The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Feast of Tabernacles

We eat at a feast! Why, of course, we do not fast. We pray our heavenly Father would come to feed us “to give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus promised He was the bread of life, without which there is no real bread of life. Feasting on the Lord will reveal many things, including understanding that a great marriage supper is planned for His people. God has a great and wonderful plan for feeding ALL of His people. Today Jesus speaks hidden things which astound all who can hear Him! As He appears it will ultimately affect all mankind, all nations, all peoples and tribes — everyone everywhere will see Him and bow the knee to God’s King. God feeds us this living bread of heaven when we hunger for righteousness.

Though God’s purposes have taken progressive unfolding over the ages, much is shown in the New Testament scriptures to assure us of God’s will. He does for us what is unquestionably impossible for us to do. He shows His plans to us in Old Testament types and shadows, where the Old Testament speaks directly to the hearts of New Testament people in the book of Revelation. Moses established the three feasts of the nation of Israel. The feasts are spread out through the year, as examples of worship completion that defines the details of OLD Testament salvation.

The feast of Tabernacles was the last and the greatest of the three feasts. It was to be a great spiritual event having purpose to completely wash the Lord’s people from guilt for that year. Christ is now helping earthly minded people find the marriage supper of the Lamb by seeing the three annual feasts given to the nation of Israel as fine points concerning the spiritual unfolding now among three ranks of Christians. The feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles represent the three spiritual levels of Christian growth in worshipping God. This helps us understand what is spiritually operating in leaders of churches, by seeing what fruit is being produced in those “30 fold” and “60 fold” ranks.

Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year.”  Exodus. 23:14

Passover was the first of the three great feasts kept each year, foreshadowing Jesus becoming our Passover lamb at Calvary. Those called to Christ are keeping the spiritual feast of Passover, to have a “30 fold” experience with other believing people that believe for salvation through Jesus as His death is our sin offering. Jesus Himself has taken our guilt by becoming a sacrifice for our sins. In keeping this Passover feast, our former mistakes are washed away, we are forgiven, the past is forgotten, and we can go on to be sons indeed with the blood of the Lamb on our doorposts:

"For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.”  I Corinthians 5:7

Christians in the last two thousand years of church history have been peculiarly a Passover rank. They are believers in Christ Jesus, saved by His blood, the same as we, but for the most part, their experience goes no further into Pentecostal experiences.

We have joined spiritual ranks in Christ seeking to know about heavenly things and being raised to places where God pours out His Spirit. God’s Spirit has appeared in Pentecostal movements among many Christians, of which the charismatics are mostly now dried up. The rain has come and gone, and we need to be saved in these times into something new which must begin from a new heaven. Now in this season, we are being refreshed by the hope of previous generations upon whom God’s Spirit had been poured out as the early and latter rain.

In Old Testament types and shadows, the feast of Passover is a new beginning with God, starting by leaving the old bondages and slavery in Egypt. God institutes a series of growth judgments within our lives until the old forces that captivated us dissipate. A new liberty is formed within us to be with the people of God. The sacrifice of Calvary has given us new life in our inner spiritual man, awakening from serving the enemy of our soul under cruel bondage:

“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29 NAS

“And if you are invoking the Father, Who is judging impartially according to each one's work, you may behave, for the time of your sojourn, with fear, being aware that not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, were you ransomed from your vain behavior, handed down by tradition from the fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a flawless and unspotted lamb, foreknown, indeed, before the disruption of the world, yet manifested in the last times because of you, who through Him are believing in God, Who rouses Him from among the dead and is giving Him glory, so that your faith and expectation is to be in God.” I Peter 1:17-21 concordant

The moment a person sees Jesus as the Messiah, and “keeps the Passover feast,” they thereafter are saved from trying by works in their own strength to be holy. We see we cannot make ourselves holy by knowing the letter of the word, that knowledge of the letter of the word becomes a law that does not make us righteous, no, not one righteous, no, not so much as one:

“But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:21-23 NAS

God’s righteousness now clothes our inner life. We are called to the second feast, to Pentecost, where we are called to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with gifts and speaking in tongues. The early church had the early Pentecost rain following the death of Jesus. After fifty days we find that:

"…when the day of Pentecost was fully come...suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance…” Acts 2:1-4

The early Christians who were filled with the Holy Ghost did speak as the Spirit gives utterance in other languages and were revealing wonderful signs. They were keeping a spiritual type of Jesus coming by the spirit at that feast of Pentecost. His Spirit touches our spirit to bring forth fruit in our inner spiritual lives, growing more “firstfruits” to gain thi s“60 fold” realm of having “the earnest of the Spirit”. This feast of Pentecost is where worshippers are feasting on the stuff that grows up quickly, like harvested wheat and barley:

 "…the firstfruits of thy labours…”  Deuteronomy 16:9-12; Exodus 23:16; 34:22

Receiving these Pentecostal “firstfruits” gives the promise of a greater experience to come. A more excellent ministry is contained in a greater feast, so very important, that must now unfold. The Feast of Tabernacles has ALL the good things true Israelites could eat or drink that produced health and well being in the promised land. Christ circumcises our heart, granting inner qualities to be like the firstborn son. Being then sealed as sons, we are raised up and placed in peace, now in the City of peace. The New Jerusalem is our homeland, where the Lord tabernacles in Mt. Zion.

The early church started out well, but fell under the false Nicolaitan order promoted by religious men. That image of “church” still holds the minds of the first two ranks of Christianity. These 30 fold and 60 fold realms are steeped in church experiences and patterns that are types of Passover and Pentecost.

Even Paul admitted he, in his day, had but the firstfruits of the Spirit:

 “…but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the spirit…,”  Romans 8:23

" Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge."  II Corinthians 1:22 NAS

“Pledge” means merely a first installment, just the down payment which guarantees a further payment, with a remaining balance to lead us to the fullness of Christ. Pentecost is all that the candlestick churches will ever receive of the Spirit. With all its mighty gifts and graces, they are still examples of failure. We have not seen an end to division, strife, judgment, or the fullness of God’s love within. We must come HIGHER to taste God’s glorious city. Foolish indeed is the idea of some church lawyers, the scholars who suppose that their institution has received the fullness of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus has secretly drawn a hidden people “UP HITHER” to Himself in the throne, to be revealed in this great day, the Day of the Lord. A feasting on hidden things in His throne is causing a more excellent ministry to flow to those thirsting to be directly made one with His Spirit, to be completely indwelt by God. The living bread and new wine of the Kingdom is producing a transformation in our life EVERY DAY. Come, eat at the Lord’s table, at the wedding supper, a third feast of living bread and wine that makes us know and tell the truth about being like Jesus.

Indeed, being right with God for the year was the faith practiced by Israelites in keeping the feast of Tabernacles. The third feast speaks of the third heaven, where it is unlawful for man to speak. Here God speaks as He molds us into unity with Jesus, and others who abide in these heavenly states. Our inner spiritual person abides in “the New Jerusalem order.” God dwells within us, because Christ is able to teach us about laying our life down, that a higher spiritual order would enlighten our inner being by working to subdue death and sin, freeing us to truly do the will of God.

The church’s history for the last two thousand years testifies that it is very much like the rank of Pentecost, the second of Israel’s three annual feasts. Pentecost means “fiftieth” because it began on the fiftieth day after the Passover sabbath. Moses received the law 50 days after the first Passover. Our Passover Lamb, Jesus, was raised up, presenting Himself alive after His suffering death by crucifixion.

After forty days, He charged His followers not to depart Jerusalem, but to remain in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father, the baptism of the holy spirit. They tarried in Jerusalem and after ten days, the Holy Ghost came down on them and literally revolutionized their whole concept of life and service to Jesus. The power that was released poured out, transforming weak human vessels into mighty apostles of truth with great conviction. Mighty signs and miracles were then wrought amongst the Lord’s people.

Now, the great impact of God pouring out of the Spirit of New Jerusalem is coming DOWN! HE IS COMING IN those people who have drawn close to Him in the city of God, where the full measures of God’s glory abides in righteousness. These great spiritual truths become a sea of glass we stand on, clear as crystal showing the throne, revealing the Tabernacle where God abides! 

There is plenty of mystery about candlestick church ranks among His kingdom people. The feast of Tabernacles is the only major feast that has not had a broad fulfillment in New Testament churches worldwide. The fundamentalists know Christ in the feast of Passover. Pentecostals and Charismatics know Christ in the feast of Pentecost. But few among us have demonstrated the full glory and full power of God’s Tabernacle experience!

The feast of Tabernacles has not been celebrated openly in a spiritual dimension among Christians worldwide, as has been the case with the other two festivals, those of Passover and Pentecost. Truly we say — Passover has come to Christians — Pentecost has come to many of them —and Tabernacles has come to a few. The Lord has ranks of followers, each doing their part of God’s great plan.

Christians have fulfilled the feasts of Passover and Pentecost IN THIS LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS OF CHURCH HISTORY. For some strange reason, church leaders seek to postpone the last feast, Tabernacles, to some future age that is given entirely to the Jews, relegating it to a time to come. The real application and spiritual importance of the truths about the feast of Tabernacles has been completely lost, obscured to most of the God’s own people in the churches.

The truth is that like the other feasts, Tabernacles is fulfilled WITHIN certain members of the body of Christ. Some are indwelt by God already in the seen and unseen, placed in the third heaven. His provision for spiritual growth has connected us to that city above, where we love to be with people who are purely clothed with truth. WHILE UPON EARTH, some brethren are led to a fuller manifestation of knowing our Father. He is writing His name on us as His Sons. We desire complete adoption into His plans for now, and in deed in coming ages! 

The grand truths of the Lord’s Day is the feast of fat things God has promised. God tabernacling within us is wonderfully quickened by His Spirit to multiplied thousands of seen and unseen saints. In these last days all over heaven comes the sound of many waters speaking about an imminent greater portion of God being sent to those seeking Him. A “even fold completeness” is coming from the throne, trumpeting a sound in our street that NOW is the appointed time for Jesus to appear. HE is the true Tabernacle of God.

The records of apostles and prophets are foretelling of this most awesome intervention of God. They describe a power that will provide new food for a greater feast that has been reserved in heaven for us:

“And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain.

If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.” Zechariah 14:16-18

The prophetic words of Zechariah gave promise of a time yet to come when the Father would move mightily on all nations to restore those nations that worship God in the Feast of Tabernacles, with this holy order having the “rain” of God. God is intently breathing a quickening to our life to see the fuller salvation promised to spiritual people who believe He can and will overshadow and eclipse all former conditions of heaven and earth. We believe even to see our Father as we are doing His will. We are freed from lesser ranks of organized Christianity with its seminaries of religious head knowledge, to experience a more complete indwelling of God’s realities.

An inner union with His life has caused us to overcome. We are being fed hidden manna about His great Throne, about His marriage, about His marriage supper. This will inspire, initiate, and bring to fulfillment the times for the RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS. The grandeur, the splendor, the glory and great power of God that must manifest in His sons and daughters is, at this time, impossible to imagine! It is hard to explain or comprehend fully by most Christians if they are still living and moving, for the most part, holding on to the understandings of old Pentecost and Passover heavens which had promise only of the “firstfruits”.

The grand and glorious spiritual event which the feast of Tabernacles foreshadows is most closely described as the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. It does us well to be fed living bread, quickened by Christ within. Christ working within us teaches us how to walk and talk so as to allow God to dwell within us perfectly. Our Father gives us a measure of reality that draws us to further growth and fuller stature, so we are now being clothed with Christ. Thirty and sixty fold Christians have much growing to grasp the reality now available and flowing in abundance at the feast of Tabernacles!

We seek to worship God in the spirit of truth, knowing the third feast is like the third day and the third heaven wherein our lives become a habitation of God. Our “house” becomes a house of continual prayer:

“And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.’ And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ And He said, ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true.’"  Revelation 21:2-5 NAS                                 

One thing that sets the Feast of Tabernacles apart from the other two festivals is the abundance of harvested fruit of all kinds available and enjoyed during this feast. It is the feast of full and fat harvested things. The celebration held in Jerusalem was set up in the high places in booths that were open at top. The Israelites who kept the feast of Tabernacles still had the harvested barley and wheat of Passover and Pentecost, but now ALL the other grains like corn, rye, sorghum, all the grapes for wine, the sweet fruits and pleasant tree nuts, and such fine olives for oil, all the vegetables one could possibly serve. All this was wonderfully provided as healthy food and drink. At the Feast of Tabernacles the harvest was COMPLETED.

Jesus has a Day of Harvest for His people, when reapers shall be gathering saints to the new events in the New Jerusalem order. The Old Testament patterns have become beautiful types and shadows for unfolding our Father’s mind and His purposes. The Lord is descending out of heaven to flow in true messages that bring about a full measure of mature understanding and full stature within us.

The feast of Tabernacles simply points to the marriage supper of the Lamb, the consumption of a promise. Jesus has been in the midst of His people throughout these last two thousand years of church yet is now being revealed as King. Now what has been done within overcomers comes into focus for every eye to see God’s government established in the ultimate, the total, and complete salvation that is available in Jesus Christ.

His people are FULL of God, filled with His thinking, led to blessed healings that bring soundness of heart and mind. Our Father’s instructions are tabernacling within us now, enabling us to be saved to the UTTERMOST. We are joined to a kingdom of peace and love, and we enjoy becoming the real city of God!

Jesus is the perfect expression and manifestation of God being in a man, with greater capacity and power to enlighten us to further glories WITHOUT LIMITATION! The glory of God Almighty is taking authority to abide within THOSE DRAWN TO HIS SPIRITUAL CLARITY. He sweeps away every refuge of lies! We need to be converted and processed in the light of His Kingdom NOW!

God is coming in “clouds” of His witnesses as He changes His believing people until they too have been delivered from every lie of the enemy. Darkness is man’s death, which is swallowed up when His light shines brightly within us to make us alive. Our inner person is empowered to conquer even our last enemies. Every bit of death is being destroyed from our inner being in our spirit and soul, and that quickens our body. What bright and glorious prospects loom before the vision of new creatures pressing into the truths of the feast of Tabernacles!

“And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all mankind together will see it, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.”  Isaiah 40:5, NIV

I stand with those proclaiming, announcing, and declaring that there is a third experience, a third heaven, a third feast, a unique third thousand year Day that Christians will experience as a people! This will be UNITED, a far greater experience than the days of being awakened in Passover and apprehending a measure of spiritual growth in Pentecost. Rather, this is a coming of age of a placed son or daughter of God who is a Tabernacle of God. We are the TEMPLE of God. We are members of His overcoming sons and daughters who see into the unseen things by His Word and Spirit.

I understand what God is doing has implications that go far beyond anything I could now possibly explain thoroughly, but nevertheless He has revealed much by the Spirit of His Word. The church world today has no vision for the feast of Tabernacles nor understanding of the holy descending within us. Their leaders speak for hire, teaching about literally being raptured away as the next big thing for today’s Christians. It should be clear by now that this narrative of earthly thinking is wrong. We are concerned that their minds become proper grounds for HIS opinion about the scriptures. His understanding and thinking forms an inner substance which tabernacles within us as Christ teaches us how to let God rule in our inner being until God DWELLS (TABERNACLES) in us.

Tabernacles is a portal into the truths of Kingdom substance. The feast of Tabernacles shall surpass the glory and power of former Pentecostal movements as the noon-day sun surpasses the brightness of early dawn. It is time to catch every glimmer of truth coming from His mouth daily, as it provides attainment to God’s indwelling.

God has food prepared that unites us as ONE people. Our Father is writing His name on the hearts of chosen ones, those drawn to mind higher things. Christ has raised our inner spiritual man to know God’s city as our order of life, a place of peace and joy that now looms before us. Why do so many Christians cling to stagnant remains of yesterday’s visitations in Pentecost and Passover realms, blessed in thinking they are rich, thinking they have need of nothing else, already having the best, having the most comfortable teachings possible?

We are now outside the camps of hirelings, seeing bursting rays of the Lord’s glorious Day that completes the revelation of His appearing! We are rejoicing to worship God in the truths of the feast of Tabernacles. We have come to a time of complete deliverance, where a full resurrection is now working out within us who believe.

We are finding deep satisfaction in direct communion with our Father within our inner being. He knows the secret chambers where we converse together as we journey by faith through our life’s experiences. How oft our hearts long for a closer touch, a clearer vision, for words that express the joy being established within our spirit!   

Christ removes our fears and fleshly mindsets, removing all the carnal thinking of others from our minds. The carnal mind of man is what we are being delivered from! Love for the truth will make us let go of holding on to any darkness. God is Tabernacling within us to wipe away every tear until we have no more death, just as He promised. We are being made like Jesus, real sons that love being close and have a relationship with our Father that can wring everything out of us that is unlike Himself.

We are not set out to receive the waters of Niagara in our small coffee cup. Our vessel is not carried away by phony revelations of a literal coming. Our capacity to receive spiritual teaching has been enlarged so we are enabled and pointed toward full growth in Christ Jesus. Keep moving into the glories that are His,  because He is now Tabernacling with a people! The spirit of sonship is manifested in a reality that quickens our spirit to enjoy our Father and all His ways.

Now we seek to see Jesus face to face, in the only ways one can truly behold Christ. Seeing more clearly, we gain an understanding beyond words taught by man. Christ within us teaches things right. His guidance enables us to see this mortal part of us shall put on immortality and this corruptible part of us shall put on incorruption because the Father has written His name upon the tablets of our heart. That which is taught by His Spirit shall forever remain written upon us. 

Sons and daughters of God are not being thrust literally and dramatically upon the stages of earthly and heavenly events in blazes of supernatural power. Yet within a people we see the glory of a completed salvation working as never before. A manifestation of God is taking place in His overcoming sons in these days of being raised to the third heaven. The third Day feast is the third feast, Tabernacles, representing “the Day of Fullness.”

The greatest of all the spectaculars has reached the Christian world! We are witnesses that Jesus Christ is standing up in Zion to rule and reign within His many-membered body in a full flow of truth, a flowing river of Life, of which Pentecost has only been a foretaste, an earnest, a down payment. This feast is a star-studded super-spectacular, with seven times the power of Pentecost, the likes of which has never been witnessed by any man since the dawn of creation! 

The Word of Our Testimony

The Third Feast