The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Living Creatures

All who are drawn to the heights of spiritual Mt. Zion have heard Jesus Christ calling “COME UP HITHER.” They are moved when God’s high calling reaches into their deepest parts, causing godly determination to rise from within to climb every step placed before us, up a straight path that leads to holiness in Him. We come up from the valleys of thick fear, out from under torments lying in the shadows of death. We are raised because God calls many to spiritual heights to be made one with the divine LIFE from within.

To scale spiritual heights, the principles in the sayings of the King must be accepted and kept as true within our being. Truth is written on the hearts of people called to spiritual mount Zion. They asked for, sought out, and knocked on heaven’s doors until His treasures were opened. Seekers of truth find spiritual answers are provided that remove our earthly mindedness. Above all else, they continue to “ask, seek and knock” until true understanding of His precepts makes them alive in spirit. Our inner spiritual person is being made alive by His truth so that we are knowing God more and more.

Those who follow Christ Jesus are raised from their sorrows to become quietly one spirit with the Lord of all realms. We are now raised to a glassy sea of love, becoming peaceful persons filled with joy while our carnal mind is mixed with the consuming fires that refine our inner character. We do not expect to surpass “outstrip” those brave Christians of past generations who came off victorious in the conflict with the carnal mind and the beastly nature of fallen man. Yet we must still press into new heavens:

“…and I saw, and lo, a white horse, and he who is sitting upon it is having a bow, and there was given to him a crown, and he went forth overcoming and that he may overcome.” Revelation 6:2 NAS

Worthy is the Lamb! Jesus has waged a warfare within our own hearts and won. He is fighting all degrading desires for preeminence in the souls of His people. He conquers any deceptive illusions or vain imaginations hidden in man’s inner parts. His people are drawn higher to a New Jerusalem order where life's storms no longer toss us around to and fro like little ships on the ocean. He lifts up our hearts to pray again and again for new strength to behold the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. God’s power operates in Christ to quicken the truth to us. A spirit of truth has been given by God in proper balance to educate our soul. We have been taught in our spirit by Christ to maintain a sound mind and healthy body.

God’s redemption has loosed us from the inner earthly conditions of fear and hate in the darkness of death to grant a PRESENT ENJOYMENT of our spiritual inheritance. God’s Spirit quickens our spirit, so we are constantly thinking “GOD IS MY FATHER.” God does gather just men to the heights of Zion, as great victory is shared by all that are prepared for greater portions of His life.

The light of Christ forms love, righteousness, peace, and godly power within us. This spiritual joining into oneness is like a marriage that changes us into the correct corporate image of sonship that God has Fathered. The Spirit of God quickens our spirit by Christ working within us. He is coming to deliver us from within, in each and every day we are on earth. His light shines within us, so we are thereby being made His dwelling place. NOW some are making their tabernacle a place for the Godhead to dwell.

The revelation and vision in John’s recorded books share multitudes of deep spiritual understandings about what God intends to do to bring harmony to this whole creation. We are now at the end of a two thousand year period. This has been a church dispensation used by the candlestick churches, from which Jesus Christ has been calling out an order of overcomers that “come up hither.” These are presently being made living creatures placed in and about the King’s throne. These are a people called to overcome certain limiting conditions that have existed in the candlestick church dispensation.

Jesus Christ is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. He has a many membered body of brethren forming a true priesthood in this order. A kingdom of peace and righteousness has been granted to those who follow after the spirit of the King. Entrance into the city of God is gained by receiving the spirit of life as Jesus frees us from the law of sin and death.

God will continually manifest a seven-fold flow of Spirit from the throne which completes our salvation. This is the full portion that flows as the river of life until we as well as ALL men are raised into God’s powerful resurrection raisingnow the dead. Our spirit sees Jesus in spiritual realms of understanding, far above earthly minded teachings in church systems — far above sin, above sorrow, above and beyond hate and confusion and fear, above and beyond the best of the in-part limitations of Pentecostal church heavens.

God becomes a real supply of spiritual LOVE, breaking the grip of death within us until no bondage or fear of death, hell, or the grave can shake us from His hold within us. We are delivered from corruption. Our spirit is no longer dead! Our soul is made alive by the spirit of truth. It is sent to us to make us COMPLETE, in full grasp of the truth. We have the keys that unlock the treasure house of God, enabled to seal others with the truth in God about Jesus. God is becoming ALL in ALL. It would be good to focus now on God’s manifestations within His sons!

Jesus’ disciples saw Him manifested in the glory and power of the Father's resurrection life after dying on the cross and being buried. He has been made FULLY alive and was revealed to many of His disciples. His servant sons have been formed by God’s words of truth being planted in their hearts. The Lord’s brethren do hunger and thirst after His righteous life. Christ rules within some candlestick overcomers to now become heirs of God, gaining God’s glory, having found what men and women are groaning for, without awareness of what they seek.

Christ certainly works to bring deliverance from the bondages of men’s own vain and corrupt thinking. Corruption happens when the Spirit is poured out on fleshly minded people. Now a higher heaven has opened, a spiritual operation on our hearts that places our heavenly reward within. It brings divine nature to heal within so peace is truly established. We are portals to what we behold of the King. His city is permanent! A wonderful place of liberty has been afforded all drawn to inherit the inner operations that save, yet are hidden in God.

Oh, ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands are saying deep within, “Jesus is worthy of power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor.” We are being made one with that glory! No longer sinning, we are being sealed into a heavenly garment of righteousness, one that fits us as true believers. We have been registered in heaven for these wedding garments. We reflect the inner light which shines on the important things of Life. This is more important than being a living member of the earth!

The church world has been blessed for two thousand years with wonderful men and women of God who have walked in high places and served well in God’s candlestick churches. Love, grace, mercy and power have flowed out to the lives of many godly saints throughout the church age. Yet the majority of Christians understand little about what God intends to do for fallen creation beyond that.

It is time for JESUS TO APPEAR AS HE IS! When we see Him, we trust a Savior with power to grant LIFE connection with God as OUR FATHER to save us TO THE UTTERMOST. It takes spiritual revelation to make us truly understand what God wants to do for ALL of us — what He shall do for all who personify Jesus in mind and character. God will perfectly Father them, perfectly!

Jesus is the firstborn of every creature. He is God’s King and His portion is what we shall all share. Still now, He makes living creatures of those quickened by Him so they become like Him. Once joined, His body will not stop increasing in governance until all the revealed promises of new heavens and new earths are accomplished and understood correctly. Men and women everywhere, in the seen and unseen, are to be connected to a state that is COMPLETELY freed from death, hell and the grave!

Overcoming Christians are made aware of the firstborn's victory by spiritual revelation. He is faithful to His called out ones to show them THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST as revealed from within by Christ. That quickening keeps coming within His “clouds of witnesses” whom we are counting on to reflect Him as we are drawn to the parts of the city where just men are being made perfect. Some have already been established in the spiritual operations of Mount Zion. They are established to serve the Lord, to be the instruments He stands upon to subdue the earthly nations.

All creation is to be transformed, making sons and daughters of every generation come to one universal convocation. He blows the silver trumpets of Zion to gather together His elect from every dimension. I have heard His voice, and ask, “When will those who pierced Him see too and wail with groanings to be changed?” It’s time for His saving life to appear within us. His forgiveness is providing a just reward now that lasts for all the glad tomorrows:

“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? the sayings that I speak to you, from myself I speak not, and the Father who is abiding in me, Himself doth the works; believe me, that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and if not, because of the works themselves, believe me. Verily, verily, I say to you, he who is believing in me, the works that I do -- that one also shall do, and greater than these he shall do, because I go on to my Father;” John 14:10-12 NAS

Our Father works by His Spirit to manifest a spiritual reality that is beyond what any candlestick church day has contained. A greater day has come upon us — the third thousand year day from the glory of Jesus’ birth. A sinless life and sacrifice of obedience is in the nature and purpose of the Father. We who live on earth are given insight to understand that God’s words are SPIRITUAL. They inspire us and are informing us of the truth about heavenly signs in the book of Revelation. Beholding these spiritual revelations will work wonderfully to transform our thinking, even though great miracles are still needed to transform our earthly bodies into creatures filled with His Life.

God, our Father, effectively granted transfiguration to Jesus on the mount. We come to know His resurrection power that raises us from every dead thing. Something divine has sparked new glory that is manifested in wonderful works that empower others. Having charity is the result of union with God the Father. Such scintillating brilliance radiates from within Him to shine through His earthly garments on the mount of transfiguration. The Amplified Bible states that Jesus then “became resplendent with divine brightness.”

“And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, and James, and John his brother, and doth bring them up to a high mount by themselves, and he was transfigured before them, and his face shone as the sun, and his garments did become white as the light,” Matthew 17:1-2 NAS

Every eye shall yet see him in a whiteness brighter than the noonday sun. It is the glory of the kingdom! God brings all His mature sons and daughters to glory unspeakable. What divine brightness blinded Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus that so totally transformed and revolutionized his life instantly with that flash of light! Saul became Paul and was like one born out of due season, a special vessel of the Lord’s. Christians should know it is not the hour to hesitate but to believe for the coming of divine brightness from our Father to shine within all of us who love light. His light is out-shining with peace and righteousness in our heart now, just as it is in Jesus. Many have been called to be made alive yet few seem to be enthroned now with God’s King.

In Zion, God makes true witnesses who have no guile in their mouth. These true messengers are the living creatures in the Revelation who are caught up to the throne in the Kingdom of God. They are coming now as the “clouds of heaven”, revealing a true witness. Living creatures are enthroned with Christ, given spiritual wings to rise above every trying matter. They can even lodge hateful “birds” in their branches without showing disdain. They are cleaned from dead thought patterns, dead doctrines, and images of false religious systems. We are called to heights of clarity to gain eyes to see the Lord. As we see Him, intelligence develops within our spiritual mind and our heart comes to understand the Word and Spirit of our Father, God.

Living creatures are provided eyes to see spiritual things that are ahead in the future. They know also about the past history of former generations. They have eyes to fully understand what was behind and what is working within their own hearts and lives right now. Mature Christians are granted vision in the Day of the Lord as never before! They mount up like eagles soaring with God, having strength in wings to get above every problem and obstacle in their lives. Some do conquer every inward testing to become sons who are “sealed” in God’s Nature. In a most precious love granted to perfect our character, we are being processed by fire to consume our dross until our spirit is made completely alive to God.

If we are alive to God in the spirit of the Lord’s Day, heavenly instructions will become clearer because we need better conformity to a more clear and complete image of Jesus. God’s righteousness springs forth from Him to establish us in the ranks of a righteous army. Oh, yes, the almighty Father is bringing an army of sons and daughters to inherit all things with righteous judgment — they are the lasting government that follows Jesus!

Being awakened out of sleep, the churches of America need to apply their faith on a higher realm of understanding. God grants us insight to see and experience His resurrection power work in mysteriously deep ways to guide us within our inner being. When the truth is found it brings repentance to our mind, a change of character that forgives and forgets.

God gives sons and daughters a new name. He writes on us the mind of Christ which changes our character, so we can intelligently serve Him without FEAR. We now soar high above every problem, trusting the moving of God’s Spirit! A deliverance that is yet unknown is being groaned for with travail deep within people right now. We know that He plans to save the whole creation.

The Lord’s brethren are being washed by understanding the truth that is found in His Life. The life found in the spirit of Jesus works loving mercy into us that frees us to belong, to fit with the holy, righteous city of the incorruptible, immortal God.

"Out of the throne came flashes of lightnings and rumbling and peals of thunder, and in front of the throne seven blazing torches burned, which are the seven spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit]; And in front of the throne there was also what looked like transparent glassy sea, as if of crystal. And around the throne in the center at each side of the throne, were four living creatures [beings] who were full of eyes in front and behind (with intelligence as to what is before and behind them).

The first living creature [being] was like a lion [courage and strength], and the second living creature like a ox [profitable service], and the third living creature had the face of a man [intelligence], and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle [able to soar above every problem]. And the four living creatures, individually having six wings, were full of eyes all over and within [underneath their wings]; and day and night they never stop saying, Holy! holy! holy is the Lord God Almighty [the Omnipotent, Ruler of all], Who was and Who is and Who is to come [the unchanging eternal God]." Revelation 4:5-8 Amplified

The Second Death

He is Coming