The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Spirit of Life

The dimensions of the Kingdom of God are governed by the Person of Jesus Christ. Those who are of that same spirit exercise powerful and precise laws of that same spiritual dimension. The laws of spiritual life cannot be discovered by the natural minded man knowing worldly things made up of knowledge and scientific research. They are not discernable by the searching minds of religious scholars who learn head knowledge about the scriptures without spiritually investigating the them.

The Life of God’s Spirit cannot be discerned when grasped by the controlling mind of man nor by exercising the natural reasonings that work so effortlessly in the fallen mind of man. God Life comes from our Father, God, the divine One. It is He who reveals the Word and the Spirit of God to men. The natural minded man cannot discern the law of God’s life working in us like Christ Jesus does. That spirit of Life is well able to rule over men. Men cannot nullify God’s thought, nor oppose the King’s will with impunity any more than they can remove the natural laws of the world like gravity and the consequences of doing good and doing evil.

The King displays laws of spiritual life that consist of the precise principles of the truth which He taught. His righteousness can govern all activities, administrations, and manifestations of men as well as rule those near Him. If men seek conformity with His principles, they will meet with success in being vivified — made alive — together jointly with Him. There is no question about it! God is Fathering the spirit of life in Christ Jesus in us.

God’s laws of life work in our spirit with meek writings that stand for righteousness in steadfast ways. His laws are giving merciful judgments that cleanse the wrongs within those of us longing to make our wars cease. He comes to dispel any corrupt thinking, helping us find peacefulness and truth in that Mind that has enlightened our spirit to oneness with the life in Christ Jesus. The law of His life negates the laws of prejudice and hatred that hold men to slavery under sin.

He is able to destroy the dreadful darkness that has gripped this American nation over race, establishing the ways of death from its beginnings. The government of God frees us to supersede any and all ways of death. Race hatred of any kind is death working within our inner being! Christ in-works new principles just as powerful as the laws of airplane aerodynamics that supersede the power of gravity to enable man to travel in the sky above. This occurs just because man channeled power that lifts it properly and keeps it from crashing into the earth. The power of gravity is being superseded by the airplane’s intensely focused power.

So too, God inworks a power within us to supercede all natural ways in man. We are being changed, transformed, from one glorious state to others more glorious. Higher states and God filled places lift us to take away all the hostility within our heart toward ANY other human being. It is the will of God that we should enter the higher glories God grants, where the law of LOVE abides. The law of life in Christ Jesus absolutely supersedes the law of sin and death within men for those believing Christians that follow on to know Him.

Christ followers are spiritual pioneers who have tried for generations to find the order of His lasting Life. Their strongest desire is being enabled to live according to the principles taught within the scripture. A seed was sown and grows into the Christ within. We die to selfish ways to overcome ourselves and are able to conquer every fleshly understanding. God enables our faith to gain a birth, bringing numerous seasons of growth to extend the promise of enthronement with Christ Jesus. With His Spirit within our spirit, we are given a part we know firsthand of the law of life in Christ Jesus.

Yet contradictions to the law of life are remaining within most people. There remains hatred and prejudice, racial conflicts and dark doings. We have tasted defeat time and again, but that experience furthered our strength to believe in His power to go through tests of refining inner character. We go through refining fires when we endeavor to avoid serious defeats. In fact, Jesus is not the only one the Father loves! Many now fellowship the Father’s love because they too are willingly laying down their soulish life and are taking hold of oneness with His spiritual life:

For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father." John 10:17-18 NAS

Christians rightfully apply these precepts when we receive daily bread from our heavenly Father. The communion that touches us also quickens our spirit to grow willingly in laying down our soulish thoughts and worldly ways, all those selfish ways, without any fleshly arguments that hold us to what He is taking away from us. Christ is working within us to help us to recognize, then lay down, fleshly hatred of others and every lie, finding life principles that work.

Some men become enlightened with the precepts of a heavenly Father, our heavenly Father, daily. We hear every word coming from His mouth and it powers our spiritual development. We are growing in spiritual understanding, knowing spiritual things that draw us to higher insights and clearer knowledge of scripture in this hour. Seeing Jesus more clearly is the revelation God grants as He helps us grow to fuller stature to find and fulfill our calling.

Sons and daughters of God are continually learning how to be led by His Spirit by readily laying down soulish ideas. We are learning to be willing to change pursuits, to stop our carnal expressions, to express rather what is in our inner spiritual being. Our inner relationship with the Father is secure, knowing those who murdered and opposed Jesus will be forgiven. They too will be coming out of hellish bondage to fires which burn out the holds people have to darkness in tormented hells. He asked that they be forgiven, for they knew not what they did:

"When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. But Jesus was saying, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves. And the people stood by, looking on. And even the rulers were sneering at Him, saying, ‘He saved others; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His Chosen One.’ The soldiers also mocked Him, coming up to Him, offering Him sour wine, and saying, ‘If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself!’” Luke 23:33-37 NAS

As we conform to Christ from within in obedience to God, we are freed from all the familiar soulish practices of the carnal mind. Death no longer deceives us. Oh, it is working in people, but Christ frees us within from all those earthly mindsets and years of building our own temporal opinions that just make us old. Christ working within can free us from our fleshly ways. No other power can deliver men and women from inner scarrings of deaths of every sort.

“I no longer live but Christ lives in me” Paul says to bring light that is enabling me to lay down my own soulish ways, while yet I still live by faith. But it is not “my” faith of keeping what I know of scriptural instructions religiously observed that grants me the victory. The victory of Christ is GIVEN to us powerfully to wash us within, to be of one mind, with one spirit that rules over us in victorious life.

We find the throne of Jesus has a sevenfold Spirit flowing out to what remains of our earth, with power given to free our spirit and lift us from every dreadful thing death that has worked within men and women. Taking up His faith opposes our old soulish ways which are to be laid down, and once laid down, taken away. Not everyone comes to this now, no one accidently happens upon God’s work in Mount Zion. Men do not just “saunter” to Zion.

We are called into the heights of the Kingdom, yet many Christians today are sliding around spiritual covenants that are half baked. Those who are LED BY HIS SPIRIT, however, are not stumbling or fumbling around with elementary doctrines in temporary heavens. They are on the way to full sonship manifestation with GOD ALMIGHTY. No one accidentally enters into the spiritual chambers holding His throne room.

The King of God has reserved this time to reveal the third heaven. It is like the third feast of Israel, the Feast of Tabernacles, which contains spiritual principles, like laws, that are focused to dominate the economy of those worshiping God. The Feast of Tabernacles brings promises of inheritance that apply to new heavens as prescribed. Here UNITY and PEACE in LOVE leads us all to walk in precise precepts and principles that God only can process within each one of us. Each of us are to apprehend all of the things of God.

The tabernacle of Moses given in the wilderness is a perfect figure, a type and shadow. It is a type of a spiritual place of God dwelling within a people in great spiritual realities as illustrated within those feasts of Israel. As instructed, Israelites properly worshipped in ways of thanksgiving for the way of life God was providing. God still blesses those who worship Him in spirit and truth, who know how to fulfill all the shown types and shadows of the three Old Testament feasts:

“Like heat by the shadow of a cloud, the song of the ruthless is silenced. The Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; A banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow, and refined, aged wine. And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples, even the veil which is stretched over all nations. He will swallow up death for all time, and the Lord GOD will wipe tears away from all faces, and He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth; For the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 25:5-8 NAS

We are instructed “by the Spirit” to know historical events, their current application, and the future course of His lasting laws. Yes, spiritual precepts and principles are being revealed to us within our daily relationship with our heavenly Father. He understands our inner being and wants to govern the domain of God’s great universe. Sonship to God the Father is an order greater than any order found in candlestick churches. Kingdom priests are being sent to find those in passing heavens to move them on to the higher heavens of the overcomers in the churches.

“Yes!” rings within our inner being, showing also the law of the spirit of life which is working to free us from every bondage in temporal time. We are to be free from the darkness in bondages that work deathly mindsets within people. We MUST be free now, changed and transformed in word and deed. We need much insight into His perfecting work of love, along with the teachings of the apostles and prophets who share in any accomplished maturity within us.

Paul and others were mightily transformed into the image of God’s dear Son, expecting death, even our mortality, to be swallowed up of His life. God grants us the faith that all of this is happening to us now as we follow on to know the Lord:

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7

According to these precepts, what happens when we believers ask? We receive. What happens when you hear the words of His mouth? You hear and follow on! When you seek, you find. And what is the result of the tears of many years of knocking? Why, it is opened unto us. Those are exact and immutable words Jesus still says today, “Ask, and it shall be given you.” Everyone who asks according to the Father’s will, knowing His name, receives. How awesome, positive, expansive, and with absolutely supreme significance are these all-inclusive principles and precepts of His truth. Jesus is the embodiment of truth:

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him.” Matthew 7:11

Those who ask for good things are given things. Draw reverent attention to the two significant words: “ask” and “things.” If you ask, what do you get? THINGS! What kind of things? Good things! Yet they are, nonetheless, things. The realm of asking for and receiving things has been made part of elementary heavens of Christianity. Thirtyfold realms are where the truth is existing, but they are blind to receiving the further work of the Spirit.

He is working from Zion to free us to worship in truth that is revealing Him as He is, beyond where the church realms have touched and experienced God on midheaven planes. These are not knowing the higher dimensions of sixtyfold Pentecost in which a person can come to be filled with the Spirit, receive gifts, and learn from our creator. What manner of blindness has divided the nations, the different peoples, our neighbors, and our brethren!

Christians should not be content to remain slaves to elementary levels of worship. We have experienced most satisfying realms of forgiveness, with blessings on natural things, receiving and giving spiritual gifts that freely establish us in grace through faith. Elementary church heavens are yours for the asking. There are no conditions, no qualifications, no price, but neither is there any great attainment in maturity UNTIL we leave the elementary principles and doctrines of Christ:

“Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. And this we will do, if God permits." Hebrews 6:1-3 NAS

Does God permit us to leave behind the elementary places? Or are we stuck in the realms of being babes in Christ, mostly childish in spiritual experiences, short in all sorts of ways? Overcomers of elementary teachings transition to hearing the Lord Jesus saying, “Are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” Many Christians then are translated from asking for and getting earthly things, good things that are still lacking a constant connection to the source by Spirit:

“Seek and ye shall find…” Matthew 7:7

The difference between seeking for and asking for earthly things is lack of SEEKING FOR HEAVENLY THINGS. This is what affects our growth to the spiritual lines drawn between realms of candlestick church and believing followers of Christ Jesus. He still teaches us:

“Therefore I say unto you, ‘Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for the body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. Your heavenly Father knows that ye need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’” Matthew 6:25-33

Seeking first a greater level of knowing the King of the Father, how He is right now. Experience God in Zion also to seek first the Kingdom. First is denoted and should be applied in this message to SEEK FIRST Kingdom things, to know what’s right about them. Seeking first the Kingdom means to know something beyond our soulish understandings. Something true is added to us and an element of time is involved. Yes, we can ask in a moment, but seeking is not a single act. It is a process, a series of acts. Seeking and searching involves a process to be worked in our life.

The Gentiles seek meat to eat, to drink, and are concerned with clothing the body. These are earthly things desired and sought by everyone. But David speaks of seeking the face of Him:

“This is the generation of them that seek Him, that seek Thy face…” Psalms 24:6

This truth speaks of people in many generations that seek His face, a people who have been processed by Christ, generated specifically for the plan brought forth by the Father. I agree with Peter, we are a CHOSEN people, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD generated to find our fulfillment and destiny in God’s precious promises. DAILY, we seek Him first, to be made alive, renewed from within until we too become that generation seeing the face of the the Lord:

“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.

See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven. And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.’

This expression, ‘Yet once more,’ denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:22-29 NAS

As God consumes the dross of death in our life, we come to know Him in our inner spiritual being, knowing we are alive to Him. It is a wonderful form of love as we are sealed into the reality of desiring justice for all! We Christians are called and drawn higher to become accustomed to an unshakable kingdom of truth. What does it take to discover and appropriate God’s glorious and eternal promises as being our reality at any given time? Do we know what is required?

Jesus says it takes some seeking. So, we don’t just slip into God’s glory land by accident. We have not coasted into the fullness God has promised us to instantly or accidentally stop our mortality. We do not wake up one fine morning a sealed son or daughter of the most High. There is a PROCESS that works on our INNER PARTS, a work of His writing on us by the Spirit that develops His qualities that we recognize as spiritual truths. Spiritual laws of life govern our ascent.

There is an ordained path of progress, a highway in which wisdom and understanding is given in order that we fit into the King’s plan. Blessed are the meek, for they enjoy an allotment, a place of honor with God:

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.” Psalms 27:4

“I’ll seek to dwell in the house of the Lord,” David said. We come to see where He sits inside our being, waiting to be gracious to us. Oh, what glory and grace God can open within our hearts! We do seek to find His whole might making us graceful and truthful, complete in wisdom, complete in God life in a focused power that redeems the whole man. We are saved to the uttermost, a salvation working out from our deep spiritual parts to renew our mind and quicken our body.

Arise then, and seek to face the beautiful precepts placed in us to allow them to operate in us perfectly. May His life dwell within us as His holy temple, filling our mouth with His messages, saying, “Oh, come to the place He is seated.” There, in jubilant brokenness, our believing hearts still hunger for more truth that breaks people free from the bondages and darkness of death. We long for God to write on our heart to seek Him first, to hear what His deep says to our deep. We long for Christ’s reign to come sooner, not later. Thus, we find what David desired, that one thing, by seeking Him, inquiring in the DWELLING of God. We too behold the beauty of the Lord, and learn to inquire within His temple.

What are the called out brethren living for? What kind of fruit is produced within them by God, what kind of characteristics have our life’s experiences yielded? Are we greedy? What does He find working within us? What does it take to make us joint heirs with the body of Christ? Are we fitting into the plans He has perfected? Do we know His plan for us today? What heavenly treasuries are we accumulating? What heavenly reward do we gain when all is said and done?

It is so vague to most that few really do seek God’s Kingdom first, but those who go far enough do find God dwelling within them! His great abilities surpass ALL of man's abilities, comprehension and imagination:

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 7:33

Jesus presents this as an experience that takes care of our every need, so our prayers are not spent mostly asking for things. Our prayer life is released to accomplish something more constructive and profitable than asking for more good things for ourselves, more dollars in the next paycheck, new ways to get the bills paid, or to get the car fixed, for healing the body, and blessings for the family.

Much time and effort is spent in Christian fellowship asking for good things. But the truth is revealed when our hearts seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness is revealed to us. Then we find God adds all the things we need. Our greatest need becomes to find spiritual Mount Zion, adding to us an overflow of abundant spiritual life.

ALL THESE GOOD THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU! That is a way leading to peace, a precept of the King that still works truly for those who seek Him first. His righteousness comes FIRST as our chief concern. Then we do have all our needs supplied automatically by our loving Father. Life is easier when God cares to supply our essentials! Learn to let God Himself care for your incidentals. When we are seeking first the bread of life, we have heavenly suppers that cleanse us with the water of His Word.

He robes us in His righteousness with the King’s domain. To see Jesus face to face is the greatest of rewards! We are not lacking or needing when we are appreciating the value of heavenly things. God sometimes withholds earthly blessing so His sons and daughters can mature in understanding and trust His instructions in a deeper spiritual manner. Earthly goods don’t seem so great to those weaned from the mother’s milk of blessings to seek first the BLESSER.

Mature sons trust the wisdom of God, leaning more heavily upon the truth to find His strength is revealed and supplied when they are going through fiery testings. Sons become content to simply be established within, knowing God as their Father. The markings of sonship were upon Job when he said:

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” Job 13:15

Can we see the reality of Christ focused within us enough to discover our goals in life are not to make money and accumulate things needed to sustain our lives? When our priorities are set on what is right, we must be straightened out in many issues. Only God can judge us rightly. Only God knows if we seek first His Kingdom. When most seem to have failed miserably, we find some do prevail, some do come to Zion. Hope is within our inner person that God will enable us to inherit and ENJOY OUR ALLOTMENT of heavenly rewards even now. Godliness is profitable for this life and the life to come:

“Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day…” II Corinthians 4:16

Our two dimensions are of the outward man that is of the earth—visible, tangible, physical bodies that are earthly minded. And then we Christians have an inward man that is enlightened and quickened to God life, where our spirit is connected to His Spirit. The former is of the earth, the latter is coming from heaven. The former is our first man Adam, the latter is the last of the man Adam, the Christ that is now dwelling within our spirit.

When choosing a job to make money for family, seeking romantic relationships, working for possessions, or especially seeking a ministry to represent Him, we must first be motivated by our inward man renewed by spirit to fulfill His purposes. All we do from the outer man will turn out to be comparatively empty and wasted time. Seeking unrighteous temporal gain does not fulfill the perfect will of God.

His calling to life has blessed people from every generation to deliver the outer man from the beastly pursuits of the world, where many are pursuing selfish goals with egotistical pride, in avarice, greed, being stingy and mean. Worldly people allow for standards that take advantage of one another, using deception to cheat and steal from one another. It seems difficult to trust anyone in the business world today, as so many are out for themselves while promising benefits to others.

Most politicians have lied, certainly not always serving the people. Many have served themselves, taking what they can get out of the opportunities presented them. Men do lie, men do misrepresent in order to cheat, to steal, and to kill the influence of others. Men fight and make wars to come out on top with heaps of gold. History is full of corrupt leaders, men who will cheat because they do not know first God’s righteousness within them. Men are in darkness, knowing the ways of the earthly outer man, a darkness that works to keep people in bondage. They know very little to nothing of the glorious realities possible in the inner spirit of a man quickened by Christ.

All our personal choices now are extended realities of who we are in our inner spiritual person. When we choose the will of God first, it is expressed to our inner man. This makes for peace and joy to succeed. We are filled and built up as a spiritual dwelling, built upon the right foundations, escaping the shifting sands of foolishness so that we now can be shaken free of every lie. What cannot be shaken? The unshakable hidden precepts of the King to which He has directed us within our inner spiritual person, our heavenly reality even now.

Many American people, indeed people in all the nations, work on jobs just to pay the bills and put food on the table, thinking it is miserable to continue “making a living” like this.

“…a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses…” Luke 12:15

If we seek first God’s Kingdom, our life will be supplied with much more meaningful purpose. This means first and foremost that our lives will be rewarding and joyful NO MATTER WHAT WE WORK AT—something MUCH more rewarding than gathering more possessions! We are responsible for the quality of life that we have allowed. The miracle of new life is to recognize Christ within our inner being:

“She that lives in pleasure, is dead while she lives.” I Timothy 5:6

We know true joy as our inward man learns to yield to the complete stature of the full grown man in Christ. It matters not where we live, what our job is, what our responsibilities are. If our inward life is dominated by Christ, all our outer needs will be added. Our own personal goals are affected, transformed, and swallowed up following Christ. We believers are not victims of either abundance or lack of money, things, or circumstances. These things are not able to rob our spiritual crowns or take away our spiritual place. Nothing is able to rob us of our inner quality to love, because NOTHING— nothing can separate us from our Father’s LOVE.

Seeking first the King’s domain, we find truth working peace within our life to enjoy our daily activities. The King’s domain stabilizes our life with Godly substances. We are continually SEEING THE LORD. That brings our focus on KNOCKING for entrance into those deeper things our Lord Jesus Christ has attained of God. Now we dwell in opened heavens where nothing but the ark is seen in those being drawn up hither to the throne realm.

Personally I am knocking to know His answers about things people must endure, the problems of the poor and needy, the problems people are having everywhere. It is time for MY MAN to be quiet, and hear the VOICE that’s roaring out of heavenly Mt. Zion:

“The Lord roars from Zion and utters His voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth tremble. But the Lord is a refuge for His people and a stronghold to the sons of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain. So Jerusalem will be holy, and strangers will pass through it no more.” Joel 3:16-17 NAS

A Mark We Bear

Father of All