The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Third Feast

“Give us this day our daily bread” is a prayer in which Jesus reminds us that God will feed us spiritual food, the bread of life, daily. Jesus speaks of communing with God, partaking not of crackers and grape juice, but consuming His invisible substance. This is a prayer in which we are encouraged to experience daily feasts of Godly substance, a provision of spiritual wisdom and insight given by God, the Father, so that we may know God.

What do you do at a feast? Why, of course, you eat! God has a great big wonderful plan for feeding His people. Ultimately all mankind will be fed with the bread of heaven. He has already called his own beloved to a table spread with the bread and wine of a lasting order.

Christianity has three great ranks — “30, 60 and 100 folds” have had progressive unfoldments of his leadings for two thousand years. We Christians are to mature through these three great realms of His grace and glory. The same pattern is found in Israel's three annual Feasts. These feasts give much revelation as types and shadows concerning the “thirty, sixty, and one hundred-fold” realms of Christianity. The annual Feasts of the Old Testament definitely reveal spiritual truths of the three Christian heavens, three great spiritual experiences, three great steps into Kingdom realities. God commanded Moses:

Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year.” Exodus 23:14

The three great Feasts in the nation of Israel began with Passover, which Paul declared was a foreshadow of accepting the work of Calvary, as Jesus is a type of the passover Lamb. Then they are called to keep the spiritual Feast of the Pentecost, experiencing a “downpayment” of spirit that leads to life. This is the spirit of Jesus Christ coming a second time for those who looked for Him. He grants baptism by the Spirit in the Pentecostal feast. The third feast is the Feast of Tabernacles.

All Christians know of the first feast, knowing the passover lamb, Jesus, died for a sacrifice for our sins and errors, yes, crucified on the very day of Passover over two thousand years ago:

“For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us…” I Corinthians 5:7

Multitudes of Christian people are peculiarly settled in as Passover people in these 30 fold ranks. These are good believing people saved by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, but their spiritual experience goes no further than this first heavenly realm, a 30 fold realm. They are satisfied with the state of their life and current understanding.

Many Christians have not sought after the outpouring of spirit found in the second Feast of Pentecost. Those Christians who are baptized of spirit, speaking in tongues and possessing gifts of the spirit, are partaking of the second great Christian heaven, the 60 fold Feast of Pentecost. The Spirit of Jesus Christ does flood us to lift us into experiencing baptisms of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, having gifts and partaking of wonderful healings that are still following wherever Jesus has appeared in the 60 fold realm:

“...when the day of Pentecost was fully come...suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:1-4

In the nation of Israel the Old Testament declared the Feast of Pentecost was:

“…the feast of the harvest," "…the firstfruits of thy labours…” Deuteronomy 16:9-12; Exodus 23:16; 34:22

Pentecost was just the “firstfruits” of the harvest, and under New Testament economy, it is fulfilled only as an “earnest [downpayment] of the spirit” in the lives of Christians:

“…but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the spirit, we ourselves also are groaning in ourselves, awaiting the sonship, the deliverance of our body.” Romans 8:23 concordant

“Now He Who is confirming us together with you in Christ and anoints us, is God Who also seals us and is giving the earnest of the spirit in our hearts.” II Corinthians 1:22 concordant

Pentecost represents only the 60 fold realm, the “firstfruits” of our promised inheritance. Christ’s coming on the day of Pentecost was as a descending Spirit on a little flock of 120 who received an inner Comforter. Yet Paul tells us it is but “an earnest,” a downpayment of the Spirit. “Earnest” means merely a pledge or first installment. The balance must follow in the next great Feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, where the full harvest is gathered. The third feast brings the fullness or fulfillment of the guarantees granted in the first two installments:

“ Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge." II Corinthians 1:22 NAS

"Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge." II Corinthians 5:5 NAS

There have been Pentecostal Christians all during the two thousand year history of the Christian churches who have only received the earnest of the Spirit. Pentecostal heavens have mighty gifts and graces and their offices are great but, Pentecost is only a SAMPLE of the glory yet to come in the third feast! Foolish indeed is the man who supposes that what we Christians have received during this last two thousand years of church is all there is to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!

All Christians come to the feast of Passover as they accept the Lamb slain on Calvary. He only comes to some in the feast of Pentecost. Only those who seek Him get the firstfruits of the Spirit. Those He calls out, HE COMES AGAIN leading them to a third feast, a third heaven that displays THE FULL MEASURE of His glory. Here His power redeems those drawn to higher celestial places. They become representatives of a new experience. Yes, the Kingdom of God has a third heaven like the Feast of Tabernacles, where God tabernacles within us.

There is yet much mystery about the Feast of Tabernacles. It is the only one of the three major Feasts of Israel that has not had widespread fulfillment in the New Testament people. Christian Fundamentalists are examples of knowing Christ in the Feast of Passover. The Pentecostals and Charismatics know Christ in spiritual firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost. The gifts of Pentecost are wonderful, yet only chastened sons demonstrate a fullness of Christ as mature ones among us. There is great glory and power BEYOND the Pentecostal experience!

Maturity in Christ is therefore for the called, chosen, and faithful of the third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles. This is a dimension of worship that will be celebrated by Christians the world over, just as with the other two festivals of Passover and Pentecost. The prophet Zechariah’s last recorded statements in chapter 14 speak of this time yet to come:

“Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths. And it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no rain on them. If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter, then no rain will fall on them; it will be the plague with which the Lord smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. This will be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths.

In that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, "HOLY TO THE LORD." And the cooking pots in the Lord’s house will be like the bowls before the altar. Every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to the Lord of hosts; and all who sacrifice will come and take of them and boil in them. And there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts in that day.” Zechariah 14:16-21 NAS

As change is upon us, we Christians today can say — Passover has come, Pentecost has come, and Tabernacles must yet be coming. Each is a type and shadow of God’s great plan for His Christian people. Brethren, have eyes to see and know the spiritual truths found in each of these three types of Feasts. Passover and Pentecost have been and are being fulfilled IN THE CHURCH which is His body, the Head, the clothed body and burning feet of His body, right here and now. God has not postponed the experience of the third feast, but it only comes to overcoming Christians who grew beyond 60 fold stature. They are sons being qualified to enter the third heaven, the third Feast, to experience the fullness in Christ.

Consequently, much real spiritual development with meaning and importance is only available when those are brought to the third Feast. The natural-minded man has been completely blinded, and heaven is obscured, lost concerning all the ranks of Christianity. The grand truth of God’s 30, 60, 100 fold ranks are found in detail in the types and shadows of Israel’s THREE Feasts. The Feast of Tabernacles is a feast that can be fulfilled in individual members of the body of Christ RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW, WHILE WE LIVE UPON EARTH.

We who do keep the Feast sense that we are part of an unseen host, close to unseen brethren filled with a calling for this dispensational substance of God. God fills individuals daily, even while we are ruled by others, when He gets us outside every camp. We are being joined, made one spirit, connected to our Father, by the Spirit to the highest ranks of our Father’s great family of believers. The grand truth of this has been wonderfully quickened by the Spirit of God to multiple thousands of saints around the world in these last days.

All over the world in these particular last days, and now at this moment in history, God has been speaking about an imminent manifestation that indwells us. The trumpets of truth in the latter rain have sounded since 1948 that the appointed time has come. What’s been called “the latter rain” by Christians of every nation has been a foretelling, through the voice of prophets, of a most awesome intervention of God’s power that is predestined to sweep the earth.

The Bible reveals words through prophetic apostles who give promise to those of us who believe the Lord does send forth mighty portions of His plan by a Seven-fold Spirit. A full measure is now granted, a golden reed does measure our Spiritual growth in His divine measures. We are being raised to the divine image for man that was lost in times past in man’s long night of selfhood, of self governing that began with Adam’s fall into death. There we are but for a divine portion being granted, taking place within us now to guide, to overshadow and eclipse all former — and lesser — manifestations.

The third heaven is a new heaven; the third feast is a new Feast promised to come upon all the nations of the world. Through His people, greater glories will move to inspire, initiate, and bring a fulfillment and restitution of all things. The grandeur, the splendor, the glory of this great power God has promised to manifest is most difficult to fully comprehend at this time. Nevertheless, God’s presence does TABERNACLE within our spirit even now while living on earth. Our daily lives for the most part challenge and keep us blinded to the economy of celestial heavens. Nevertheless we Pentecostals must move beyond having only the firstfruits of God’s Spirit, which falls short of being made ONE with Him.

God has devised grand and glorious events for feeding and nourishing our lives through what the New Testament scripture refers to as “the marriage supper of the Lamb”. It is also a type of spiritual experience yet to be manifested in fullness. This third Feast shows that God tabernacles within His people in a FULL measure. A marriage supper brings a new feeding, a new supper clothing us in heavenly garments from within. These clean garments are the truth from new understandings of scripture that bring His real spiritual focus. We look to what Christ Jesus teaches as to the full substance that is to be experienced. Therefore, we are continuing to pray for more daily bread, more life:

“Give us this day our daily bread!”

What set the Feast of Tabernacles apart from the two other feasts in Israel was the abundance harvested of every kind, each enjoyed during this Feast. The celebration of Tabernacles was held at the time of fall harvest. Not only had they barley and wheat, but also all the other possible grains, the fruit of trees, the olives, the grapes, the nuts, all that could possibly serve as wonderfully blessed food or drink. The harvest feast was then the completing act for that year. The call to sonship has prepared generations of honorable vessels for a Feast of fullness who know God as completely as we are known by God.

There comes even now a beautiful unfolding of the Feast of Tabernacles as a type of the ultimate, the total, the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. All of what God has made available to us in Jesus Christ is revealed. His full salvation becomes known — not the narrow, limited thing where a few people are being saved and the rest go to hell forever. Our experience is no longer limited to temporary healings that bless the natural life.

Christ Jesus is coming to reveal a power and glory that grants a fuller redemption to His people expressed in the scripture. He grants understanding to know what the Father has for each one of us. The total capacity we have to possess God is what is dwelling now in Jesus. He has no limitations of fallen man, all power is with Him! He has power to judge all matters, power to save us to the uttermost — an idea that God supports — that will make for real glory.

Jesus has the might and the majesty because all authority is given to that firstborn of many brethren. When the third heaven reigns, the present nations on earth shall be swept into the light of His Kingdom. The heavenly city is the people in whom He tabernacles, with new victories over every last enemy! Every form of death has powerful locks that need keys to unlock its power. Jesus has the keys to destroy death because it is destroyed from off Himself forevermore. What bright and glorious prospects loom in the vision of all who press on to fully experience the third heaven and for the nations of earth that keep the Feast of Tabernacles!

“And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all mankind together will see it, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Isaiah 40:5, NIV

There is a third experience, a third heaven, a third Feast, and a third thousand year day that has come to be opened in our Christian experience. Pentecost came as we sought God in our lives. The Third Heaven is where only God speaks as it is unlawful for man to speak. The third realm is appearing as the marriage supper that clothes us with spiritual wedding garments. These garments qualify us to attend and operate divine works in the body of Christ, seen and unseen.

We then are united by faith in Christ Jesus, given true understanding of the intelligent revelation and stature found in Jesus. The final attainment of God’s intention for ALL OF US PEOPLE is FOLLOWING ON to know the Lord. The implications of receiving heavenly qualifications go far beyond anything you or I can possibly imagine. Some of His Christian people today have kept enjoying the feast of Pentecost so long as to be blinded by blind leaders with no vision beyond literal interpretations of revelatory scripture. Pentecostal people enjoy this realm to the limit, yet IT IS TIME to move into the third feast.

One of our heart’s prime concerns is for the truths concerning the third Feast of Tabernacles to be known. The Feast of Tabernacles itself has three parts: the blowing of trumpets, the day of Atonement, and the Feast itself. The Feast of Tabernacles points to God’s deep inner work, a spiritual process that surpasses the glories found in Pentecostal heavens by far, just as the noon-day sun surpasses the brightness of early dawn. God would truly have us catch sight of the liberating spiritual insights that the structure of the Feast of Tabernacles provides.

Truth will loom brightly within us more strongly when we do not cling to the stagnant remains of yesterday’s visitations. Passover heavens have been wonderful — most certainly—and how much more wonderful has been the anointed healings of Pentecostal gifts. And as Pentecost is glorious, how much more shall we expect Tabernacles to exceed in glory! Even now great principles of God’s truth are working to reveal this glorious Feast within our inner spiritual man. We have every reason to rejoice, knowing that the days of full deliverance and experiencing a redemption are here, quickening our spirit to oneness, renewing our mind, and quickening our body!

I find deep satisfaction in sweet communion in prayer with our Father. His mind is a secret converse that strengthens us through our wilderness wanderings. He places our every step, so our spiritual journey comes to oneness with the Spirit of the Lord and is made complete. No words can express the joy that is ours when our talk and walk is made new and right by Christ. God has made us to yearn for HIS FULLNESS, beyond all fleshly veils, fleshly understandings, and fleshly character limitations within earthly minded men.

God makes Himself known in order to TABERNACLE within us! We are truly His temple, His dwelling place. Clearly the understanding about the third feast is yet beyond our capacity, as we are still rather small. Men can hardly stand the strain of the simplest revelations before trotting off to build another church order. It is as though men are constantly bringing pint cups to receive the waters of Niagara. No wonder the earthen vessel is so often carried away. Yet God is tabernacling within the spirit of His sons to most surely expand our capacity. Being enlarged, we can receive a fuller measure of the glories of His Son.

Jesus Christ gives us revelation of our Father’s plans and wisdom causes us to possess the same glory as Jesus as our lasting inheritance. We can understand Him fully as we see Him face to face, as we are seeing with His eyes. Then we behold all things clearly, no more confusion, having nothing (no fleshly veil) to obscure the Lord's truth in us. An eagle’s vision is in living creatures that have the Father’s name written on the forehead:

"And there shall be no more any doom, and the throne of God and of the Lambkin shall be in it. And His slaves shall be offering divine service to Him. And they shall be seeing His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. And night shall be no more, and they have not need of lamplight and sunlight, for the Lord God shall be illuminating them. And they shall be reigning for the eons of the eons." Revelation 22:4-5 concordant

A company of overcoming sons have been gathered to reign over that which God has done in the candlestick churches for two thousand years. These sons are literally and dramatically appearing on the stages of this world to turn the rule to God’s righteousness. His government is an earth-shaking power in a people authorized to manifest God’s King to all heavens, all earth, and all under the earth. The Lord Jesus is coming in a people to rule as never before!

Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.” Revelation 1:7 NAS

God tabernacling within sons and daughters is the greatest gain of all the forms of gain in Christian worship! Though the inhabitants of the world, for the most part, remain filled with woe, yes, even paralyzed with fear, we are able to rejoice in seeing the doings of our Father. Within our own spirit, the precepts of the third Feast are being written to FULLY COME TO PASS.

Instantly and to the point of death, I know this faith is not a natural phenomenon. No traditional religious service gave it to me, but deep within me the spirit of truth was granted by God, our Father. His King has and is appearing with intensity and brilliance equal to seven suns, shining through the undulating “garment” composed of tens of thousands of His glorified saints, He is saying “I am coming, I come swiftly. ”

The Feast of Tabernacles

The Nicolaitans