All in Teachings

“Exodus chapter twenty-five gives the description and instruction concerning the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat which was to be over it, in the Tabernacle of Moses. The commandment of the Lord to Moses was to take an offering from all whose hearts willingly offered, and construct a tabernacle, a tent-of-meeting. It was to be the LORD'S TENT in the midst of the great encampment of Israel. “

“We are transformed by looking to Jesus so our body might be filled with the power of God’s LOVE , LIGHT , and LIFE, that power that makes Jesus shine in Mt. Zion, where the eagles have gathered, 144,000 governmental sons that have that place prepared of our Father. Rejoice He will satisfy all of our longings for Him.“

“The stage is set for our full experience of Jesus Christ’s Kingdom, to fully realize what He is doing within the inner man of mature Christians, our spirit is being made ONE with our Father who is sending away our sins, as the scapegoat was left in the wilderness on the day of AT ONE MENT.”

“We earnestly strive to partake of spiritual blessings, having heard His heavenly call to develop a relationship with God as a son with authority, do seek commission to partake daily of the divine name, to inherit abundant skill to be about the Father's business. “

“ But you have come to mount Zion, and the city of the living God, celestial Jerusalem, and to ten thousand messengers, to a universal convocation, and to the ecclesia of the firstborn, "registered" in the heavens, and to God, the fudge of all, and to the spirits of the just perfected, and to Jesus, the Mediator of a fresh covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling which is speaking better than Abel. Beware! You should not be refusing Him Who is speaking!“

“ We can let the mind of the Christ dominate our thinking now so that our spirit is delivered from the slavery to corrupt ideas.

“Awake, awake , put on your strength, O Zion: put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean." Isaiah 52:1

“The sevenfold brightness  alone is commissioned by God to work into everyone's life,  we are not just thinking of "us four and no more." The King is flowing out to all that see what is available and hear what the spirit says in the seen and unseen.  “

“ God does not require unbelievers to forgive in order to be forgiven. God does not demand of spiritual babes that they forgive as a condition for their own forgiveness — but He does require it of those who grow up to be SONS and DAUGHTERS of the MOST HIGH. “