The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Mark of the Beast

“Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” Revelation 20:4 NAS

The MARK OF THE BEAST is a mark of confusion and is found among Christians, where confusion reigns about the spiritual matters of the Lord. The teachings gained in candlestick church heavens have “marked” Christian believers, making ranks of Christian souls that are subject to standard church influences. Under much uninspired interpretation of scripture stopping short of the promises, this has resulted in a great variety of false religious viewpoints that mark people with understandings reduced in effectiveness and spiritual awareness. It is a “beastly” way of thinking.

Mystery BABYLON may have RAMIFICATIONS AND MEANINGS in political and economic realms, but most assuredly it does represent a marking of religious Christianity. The “mark of the Father” or “the mark of the beast” is upon and within us Christians. In the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation, John saw a beast that is empowered by a dragon. The whole earth is amazed and follows after this ancient deceiver who shows signs that fill even the minds of Christians with literal (natural) understandings of prophetic scripture. These things are most especially elementary milk of the word, not the revelatory part of the words of God, not the meat about the Melchizedek order or the truth of the book of Revelation.

The state of our spiritual awareness directly affects the quality of our thinking, as our mind is influenced by our inner character. The nature of our Father is being revealed to our inner being. Its writings establish us with Him as we are having the Father’s name (nature) impressed on our spirit as truth. Until people are sealed with His judgments and dominated by His instructions, there needs to be spiritual growth into proper changes that cover us with His divine nature.

What our Father reveals RULES over our soul when we partake of the Father’s daily bread. God can be at home in us as we become loving and kind like Him. This causes us to come away from the influential markings of any and all “beastly, carnal teaching” of scripture. Certainly good religious men in churches cause their interpretations of scripture to mark others with certain questionable, even false understandings of standard church norms about spiritual matters. This creates standards that keep the Lord’s people in these “church heavens,” under their rule insteat of the Father’s rule.

All followers of Jesus Christ are indelibly being marked by the word they receive. Only mature sons receive the true meat of the word, while most Christians are now marked with beastly, incorrect ideas about God, having been subject to man-dominated church culture. Selfish and ignorant interpretations of scripture have also limited the spiritual development of deep-rooted believers of past generations.

Some are so deeply ingrained in church culture that they cannot even THINK, much less ACT, except in terms of their church’s viewpoint. They believe that all Christians should be established in a church as the only acceptable order for Christians. Each denomination or non-profit organization has corporate boards who agree to national creeds that actively build programs, supporting church hierarchy and seminaries with rituals of honor, sanctifying the sacraments, and the passing of the plate, etc. etc.

Can’t you discern what particular Christian denomination or movement people have belonged to by their casual conversation, by their style of clothing, or by the way they proclaim certain words, and, most certainly how they understand and speak of the Bible? God, most importantly, still seeks those who worship Him IN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH,

"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:23-24 NAS

“In this you know the spirit of God: every spirit which is avowing Jesus Christ, having come in flesh, is of God, and every spirit which is not avowing Jesus the Lord having come in flesh is not of God. And this is that of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and is now already in the world." I John 4:2-4 concordant

The antichrist spirit was in the world at the time of John. God is now presenting spiritual insight into who Jesus Christ is by sending A SPIRIT OF TRUTH into our inner being. He is washing us from earthly dirt, man’s interpretations, and all beastly markings of unenlightened men. We are kept clean as we continually grasp the mind of God that really delivers us into abundant and full sonship like Jesus.

God, our Father, is coming now by the Spirit to let us see the gathering to Jesus Christ. We give no harbor for literal interpretations of the book of Revelation. In our thinking, we see Jesus is coming as King right now, accomplishing a complete takeover within us, the called, chosen, and faithful. God has quickened our inner spiritual person to be alive to God.

His coming now intimately grooms us as our thoughts are inspired. We are quick to find a proper response to what our life presents NOW. God’s Spirit quickens our spirit with markings of true messages. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE is expressing the mind of Christ. That is what is being made real in us.

Therefore, it becomes more and more interesting to bear the MARK OF OUR FATHER’s name in our forehead (thinking). We bear the marks of sealed sons, as those inspired to have escaped the markings of the beast. True sons are not to be numbered 666, marked by antichrist. Sons and daughters of God will not be marked by Mystery Babylon’s evil influences.

"Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." Romans 13:11-14 NAS

God’s character must be SUPERIMPOSED, put on in the inner spiritual part of men and women. The word ‘superimpose’ carries with it the idea of a covering garment or of being related in like kind of elements. In some instances of superimposing, there is no definite line of demarcation left, for two common elements can be completely mixed, becoming as one, becoming something new.

In the tabernacle in the wilderness, the Ark of the Covenant was superimposed gold upon wood until only gold could be seen. The wood was completely hidden but was not mixed with the gold, yet was covered with the gold. That is a type of the spiritual operation New Testament people put on as elementary faith. As we are changed from within, however, our spiritual garments, our faith, and inner life grows to become one with the gold that is behind the veil.

As the temple of God is opened in heaven, lightning and thunder will represent the truth to God’s people. The day of reaping is upon us. The ark of the covenant is in the throne realm. The Old Testament ark was made of acacia wood, superimposed by gold, much in the same manner as the beginnings of our spiritual development, having been brought to be covered by the blood of Jesus.

The end of spiritual development brings His true brethren to Zion, where they are opened in heaven to ONLY show the LIFE of God, having become absorbed, made one with the ark. Sons who are joined to the Lord are of one spirit, processed by the instructions God reveals to sons. God is drawing many people to higher ground. Seeking to worship God in truth, we find the end of our salvation in being totally FUSED TOGETHER INTO ONENESS WITH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Development of our INNER SPIRITUAL LIFE has become the most prominent thing about us. Our inner spiritual person is stronger, smarter than our own soulish attitudes, and our worthless opinions aren’t worth mentioning. We are now alive with Christ as truth became our first love. Oh, thank God, darkness can no longer dominate our saved soul! Our Father advised us to apprehend today’s experience better, with a sense of oneness with any of the many clear instructions of God that can be applied to us today.

A glorious light of God’s love is coming to mark those brethren who are following the Lamb, following on to know true experiences with Our Father as a son:

“He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit..” I Corinthians 6:17

For two thousands years of candlestick church heavens, God’s people have been bottle-fed, spoon-fed, stuffed and crammed with the “milk” of the word. From cradle to grave, they have been graven upon with images mixed with worldly, beastly ideas and ways. The multitudes have been fed half truths mixed with fantasies like the teaching of a monstrous “one-man antichrist” soon due to rule the earth. This man is to compel every Christian not taken in the “rapture” to be “marked” under pain of losing their livelihood, forced to wear openly the literal “mark of the beast” as a distinctive MARK. It is supposedly etched or literally burned upon the body, so that even good and gifted men would abjectly have to submit to this beastly antichrist devil.

Many teachings like this come from respected but unenlightened scholars of Babylonian church systems, who belligerently defend what they consider to be established truth. These literalist explanations of a one-man-super-deceiver-antichrist literally branding people with a literal mark on their literal foreheads and hands, ORIGINATED IN THE CONFUSED DOCTRINES OF THE DARK AGES. NATURAL MINDED RELIGIOUS MEN dominated these doctrines and discourse that have been so widely accepted as to make up a majority dominating the understanding of Christian brethren. Many are now marked as being in the Laodicean churches, thinking they are “rich and in need of nothing”.

For two thousand years, church leaders have seen through a glass darkly just like Paul. Carnal interpretations of scripture were spawned in darkness and fervently promoted as in the “harlot” Jezebel church of Thyatira who dominated the Lord’s people by mixing man’s carnal mind with the teachings of scripture. These teachings have caused it to go astray and are now confused by centuries of ministries representing Christ in this world. A confused morass of carnal teachings becomes more fearful with each new speculation of earthly doom. These speculations become wilder and more ridiculously contorted with each newspaper headline that presents with mixtures of absurd theories created from their natural understanding about the book of Revelation.

The Father’s name is written “within the forehead,” indicating A PRINCIPLE OF UNDERSTANDING that is conveyed. It is God working to reveal true understanding of scripture, marking on our inner person. It frees our state of thinking, clearly showing a way that seals our life to be in line with what our Father is saying.

Our Father enables us to recognize His thoughts, so we learn to serve Him more concisely, sincerely, with a true heart and clear conscience. We are to now arise and become one with our Father — heavenly minded, regarding the methods and measuring of value that is leading us into the true tabernacle, into God’s city, where we are finding the proper place within our inner person to fit with the King.

There is a heavenly Man who purchased us with His blood. He paid a price for each one of us. God has promised to SAVE EACH ONE OF US, by HIS SPIRIT, with truth set in our hearts as His sons and daughters. God’s truth has and is being given to wisely understand the things He wants us to know. Wisdom marks our inner person now, so within us, we have an understanding of God that has made us one with Him, awaiting His ordering and disposition.

The bread of life is “heavenly bread” if taken daily in true spiritual communion. In our private prayers, a uniquely hidden advice comes that is recognized as precious as desert honey. God clothes our spirit person in garments of His truth which makes us more righteous, more covered in “fine linen.” Our spirit is granted more life as we are clothed with the truth He feeds us. The truth about heavenly things is revealed to sealed sons of God. They have an understanding of divine treasures. God has given overcoming sons hidden treasuries that are real revelations that keep coming, even as we are led thru dry deserts alone.

THE TABLE OF THE LORD HAS NEW BREAD, AN ANOINTING OIL, AND NEW WINE that quickens truth to our inner man. Scriptural truth reveals that we are being made new heavens by an inner power working to raise us. We are with God’s people who are gathered to establish God’s government. The golden crown and sharp sickle of the Lord’s purposes reconciles those seeking to understand heavenly experience. This process superimposes God on our lives as His dispositions and attitudes are rightly lit up, showing right understandings applied to scripture at any moment. Some of us are focused on ways of accomplishing truthful speaking, with no guile, as He has promised.

Clearly God does have a governmental people. Sealed sons are in His understanding and characteristics because they are made one spirit with the Lord, chosen to be faithful to His guidance gained. Sons are purchased from the earth and are drawn away to flood lights of His understanding which makes them certain that they have been purchased to be brother to the firstborn Son. The forerunner has entered beyond the veil of flesh to a spiritual glory that is available for overcomers of the candlestick church realm. To reach what He has purchased for us, we now must rise up to see the place we belong in GOD.

Believers of the candlestick realm must soon come to be above in the city of New Jerusalem to merge with the lasting order. What now is commanding us with fearful candlestick teachings of a hell with lasting torments? The cost to receive His truth is His judgments that will burn up all our false teaching, personal viewpoints. His holy, consuming fire burns up any unjust judgments that are vexation to Christ’s spirit ruling within our being. We refuse to be ruled by falsehoods, including any lie such as the teachings that multitudes of non-believers will spend “forever in hell!” No lasting hell is taught in the bible, yet it is believed by so many in the systems using the name of Christ.

The mark our Father has given in our forehead grants us understanding of what is going on now. We are given to understand how the garden of our inner being is where the fruit of God’s Word and Spirit are planted within us. We too become true witnesses of His salvation. CHRIST is expressing the inner operations of God that deliver us from darkness, of being ruled by our own fleshly mind and the religious works of others. Thank God we are learning to follow the leading of His Spirit, being truly enlightened by it to be transformed in character from within by the “renewing of our minds.”

The treasures scripture reveal are measured out to mature Sons and Daughters who truly overcome the candlestick churches. Most Christians in the world today still need to “hear what the Spirit is saying” to the candlestick churches as stated in Revelation chapters 2 through 3. The majority of Christians were called to repent from the works of THEIR hands — our building projects and church good deeds, our healing programs, our constant religious activities that covers the constant BUYING AND SELLING, the merchandising of the holy people of God.

Religious men in church have made merchandise of the Lord’s people time and time again, creating good works with ideas that border the kingdom, yet simply cause people to be drawn to the church hierarchy purpose rather than entering in to God’s Spirit. Overcomers of Laodicea find provision for the true tabernacle in Christ Jesus, to be really enthroned totally outside every religious camp.

It is nothing for American Christians to spend hours on end glued to the television screen as spectators of the most incredible filth in the world ... GETTING THE IMAGES OF THIS WORLD’S BESTIAL WAYS INDELIBLY IMPRINTED ON THEIR MINDS AND VALUE SYSTEMS ... but spend not one hour in prayer, not one hour in study of scripture, nor two hours with other believers in fellowship seeking intimate sweetness and blessed communion with God.

The flesh is king in America and has won the attention and allegiance of the entire planet. Alas, the attention of most Christian believers has been captured as well as they do homage to the beastly systems established at this troubled end time. People follow unthinkingly to do exactly as impressed and don't seem to be concerned about the consequences of yielding to dark deeds.

So, we see lives that readily crumble, senseless crime, marriages set up to fail, families that fight, churches that split, and nations that threaten war. Yes, we see lives have all readily taken upon them the marks of this beastly world, using its ways, revealing they have been ruled in an antichrist way.

"Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour." I John 2:18 NAS

John wrote that two thousand years ago, “many antichrists” were already in the Christian fellowships back then! Those many antichrists took over the candlestick churches a long time ago. They have always lacked spiritual insight, with their carnal minds polluting most every presentation but yet representing the Christian people today. Most unseemly POLLUTION has often been made in candlestick churches where mixtures of soulish understandings of scripture where natural minded, literistic viewpoints reign.

There is no denying the facts that Christian churches were mixed at Rome to form a religious experience like the other religions of Rome’s history. Their efforts, their rituals, and their programs were mixed into a church image of having a pope with a celibate priesthood who did not correctly promote the Kingdom of God.

In the end God’s fire will test each man’s work,and consume those glories as by fire, as we are brought to the glories of God’s everlasting Kingdom. God is SEALING HIS SONS. THEY ARE GRANTED GOD’S GLORY AND WORK BECAUSE WRITTEN IN THEIR FOREHEADS IS A SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING that shines on the scriptures.

The mind of Christ is to be light coming of a new feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, the third feast of Israel’s year. There in this “third heaven”, where it is unlawful for man to utter, a new third thousand year day is unfolding in which God CHANGES our inner being to more accurately receive oneness with His existence in the New Jerusalem order.

Followers of Jesus Christ do have the Father’s name written in their “forehead,” working even now in His Holy Spirit. The sealed sons and daughters of God who have been gathering as Mount Zion are the beginning of AN ENTIRELY NEW ORDER OF MEN. THESE PEOPLE ARE TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED LIKE JESUS, AS A SON OR DAUGHTER OF GOD.

“We all, with unveiled face reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord, the Spirit.” II Corinthians 3:18

Now observe this simple passage “we are transformed into the same image,” meaning we are CHANGED to get the same thing as we reflect that light of Christ from within. We are changed, YET WE DO NOT CHANGE OURSELVES! Throughout the New Testament we find that no man can change himself in order to be divine. Whenever spiritual transformation is described, GOD must supply a new form of spiritual power or insight we receive and reflect:

“You must be born again,” John 3:3

Jesus said it, but we cannot make ourselves be BORN of ourselves!

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind…” Romans 12:1

Paul taught us we can follow the Lord, who will supply new thoughts that transform our mind, but we cannot TRANSFORM ourselves! Godly character comes to us when our Father’s name is revealed and written within our spirit. We are subject to Christ’s transforming influences, but we do not transform ourselves.

It is certain that something outside the thermometer produces a change in the thermometer. Just that certain is it that ONLY GOD’S MERCY lifts the fallen perspectives of any man from darkness to produce more enlightening spiritual perceptions. Our perceptions have changed and made us part and party to a transforming change.

I am equally certain my own ability and my own will can not produce God’s manifestation. My soulish characteristics that remain fleshly and continue in the direction of death will suffer loss until being burned up by the consuming fire of God’s presence, compelled BY THE GREATER IMPRESSING FORCES OF THE DIVINE:

“…for our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29 NAS

God possesses great intent, indeed a passion, to IMPRESS people with clear revelations of WHO and WHAT HE IS, to allow His beauty to be seen, His spiritual glory becoming tangible. Godliness for us is profitable gain, it is transcendental. People reflecting Christ are truly BEAUTIFUL! God’s infinite reality is ever exalting us to communicate with the truth within our inner person.

Another explanation of II Corinthians 3:18 in paraphrase is: “We all are reflecting as a mirror the beauty of Christ and are transformed into that same Image from one characteristic to other characteristics.” We are changed from being poor and lacking in character to a better, more noble character, then a little better still, on to a perfect character still more complete, until by slow degrees we are changed into HIS PERFECT IMAGE, attained and sealed within our inner spiritual person by "having the Father's name written on it.”

We Christians are challenged to “go on to perfection.” God has compressed simple but divine prescriptions such as to SEE enough of THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST THAT WE CAN FOCUS ON A QUALITY OF IT UNTIL WE REFLECT IT, BECOMING TRANSFORMED BY THAT WHICH CHRIST REVEALS.

The Father's name is written upon our forehead, here a little, there a little. We know His interpretation of some scripture, but we see the grasp of the spiritual is quite challenging for the earthly minded man. We all need a little more truth daily to mirror the characteristics Christ reveals, to love our enemies as our own, to love those we are nearby.

We have changed by reflecting the image Christ so clearly impresses upon us. Our heart is more and more reflecting the focus of our love. There was a reflection of love in Jonathan for David, and a reflection of love in David for Jonathan. Elisha received the anointing of Elijah because of his close association with him. And of the disciples of Jesus it is written:

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John... they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13

We sometimes see husband and wife, after a half century of marriage relationship, be changed entirely into a sameness of expression and likeness of being. They have lived reflecting one another so long — without trying — they have become largely made up of the same attitudes, convictions, and mannerisms. Oh, we need to live out our days in a feast of intimate fellowship and vital union with the mind of Christ, being more under the influence of the mind of Christ than under our own soulish influence!

Every son's spirit has an inward spring going upward toward the Father. Christ within us frees our inner being to daily place our attention rightly toward Him. Understanding the things our Father has in mind can change our life, changing our mind about everybody and everything we go through. We can even pray for those who have abused us. The fashion of our countenance should be changed from glory to glory as we cultivate His understanding and grasp oneness with the Father in a relationship as a son. We now are having His Word dwell richly within. When God abides within us, it is difficult to think what more can be done!

God’s callings are without repentance, so the place He wants us is where we will be. The MARKS of His calling can be seen if we have taken on HIS NEW NAME AND HAVE A NEW NATURE as heirs of God, now party to the present revelation of Jesus Christ. Will God fail to uphold His guiding influence over us, so as to keep ourselves from evil? The constant influences of evil in this world are also in harlot church systems. We do not follow her religious ideas nor her numbing ways. We will not adapt to her standards of worship and we most certainly will not become stamped with any deceptive name of the candlestick churches. These beastly denominational marks appear IN ONE’S HAND (works of fellowship) and mark THE FOREHEAD (mind).

It is not what God commands we to do in scripture that changes our hearts; it is WHAT HE HIMSELF SAYS TO US that transforms our being. It is not a recitation of scriptures that transforms our lives, it’s the meat of a hidden word. The hidden manna of the kingdom quickens our inner person as we learn how to receive inspiration in our inner being, recognizing a spiritual operation of being circumcised of heart.

Being made one with Jesus Christ is the cure for our every ill! The pure truth, the unblended and unblemished truth of God’s Spirit, now quickens our spirit and our body too, so our health is springing forth speedily and we are more likely to glorify the image of a Son who is swallowing up death in victory.

Deeds of the Nicolaitans

The Mark