The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Seed

It is doubtful that any subject is more prominent in all of the scriptures, and yet surrounded with such mystery, as the truth concerning the spirit in man.

"Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the earth?"   Ecclesiastes 3:21

The truth concerning that spirit is essential unto each of us:

"If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body."   1 Corinthians 15:44

People in a fallen, darkened state of mind, with an earth-bound consciousness swimming in an ocean of dark muck, having weak frailties and human mindsets, are unable to hear that they are the offspring of God. It is absolutely impossible for them to fathom this correctly! Every scriptural truth, however, has deep spiritual application.

God’s Spirit grants us understanding of the divine concepts that are beyond man’s religious mind. Man’s religious mind performs by knowing the scriptures as a law, in a legalistic manner. Thus, man’s religious mind has distorted scripture to effectively misapply God's truth. God’s truth is hidden while openly on display. His truth is hidden from the wise and prudent minds of men!

Religious men have misused and abused the many opportunities God presents for knowing His divine secrets. Thank God, our minds can be renewed as we are transformed in our inner spiritual being to possess Godly characteristics that are one with the mind of Christ, the revelation of God Almighty:

"Now, He said, ‘To you has it been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, yet to the rest in parables, that, observing, they may not be observing, and hearing, they may not be understanding. Now this is the parable: The seed is the word of God.’"   Luke 8:10-11 concordant

The seed of God is the Word of God. A seed Word comes to every Christian church rank to form an understanding in their spiritual life with various conditions, as seen in the candlestick church heavens of the Revelation. The Word God is placing in our hearts is of the Kingdom, as Kingdom truth is planted like seeds in us. We think and are granted a spiritual understanding within our awakened spirit that is having an intimate relationship with God. 

Kingdom seed produces Kingdom truths in those who believe. They see and understand about the hidden spiritual Kingdom of God. God’s Word has been planted in the spirit of true believers. It always leads them to our homeland, the New Jerusalem order. Even the drunk on the street, our worldly-minded neighbors, and the multitudes will long to be planted with His kingdom seed in their inner parts. Jesus is coming now BY THE SPIRIT to change our mind by quickening our inner spiritual being. He is coming within to make us know His mind about scripture so that we may be helped to grow to perfect maturity in Jesus Christ.

A seed doesn’t show any life until it is planted. It just sits there, remaining a seed. The Word of God is a seed planted in the minds of Christian people. That seed of truth can lie on the shelf of man’s carnal understanding for many, many years. We religious people have wrapped our head knowledge into scripture to see and understand it with organizational reasonings rather than the spirit.

God has HIDDEN MANNA that brings an understanding of His Word, taught by His Spirit, that quickens our spirit to come alive! This Word is releasing Christ’s faith deep within us to reveal hidden spiritual understandings of scripture having the power to form resurrection life within us. His Spirit uncovers what lies beneath the outer, surface shell games of religious activities to reveal the heart of man. Kingdom seed works deeply to bring us to the activities of His Spirit of truth. His truth frees us to break away from the old death realms in which we are so comfortable.

Seeds have been found in the tombs of Egypt that are more than three thousand years old. They look today just as they did when they were placed in the tomb. Old, old seeds are still able to produce fruit for a harvest. We see in nature that the seed of a male placed in a female conceives to produce offspring who grow to do likewise.

The seed of God’s Word is germinated in our awakened spirit, making us able to focus on Jesus as He is, an enthroned King. I do not worship Jesus as a baby in a manger — away with that image! We become that “good ground" in which God continually plants seeds of truth that produce kingdom fruit and kingdom understanding, the kind of understanding Jesus the King has gained. God Life is produced within us when the seed of His Word is truly received. A faith sprouts up to make us aware that truth is in our inner parts.

We come to know how God’s spirit is leading us and teaching us how to form His same type of God Life in our spirit. The vegetable seed must be planted in good earth, then be subjected to moisture and heat. If the rain falls upon it and the sun shines upon it, suddenly, from within, light is effectively released. God’s Word stirs to life what had been restrained in the shell of a seed just as vegetable seeds conceal life that can burst open, spring to new life, put down roots, and grow quickly upward.

God’s Word is like a seed that can break through our earthly understandings so we may see into spiritual dimensions. New heavens are expressed in new forms, new ability, and a new reality. The truths God has planted in us have grown within to draw us also to higher dimensions new to us. God plants His truth in us as seed. He then plans to quicken what will complete our inner spiritual growth into His Kingdom. The King gives seed that is like hidden manna when His people follow Him, going beyond what is planted in candlestick church heavens. The inner spiritual man is indeed the place where the seed of God's Word is placed.

Formerly, our spirit was buried and encased within our soulish outer man. Our spirit was ruled by our carnal thoughts and understanding in a conscious desire for natural earthly things. Similarly, our inner spiritual man must be activated from its dormant state, just as a credit card or a cell phone has to be activated. The spirit of man is activated to know God by the Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritual activation comes by hearing the Word of God and trusting the teachings of God’s Spirit until we know the truth as God knows it. Jesus leads us to know God as our Father, by the spirit.

Christ is energizing our inner man of spirit to grow into a connection with His spiritual house. Though a hidden connection, we can be connected to the general assembly, to Jesus and the spirits of just men now formed in His people. Faith in Kingdom truth opens heaven’s doors to our inner spiritual understanding. We are united by an invigorating inner enlightening, to eat the bread of a New Day coming DAILY by the spirit from a higher heavenly realm than the church heavens of blessed Pentecostal rain.

The enemy has planted tares in those heavens, but SEEDS of Kingdom truth have also been planted in our generation. Some brethren are now awakened from Adam's fallen darkness. They are quickened by God’s Spirit to sonship Life that is placed in our spirit by the Word of God. What has been birthed in us is of His Spirit, quickening our spirit.

Originally, the man Adam was designed to be divinely inhabited, the place of divine fellowship, a temple of God. Adam was alive spiritually in divine inspiration. The breath of conscious union with God was in him. Adam was designed to be one with God. That was the original and normal condition for Adam.

Adam was a son of God who was to be filled with divine light, love, and inner delight. But Adam’s descendants are now spiritually asleep, not knowing where they came from. Their spirit needs a spiritual quickening to be born again or AWAKENED TO GOD WITHIN. After that, they need to grow spiritually by being taught by His Spirit as it is being poured out on the flesh and blood life of believers.

Ultimate truths are like seeds that nourish our inner being with light and, when watered with spiritual insight, grow into the very thing He intends. Christ comes to be the dominant spirit within us. Christ keeps us awakened to what He births in us by the Spirit. His followers can grow to be crowned with His life! God's Word flourishes in the heart of His people and we have faith in that Word. Understanding the mind of Christ takes us through every fiery trial we face in this life.

Life is easier as we learn to follow His spiritual leading and become strong substantial beings of God-likeness standing for His purposes. OUR FATHER HAS PLANTED AN INCORRUPTIBLE WORD OF TRUTH IN JESUS. WHEN WE HEAR HIS VOICE, IT AWAKENS US FROM THE SLEEP OF ADAM’S DEATH. God is manifesting Life to His sons through Jesus Christ. We who believe find the way to His new heaven is open. On that way, He restores His followers from death’s inner grip. He has diminished and darkened even the passing church heavens with His light.

Old church heavens are something sons are leaving in order to be re-created and reconstructed more perfectly into the lasting heavens of the New Jerusalem order. There is no time to waste in forming the correct image of God within our inner spiritual man. He is giving revelation taught by His Holy Spirit. The revelation of Jesus Christ is basically grounded in understanding the spiritual relationship that enlightens us believers to the conditions existing in God’s new Man, Jesus.

We are quickened now to be NEW CREATURES in Christ Jesus. The seven-fold spirit of Jesus reaches to quicken His wisdom and divine character, making us realize that our spirit is made alive by His Spirit and Word. The sevenfold spirit of Kingdom truth is being dispatched to quicken new faith in our inner spiritual man. The Apostle John stated to the seven candlestick churches, the ecclesias:

Grace to you and peace from Him Who is and Who was and Who is coming and from the seven spirits which are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Suzerian of the kings of the earth.” Revelation 1:4 Concordant

“…Now this He is saying Who has the seven spirit is of God and the seven stars…” Revelation 3:1 Concordant

“And out of the throne are issuing lightnings and voices and thunders. And seven torches of fire are burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God.” Revelation 4:1 Concordant

“And I perceived in the center of the throne and of the four animals, and in the center of the elders, a Lambkin standing, as though slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God, commissioned for the entire earth…” Revelation 5:6 Concordant

The number seven in the Bible stands for perfection or completion, the embodiment of which is Christ Jesus. In Isaiah 11, the prophet foretells Jesus’ characteristics:

“Then a Twig will come forth from the set slip of Jesse, and a Scion, it shall be fruitful from his roots. And the spirit of Yahweh will rest upon Him, A spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and mastery, a spirit of knowledge and fear of Yahweh.” Isaiah 11:1-2 Concordant

Jesus is speaking from His throne room, giving us understanding of God’s Word and Spirit, working God’s seven-fold spirit within our being. He establishes within us His lasting order, the order Our Father desires to dwell within with us. We are now the ABIDING PLACE of God, because His faith dwells in our tabernacle. God has brought us the blessings of a COMPLETE REST!

With His blessings of godliness, we are designed now to be God’s ABIDING PLACE. We have found God’s Kingdom within our inner man also. We are brought to Mount Zion, to Jesus, to the “spirits of just men made perfect”:

“But you have come to mount Zion and the city of the living God, celestial Jerusalem, and to ten thousand messengers, to a universal convocation, and the ecclesia of the firstborn, ‘registered’ in the heavens, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the just 'perfected’, and to Jesus, the Mediator of a fresh covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling which is speaking better than Abel.” Hebrews 12:22-24 Concordant

What is the most rewarding and profitable things available in this life or the life to come? It seems many men think gathering earthly wealth is the important thing, yet FORMING DIVINE GODLINESS WITHIN OUR BEING IS THE SUPREME OPPORTUNITY OF THIS LIFE AND THE LIFE TO COME. What greater reward or possible value could be gained throughout all the ages to come than to stand in proper rank and order of Jesus’s commission to conquer death and darkness in his people?

The Day of the Lord is here for us! We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who are alive and carefully taking steps as we trust His redeeming power:

"Yet shall we not much rather be subjected to the Father of spirits and be living?"   Hebrews 12:9 concordant

The word coming from God’s mouth never was a lie. It did not deceive, nor was it in league with evil thinking as found in mere human beings. God made every kind of life on earth to produce after its own kind of life. There is no proof of evolutionary change from monkeys to men. God created man and all the other forms of life. We do not come from a microorganism out of the sea nor from another species, and we certainly have not evolved much in behavior.

Yet our spirit, soul, and body long to be restored to divine health. The only way possible is to become deeply written upon in our inner man by the Spirit of God. Understanding His Word on a higher level can open lasting heavens that teach us hidden and secret things about His throne. As He confesses His Kingdom truths, the testimony of Jesus speaks of RECONCILIATION AND RESTORATION of ALL men and women to God, though it may take ages to accomplish.

"Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming when all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth…verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live."   John 5:25,28

God has an appointed this time for our spirit to be birthed and quickened, to increasingly draw upon the spiritual substances hidden in His Word. God sends His Word to our inner spiritual man to produce union. HIS WORD quickened by HIS SPIRIT reproduces His incorruptible Life within us. God’s Life in us washes away the corruption of Adam’s death.

When God’s Word is planted in our heart, our spirit enters the Kingdom realm. Like a vegetable seed planted in the earth, in an appointed time of sunlight and supply of water, it will grow to produce fruit. God carefully knows what each man believes and what he does. There’s a time, AN APPOINTED HOUR, for every man to be quickened by God.

God will continually send the light of His illumination through to us, pouring out the rain of His Spirit to teach us all of His ways. We are His offspring and He is now generating a stirring to life in our inner being. Suddenly He breaks us out of thinking carnally, to think and reflect the thoughts of His Spirit instead.

We are immersed in a revelation of the Lord Jesus that is coming by the SPIRIT with freedom from every mindset, every bondage. This revelation is sent to break every yoke that hinders us or holds us to sin and death. Death has been broken asunder by Christ’s victory. We are broken, rendered helpless, yet the REVELATION of Jesus Christ GUIDES our every step in gaining our Father’s crown of LIFE!

God has planted His Word in many people on different levels in His house. He has cultivated many past heavens that have now grown old. The removal of old ways of worship can open new possibilities that are beautiful to see manifested to our inner spiritual man. We may not look different to others, but God has granted a knowing of truth within us that has produced the divine character of the King within our spirit. It has the characteristics of a lion, an eagle, a faithful ox, and the face of man (Ezekiel 1:10; Revelation 4:7) reflecting the greatest intelligence created.

This miraculous work of transformation is being accomplished within our yielded life. God raises Kingdom people to sit in the highest of heavenly places. They are now formed as Mount Zion, a spiritual place where a people fully realize Christ is the greatest thing about them:

"Another parable He places before them, saying, ‘Like is the kingdom of the heavens to a kernel (seed) of mustard which a man, getting, sows in his field; which, indeed, is smaller than all the seeds, yet, whenever it may be grown, is greater than the greens, and is becoming a tree, so that the flying creatures of heaven are coming and roosting among its boughs.’"   Matthew 13:31-31 concordant

God will gladly break open the cocoon that we are when our spirit can be planted with the Word of a higher heaven. We come forth in His likeness as “living creatures” who are given wings to lift us above our every earthly problem so that we may see how to soar on heavenly winds in union with our homeland:

“And before the throne it is as a glassy sea, like crystal. And in the center of the throne, and around the throne are four animals replete with eyes in front and behind. And the first animal is like a lion, and the second animal is like a calf, and the third animal has a face like as a human being, and the fourth animal is like a flying vulture [eagle].

And the four animals, each one of them having six wings apiece, around and inside are replete with eyes. And they have no rest day and night, saying, ‘Holy! holy! holy! Lord God Almighty, Who wast and Who is and Who art coming’! And out of the throne are issuing lightnings and voices and thunders. And seven torches of fire are burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.

And whenever the animals should be giving glory and honor and thanks to Him Who is sitting on the throne, Who is living for the eons of the eons (Amen!), the twenty-four elders, also, will be falling before Him Who is sitting on the throne and will be worshiping Him Who is living for the eons of the eons (Amen!).” Revelations 4:6-10 Concordant

The spirit of man that is transformed by God is like a precious priceless diamond, living on after physical death. Yes, there lies buried within every man a spirit that lives on! It is the greatest of all treasures — a place where God can reach you, a part of you made like God. God grants understanding that is divine, words in which that we can trust in order to be united with Him. 

“…So that, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: the primitive passed by. Lo! there has come new!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Concordant

We desire to discover more kingdom truth each day, drawing from its wealth, receiving revelation of its mercies, being NEW CREATURES. We are transformed by His spirit to the true image, a truth to which some need to bear witness. Saints are made believers of the truth that all things God says are possible! Yet even His own people have their treasure buried deep beneath the debris of the cares of this life, fellowshipping in carnal minded religious pursuits, or lost in the swamps of earthly pleasures that dominate the lives of so many. 

The earthliness of our thinking is revealed to be carnal reasoning that now needs to be removed. No matter how weak we have been or how miserably we may have failed, God washes away our old sinful ways and swallows up the sting in our death. Our heavenly Father subjected us to vanity here in earth, but now He is calling us to a fuller measure of wisdom and power.

Now Christ is formed in our spirit to LIVE IN THE SPIRIT and WALK AFTER THE SPIRIT. He is conquering earthly ways of thinking about things. We are growing to know God as God knows us, thus to be sealed and qualified to be enthroned with God like Jesus! As Christians truly yield to the inspiration of Christ in their spirit, it will restore them to paradise, the state God intended for Adam before Adam fell.

Those restored are made conscious of God, aware of His family, knowing of His love, agreeing with His judgments, having a knowledge of TRUTH within their inmost thoughts. God is now filling us with righteous thoughts that are showing ways to make peace and how to have mercy for those who are ignorant. His spirit will lead us to peaceful union and unexplainable joy even in our present state!

God has given us what we need through every spiritual blessing that Jesus has. He subjects His sons to aspirations of being honorable vessels used of the King. He lives to inspire, ennoble, and empower us to be the temples God inhabits. Our spirits, souls, and bodies are transformed into God’s tabernacle. Now we are truly become new creatures in Christ Jesus!

Mature Christians learn to yield to divine impulses that check for error. The mature ones reject thoughts of fear and cast out sorrow. The ways death works are being swallowed up, forgotten, washed away by His divine perfection. We are constantly celebrating His reign! He reigns in the higher heaven and that reign can be within us also. It is the spirit of Jesus that needs be unveiled, for only He is commissioned to do the work premonitioned by the creation.

We are a body of many believers in whom He has made to see the magnificent glorious throne wherein Jesus is exalted in power. Jesus is sending the complete sevenfold spirit to fulfill His promised empowerment that COMPLETES our Christian faith. We rise in the ranks of the Father's planting, to bear firstfruit stature in our personal lives. Our heavenly Father has been writing His Word on our “foreheads” by His Spirit .

God is the Father of spirits and He made us to be part spirit. If we have a natural body, we have a spiritual body. It is within our spiritual part that we come to know the Divine Spirit. His Word was placed and found to be within us. As His seed blooms into growth, we have been illuminated with all the divine attributes necessary to make us navigate as sons and daughters of the living God in our daily life.  

Each single cell of our body contains the genetic codes of life. Jesus will transfigure the “body of our humiliation” to conform it to the body of His glory. Jesus contains power to subject all the designs of man to His divine life, so He may reign to transform us into His full grown stature, men and women belonging to Christ. Christ fully redeems us to the image intended by our heavenly Father!

As a literal, natural plant grows from a seed to become a blade, then to the ear stage, then after that to the full corn in the ear, so the seed of God's Word has been planted within end time Latter Rain people to keep expanding daily in Christ’s progressive powers in order to master all the opposition within us!

We are His workmanship and have become His possession. He purposed ONENESS with those of us who are tested and tried, proving, discerning, perceiving, and comprehending the heights of light and the folly of darkness. We rejoice in being able to behold and know there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning in Him.

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