The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Inner Peace

Many centuries ago the Spirit of God inspired these beautiful words of promise:

“But the wicked are like the troubled sea,when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.” Isaiah 57:20

“The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” Psalms 93:3-4

“Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.”   Psalms 89:9

Praise God! He rules the raging sounds coming from the hearts of humanity that toss us to and fro like a great sea wave whose tempests only He can still! The deceivable heart within man makes him unstable of nature, quickly moved by the storms created in the carnal mind. Worldly minded leaders can stoke the torrents of passions therein, with streams of vain imaginations, waves of indignation, frustration, and fear, blowing the winds of doubt and unbelief into turbulent emotions that are expressed in man’s soul. We all must be quieted by the Spirit of God. He has promised to arise within our spirit with peaceful confidence, to face the ragings of the the turbulent seas that are working in the minds of us human beings.

Paul describes how God built up His inner being with calm, to not be tossed to and fro by human craftiness:

“…for...we should  all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of  God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ, that we may by no means still be minors, surging ‘hither and thither’ and being carried about by every wind of teaching by human caprice, by craftiness with a view to the systematizing of the deception. Now, being true, in love we should be making all grow into Him, Who is the Head — Christ — out of Whom the entire body, being articulated together and united through every assimilation of the supply, in accord with the operation in measure of each one’s part, is making for the growth of the body, for the upbuilding of itself in love.”   Ephesians 4:14-17 concordant

The Word and Spirit of God received in our spirit brings great peace to us. It overflows with unfailing comfort to establish within us an unwavering right to make peace. It is very necessary then for us to gain the conscious awareness and presence of the spirit of God working to still and calm the essence of our inner being of spirit and mind. God has reconciled us through grace, exposing any other mindset that disrupts or opposes the peace of God.

The knowing of inner peace is reaching into our spirit as our constant reality. We know the conditions working in our inner spiritual man, even when interrupted by outer tempests. We do not have fear or a need to torment others. Our inner being has been calmed and comforted until the raging in the troubled seas of life vanishes from our life. Christ has made a contrast in us from the many people who are still troubled over so many things,

“The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.”   Isaiah 57:20

The Lord sends the light of His Word and Spirit to dispel the darkness of the carnal mind in His sons and daughters. He then reveals that the promises of the Old Testament prophets are clearly pertaining to the spiritual blessing of the Kingdom of God:

“In that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent, and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.”   Isaiah 27:1

Truly this describes the “dragon spirit” that now operates within mankind to toss it this way and that. The serpent mind is found in abundance within man’s thinking. Worldly minded as well as religious minded men are opposing the Spirit of God and the mind of Christ. The serpent spirit constantly holds our attention to earthly things, keeping people blind to the spiritual blessings found when Christ Jesus draws us to the right hand of God.

My redeemed soul rejoices with joy unspeakable in the knowledge that God has delivered us into His Kingdom. For us it is now within our inner spiritual man. God delights in slaying our inner turmoil to calm our inner trouble. God’s wisdom will slay the beast nature within us, and quiet every soul that now is being drawn to Him to take comfort in the mighty, strong sword of the Lord — THE WORD OF GOD.

Surely multitudes of men are wickedly restless, becoming clamoring, surging people who are storm-tossed and dominated by thoughts and passions of tormenting darkness, lacking real peace. This is not the case of Christian followers who perceive an exquisite sea of glass before the throne of God, representing the place He has prepared for us to abide.

Spiritually, we are being assembled together with the great unseen body of Christ, to be quickened within and then transformed in body as believers IN WHOSE HEARTS RESTS THE PEACE OF GOD. We are come to the general assembly, to Mount Zion, where the body of Christ is gathered. Spiritual Mt. Zion is where the spirit of God is flowing out with power to redeem men and women to a calmed, serene, tranquil quietness like a sea of glass, being transformed “even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

“After these things I perceived, and lo! a door is open in heaven, and 'lo'! the first sound which I hear is as a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here!' and I will be showing you what must be occurring after these things.’ Now immediately I came to be in spirit, and 'lo!' a throne, located in heaven, and on the throne One sitting.”   Revelation 4:1-2 concordant

To be in God’s sea of transparent glass, one must be mingled with cleansing fire. This describes with words what God is doing with sons and daughters coming to God through His King, Jesus Christ. Jesus is now enthroned by God the Father, being thoroughly cleansed and completely perfect, enthroned with power to make each of us individualized and complete sons of the Father. We are now awakened to the power of His presence as He enters our believing hearts to instruct us by His Word and His Spirit. He has created a oneness of spirit in love, peace, and joy that makes a comfortable dwelling of God in us.

Can God indeed indwell a man? God the Father through Christ Jesus certainly does desire to indwell us by His Spirit in order to make us alive to the dominant love, peace, and joy of the King. His Kingdom has divine union within our inner spiritual man. The redeemed firstborn Son proclaimed that we have freedom from disturbance:

Peace I am leaving with you. My peace I am giving to you. Not according as the world is giving to you, am I giving to you. Let not your heart be disturbed, neither let it be timid.”   John 14:27 concordant

As we acquire His quality of peace in our heart by the spirit, we display God’s grace in the midst of our daily problems and pressures. Worldly turmoil and fear surrounding others is not blocking the peace supplied to us. Thank God the order of the New Jerusalem is descending now, coming from His throne realm by the spirit to release us into peace, love, and joy within our inner spiritual man.

Peace is a special characteristic of God to which we are awakening. Spiritual life REALLY IS a peaceful REALITY! It has spiritual dimensions now available to work deep within our own spirit. Our spirit knows the Father's nature that breaks through every circumstance to calm the raging seas that are tossing about the hearts, minds, and dispositions of people on this planet.

God has brought many sons to walk in states of higher consciousness. They possess an awareness of the King and are giving true expression of His glorious reality. Jesus is coming now to heal the crushed hearts of His people. He makes pardon for where we have been blind, giving power to receive eyes to see ahead, to see and understand history behind us, and be full of eyes to see everything that works within us to dispatch every oppression. He will KEEP COMING through the ages until every man that is living, or has ever lived, is filled with the peace of His Kingdom. Hallelujah!

"And out of the throne are issuing lightnings and voices and thunders. And seven torches of fire are burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. And before the throne it is as a glassy sea, like crystal.” Revelation 4:5-6

The men and women of this world are in desperate need of His peace. Human hearts are failing today for fear at looking after those things which are coming upon the earth. Great trouble is being heaped upon people who are being destroyed with fear and dread. These include violent thoughts, moral, and mental breakdowns, broken homes, all ruled over by corrupt conditions that have influenced us privately to be unhappy in our own homes.

In our national government, we have wars and rumors of wars, with ever-increasing degradation of moral character that reaps the whirlwind of sorrow, suffering, disease, and death. Yes, multitudes are tossed to and fro in the TROUBLED SEA of enraging passion today! How often the raging waves of that sea have beat with fury at our own breasts to form mindsets of fear, doubts, frustrations, anxieties, sorrow and confusion, marking well what we are.

Thank God there is a mighty power of Spirit that springs up from within Christians as a constant source of peace to face every moment of every tempest. With calm truths raised within us, we can slay the dragon that is raging in the sea of humanity. God has desired us to be accomplished sons within His family.  His Spirit now quickens an understanding within us. It is written upon our being and the truth of it flows out of inner unity with Christ. We Christians do not belong to a denomination, we belong to God’s heavenly city, a state of spiritual calm, the peaceful domain of the righteous King. We belong to and with Christ, though mingled with God’s fiery trials to consume away any dross yet in us that is unlike Him.

Good looking glass is made of sand heated with enough fire to transform that sand into a united material that is reflective or transparent. To see into the light of God’s Day will bring CLEANSING FIRE that cleanses His people to “sing a new song”. The new song brings inner harmony, unity, strength to be at peace, to know love and enjoy Christ’s enthronement within us. We are transparently showing the source of our peace daily. We are showing the redemption from the ways of the serpent that causes so much damage, raging about in the sea of man’s mind. We are made free from the lies that toss people this way and that into life’s circumstances these days upon planet earth.

Now our spirit is made alive, our mind is set right, and our mouth offers words to make peace as much as the God of peace allows. He is coming to roar peacefully in Zion. God intends to change all of His people into a more perfect image like that operating now in the ministry of the Lamb from Mount Zion.

An eonian evangel is a message that lasts for the ages, for that which He speaks is true judgment. God, our Father, is writing His thoughts on our inner spiritual being, allowing us to find a place of unity with Christ. We do rest from the toil that is in man and are reaped to focus on the higher things going on before God's throne. We are learning how to walk upon the glassy sea of peace and tranquillity. 

A most instructive scriptural admonition for Christians about God's peace is found wherein Paul writes:

"Now over all these put on love, which is the tie of maturity. And let the peace of Christ be arbitrating in your hearts, for which you were called also in one body; and become thankful. Let the word of Christ be making its home in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing yourselves; in psalms, in hymns, in spiritual songs, singing, with grace in your hearts to God."   Colossians 3:15-16 concordant

The Amplified Bible expresses with so much clarity:

“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from the Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts, deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds (in that peaceful state) to which (as members of Christ’s) one body you were also called (to live). And be thankful, appreciative, giving praise to God always."   Colossians 3:15

The peace of God acts as an “umpire in our hearts” today as sons of our heavenly Father are shown the way of the spirit to find and decide on a wise course of action. We Christians need more training at actively letting the peace of God be the umpire within our hearts, letting Him make the rules in our inner matters!

We don't argue with this umpire’s calls. We are in agreement with the way He sees things. He rules because God has predestined all people will be conformed unto His own image. His Kingdom rule brings blessed principles that keep working daily deeper into our being until abiding peace, love, and joy is granted to us faithful followers!

We all need to pray for God’s guidance when we are in a quandary as to which way to go where decisions have to be made and actions taken. He removes the doubts from not knowing how to go here or there, or questions about ‘should I do it this way or that?’. Men seldom know with wisdom about spiritual matters. Yet we Christians should find God directly leading us in most every matter as we look within our own spirit for the umpire. When considering some of our dispositions, there could be unrest in our heart, question marks, or pondering red flags that pop up saying to us “HEY, this is not the way." Therein the Lord is faithful to make us know the way which engenders peace and righteousness back upon us.

Worldly minded people decide a course of action that looks reasonable, sounds like the intelligent thing to do, and may appeal to the sense of what they desire, yet they clearly sense something is wrong. Mature Christians learn to follow after righteousness, bearing a word of peace that is the direct guidance of His Spirit.

Christ within us is looking, and listening, teaching as we have been allowed to follow after the Lord of peace, love, and joy. Sons and daughters of God listen to the mind of Christ to follow after peace. They are letting God’s kingdom rule in their hearts by letting Him decide on their issues. His mindset being revealed from within, He is in fact our King. With experience we Christians will learn not to harbor brotherly malice to violate the rule and reign of peace.

We don’t want to LISTEN to any fearful thoughts. We are focused on One without FEAR. When fear is cast out of our inner being, then LOVE has been perfected in us and is now capable of ruling within us. That is what God does when TABERNACLING (dwelling) within us now. He comes within our inner spiritual man to show forth His wisdom so we may know how to effectively address the issues of our lives.

Christian people should not do something just because everyone else does it, nor yield to oppressive pressure from powerful religious voices that we often regret. It is profitable to follow after the peace of God in our life. Mature Christians learn to let God be the umpire within them, deciding and settling all our questions, all our issues in life and death, and bringing us to inner calm while in troubling seas stirred up by fear in the minds of men. 

When the stillness of abiding with peace comes, we are perfectly patient waiting on the Lord’s next event. For while we wait patiently, He is coming, He is appearing! Oh, thank God His people will let patience have its perfecting work! The umpire has been showing up quickly, as inside of us the Lord is coming rapidly! Christians are letting His peace rule within them. There is room for all the truth of righteousness and all the keys that open the gateways to the city of God. Our King has been granted the fullest measure of peaceful fruit, being beloved of the Father.

Christians stay at peace with God. By the grace given His sons and daughters, we are forgiven of our shortcomings, our faults and our trespassing. He reigns within us by having MERCY that establishes us on the highest principles and orders of spiritual life. Within us, One has started a redeeming work to establish us in His lasting order. God has been leading us and including us in a redemption from every situation and circumstance of our lives. The clear intention of God toward us Christians in this world and throughout the unbounded heavens is to bring us to where God’s mercy, love, light, and peace are ENTHRONED within us. This is truly His kingdom come in our earth!

No matter how long it takes, or how stained or dark our past, God grants forgiveness abundantly when we are willing to receive from Him. God is our Father, One who comes to judge every hidden darkness within men. He founded a priesthood where God, by His consuming fire, could burn out the hay, wood, and stubble of religious thinking — every bit of that dross. The third day fires are burning away inner fears and personal prison houses until peace, love, and joy is fully established within us who believe.

He is still publishing the reign of His peace and His promised FULL SALVATION is coming to Zion. Zion is where just men are perfected by His Spirit to become messengers who bring good tidings of great things. These bring lasting messages that cause men to enter their promised rest from long centuries of toil.

“Rouse! Rouse! Put on your strength, Zion! Put on your beautiful clothes, Jerusalem, the holy city! For the uncircumcised and unclean shall not again come in to you any longer. Shake your self from the dust, And arise, captive Jerusalem! Unloose the bonds of your neck, captive daughter of Zion! For thus says Yahweh:

‘Gratuitously were you sold, And not with silver shall you be redeemed’. For thus says my Lord Yahweh: ‘To Egypt My people descended at first to sojourn there, And Assyria worked them harm for nothing. And now, what is for Me here,’ averring is Yahweh, ‘That My people were taken gratuitously? Their rulers are howling’, averring is Yahweh,’ And continually the entire day My Name suffers indignity. Therefore My people shall know My Name; Therefore in that day they will know that I am He Who is speaking’: Behold Me!”

“How comely on the mountains are the feet of the tidings bearer,Who is announcing peace, bearing tidings of good, announcing salvation, saying to Zion, Your Elohim reigns!

The voice of your watchmen, They lift up their voice; Together they are jubilant, For they shall see eye to eye when Yahweh returns to Zion with compassion. Burst forth! Be jubilant together, deserted places of Jerusalem! For Yahweh comforts His people, And He redeems (heavenly) Jerusalem.”   Isaiah 52:1,9 concordant


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