The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Word of Our Testimony

Jesus had an inner connection with God as a Father while living and walking on earth. Those who follow the Lord are also raised within their being to connection with heavenly places while they live. Our mind is conscious of heavenly thoughts even now. The Greek word used for the New Testament word heaven is ‘ouranos’ meaning ‘elevation, height, exaltation, eminence’. Our inner spiritual person does know some of the realities of the heights and exalted presence of God, the invisible, omnipresent reality in which celestial beings dwell. It is neither a material geographical place nor an astral location of space in the galaxy.

GOD'S SPIRIT grants LIFE to the SPIRIT of earth bound humans, supplying a new birth within our inner being to His truth, making us know oneness with God’s SPHERE OF EXISTENCE. Christians are born of A HIGHER POWER that prevails within us to enlighten us to see what God has done in Jesus.

We grow as we are led by God’s Spirit to be just like Jesus. God’s Spirit touches our spirit to help and we soon cry out, Abba, Father! God has become an abiding supply of strength in our inner spiritual person. Now that our inner spiritual person has become His tabernacle, we are constituted with a higher inner consciousness and are given an understanding of the Father’s heavenly mind.

Paul made this remarkable statement:

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”   Ephesians 2:4-10 NAS

In this blessed day, we can walk in the light He is making clear to our inner spiritual being. We are being raised up today and given seating with Christ Jesus. Having been introduced to heavenly places, Mount Zion is set before us when we are enthroned with Jesus Christ. Zion is the dimension where just men are being made perfect.

That is the reality of mature sons who conquer Babylon’s confusion by the blood of God’s lamb, by their words of testimony, and not loving their own lives unto the end. Mature sons are raised to know where HE is seated! We do not have to die to go to heaven, yet our spirit must reign over our soulish lives to get to this inner reality.

Christ has been coming, bringing deliverance and release to faithful followers who ascend into higher heavenly places within their spirit, being just like Jesus. Overcomers are drawn higher to enter God’s city, a place of peace and unity, to become extensions of His government.

The King is at the right hand of God, ascended to God’s highest dimension of consciousness, knowing the realities of God. We too can gain access to the treasures that have been given to Christ Jesus. Christian brethren are predestined to grow up into Him in ALL things, to be perfect (mature), to become fully grown in stature as Christians birthed, grown, and completed with ability to experience truthful union with our heavenly Father.

The history of Christian churches is revealed in Revelation 2 and 3. The early churches are the “candlestick churches” that have only created passing heavens. These have kept most Christians as babes, focused on earthly events, becoming “earth dwellers” in their understanding of scriptures. Christian babes primarily apply literal applications to revelatory scripture by their focus on earthly events. They have not developed a proper perception of our Lord’s SPIRITUAL MIND.

Instead, the earthly minded perceptions of men have been taught to generations of Christian brethren by those wanting to maintain preeminence among the church. They have added false doctrines and traditional ways of following Christ that have become entrenched fallacies, some of which the Lord HATES. Those in candlestick church traditions, presented as standard fare among church goers, have a limited consciousness of Christ with divisive mindsets that separate Christian fellowships with strife.

Sons grow quickly once beyond the carnal programs that hold them to the bylaws of passing candlestick church heavens that become Babylonian confusion to us. Christians are called to the glory of the city of God. We are laying claim to our spiritual inheritance now, in which God brings us up into a third heaven where it is unlawful for our MAN to speak. This is paradise, where the words spoken are the Lord’s and HIS Spirit prevails. This is where we belong — where strife is ended, divisions not found, and lying is outside the doors. This is where it is not lawful for any man to be lifting up the voice of human reasoning with human judgments that divide with unjust condemnation.

The third heaven is filled with the wisdom of the Lord. It is a reserved place, a paradise we are being raised into even now, being cleansed in spirit and mind high above every lying deception. John beheld a heavenly sign showing something or someone being CAST OUT OF HEAVEN, AS SATAN IS BEING THROWN DOWN FROM THESE HEAVENLY PLACES INTO THE EARTH:

" And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.." Revelation 12:7-9 NAS

John was beholding a heavenly order of things and heavenly messengers that have deceived believing brethren being thrown down because an inspired judgment uncovered the lying accusations of the DRAGON SPIRIT. Michael and His messengers do fight for truth that concerns all God’s sons and daughters. All who are drawn to His throne are made well aware to find the process of being caught up can be swift or drawn out in our life.

God has been successful in gracefully drawing faithful ones of every generation to the throne of mercy for some two thousand years. The qualification for these overcomers is to have the Father’s name (nature) written within their inner spiritual being, resulting in mouths with NO GUILE. These truth tellers are not defiled with the accusing tongue of Babylon’s dragon spirit.

Overcomers cast down their OWN THOUGHTS AND THEIR OWN REASONINGS. They are not given to the dragon spirit’s administration, as no place for that is given by us. These do not use CONDEMNATION to instruct people. They do not keep the law, nor rest on learned scriptural study. They do not point out other people’s faults in the heights of worship.

Heavenly minded people who belong to Jesus Christ come to reign in minds that are free of religious church activity, free from systems that deceive Christian souls in limited worship in lesser orders that are not completely true. Candlestick churches hold up messages that are less than the truth and are therefore subject to devils. Jesus and His early disciples conquered because the firstborn son resisted to conquer the devil spirit in the wilderness, when He stated “IT IS WRITTEN”. Jesus always resisted doing things the way the Adversary suggested.

As Revelation reveals, the candlestick churches are clothed with shortcomings. They fell into natural understandings of scripture, clothed in the sunlight of a denominational system. They have not been able to cast Satan out from their heavens, which are still full of strife and division. Thus Satan continues to operate very much in Christianity’s best religious programs, causing competition behind the scenes, bringing division and much strife among Christian brethren with jealous floods of words warring in their “streets” (church meetings), publishing dead ideas with earthly minded motivation that pollute His people with “dragon” ideas and ways.

“But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.” Revelation 2:20 NAS

God’s city contains a throne, but outside are dogs, and sorcerers, the immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying. Satan’s greatest religious activity is making lies about God in candlestick churches! Overcomers must grow in their inner character to discern the lie in the candlestick realm by Christ’s power in teaching us to love peace, truth, and righteousness. We may enjoy a direct teaching by the Holy Spirit, instructed not to build in passing heavens ruled by lying men. Christ must shine within us to effectively lead us to Zion’s higher abiding connections, drawing us to our heavenly Father’s reserved places in the city of God.

We see that Satan’s throne is found in the Lord's candlestick church of Pergamos in the book of Revelation. Later in the Christian church of Thyatira the depth of Satan is fully known and has already fully taken over the church. These are the Lord's people, blinded Christians of past generations taken captive by an adversary for two thousand years, having been deceived about many things.

The deception has been so great among Christian brethren that only an elect get the true judgment of Jesus Christ. These see what is clearly right, without any lying. They are refusing hateful prejudice, giving no place to Satanic ideas that deceive people in order to DOMINATE AND PROFIT from Christian fellowship!

The scriptural truths of Revelation chapter 2 and 3 are easily identified in the early history of the Christian churches. Each stage has been good but each needed to overcome something in order to be caught up to lasting places to experience worshiping God in the spirit of truth.

Heavenly minded people are freed by vital truth that is anchored within our hearts to a power that casts off every offense, effectively leading us to be enthroned with the godly qualities of our Father. When the religious, critical, fault-finding, accusing spirit that accuses our brethren is cast out of our inner person, it can be said truly, “NOW is come salvation…”

Let us all UNDERSTAND how the dragon works in the dusty, earthy methods of religious mindsets to twist the scripture. This develops into such carnal doctrinal organizations filled with strife that manufacture still more division by lying, being in league with other corrupt behavior of hate that brings malice among brethren. It is a blessed moment when the accuser of the brethren is CAST OUT of our house! Then we are saved in immediate realization that, NOW …not later today, not tomorrow, not when I die and go to heaven, but right now, my salvation is being completed, sealed in Christ’s full measure:

“…now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down.” Revelation 12:10

The King is right, righteous, peaceful, and His joy is manifestly established in our spiritual being also. The King’s priests judge every person with righteous, yet merciful judgment. God brings joy inside those of us who pray for those who despitefully use us in our life’s journey. The present day messages coming from candlestick churches judge that people outside their faith are worthy of eternal torment, and continue to proclaim most other people need corrective fury to escape hell’s condemnation forever!

These ministries have pointed out our personal faults, filling us with doctrines of eternal damnation. The people of the Lord — Christians — have been very RELIGIOUS in establishing their traditional church ways of worship, most of which need to be completely eradicated from our thought processes, inclinations, and value systems. Few seem to understand that Satan's throne was established in the Pergamos church. It has been set in the church and there it is still, robbing its people with denying the leadership of the Holy Spirit in favor of man’s systems and traditions.

The clear markings of a beastly mind are seen working in ministerial messages that publish false judgments inclined to find fault with others in order to exalt their own values, leading church organizers to systematically judge others incorrectly. The overcomers of the candlestick experience , however, expose their every prejudice, freeing them to speak without guile. These are found drawn to a full salvation that is now established within them, connected with divine design that will reign over all earthly matters. God, as our Father, abides within us to FULLY SAVE US in every matter we face. God is now revealing His heavenly answers for the matters we move through, as we see more clearly what can be grasped.

When we see Jesus, to know Him as He really is, we know there is NO MORE CONDEMNATION COMING OUT FROM HIM! His judgments are merciful and just, truth works to free us at last. Thank God Almighty, we’re free to evoke the proclamation, “NOW is come salvation!”

Some still say, “But I thought we already had salvation,” referring to the beginning convictions of sin and seeking pardon of sins to receive the free gift. Yes, but the completion of our salvation is pressed and growing into a more complete salvation that enables us to recognize how Satanic lies are enthroned in the candlestick church order. That dragon voice has lying thoughts that have deceived and influenced church leaders’ judgments to openly condemn non-believers to hell forever, twisting the scripture to burn innocent people at the stake, commonly judging God’s prophets wrongly as heretics. Thank God for the end of every kind of “stake burning”!

To realize the promise of God, we wait for the redemption of our body while He is doing a transforming work within our spirit that effectively saves our soul in delivering us from our own carnal mind. Christ leads us to total and complete deliverance over death, hell, and the grave. He gives us life for our whole being — spirit, soul, and body — when God plants glorious words in us that are His incorruptible seed. Peter wrote about inheriting a final salvation:

“We who are being guarded by God’s power through your faith till you fully inherit that final salvation that is ready to be revealed for you in the last time.” I Peter 1:5 Amplified

“NOW is come strength!” This scriptural reference is to God’s power (Greek: ‘dunamis’, power) which implies that God guards to strengthen His sons and daughters with a final manifestation of HIS OMNIPOTENT POWER until it is fully inherited. We are being sealed as free from our former inner weakness, free to clearly see the righteousness of the Lord, free from being susceptible to bitterness, free from vengeful wrath coming from us, and free of unjust anger or clamor and the slanderous wiles of the devil, the craftiness of religious men having been put off from us!

These overcoming sons are caught up to God’s throne because the inner craftiness of beastly religious men is bound within their own being. God proves each of His sons in these matters. Cleansing fires will rage until we have truly overcome by the Lamb’s sacrifice changing our testimony, proving we are not loving our own life to the death. God has now saved some just men who are being made perfect. They are found to be invested with the firstborn Son who testified:

All power is given unto me, in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18

Jesus Christ has set us free from the power of sin and death, bringing those of us who believe to a full deliverance, a complete work that restores right relationship to God in our lives. God never lies. Anyone who studies the scripture will plainly see He never lies to anyone. He ALWAYS does what He says He will do. There is no lack in us, no imperfection in us, no fear in us, no torment in us, no bondage for us, no sickness, nor sorrow, nor pain that separates us from Him. NOTHING can separate us from the love of God nor from loving Christ because the Light that comes in all circumstances abides within us.

Evil men do vile deeds of devils, inflicting the worst harm, followed by expressions of hellish anguish because man is subject to deaths of all sorts. But God reigns sovereignly within His firstfruit man child company, Michael and His messengers. Yes, the whole earth belongs to the Lord. We Christians are being raised in this last day to a life fit perfectly with His Spirit, with the “just men being made perfect” in spiritual Mount Zion. Here all the great witnesses of God’s family are found in the unseen ranks, where they dwell in God’s beloved Son. He has broken down every wall (refuge) of lies, transforming them from what is contrary to God’s nature, mind, and will to bring us all into harmony and union with His Holy Spirit.

Christ mightily conquers any remaining bondage to corruption within us when “NOW is come the kingdom of our God.” NOW He has established a purity of heart as the “pure in heart see God”. Our hearts are changed by hearing His truth. Those being conformed to His righteousness are advancing in knowing the will and ways of God. Christ raises up within us great possibilities and its value is above ALL other personal realities.

Now we have the mind of Christ that guides us into union with God as being our Father! Now the bread of kingdom life is coming to us daily for our private, personal life as He is sovereignly teaching us by His spirit. He is guiding our spirit with a touch, changing our mind, giving place to wisdom. We find heavenly treasures opening that usher us to enter into a greater awareness of His reality:

Now is come the Kingdom of our God and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of the brethren is cast down,” Revelation 12:10

The kingdom of God is now composed of great companies of elect sons and daughters who are listening to the voice of His Spirit and putting His thoughts in proper order to obey His directives to walk in His will and fulfill His purposes. We are made loyal subjects of His domain to do the bidding of the King, as brethren having the same Father. These brethren are patiently listening for instruction, ever learning, for IT IS NOW IN THEIR NATURE TO DO ALWAYS THOSE THINGS THAT PLEASE THE FATHER, just as Jesus does.

Are we citizens of the kingdom of God, are we under the King’s rule and authority? Are we ambassadors of that heavenly place where the heirs of God are joint-heirs with Christ Jesus? Are we destined to share His glory? Are we sitting with Him, enthroned, while all other men and women are drawn to their place in God’s city? Are we members of the government of God, always peaceful, increasing in wisdom, and correct in judgment, knowing the heavenly mind is expressed through us?

God kept this saving power reserved, in store, to be revealed and committed to true servants throughout the age to come.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” I Peter 1:3-7 NAS

The revelation of Jesus Christ is ready to take place, ready to shake the world. He is the true King, THE SON WHO CAN. He has power over all flesh. What is given us on earth is the Lord’s and all heaven is His too. Our King is the firstborn of many brothers who are made Royal Priests of a Heavenly Father Who destines them to reign with authority over every earthly part of themselves. In the church, their religious man is tried and in the nations, money and power test the fiber of our character. Those sealed as sons are testimony of Jesus’s life, light, and love. They are given governmental authority to sweep away every refuge of lies to release people from their bondages to death.

God’s Royal Priesthood shall be seen in all realms of heaven and earth as the awesome POWER OF GOD’S LOVING MERCY. These are made to see, to be free, becoming one in Him to become THE POWER OF GOD’S CHRIST. Are you ready? Jesus was ready to minister to others when He came up out of the wilderness of temptation in the power of the Spirit. He is still ready to conquer our every problem right now. He will keep coming forth to conquer. NOW our salvation is coming — all of this, and much more, is coming now because the accuser is cast out from us!

Little wonder, then, that it is the identity of Christians that are recipients of the message:

“I am aware where you are dwelling where the throne of Satan is and you are holding My name, and do not disown My faith in the days in which Antipas, My faithful witness, was killed among you, where Satan is dwelling.” Revelation 2:13-14 concordant

The devil's throne was established in Rome, where the members of His Thyatira candlestick church suffered that Jezebel system to teach literalistic, legalistic, judgmental, and hierarchical concepts as biblical truth. This candlestick church is named “Christian” but it is where God’s truth is twisted into the false doctrines of an angry and vindictive God. This church theology threatens HELL and TORMENT FOREVER under the DEVIL’S very own wrath if they are disregarded.

Centuries ago, purgatory was projected upon God’s people with intent to gain tribute, to complete the corruption representing God’s intent. So we see that mother of harlots, a Babylonish system, has filled its followers with lying wonders that show great signs to deceive as many Christians as possible. The whole church world has been deceived, in that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived!

FEAR is one of the most prominent tools of nearly all religious systems. It is used to keep their people in bondage to their system. Christians suffer pain for fear of coming judgment, fear of hell’s punishment, fear of excommunication, fear of tribulation, fear of the antichrist, fear of the end-times, fear of missing the “rapture,” and a thousand other fears that plague and torment the religious thinking of earthly-minded church goers.

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world…” Revelation 12:9

Satan deceives the whole world. The word “world” is the Greek word ‘kosmos’ meaning ‘orderly arrangement’ or system of things.’ It refers to the present order or system of things upon earth. The world has systems created by man to supply his needs, including such things as culture, religion, politics, economics, business, education, law enforcement, military, science, government, and various other institutions and orders that govern the lives of men and nations. The Holy Spirit testifies that:

“…we know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the wicked one,”I John 5:19

We see by this that everyone who lives by the standards of this present world order is in some manner deceived by Satan. Does that mean they are all bad people? Not at all! There are millions of decent, honest, hard-working, law-abiding, good, loving, God-fearing people who live by the norms of their culture — well educated, having religious ethics, and living within societal norms. Yet many of their opinions and conclusions about life’s spiritual reality miss the purposes of God because they are flawed, mistaken, and erroneously taught by institutions that are supposed to be representing Christ Jesus.

We have all been deceived! Even after being baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit, we have been somewhat worldly minded, and carnal religious systems are part of that confused deception. The educational systems are deceived. The medical profession is deceived. The political and governmental realms are deceived. Even the world of science and technology is deceived. How can the educational systems not be deceived, when their most educated, sincere, and brilliant minds teach as fact theories of man’s evolution? Why do men oppose the scriptural record of creation and scoff at one of the most self-evident of truths, the truth that God’s intelligence designed the creation?

If the medical establishment of America were not deceived, they would treat the patient’s underlying cause of disease rather than their symptoms. Why do medical doctors prescribe drugs that kill thousands of American citizens every year and do harm to millions more worldwide? If there was an herbal supplement on the market that killed even a hundred people annually, it would immediately be banned. And should there be several dietary supplements that killed just a hundred people annually, every health food store in America would be closed.

The military operations of the world’s nations are deceived to operate in fear. Assumptions of peace have brought more war rather than formed lasting peace. History, even our recent American history, reveals the immutable truth that every conflict sows within itself the seeds of the next conflict. There are many examples to the absolute truth of John’s observation that the whole world is clearly and unmistakably deceived. The lack of true wisdom is evidenced in all of man’s institutions and systems of this present evil world order.

God has planned for our redemption from Adam’s deceived race. He planned our transformation into the image and glory of God from the beginning. God has accepted the Firstborn, a new creation man that has entered in wholly on our behalf. God points us to Jesus and asks us to believe in His omnipotent energy and His everlasting sufficiency. Ah, this celestial Man is ALIVE and He injects the Spirit of LIFE into men, imparting something we have lacked from the day Adam was driven from Eden’s bright portals.

His LIFE connects our spirit to a COMPLETE change. God changes us completely as our spirit is quickened by His Spirit. His life within us is a spiritual marriage that rises in union with LIFE AND IMMORTALITY. Sons of God are able to overcome the adversary in ALL of his workings — that is the correct testimony. His testimony, now our testimony, is that the power of HIS LIFE WITHIN US avails and prevails to be sufficient:

“…they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony …and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11

Hearing the blessed words of Jesus will show us the path to life and glory:

“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16:24

“Let him deny himself…” We might paraphrase these words, “Let him forget himself.” That’s totally unlike a child. What is the attitude of a child? "That’s mine! Give me that! Mama, make him give it to me — it’s mine!" What is the prevailing attitude in American church today? “I want mine…I want my blessing, my promises, my prosperity, my miracle, I want…I want…I want…what’s mine!”

“Whosoever will walk the same path that I walk,” says the firstborn Son, “let him forget himself. Let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever will save his life shall lose it.” The word there for life is ‘psuche’ — SOUL. Whosoever will save, cling to, preserve his soul shall lose it. “Lose” is a strong word here. It means to utterly destroy:

“And whosoever will lose his life [soul] for my sake shall find it.” Matthew 16:25

Whoever utterly forgets his own soul: his own mind with its own feelings, his own opinion, his own ways, his own desires, his own will for the sake of God’s word and ways, shall be saved, preserved, and delivered. Get ahold of God’s word and apply that word and you will blossom into heaven itself! We are instructed and guided to lose our soulish life to take our spiritual head’s direction as He grants it! Every mature son or daughter of God will have laid down their own feelings, wants, and opinions. IT’S NOT ABOUT STRUGGLING WITH OUR SOUL — IT IS ABOUT FORGETTING IT, DESTROYING IT BY DYING TO ITS SELFISH DEMANDS.

If you want to be a loser, here’s how: just keep your own way of thinking. “Well, here’s what I think,” most everyone says. Jesus says, “Forget about your soul and follow me!” Forget about our human identity in the outer man, take up our cross, and follow Jesus to the mount of Olives, to a resurrection into a new consciousness. Here we are finding our true identity, a spiritual union with the LIFE of God that enable us to realize heaven NOW. God is in our life to make the reality of heaven indeed real to us now!

Temptation & Testing

The Feast of Tabernacles