The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.


God's judgment can be seen in Eden when Adam stood trial before God and heard a verdict of guilty about following instructions. Adam’s disobedience was counted worthy of a punishment of inner separation from God that would be immediate in his spirit and soul, making for a slow death of 930 years for Adam’s body.

"Dying you shall die…"   Genesis 2:17

And so it is today.

"In Adam all die…"   I Corinthians 15:22

This was God’s judgment day for the Adamic race of men who were made to have dominion of the earth and such it has been. Adam’s record shows God’s instructions were violated. He was questioned at trial, and God handed Adam a sentencing judgment with a penalty that has been fully carried out. Adam’s judgment has lasted six thousand years.

Paul says the decisions of this Judge have been continually enforced:

"The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men."   Romans 1:18

The judgment of God is revealed to be against the ungodliness of men. God’s lasting judgments may be seen in every sorrow, pain, and frustrating weakness known to mankind. Every tomb and every gravestone is a witness of death’s dread sentence, every disease part of that death sentence. It is felt in every ache and pain, in every tragedy and sorrow, in every frustration and mental torment, in the ignorance, poverty, and lack that men experience daily.

All are the direct results of God’s expressed judgments. God had originally made Adam alive in union and fellowship that was intended to exercise dominant power as a blessing to all. Adam fell from that fellowship and union with God when he was found unworthy of it. Adam’s descendants attempted recovery from God’s sentence of separation. After that first trial, they began to form peoples, customs, tribes, and nations.

Yet death's penalty has been inflicted relentlessly until today hardly anyone knows that a promised redemption from death should take place for anyone accepting the offering He Himself has provided. God has made available one sacrifice that answers for ALL of Adam’s error, an answer for the scourge of death. It is truly written of Jesus:

"God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved."   John 3:17

"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."   I Corinthians 15:22

"Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of One the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life."   Romans 5:18

Thus we see the scope of Adam's first judgment and God's provision for a release from that death sentence and the inflicted penalty. God’s judgment in Christ Jesus is for special deliverance from death. Starting out by correct inward dealings, He establishes an inner connection with the mind of Christ.

This processes an inner purge from the very last vestiges of a man’s own darkness and every religious effort of serving, fellowshipping, and worshipping of God on lower levels in His house. God sent Christ within us to change us until we are made COMPLETELY ALIVE to Christ. We are made new from within, with some being so raised that they are drawn and now gather to spiritual Mt. Zion. 

The inspired scriptures speak of further judgments of God in the prophecies of Revelation chapters 17-18. These scriptures specifically speak of judgment coming upon an apostate system of worship that is clearly recognized in the world as being the CHURCH. The symbolism of this language has been confusing to human interpretations. The spirit of Truth should condition the Lord’s people to have eyes to see and hearts to understand how not to be conquered by this “whorish Babylonian woman." God’s judgments toward worship in this Babylonish condition signifies a combined end and complete failing of being enabled to conquer Adam’s death’s sentence.

The great candlestick churches found in the second and third chapters of the book of Revelation became this same "mysterious woman" described in Revelation 17. This signifies the church system’s true conditions and corrupted characteristics, which are found to be impure and corrupted every time. Fallen Adamic men have corrupted the church in the world. This system of worship is symbolized by God as being a “harlot,” which represents being joined to men for hire. This is an image of a developed state of Christianity that is correctly judged by God to be a harlot and the mother of the same harlotry.

Mystery Babylon is not limited to any single ecclesiastical body of Christians. It is composed of the many traditional church camps that are settled into religious dead works while supposing their form of worship to be correct. God has blessed them for a time, but they are now certainly found short of Kingdom glory. Those taught in Babylon’s halls of theology seem to fail at finding the leading of God’s HOLY SPIRIT. They have failed to lead the Lord’s people into the detailed growth that enables complete FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD. They fail to nurture the people to maturity, being made complete by growing up into His headship in all things.

Growth into the GODHEAD WITH JESUS CHRIST has a cost for people being called out of Babylon’s ranks to form union with a heavenly host of people stationed in a lasting state. This rank of Christian people are chosen and born of spirit. They only teach the hidden wisdom of God’s Holy Spirit. For two thousand years God has been drawing these people together in a higher state. These are a people who grow up into the Godhead, being the very workmanship of GOD.

An inner work of His Spirit IS COMPLETING OUR SPIRIT, INSPIRING US TO CONQUER DEATH, HELL, AND THE GRAVE within our being UNTO A PERFECT STANDARD. THIS BRINGS ABOUT SALVATION TO THE UTTERMOST, JUST LIKE JESUS. This salvation can only be understood when beholding Jesus Christ as He is NOW, no longer observing Jesus as a babe in the manger.

Alongside this glorious company of Spirit-born and Spirit-led people, an enemy has planted tares. Tares are planted by leading Bible scholars and doctors of the law, by ministers of well intended organizations that are run by the deceived carnal minds of Babylon’s priests. They perform empty ceremonies and rituals while holding to and arguing about the teachings of the dead letter.

Many blind leaders have hijacked the Lord's people so they can be the lords of vast and powerful systems called the church. The religious systems they build are called church but have become blinding, restricting abysses of incomprehensible darkness and confusion falsely representing God. The images of the mother church at Rome hold men's spirits in bondage to lifeless traditions that limit their measure of faith in Christ to what man understands. They are missing out on God's transcendent spiritual purposes and that inner hidden work that raises men’s lives above every dead thing.

As the Bible comes alive by the quickening of the spirit of truth, we find it is time for the blazing fire of God’s Kingdom to sovereignly penetrate the darkness of man's understanding of spiritual things. We pray those trained within Babylon's walls will catch a glimpse of Jesus as He is, to see Him alive so they may be filled with that same spirit continually. God has raised a glorious people in spiritual Mt. Zion. It’s time for the religious “doctors of doom” to hear HIM, to rise up and FOLLOW HIM out of denominational chains and sects formed in dark dead letter of the Word.

Redemption by Christ must deliver us from the ways of religious men who are representing Christ. Those ways are being removed and burnt off us. We do not follow or support Babylon’s blind leaders by selling out on our spiritual vision. We learn to be made one spirit by following the Lamb outside every camp, bearing every reproach. The unseen doors of heaven open a deliverance for all who follow the Lamb into new expressions that reveal the truths of the city of God. We love the new spiritual realities found far beyond the constricting walls held up by traditional leaders of Revelation’s candlestick churches.

Brethren, access to abide in heavenly mount Zion is not possible while contained within the walls of Mystery Babylon! The piercing voice of the Lord’s instruction is still our command:

"After these things I perceived another messenger descending out of heaven, having great authority. And the earth is illuminated by his glory. And he cries with a strong voice, saying, ‘It falls! It falls! Babylon the great!’ And it became the dwelling place of demons and the jail of every unclean spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird, for, as a result of the wine of the fury of her prostitution have all the nations fallen, And the kings of the earth commit prostitution with her, and the merchants of the earth are rich as a result of her power to indulge. 

And I hear another voice out of heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, lest you should be joint participants in her sins, and lest you should be getting of her calamities, for her sins were piled up to heaven, and God remembers her injuries.

Pay her as she also pays, and double the doubles, in accord with her acts. In her cup in which she blends, blend double for her. As much as she glorifies herself and indulges, so much torment and mourning be giving her, for she is saying in her heart, ‘I am sitting a queen, and am no widow, and mourning I may by no means see.’ Therefore in one day shall her calamities be arriving: death and mourning and famine. And she shall be burned up with fire for strong is the Lord God Who judges her."   Revelation 18:1-8

Calamities are arriving because death and mourning and famine are still found in sects and denominations. These passing heavens are where man-controlled systems have STRUCTURED (systematized) WORSHIP OF GOD CONTRARY TO THE LEADERSHIP OF HIS SPIRIT. The church heavens we have known on earth are ALL passing heavens in which most of the Lord's precious people sit in Babylonian conditions of captivity.

This makes Christians today captives in land foreign to the land of promise. Unto those sitting with and worshipping with this Babylonian queen, our Lord has spoken clearly: “COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE”. Do not build according to that image, do not be marked within her precincts, static creeds, idolatrous doctrines, empty rituals, dead ceremonies, and scheduled programs:

"Rejoice over her [Babylon], thou heaven [the true church taught by the Spirit] and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers [praise and worship], and trumpeters [ministries sounding forth a true message], shall be heard no more at all in thee; and the sound of a millstone [the grinding of scripture for food] shall be heard no more at all in thee, and the light of a candle [even the light of Pentecost] shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom [Jesus] and of the bride [the called, chosen, and faithful] shall be heard no more at all in thee: for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."   Revelation 18:20-23

Peter drew upon what occurred in Noah's day to also foretell a day of judgment from God for the coming perdition of ungodly men. Peter states that ungodly men were reserved UNTO FIRE the consuming fire of God’s presence. God is shaking all realms! Heaven and earth are shaking. Everything that can be shaken will shake so men may now see our Father as the consuming fire for the fiery consuming and destruction of irreverence in men:

"For they want to be oblivious of this, that there were heavens of old, and an earth cohering out of water and through water, by the word of God; through which the then world, being deluged by water, perished. Yet the heavens now, and the earth, by the same word, are stored with fire, being kept for the day of the judging and destruction of irreverent men."   II Peter 3:7 concordant

"Now the day of the Lord will be arriving as a thief, in which the heavens shall be passing by with a booming noise, yet the elements shall be dissolved by combustion, and the earth and the works in it shall be found. At these all, then, dissolving, to what manner of men must you belong in holy behavior and devoutness, hoping for and hurrying the presence of God's day, because of which the heavens, being on fire, will be dissolved, and the elements decompose by combustion! Yet we, according to His promises, are hoping for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is dwelling."   II Peter 3:10-13 concordant

Yes, this judgment was declared two thousand year ago and it is clear that church heavens and the world’s national orders are now coming to great change! This world’s present condition of upheaval and confusion is marking the coming of a new age. The Lord's people will see the light of God's Third heaven, the third day, the third Feast that brings GOD's MERCIFUL JUDGMENTS to lead us unto the victorious LIFE that has been provided Jesus Christ.

He gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified to all people in due time. God has reserved fiery judgment that will be consuming man’s irreverent darkened condition, allowing us see the true light of God, to see and know Him as He is. All nations, political parties, economic systems, and ecclesiastical institutions will be transformed as Christians of all sorts pass through great fiery commotions, with men finally seeing how grand are God’s glorious intentions to save all men.. And God has raised a people that accommodate His glory now!

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins."   Matthew 1:21

God’s judgment has already conquered and revealed much to many. Many other divine judgments will be experienced by every true believer who presses forward into the faith of Jesus Christ, the merciful firstborn Son of God. Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren who are continuously being made perfect in the oneness of sonship. Spiritual wisdom is placed within God’s sons to make them profitable. They are not foolish or irreverent in His eyes, nor are they condemned in any manner in His judgment:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit."   Romans 8:1

No condemnation upon us! No plagues, no death upon us if we but follow after the spirit. The word condemnation in the Greek is “katakrima” and this word speaks of an "adverse sentence, to be judged against." Those walking in Christ are not being judged with ADVERSE JUDGMENTS COMING FROM GOD OR ANY OTHER POWER HE USES!

"There is therefore now no adverse sentence coming to them which are in Christ Jesus."

No adverse sentence deserving of death is found extended toward these in Christ. The remaining judgments of God’s destruction of irreverence are the backdrop of His shining glorious truth to us. He can deliver the spiritually mature Christian from guilt complexes, depressions, and the condemnation of coming up short in all of the experienced failures in our lives.

We know God’s adverse judgment is being applied to Adam. Still today we learn Adam’s false pride is a veil that must be burnt out of our hearts for our inner being, our conscience, to be free to think as Jesus Christ. Jesus has appeared to pay our death penalty in full. Hallelujah!

"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."   Romans 3:24-25

"And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconcilinig the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them.."   II Corinthians 5:18-19

"…for He hath made Him to be sin (a sin offering) for us, Who knew no sin." II Corinthians 5:21

Thank God through Jesus we stand reconciled, our trespasses not imputed against our case. Sons and daughters of God will not be reviewed and bound in man’s religious courts. Our connection has been settled FOREVER, bless His wonderful name! Now God judges some sons and daughters as being worthy in Christ. In them He has swallowed up the sentence of death that works in Adam. This is what Christ has called us for and He certainly is able to bring it to pass within those who are following Him!

Through the regenerating power of God’s Holy Spirit, a new birth has sparked our spirit. It awakens our spirit from Adam’s long sleep so that we are receiving God’s quickened Word to save our souls, to know we are His own offspring.

"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ."   Galatians 3:26

"Perceive what manner of love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God! And we are! Therefore the world does not know us, for it did not know Him. Beloved, now are we children of God, and it was not as yet manifested what we shall be. We are aware that, if He should be manifested, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him according as He is."   I John 3:1-2 concordant

"The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Romans 8:16

God's JUDGMENT toward all believers in Jesus is that we are His offspring, His seed. It IS the Father's good pleasure to bring us into the Kingdom, to a complete third heaven relationship as sons and daughters unto God Himself. His supreme desire for us is that we may truly grow to maturity, that we may be SONS INDEED, no longer servants of religious efforts nor “babes in Christ”. He has done a work of maturity that gives us the spirit of sonship in our deepest places, so we cry “ABBA-Father, God is my Father.”

We are made His Sons and Daughters by seeing Jesus Christ and believing God to Father us also. Our Father purposes for us to become completed sons within our inner being even now. God grants all His sons and daughters to be like Jesus! And being the great and faithful Father that He is, He deals with us, judges us, corrects us unto that expected end.

We are made His sons indeed, in the order of judgment reserved for making sons. Our Father plans for His sons and daughters to be completely and exactly like unto our Lord Jesus. His plan is for us to have the mind of Christ, know God’s will, and be one with God’s purposes. We are to know the power and glory of Christ formed WITHIN US, making us faithful to His corrective, chastening judgments:

"For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons!”  Hebrews 12:6-7

Immature Christians have not been disciplined BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD as mature sons, so they will not yet be corrected and crowned by the King of God. Most people in today’s church world abide instead in the teachings and judgment of the many different orders and institutions organized by man:

"For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned [judged] with the world."   I Corinthians 11:31-32

We should take note: when we believers are judged, we should take it as being CHASTENED unto correction, as unto the Lord. The chastening of the Lord makes us grow up in understanding correctly His right ways. Powerful mercies are granted God’s offspring to go beyond the condemning judgments of the worldly minded religious kings who hold Christians to orders of oppressive bondage.

Freedom comes to those who apply God’s judgment to our inner being. When we Christians are judged, we are chastened by the Lord so WE SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED (adversely sentenced) WITH THE WORLD. All His judgments are true and His judgments make us true:

"God is now charging mankind that all everywhere are to repent, forasmuch as He assigns a day in which He is about to be judging the inhabited earth in righteousness by the Man Whom He specifies, tendering faith to all, raising Him from among the dead."   Acts 17:30-31  concordant

Paul emphasizes that a man would judge the inhabitants of the earth. We Christians should be judged with a chastening that corrects us NOW, so we are not chastened later WITH THE WORLDLY MINDED. God’s judgment in chastening the body of Christ must take place as the Holy Spirit faithfully instructs each member. If we are judged now, by either judging ourselves or coming under the chastening of the Lord, we then "shall not be coming to condemnation [Gr: krisis, judgment] with the world."

We can then be confident of being fully with God as our Father. We have become thankful for today's advances in Christ being revealed within to deliver us from the powers of death. We rejoice in being swallowed up unto His life.

We have practiced a spiritual faith that works in the NOW, becoming firstfruits of His redemptive work. Elect members of the body of Christ are brought unto obedience and used as servants to deliver spiritual truth to the various ranks of His house. Now is the time to be reaped into a higher reality of the Kingdom. Be ready!

How lovingly the Father watches over His sons and daughters with tenderness and faithfulness. HE GIRDS US UP throughout this way of marking our learning of sonship. When we Christians find ourselves frustrated and confused, we should simply SLOW DOWN to seek more understanding of USING THE HIGHWAYS TO CHRIST in order to FOLLOW HIS WAY.

Learn by His spirit how to oppose any frustrating inner situations that oppose Christ from being dominant within, hindering our living in oneness with God’s spirit. The spirit of truth teaches us about walking in the path that turns us more fully towards Christ. The spirit is working within our inner man, revealing His plans by turning our heart toward His face within our inner being.

There seems to be so much determination and fight yet left in Christians, because, with the measure of truth they have, they think they have understanding of God’s mysteries. Christ’s ministry in the church of the firstborn determines not to push any fleshly program through a people to a form of worship that becomes old and stale, being led by dead men.

As frustrations continue to erupt in the great religious works of Christianity, the going gets tougher. Where men have taught religious standards to dominate within a Christian’s life, limitations are increased and complications multiply until Babylon "falls" and we come to the end of that religious work. Then we find Christ doing an inner work, making us sons and daughters of God. We cry out, "show me, let me see the ways established in your King. Let me walk gracefully within them all the time."  

Yes, the New Jerusalem light has penetrated our thinking and purposes. Thank God we ARE chastened, buffeted, divinely corrected to be led out from Babylonian thinking and the images of a fallen church. Thank God we are enabled to bring the correct image of God’s Sons into focus within our thinking. Christ instructs us BY SPIRIT, bringing us into alignment with God’s Kingdom.

In the Kingdom are found the judgments of God working on behalf of believers who are become His beloved servants. God’s judgment involves rewards for those qualifying for the real spiritual work of being PEACEMAKERS, “REPAIRERS of the breach”. God’s revealed judgment within them is not dealing with sin or development of character. It is REWARD for being profitably connected to Him.

Kingdom reward is earned for service rendered. He that has, gets more. It is not a free gift, as are initial steps of salvation, nor is it bestowed because of family rights, as an Adamic inheritance. It is earned ONLY by satisfying service performed by CHRIST DOING THE WILL OF GOD WITHIN US:

"For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then He shall reward every man according to his works."   Matthew 16:27

"And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou should give reward unto Thy servants."   Revelation 11:18

Can a son be a servant? Jesus, the pattern Son truly declared:

"Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister [serve], and to give His life a ransom for many."   Matthew 20:28

Jesus is the Son that serves His Father. He came to earth as a servant unto men. Jesus is the SON that SERVES! The very same one of whom the Father witnesses:

"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," Matthew 3:17

Of Him the prophet also witnessed:

"Behold My Servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom My soul delights; I have put My Spirit upon Him: He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles…"   Isaiah 42:1

We further find John seeing a great number of people sealed who are standing with the Lamb upon holy ground, in the spiritual hills and mountains of glory that exalt the Son’s kind of nature and thinking. As it is written:

"Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads…"   Revelation 7:3

God’s judgment seals the mind (forehead) of all who are instructed by His Spirit to grow in stature of being a son like Jesus. He draws them through humbling circumstances to be made servants for others, made to be priests of the New Jerusalem order. These are now servants who minister an everlasting gospel in the “power of an endless life”, true to the Shepherd’s heart.

Men can receive initial salvation in church from God as a GIFT. Children can receive gifts from the Father as an INHERITANCE. Yet SONS are made profitable servants to receive reward in consideration of their WORK, a REWARD FROM GOD! All believers are saved by grace, but not all are rewarded for profitable doctrine or for correctly being furnished to do every good work rightly. 

There is great glory and heavenly wealth awaiting those who become profitable servants of the King. Only overcomers of the candlestick church realms are fully equipped to serve new food in the Lord's Kingdom. These sons who serve as priests and kings of His great Kingdom purposes will gain great reward. Note that profitable servants in small things will be given more authority, and even great nations will be entrusted to some of them:

"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."   I Corinthians 3:11-15

Through the cunning teachings of the adversary, both the worldly minded and popular church leaders have been robbed of the blessed truths of God's RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS breaking forth right now in the earth. Most people know that the Bible teaches of a judgment day, but regard it only as something coming with a certain sense of dread. They have been taught to fear it. To them, there is no more unwelcome tidings than divine judgment coming to JUDGE OUR EARTH.

Many turn off the thought of God's judgments and put them far from mind, preferring not even to hear the subject mentioned. So much work in Christian church leaders will yet be burnt up as being hay, wood and stubble. How differently did the Old Testament prophets regard that promised DAY OF JUDGMENT! Note the expectation in Isaiah's spirit as he announces:

"Yea, in the way of Thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee ... with my soul have I desired Thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek Thee early: for when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness…”   Isaiah 26:8-9

Here Isaiah assures us that even today God’s judgments will lead to a most glorious and desirable day, a day that the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. This is a blessed thought and a wonderful assurance for each of us: the inhabitants of the world WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS! Our hearts too are praying for and yearning that the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Our wise and loving Father has ORDAINED JUDGMENT to come forth in a marvelous provision of deliverance, a change for all in heaven and earth.

God’s judgment day is not leading to eternal doom, but to a blessed time of ASSURANCE TO ALL MEN. How is this assurance to be given unto all men? God will JUDGE THE WORLD in righteousness by a MAN whom He has ordained for that purpose. That Man, of course, is His Son Jesus Christ, and the assurance lies in the fact that GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD. This same assurance is now given UNTO ALL whom God deals with as Sons and Daughters in particular. So, in fact, our Father also judges them worthy to be raised from the dead:

"…because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead." Acts 17:31

Today acceptance into a modern day church fellowship and membership depends upon accepting the teachings of that particular denomination, submitting to its hierarchy, following its ordinances and rituals, and embracing the doctrines which are held by its leaders. Having done that, those particular church leaders assure their membership that they are to be accepted into heaven some day when they die, and in so doing will also avoid hell. But our assurance in God does not rest upon any such frail notions!

Our assurance rests upon the FACT THAT JESUS IS ALIVE NOW! And when He is manifested, we will be like Him. God resurrects our inner spiritual man to dominate the death of Adam in our inner life. To know His own Son now means we are raised from Adam's death NOW, raised by God into a divine life in our inner spiritual man that has assurance not for just a select few, but FOR ALL MEN. 

Woe, Woe, Woe

The Drawing of God