the New Jerusalem of God:

“And the city is lying foursquare: and its length is as much as the breadth. And he measures the city with the reed to twelve thousand stadia, Its length and breadth and height are equal.”   Revelation 21:16-17 concordant

Now this cube is most perfect, equal on every side, being finite perfection, true and right. It has what you call finality. It is the most comprehensive place that holds the most in content. Nothing contains more than a cube, so it is, therefore, an expression of PERFECT FULLNESS. The Father’s nature is divinely in-wrought to a perfect fullness within mature Christians. They seek the very glory of God that is spoken of as being in that cube of a four square city. The Lord’s messages clear up the knowing of coming glory and present truth illumination, to display His full power to swallow up any and all worldly images made popular in traditional church worship.

The teaching in the holy places in candlestick church worship prepares us and leads us beyond the veil of our fleshly thinking to be exposed to the glorious and eternal realities of God’s spiritual places. What bestows the surpassing glory of a full measure of life given by Christ? It is the perfection of Christ that is now available to function in our spirit as we learn to be led and to follow on to know the Lord. All who see who Jesus is are able to understand that God wants that for them. We come to know the truth of this wondrous prayer by Jesus:

"Hallow them by Thy truth. Thy word is truth. According as Thou dost dispatch Me into the world, I also dispatch them into the world. And for their sakes I am hallowing Myself, that they also may be hallowed by the truth. Yet not concerning these only am I asking, but also concerning those who are believing in Me through their word, that they may all be one, according as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us, that the world should be believing that Thou dost commission Me."     John 17:17-21 concordant

The glory of God the Father is the light of this great dimension. The light coming from the city should now become the light of understanding for some of the nations of this world:

“…the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it.”    Revelation 21:24

The light of God is pure light, total truth, white lightnings proceed from His throne:

“…in Him there is no darkness at all…”    I John 1:5

As He appears to instruct wise men about the scriptures, they find light in the symbols used by the Spirit of Truth. When the Bible says the foundations of the wall of the holy city shall be garnished with all manner of precious stones, like a jasper stone and sapphire, it is evident that a PEOPLE are being made like jewels that are clearly on the right foundation. Their words are crystal clear, revealing God’s will and work that He is accomplishing within His people.

This people heed the call and come to a more perfect light, with a better understanding of God’s pure truth and clear absolute understanding of the mind of Christ. They have entered into oneness where brethren are walking together and living in absolute peace and oneness with the King. Jesus and His body of true believers gain a perfect stature and unity with the mind of Christ. Within the body of Christ are many brethren, yet Jesus Christ IS the True Light:

"…which lights every man that comes into the world."    John 1:9

God is our Father and is the FATHER OF LIGHTS. He gives light to our spirit as we’re made after His own kind of intelligent understanding of what makes for peace, love and joy.

"Let no one be seducing you with empty words, for because of these things the indignation of God is coming on the sons of stubbornness. Do not, then, become joint partakers with them, for you were once darkness, yet now you are light in the Lord".   Ephesians 5:6-8

Of this new order Isaiah speaks still:

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people {as earth’s lights, sun, moon, and stars are diminished], but the Lord shall arise upon [within] thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the nations shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising."    Isaiah 60:1-3

Christians are turning from the faded old orders of yesterday, and many are now facing the dawning of a new Day. We shall see new light is arising from deep within us as we forsake the worship of diminishing former lights. O, behold Him with a single eye and follow on, for:

"…the path of the just is as a shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.”    Proverbs 4:18

"And I perceived, and I hear one vulture flying in mid-heaven, saying with a loud voice,"Woe! woe! woe! to those dwelling on the earth as a result of the rest of the soundings of the trumpets."    Revelation 8:13 concordant

This WOE WOE WOE is a most intense lamentation, for the triplicate makes it superlative in three fold woe, woe, woe to EARTH-MINDED DWELLERS AMIDST CHRISTIAN HEAVENS. This is earthly minded Christians of candlestick heavens who are now facing the Lord’s New Day unprepared. COME is the authoritative king’s discerning, piercing, penetrating, all powerful transforming voice coming from the city’s throne.

Yes, the enthroned people in Mt. Zion are coming, proclaiming anew the revealed truth in the voice of Jesus Christ. He is coming within us to destroy the boundaries set up by Satan’s dark earthly mindedness. That Christ be formed within us is our liberation for which the Spirit of truth is calling.

Our God is a CONSUMING FIRE that burns up the darkness of man’s fleshly religious ideas. Evil veils of man’s invention have disgraced Christianity. But we see Jesus new and afresh, being transformed in mind, as we are lifted higher into understanding His Kingdom and His mind more than ever before! Our Father is lifting us, drawing us to see our heavenly homeland. By His Spirit, He is uncovering the reality of who our Father is, who we really are. He reveals what causes us to live more and more in our true spiritual inheritance and to identify less and less with any earthly mindedness.

The lights of church realms of worship are being turned off for us, because woe, woe, woe is upon all earthly minded realms of religious work within the body of Christ. The sons of God continually identify any woe working within their hearts. Being clothed with Christ causes us to become a spiritual dwelling of God. In Tabernacles He KEEPS ABIDING, and we become accustomed to abiding in high spiritual places that are joined with His Spirit.

Christian overcomers are called to “come up hither” to a higher understanding of spiritual things than what is found in the candlestick churches. The present day Laodicien candlestick church is saying they are rich and increased with good understanding. They think they have need of nothing, yet are unaware that God thinks they have great lack.

The Lord has been knocking at some of these doors, being on the outside, calling to His chosen people to come up higher. Come see how spiritual things must shortly come to pass. Many have been called to come up hither yet few find entrance into the third heaven. They are too busy working in the candlestick churches to be entering our heavenly homeland. It is still in those candlestick heavens that woe can come three-fold, woe in many sorrows, woe in more division, woe in more strife.

We learn to worship God in the third heaven where it is unlawful for man to speak. The third day ushers in the third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles. This Feast feeds believers a continuing unfoldment of God’s “new heavens and new earth”. We hunger and thirst after the keys that unlock higher things. A great host is finding these things that are closer to our spiritual homeland.

Overcoming Christians are being filled with more of His righteousness than this world has hitherto known for two thousand years. We continue to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness within our inner man. We are knocking at His doors for the gates of the city to be open to us to deeper relationships with God’s family. We pray for the ark of His covenant to be the thing others see in our inner being.

Marriage Feast of the Lamb
