The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Sevenfold Brightness

The number seven, in the scriptures, was the most sacred number of the Hebrews. This number is used more often in the inspired sacred scriptures than all other numbers, save the number one. It is the number denoting perfection and completeness. In this connection it is interesting to note that of the title “Holy Spirit,” the word holy, according to Webster, comes from a root meaning whole. Hence, the words “Holy Spirit” could have been interpreted simply as “the Whole Spirit”.

Seven here also denotes a spiritual completion to perfection, a figure of the holy or whole or complete spirit. The Lamb of God has the complete seven spirits of God as foretold in the book of Revelation chapter 5. We should understand that the number seven conveys the idea of perfect unity and complete oneness with our Father. This is the whole measure that is complete rather than a divided lesser part of what is incomplete. We see with unclouded vision to understand that the seven spirits of God are the INTENSIFIED COMPLETE LIGHT that is absolutely FILLED WITH THE TRUTH OF GOD:

"Grace to you and peace from Him Who is and Who was and Who is coming, and from the seven spirits which are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Suzerain of the kings of the earth."   Revelation 1:4 concordant

John saw one sitting upon a throne, and He who sat was bright to look upon. There is a bright rainbow round about Him, an emerald rainbow that has seven colors. This represents the sevenfold Spirit of God, even as do the seven lamps of fire, the seven horns, and seven eyes.

The first rainbow that ever appeared to men was a promise and a covenant from God to assure their world of His good and merciful intent. Here again an emerald (green) rainbow appears above the glorious doings of the candlestick churches. The light of a New Day casts its dawning rays upon our inner being now, showing us the promise of our heavenly calling.

Overcomers are inhabitants of heaven and earth and have a promise God has chosen to keep. He has chosen to send the seven spirits of God to all the earth,. starting in our own lives. What magnificent promises have been made for this dark troubled world of mankind that, from the beginning, has known nothing but unrighteous government, turmoil, and death.

This sevenfold complete spirit is the anointing coming to those taught by the Spirit of the Lord, drawn to God’s head, to God's King. Complete victory over death is available to His many-membered body as they submit to Christ Jesus’s workings within them. One important distinction about us is we know our Lord Jesus is the head of a corporate body. This body of sons has been receiving God's holy spirit WITH A MEASURE OF GLORY.

Now in a more complete capacity, an unlimited perfection is flowing to us from God our Father. The Lord’s corporate body on earth today is like burning bronzes. They burn through Pentecostal church orders, reaching unto a higher place and time. The church orders received the spirit IN A MEASURE: limited to only a part, a measure, a down payment. Only the earnest of the spirit has been given to every member of the body of Christ.

"For He Whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives not the Spirit by measure unto him."   John 3:34

Paul prays for us:

“That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God."   Ephesians 3:18-19

“But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ… from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”   Ephesians 4:7,16

There is a difference between the measure of anointing on the head of Jesus and the measure of spirit given to the members of the Christian church orders on earth. Our Lord is a PERFECT man, while we, the members of His body, although accepted in the beloved thru grace, are actually very imperfect. The perfect man, Jesus, is the perfect image of the Father, in fullest harmony and wholeness in the complete brightness of His Substance.

We are being made like Him in every and all particulars. But our harmony with God and His Spirit has been greatly impaired, in proportion to the degradation through the fall. Yet imperfect mortal man is capable of receiving the Lord’s grace to grow to a mature stature in Christ, to an unimaginable, unlimited, ALMIGHTY POWER at disposal within formerly corrupt men.

Christians are capable of knowing how to overcome their selfish nature and receive God’s spirit to the fullness degree of harmony with God in absolutely every particular. This is why the New Testament book of Hebrews exhorted the Lord’s people: LET US GO ON TO PERFECTION! 

Paul pointed out that God has placed a ministry as gifts in the body of Christ to do a perfecting work in His people:

“…for the perfecting of the saints…till we all come… unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. "   Ephesians 4:12-14

Thus we can see that apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers are ordained to instruct us ON LY until we are spiritually grown and counted as attaining maturity by God. The mature one has reached full measure as a whole man, with an enlightened spirit, led with the mind of Christ and quickening of the body. Our inner spiritual life is receiving God's sevenfold, whole, complete spirit that has no need for a man to instruct it. Hence, we are among those apprehended ones who are consecrated to receive full adoption of His Spirit, representing the divine image Who is teaching within us: 

"These things I write to you concerning those who are deceiving you. And the anointing which you obtained from Him is remaining in you, and you have no need that anyone may be teaching you, but as His anointing is teaching you concerning all, and is true, and is no lie, according as it teaches you also, remain in Him." I John 2:24-29 concordant

The New Jerusalem order is the homeland for all Christian people. It has a greater degree of grace and maturity in being “conformed to the image of His Son,” the conformity for which we all must qualify. It requires being raised to the third day, the third feast, the third heaven capable of bestowing a measure of absolute FULLNESS OF SPIRIT. The initial infilling of healings and tongues, the offices and gifts, are in the realms of the church, and are in part, not the fullness of God.

The fullness must be appropriated from a higher glory than the church realm has provided. We need to pass from glory to glory and press into the Kingdom. Hear the word of our apostle Paul:

“Now, being true, in love we should be making all grow into Him, Who is the Head — Christ — out of Whom the entire body, being articulated together and united through every assimilation of the supply, in accord with the operation in measure of each one’s part, is making for the growth of the body, for the upbuilding of itself in love.”   Ephesians 4:15-16 concordant

Yes, there needs to be an upbuilding for all the Lord's people, with an increase that comes to expand our capacity for being made one with the Lord's spirit. We are made to receive a full measure of God's Spirit, so we understand how to fit into the place He has prepared for us.

In the natural, a baby begins eating solid food by taking only half of a small jar of baby food. When he has finished that small quantity he is full. But at age six, will he still be eating half of a jar of baby food? Certainly not! By then he will be eating a child’s plate at the restaurant. It will take the full portion on the child’s plate to fill him. Progressively, over the period of six more years, his capacity will be enlarged. The growth and development of his physical body has produced this needed change. And children keep right on growing, expanding, enlarging, increasing their capacity until they arrive at a stature of maturity. If he is American, he then will be able to eat a steak with salad, baked potato, vegetable, drink and dessert!

Let no one, then, be judging you in food or in drink or in the particulars of a festival, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths, which are a shadow of those things which are impending — yet the body is the Christ's. Let no one be arbitrating against you, who wants, in humility and the ritual of the messengers, to parade what he has seen, feignedly, puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding the Head, out of Whom the entire body, being supplied and united through the assimilation and ligaments, is growing in the growth of God."    Colossians 2:16-19 concordant

Pressing on, we are growing, increasing with the increase God gives. We can not stop short of the city of God, of having the glory of God, for we have been born again by the incorruptible seed of the word of God. We are loosed from the wrappings of religious swaddling clothes that theological darkness spreads over the church experiences of Christ.

What Pentecostal church heavens call being baptized in His Spirit is merely the first steps into spiritual renewal. The Pentecostal church heavens do receive an earnest (down payment) of spiritual substance to speak with tongues, prophecy, see visions, heal the sick,  minister to the body. This is all wonderful, yet it is but a “midheaven” in Christ Jesus’s glorious Kingdom.

In our Father’s house there are many mansions, many places to abide. Yet before us, the Lord has made place for a people to gather to a general convocation. This is the FEAST OF TABERNACLES, the third heaven, the new Jerusalem. This is where the marriage supper of the Lamb gives full comprehension of the true measure of divinity, of the true breadth, length, depth and height available to us as God becomes our ALL. 

ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD is a majesty that transcends my groaning spirit's potential to describe, but certainly we cease to glory in the fact that we are Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, end-time or new-day saints. NOW we only perceive that WE ARE A TABERNACLE FOR THE FULLNESS THAT OUGHT TO BE. Our inheritance in Christ is far greater and grander than what any of His people have represented. Now we ask to possess more opportunity to believe in what God is Fathering at this present time!

For us there was deceit working in the partial success of past days. There is nothing more deceitful to those brethren who are pressing on than seeing a few more people saved, a few more people healed, a few more baptized in the spirit, a few more bishops manifested in the people’s midst! In that kind of PARTIAL SUCCESS, men conclude, “Praise God, this is great” and we have tendency to SETTLE FOR IT. Thus, many anointed men create followings that eventually end up in the ditches of church building programs.

Church tradition now forms an image of Babylon where men sell out on the truth of Christ to settle where there is certainly lack of vision that disqualifies them from being found to be very great in the Kingdom. Spiritual growth is the first requirement to gain our place in God’s promised homeland. Many faithful ministers have fought some giants that inhabited the lives of God’s people. And there are many unrighteous giants in the lives of Christians that He yet will conquer. He is coming to conquer ALL of us. We are constituted to grow to full stature! 

Many Christians grow just enough to put on a good show that they are still working and well off. Christians in America today have become easily satisfied with worldly standards, settling questions with answers that are comfortable for them. Not too hot, nor too cold, but lukewarm.

God has been working by the spirit outside every camp ruled by men. He is working in the desert places, coming like a thief in the night, in His Word and by His Spirit to sweep into the hidden areas of our hearts to reveal His truth. In light of knowing for what we are called, we are working out the Father’s will. Many are leaving those Pentecostal heavens that have had their day. That day has passed, as two thousand years of church has passed as an age. Now early on this third day, we see great unseen hosts involved in Christian end-time moves.

We are NOT seeking greater miracles than ever before, we are NOT seeking more spectacular healings, nor greater signs and wonders, nor more anointed prophetic utterance and praise. We want our strength to be weakened until we see to realize: GOD has brought a people to WHERE THEY OUGHT TO BE! The situations unfolding amongst the Lord's people are going to be great displays of God’s great power. A power that goes to our innermost intelligence, it must do a deep work within each spirit. He taught us not to trust in the partial success of former, passing heavens.

We are free from the in part realms of Christian growth in Pentecostal heavens, the conditions of the Laodicean candlestick church in Revelations. He sent a greater measure, a kingdom call to COME UP HITHER to a sevenfold brightness working in God that fills our inner being with THE COMPLETE REVELATION OF HIS GLORIOUS KINGDOM! We all are to be witnesses of the Lord's full increase. It is a complete COMING within the body of Christ. This is the glory upon which our inner man is focused.

His glory comes when those who treasure these types of beautiful aspirations break through to clearly know WHO AND WHAT WE ARE APPREHENDED TO BE IN HIM. Our ears have heard the sound of many trumpets, even the calls to “come up hither”. We cannot — dare not — settle for anything less! We follow on to know Him in all His wonderful fullness, to desire and receive all that He wants to give, along with all who thirst for true lamps with the sevenfold brightness of His throne:

"He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith." Revelation 3:13

Let us not sell out and settle short of the vision God has given in these momentous days. The whole creation is groaning and travailing together in pain to be delivered from the bondage of corruption. As Christians, we are sick and tired of division and strife, fear and hatred, sorrow and pain. We no longer want empty religious platitudes, rituals, ceremonies and doctrines. Our whole being is gripped by the most intense DESIRE TO RECEIVE TRUE LIBERTY. Yes, there is everywhere an unprecedented hunger for deliverance, freedom, and the reality of righteousness:

"In the midst of the throne a Lambkin standing, as though slain,...having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, commissioned for the entire earth."   Revelation 5:6 concordant

"These things said He that hath the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: I am aware of your acts, that you have a name that you are living, and are dead."   Revelation 3:1-2 concordant

This sevenfold full portion of God’s spirit is available to free us from within, but God's people in general church systems seem to be dead to gripping true wisdom. Kingdom glory has the divine nature-empowered, sevenfold brighter Spirit that is poured out without measure. The SEVENFOLD BRIGHTNESS OF GOD'S GLORY is sent to be in those people who are commissioned! 

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord."   Zechariah 4:6

"According as the living Father commissions Me, I, also, am living because of the Father. And he who is masticating Me, he also will be living because of Me." John 6:58-59 concordant

Jesus had knowledge of things when here. He had all needed revelation, with power to heal every disease, cast out every devil, discern every thought and intent of men's hearts, command all elements of nature, raise the dead even after they were deteriorated and stinking, and could himself die and rise again from the dead. Some of us have been able to do a limited amount of this, yet all together we have been able to do only a scant amount.

We have had gifts of healing that have healed some sick people, but who has healed them all? Who has healed them every time? And how many have stayed healed, not to die? Some of us have been healed ourselves, and gotten sick again of something else. Jesus never gets sick! Some of us have prophesied, but who among us has had every word we spoke come to pass? Some of us have had wonderful miracles of supply, but which of us has fed thousands from five loaves and two fishes, or turned water into wine? Who has walked on the sea? Some have had their countenances lightened with the joy of the Lord, but who has stood on the mount of transfiguration with even their raiment shining as the brightness of the noon-day sun?

The Lord has purchased a people to be a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS. There is great wealth and heavenly glory for all who fulfill these purposes of God. We never lose or become diminished by godliness, nor are we ever impoverished by pouring out all that we have. The compelling passion of life is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, with Him coming into the depths of our heart to bring the satisfaction of knowing that our life counts to God. There is a way we can be used in the restoration of fallen creation that counts as serving Him in a more excellent ministry than what we have known in Pentecostal church heavens. 

Developing into a growth in Christ, we find people coming out of heavens that fall way short of worshipping God in the spirit and truth of the Lord's Day. We are having a marriage supper with the Lamb in the order of the New Jerusalem. Many Pentecostal leaders cannot lead people to this. They only lead others to the ditches of passing heavens formed by ruts that the spiritually blind have learned. Now some are even proud to be hypocrites and compulsive liars.

"Lord Jesus," we pray, “may the great river of your sevenfold love powerfully flow and flow and flow until the outflow to your people knows no circumference but envelopes all your people with your life and light and love. Amen!" In whom shall the Lord arise in the SEVENFOLD BRIGHTNESS OF HIS INTENSIFIED GLORY AND POWER? We have trust that it shall be seen within you and me now. Today our hearts are expectantly crying, “Oh Lord, let your brightness be revealed within my inner being today. Bestow the glory of God to fill our life with a radiance of His presence.” The brightness of our destiny enlightens our days to behold Him as He is.  

The King is flowing out in sevenfold strength to enlighten us all to see what is available in God, and to really hear what the spirit says to the people in candlestick church worship. Seen and unseen, we are gathering to our general convocation. We are not just thinking of “us four and no more” now. Any measure of ministry that flows out from the throne realm of our Lord will come in the SEVENFOLD SPIRIT that supersedes that partial church ministry which has worked in the mid-heavens of the candlestick church dispensations. 

"And I perceived, in the center of the throne and of the four animals, and in the center of the elders, a Lambkin standing, as though slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God, commissioned for the entire earth."   Revelation 5:6 concordant

Thy Kingdom Come Within

Forgive Us As We Forgive