The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Marriage Feast of the Lamb

At the most graduated levels of a mature Christian walk, every saint yearns for peace, victory, and growth provided by the spirit of Christ within. They no longer know God by external rules, church regulations, scriptural laws, or the ten commandments, which are used by religious men to impose outward standards of righteousness. The hope of every son of God is to walk fully in the will of the Father. The ability to do so lies hidden within God’s Spirit teaching our spirit NOW. God's Spirit is loving, happy and peaceful, yet man's spirit is deadened and dark with malice and subject to lies. 

Nature teaches us simple but sublime truths — the root and branches of a tree determine what fruit is produced. The same is true for our lives. The kind of thought seeds that are sown in our mind, in our consciousness, will determine the kind of person we become in substance (attitude, deposition, spirit). God plants His word in His people and it grows to the fruit God intends as it works within our hearts.

God's people have been planted with words of unity that produce the fruit He wants. God is a master husbandman. He takes great skillful effort in pruning our excess once our spirit is born again and awakened to God. We grow to know our spirit is quickened by God’s spirit. We draw daily consciousness quickened by God's spirit guiding our inner spiritual being. Growing right will focus our inner man to stay awake to God’s ideas, awake from the dark sleep of man's natural mindsets.

Our inner spirit, as supplied by Christ, will struggle with our own soulish, fleshly ways until we learn the path to victory over death’s long night of untold suffering and pain. God has judged mankind to be condemned to death for our shortcomings — but the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS will quicken our spirit to be conquering sin from within so that Christ becomes the greatest thing about us.

If we are focused long enough, we become "good earth" in which His Word springs up. He will carefully cultivate and nourish His seed to grow precious fruit that will be admired in the age to come as the exact measure required for full stature in Our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom. He knows how to make people into jewels of the Kingdom more than anyone!

He makes us understand perfectly that we are dying in Adam and cannot change that outer bag of dust by religious rules, no matter how hard we try! He makes us know most thoroughly that only His Spirit has the power to swallow up death and make people holy. God isn’t laying the law of Moses upon us Christians by voicing legalistic sermons from the New Testament to keep people trying to reform.

Our Father is FATHERING Himself in our spirit; WE are His sons and daughters. He needs to Father what He wants within our inner man to produce the truly divine nature within. This nature gives no place to the thoughts of malice and murder that ruled Cain when he killed his brother. No murderer has eternal life controlling him. Sons do not hate their brethren nor sell out our heavenly birth right for something less, like Esau’s bowl of pottage.

The spirit of Christ teaches us daily to increase His rule within our spirit in order to conquer our soul's fears and frustrations. The Spirit teaches us to control our bodily practices so that disease and death has decreasing rule over our entire being. As we learn to live in the consciousness of God's light, we see God is Fathering our spirit to live forever. Now through spiritual instruction, we know how to be mindful of that part of us that is complete in Christ as a son or daughter of God.

There is less consciousness of missing the mark in graduated levels of Zion, of being “a sinner in need.” Rather we are being directed to stop worrying, to stop fearing about what seems to lack in us. What is true of Jesus can be true for us also. When problems arise in these exacting times, God supplies proof that He is dwelling within us and that we can remain at rest and assured in Him.

Thank God for all who have learned to yield in their inner man to feed on His Word, drink waters coming from His Spirit, and be nourished, cultivated, and grown fruitful to fuller stature, to a mature man or woman in Christ Jesus. I’m a great believer in setting each other FREE! Christians should be free from rules and legalistic commandments, free from judgments that bring condemnation, free from the consciousness of sin:

"…for the strength of sin is the law…"   I Corinthians 15:56

“The law made nothing perfect.”   Hebrews 7:19

Please grasp that our fleshly religious efforts at keeping the teachings found in scripture makes nothing perfect!

“For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit...”   Romans 8:3-4

"Yet, you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that God's spirit is making its home in you."   Romans 8:9 concordant

Elemental levels of Christianity (30 fold rank) hold to the thoughts, “If we don’t teach people the Bible, instructing them in how to live, what to do, and what not to do, if we don’t teach the guidelines and set the standards, no one will live to do righteousness!” There has been plenty of time spent in the present Christian heavens divided over this or that doctrine only to have the flock remain babes in Christ.

Babes in Christ need someone else to take care of their needs. Those who continually need milk have not found the “unadulterated” milk of the Word that they may grow up thereby into full salvation. Full salvation is reserved in heaven, in the spirit. Since the milk of the word has been adulterated by the thinking of traditional church leaders, it stops substantial growth in the Christian faith. Adulterated teachings have not been bringing us to a full stature in the Lord.

There is new food, hidden manna that overcomers chew upon as the Spirit of God speaks to our inner being today. He feeds us of His thoughts daily as He promised. We experience a relationship with God in daily measures of devotion in following every word that comes from our Father’s mouth as He is imparting His righteousness to us. We are all going to be what God judges us to be. What do you believe He wants of you? WHAT HE SAYS YOU ARE, YOU ARE. It’s that simple.

If Christian ministries in Pentecostal church heavens have to constantly instruct us on how to live, we are not benefitting fully from Christ tabernacling within us. We need to hear Him teaching us to learn of truth within our inner being. God would have us gain growth in our inner man, to stretch out to ascend atop spiritual Mt. Zion.

True kingdom ministry has the power to penetrate by the spirit and cause God’s Word to reap those things God planted in the hearts of His people everywhere. Those who have ears to hear what God’s Spirit is saying become true ministry coming from Zion, descending down from the New Jerusalem order to set a believer's spirit free from religious expectations and the bondages of traditional worship.

God’s sons are freed from false concepts, spiritually reaped so to speak, to really know God is dwelling in our spirit. When we fellowship the Father and his Son Jesus Christ, they show us how we too can love and be empowered with the glorious life with which Jesus is enthroned. God is now coming to dwell within followers of Jesus into a new day, the third heaven, the Feast of Tabernacles.

To see with spiritual eyes like the Lord Jesus redeems us from the death of the carnal mind. Carnal minded men use ways of fleshly strength found in threatening violence, malice, fostering hatred even among brethren with carnal (divisive) interpretations or even literal understandings of the scriptures. This teaches us more about strife and ungodliness and keeps religious people in constant works.

Sons and daughters of God escape carnal thinking to see through every religious program on earth today because they discover what Christ is teaching and would rather fit in with that. Our life should come to reveal our true identity as being sons and daughters of the Most High God. Is God found lacking reality to us? Oh, no! Where Christ is teaching there is hope of attaining God's glory.

The learned church regulations, commandments, standards of sacrament, and so-called disciplines are utterly unable to loose our soul perfectly from the darkened malice of carnal reasonings. It is only when Christ appears to put that cold, sterile, reflective "light of the moon" of religious efforts under our feet that WE STOP TRYING TO DO THE WILL OF GOD IN OUR OWN STRENGTH. Our standing in lasting heavens judges us for "putting on" the Lord Jesus Christ to be CLOTHED IN SONSHIP.  GOD'S SONS are CLOTHED with a GARMENT OF THE LIGHT BRIGHTER than that of the SUN. Our own spirit is clothed with a light source making us understand we are naked no more:

"This, also, do, being aware of the era, that it is already the hour for us to be roused out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believe. The night progresses, yet the day is near. We, then, should be putting off the acts of darkness, yet should be putting on the implements of light. As in the day, respectably, should we be walking, not in revelries and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be making no provision for the lusts of the flesh."   Romans 13:11-14 concordant

Each age and season in God has its own order. There was an order of God for the patriarchs, another order of God for Israel under Moses, a different order of God for Israel under Joshua, a further order of God for Israel under the judges, and another order of God for Israel under the kings. Each was God’s order, His divine plan, as the rule of God over His Christian people has taken different forms for two thousand years.

Through it all, there was a divine order of God being called out of the candlestick church realms to become servants at a future feast. A great supper was being prepared by God for His Son, a marriage, a unity brought to His people—first to His Bride. Yes, only true believers are invited to witness this union at first. They are submitted in heart to the house rules of the Bridegroom’s Father:

"And the same One gives these, indeed, as apostles, yet these as prophets, yet these as evangelists, yet these as pastors and teachers, toward the adjusting of the saints for the work of dispensing, for the up building of the body of Christ, unto the end that we should all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ (completed Christ), that we may by no means still be minors, surging hither and thither and being carried about by every wind of teaching of human caprice, by craftiness with a view to the systematizing of the deception.

Now, being true, in love we should be making all grow into Him, Who is the Head — Christ — out of Whom the entire body, being articulated together and united through every assimilation of the supply, in accord with the operation in measure of each one's part, is making for the growth of the body, for the upbuilding of itself in love."   Ephesians 4:11-16 concordant

This is great instruction, yet nearly all church organizations operate and function under man-controlled hierarchies that deceptively bear little resemblance to the truth of God. What the world calls the church is in God's eyes SYSTEMIZED DECEPTION as a type of "Babylonian covering" mixed into a form of worship recognized in all the seven candlestick church eras. The church heavens that originated from the Ephesus candlestick left their first love to lose their spiritual place, as the Lord moved that church, “the church” to a lower place than where it started: 

"To the messenger of the ecclesia in Ephesus write: Now this He is saying Who is holding the seven stars in His right hand, Who is walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands; ...I have against you that you leave your first love. Remember, then, whence you are fallen, and repent, and do the former acts. Yet if not, I am coming to you, and shall be moving your lampstand out of its place, if ever you should not be repenting."   Revelation 2:1,5 concordant

Men who are teaching carnal concepts to the church have moved the church out of its spiritual understanding into that of the Nicolaitans (priesthood over the laity). They were taught to hold to Balaam (preaching for hire) which created a Jezebel system that has deceived the candlestick churches. This deception is causing their followers to love a lesser glory and to pay respect to men's honor rather than following fully the leading of Christ within our spirit. 

The Ephesus church left loving the Lord first and received instead the leading of corrupt men, resulting in its lampstand being moved out, down, fallen from its original place. Christ is not divided, yet division has arisen to cause split after split in these church heavens, with the church dropping lower and lower into today’s accepted forms of traditional yet uninspired worship. The lofty position that was within the original early church, once so beautiful and wonderful, was lost never to be regained. Its spiritual place is lost, even through great reformation.

Nevertheless, amongst all the confusion, Jesus has been in the midst of the seven candlestick churches, governing in an in-part measure to draw a people to a wonderful state of incorruption. He comes to be revealed in God's sons and daughters who are caught up into the spirit of God's Kingdom. Kingdom order is the lasting government that is coming increasingly into focus in our inner being, making us one spirit with the spirit of the Lord. My, what a different order this is!

"And, a great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon underneath her feet, and on her head a wreath of twelve stars. And, being pregnant, she is crying, travailing and tormented to be bringing forth."   Revelation 12:1-2 concordant

"And she brought forth a son, a male, who is about to be shepherding all the nations with an iron club."   Revelation 12:6 concordant

John beheld with spiritual eyes a woman as a people of surpassing glory, with the light of the moon under her feet, crowned with twelve stars, who agree (see eye to eye) on the teachings of the apostles of Christ. This is a people formed being a virgin, receiving only the seed (word) of the Lord, undefiled like the Jezebel systems. They are a church built of Jesus Christ that brings forth true sons, a truly more excellent ministry. Some sons have already been caught up to be placed by God in this Virgin order.

This is the beginnings of the New Jerusalem order coming down where Christians can fellowship the Father and all the brethren of His beloved Son. The manchild is caught up to be enthroned with the Bridegroom. This promised adornment was included in our union with Christ—a marriage of spirit to the New Jerusalem order wherein He sends of Himself to our spirit, so that we may learn to become one spirit. 

It is an unfathomable mystery how the divine qualities of God can use words to spark overcoming qualities in a Virgin People. God’s words are causing them to leave polluted fields of fellowship in the fallen church systems holding to yesterday’s traditions. We are birthed to new stature in Christ, birthed of the third day, an enormous growth to becoming sons and daughters of God destined to rule the nations. This Divine pattern is used by Paul:

“Thus we also, when we were minors, were enslaved under the elements of the world. Now when the full time came, God delegates His Son, come of a woman, come under law, that He should be reclaiming those under law, that we may be getting the place of a son. Now, seeing that you are sons, God delegates the spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying , ‘Abba! Father!’ So that you are not longer a slave, but a son.”   Galatians 4:4-7 concordant

Almost two millenniums ago, God manifested Jesus as His first beloved Son. He is the firstborn of many brethren, ALL are the sons of God. Jesus was birthed by a woman; He had a mother. The First Son of God was born into this world "made of a woman" and made under the law. He was the Word in the beginning with the Father which came as heavenly seed to be born of a woman. The spiritual mother of all Christians is the New Jerusalem order which brings forth His Word to God’s beloved sons and daughters.

Women in some deep and mysterious way are able to conceive the seed planted within them to bring forth a new life to hold and handle, creating a new person. So it is with God’s seed planted in his people. They are in a vast array of maturity from overcomers to babes in Christ, holding to the word of truth.

Truth plants life in our spirit like a garden bed. Those seeds of truth, given space, will grow to produce a son that transcends by far anything the fallen church has ever produced. Something great has been gathered before us as the invisible, unknowable, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God of the universe sees fit to manifest Life in His sons.

Certainly His virgin people are called out of the apostate systems. These “called out" are coming out of the low places to which the candlestick churches have fallen, where falsehoods have been working to rule for two thousand years. His virgin people are called “up hither” into the spiritual holy of holies where the ark (Jesus) tabernacles with hidden manna.

Jesus is a measuring rod making a blessed priesthood with a supply of the law of Life in Christ Jesus. Seeing this order brings full salvation into focus. We can begin to see what is promised to His people: a more complete life, a FULL MANIFESTATION of His indwelling Life, that brings a marriage supper environment to His people. This is a “Feast of fat things that are well refined”, having been prepared by our Father Who has given many blessed invitations to this great marriage feast of His Son.

When God formed the body of Adam from the dust of the ground, He made Adam male and female. Adam was both until Eve was taken out of Adam and made a helpmeet in the image and likeness of man. We know everything, including Adam, in the whole vast universe, came out of God. God brought forth Adam, male and female, in His image.

The inspired sacred scripture states clearly that in the beginning there was only God—omnipotent, omniscient, immutable, holy, perfect—Who is the spirit of life, love, and light. Yet because God desired to conceive, He has created the many spirits called His Sons and Daughters. In proper time they are born of a woman, born under the law, like Jesus, to fulfill Our Father’s deepest cravings to bring us all forth to a glorious end that makes us one with the living God:

Let us make man in our image and after our likeness… God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.”   Genesis 1:26-27

To understand great mysteries, one must grasp the truth taught of His Spirit, the Christ. The Father has planted a vineyard in the heart of His Christian people. Virgin believers desire to be separated to be joined with ONLY the intended Bridegroom. Thank God we are being freed from all our past neglect and presumptions, to be washed in His blood, to receive His truth in our inner man, to truly be a virgin in our hearts as to what rules over our inner man.

Overcomers have no other loves before Him. It has taken most of a lifetime of divine workings of inner separation from all else. Only the Kingdom of Jesus offers union with God. This spiritual marriage joins us so the Spirit of Love may abound within us to separate us from all other entanglements. The Spirit of Love reveals the deceptions of our own thinking and all the influences that entangle us with deceptive religious ways by taking up the world's way of thinking. We Christians know what it is to be conformed to the course of THIS WORLD. Now Christ makes us know what needs to be conformed in our mind’s image of Christ, to serve Him daily without being entangled in any defiling corruption.

The custom of MARRIAGE in Israel included the groom coming with his friends to take the bride back to his home on the appointed day, followed by a seven-day wedding feast. They often celebrated these feasts by gathering twice a day during those seven days. This feasting was part of the marriage that Jesus attended in Cana of Galilee when He turned water into wine. This is also the scene in the book of Revelation of the “marriage of the Lamb” where He gives to the thirsty the fountain of the water of life freely.

Today, as His word is spoken, it feeds us the hidden manna of the “marriage supper” or "marriage feast of the Lamb”. This feeding causes GREAT CHANGE within the order of our inner life. A new Feast is taking place in Christian people, as God is TABERNACLING WITHIN US! Within His people, our Father brushes away every tear, releasing us from the sorrow and mourning of death, all the clamor and misery of it. God tabernacles within His people: “Behold the tabernacle of God is with mankind,” with perfect harmony and unity of spirit. It is the promise of God for those who are espoused to Him:

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. And he says unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb…”   Revelation 19:7-9

Christian men arrayed in gospel work must be careful not to waste time and effort doing more religious church work. Sons are looking up, not back! Leading men of the church age keep us looking back, teaching that we should become involved in their program to reform this or that. If we don’t join in their great outreach, they say we will fail to become associated with Christ in heaven.

These men have great clout, they are connected to the money, the organization, the network that builds to impact the world and the noted among its leaders. But that is not what is in the heart of a virgin. The virgin of Nazareth has a heart that says, “HOW SHALL THIS BE, SEEING I KNOW NOT A MAN?” The answer placed in our heart is the same answer the angel gave to the virgin at Nazareth:

“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of God!”  Luke 1:35

Today God’s overcoming sons and daughters are born, grown, and following the Lamb while the people of the world are busy diligently searching for the right men to govern their countries and the church world is looking for the right minister to run their church. Many of those church people are running “to and fro” looking for the right minister to feed their hungry souls.

All this time, Christ within has given sons and daughters revelations of His word and spirit with messages containing everlasting good news. These are voicing freedom and unity that will finally be claimed by sons coming from His virgin church. It is a “wonder in heaven”, the union of vast numbers of true sons and daughters caught up to properly worship in this great marriage feast experience.

It is always painful to grow into a new order of God: ask Moses, ask Joshua, ask David, ask Jesus, ask the apostles, ask Martin Luther, ask John Knox and George Fox. Yet the marriage supper of the Lamb will feed ALL of us Christians a change that removes ALL THE LACK AND PAIN OF OUR DEATH. Our Father has initiated a new move that is destined to change everything in heaven and on earth, showing the SUFFICIENCY OF CHRIST to perfect us.

Jesus instructed His disciples two thousand years ago not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait there until they should receive the promise of the Father and be endued with power from on High. Likewise, the word of God today instructs everyone to wait until Christ is fully formed within, to a perfectly mature man, to a full grown measure.

Many Christian men have boasted of possessing the complete measure of Christ Jesus, but most everyone has been proven to be false. They are shown to contain hate, or are greedy of gain, not trustworthy in heart. 

We too have imagined many things that are false and held hope in fading orders of vain pursuits. We Christians are not ready to represent God to His people or to this earth's leaders because we know a little Greek, understand a few mysteries of John’s visions, get a few letters out over the internet or are invited to speak in church fellowships.

GOD determines who is qualified to speak with authority, choosing those who can arrest soulish thinking and bring love into their hearts. We are able to speak works that enable us to honor our spiritual families, to actually set people free from every corrupting idea. This includes power from God within to free ourselves from false judgments that condemn others with bitter backbiting gossip. We have NO RIGHT to usurp Christ’s reign in others! We are only to deposit a reconciliation message in them.

There is now a blessing coming from God to all those called to the marriage feast of the Lamb. We feed on a spiritual connection to living bread, a substance wherein our spirit can be quickened to GOD LIFE. This is raising us to inner transformation, transforming even our vile bodies to be made like unto His glorious body as we behold the glory of God found in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Adoption

Woe, Woe, Woe