The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Times of the Gentiles

This study presents scriptural evidence that the end of the "times of the Gentiles" has come long ago, signaling an end of man's GOVERNMENTAL DOMINION OVER THE EARTH. In this generation we are seeing knowledge increase and travel here to there increase until the earth itself is disintegrating under man's rule of the earth.

We observe facts firmly established by the scripture in order to know we are living in the time when God shall display the full promises of a coming Kingdom empowered in His people by His Holy Spirit. These are a people who truly are united with and fit into a glorious Kingdom order, an order in which the gates of hell, strife, and factious division do not prevail.

We are standing on the truth of God to display God’s promised power and glory coming to people in this world, so the world too can see. God is granting judgment to the saints of the Most High, a proof that Kingdom heavens do rule. They shall take DOMINION OVER EVERY OTHER HEAVENLY AND EARTHLY ORDER. This requires the long-awaited unveiling and manifestation of God's hidden people, chosen to administer His authority with power.

Within the body of Christ, sons are placed in the highest heavens to rule justly, coming down into the midst of crooked and perverse generations of people. God has allowed great consternation, distress, shrieking gloom, and destruction as the pride of man crumbles while also raising a humbled yet spiritually quickened people to full victory and divine deliverance by the spirit of Christ.

Over twenty centuries ago, Jesus uttered one of the most profound prophetic statements of truth that ever fell upon the ears of listening men. He had been teaching His disciples about the ending of this age and the coming of the kingdom. Speaking of the great judgment that had befallen the people of the nation of Israel, and their beloved city Jerusalem, He declared:

“And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and they shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Luke 21:24

This term, “the times of the Gentiles” was applied by our Lord to that interval of earth’s history of the removal of the nation of Israel as God's wife. This includes all the relationship with God that had formed Israel until the time when God would overthrow the dominion of the Gentile nations AND GIVE DOMINION BACK to His wife. This time, thank God, it is to be the church built by Jesus Christ!

Among these church people are a beloved people, God’s secret administration, called out of every nation, not just Israel. These beloved brethren have been tested, tried, and proven to be qualified. They are being joined to Jesus Christ, reigning in His life over all their own earthly and devilish ways. They receive the measure of Christ working within that accomplishes pureness, singleness of heart, and true love for God.

“He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14

During the times of the Gentiles, the nations of the world have had all manner of governments ruling over the people of the world. This includes the scattered children of Israel’s ten lost tribes and the remnants of the nation of Judah, the Jews who also were scattered among all the other nations on earth. The Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ is not, as yet, exercised in the fullest sense. His great power is to reign over the nations of earth! Knowing the time when the Gentile nations have lost their God given lease on ruling this earth, as the prophet Daniel declared, helps us recognize the great time in which we are now. NOW IS THE SET TIME FOR GOD’S KINGDOM TO REIGN:

“I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22

Many scriptures confirm God’s promise to establish His just, righteous judgment that brings peace to this planet. David prophetically declared of Zion:

“Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.” Psalms 102:13

Our Lord’s words “until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” means Gentile nations should rule over the planet and Jerusalem until a definite appointed limit. An unlimited, indefinite period could not be said to be fulfilled, so at that time, the Gentile nations ruling Jerusalem HAD ALREADY BEGUN. It would last for a fixed time, and also END at the appointed time.

The beginning of these Gentile times is clearly located by the scriptures. They furnish us the LENGTH ALSO of the fixed period, so we can know just when it terminates. This fixed time period, Jesus said, had to be fulfilled. Scripture was furnished in such a way that it could not be understood as written, not until the lapse of time and the events of history had shed their light. Even then, understanding was given to and by only those who are taught wisdom by the Spirit of God. Those following Jesus Christ as Lord are given insight into such matters of divine prophecy of the time of the end, so they know and understand what is taught by His Spirit.:

"Now you, Daniel, stop up the words and seal the scroll until the era of the end, when many shall swerve as evil shall increase:…” Daniel 12:4 concordant

"Many shall purify and whiten themselves and be refined; yet the wicked will act wickedly. None of all the wicked shall understand; yet the intelligent are understanding." Daniel 12:10 concordant

The times of the Gentiles began when Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, lost his crown to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.:

“As for you, profane, wicked prince of Israel, whose day has come in an era of depravity’s climax, thus says my Lord Yahweh: ‘Take off the turban, and heave away the crown (dominion). This shall not remain like this! Elevate the low, and abase the lofty! Depraved, depraved, depraved shall I constitute it!' Moreover, this will not be restored until He comes to Whom judgment belongs, And I give it to Him.’” Ezekiel 21:25-27 concordant

This lease of Gentile nations to reign over the earth and the earthly city of Jerusalem began in the days Nebuchadnezzar’s siege of Jerusalem. This caused the crown of Israel to pass from king Zedekiah’s head to the Babylonian crown dominating the whole world. The crown of reign was left on the head of the world’s leading powers.

We can readily find the date for the beginning time of Gentile worldly dominion. Both secular and religious histories show that Babylon’s empire began their sieges against the reign of Jerusalem in the year 606 B.C. The nation of Judah finally fell before the Babylonians twenty years later in the year 586 B.C. So the times of the Gentiles had to have begun during this twenty year period from 606 to 586 B.C.

Note that prophetic time in scripture is often given in symbolic language so that measurement of time is not literal, but symbolic. Each prophetic “day” represents an actual year. We see in Leviticus chapter 26 that God warned Israel that if they did not hearken unto Him He would punish them “seven times” more in addition to all His other judgments upon them. Were these seven times of judgment upon Israel literal or symbolic? Did they refer to seven years, or to a symbolic time represented by seven years?

The mind of Christ answers that they were symbolic times — symbolically —for in these seven years there are 2,520 days, and each day represents a year. The Jewish calendar has 360 days per year, therefore the “seven times” are in reality 2,520 years God would scatter Israel among the nations. The time of the Gentiles cannot be seven literal years, for Israel had many captivities of much longer duration.

For instance, they served the king of Mesopotamia eight years (Judges 3:8), the king of Moab eighteen years (Judges 3:14), king Jabin twenty years (Judges 4:2-3), the Philistines one period of forty years and another of eighteen years (Judges 10:7-8; 13:1), besides their seventy years in Babylon. All these periods are far longer than seven literal years. The seven times obviously shows without contradiction that literal time is not meant. Rather it is symbolic time, a day for a year.

The “times of the Gentiles” Jesus spoke of is the same time period as the “seven times” of Israel’s punishment under the dominion of heathen (Gentile) governments, as no longer free. We have seen that these seven times are to run for 2,520 years. In order to define the times of the Gentiles, we determine the fulfillment time by adding 2,520 years to the start date, and we have the resulting END OF THE TIME GENTILE NATIONS WILL RULE THE WORLD!

This is the sign that forecasts the coming of God’s lasting Kingdom to rule this planet. Note that the subjugation of Judah by Babylon began in 606 B.C. That subjugation was not complete until twenty years later in the year 586 B.C., when the crown was passed to Babylon. Now when we add 2,520 years to our dates, 606 and 586 B.C., this brings us to the years 1914 and 1934. Now, let us not forget that the Lord used the natural nation of Israel and the natural city of Jerusalem as the yardstick for measuring this time period.

This means that in the year 1914 and in the years 1934-35 there should have been significant movements taking place in the world in relation to the natural people who were descendants of Israel, and its beloved city Jerusalem. This serves as a SIGN that the times of the Gentiles had drawn to a close, and now God would be working to establish His Kingdom. And there were significant movements for both the natural people of Israeli descent and those of spiritual lineage in Christ’s faith during those times!

“For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery-- so that you will not be wise in your own estimation-- that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, ‘The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob. This is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.’" Romans 11:25-27 NASB

In the year 1914, a world war raged like never before. Jerusalem had been oppressed for 2520 years, trodden down by one power after another all through the centuries from the time king Zedekiah’s crown passed to Nebuchadnezzar. In 1914, Jerusalem was the heel of Turkish power. The city of Jerusalem had been trodden down for 25 centuries. But in that year of destiny – 1914 – a world wide war broke out, and Great Britain, the descendants of the 10 lost tribes of Israel, declared war on Jerusalem’s oppressor, Turkey. This happened a few weeks after the beginning of the War, and after a little over three years of fighting, Jerusalem was freed by the British army defeating the Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1917.

Following this liberation of Jerusalem, Jewish people all over the world wanted an independent Palestinian homeland for the Jews. At that time the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, published the famous Balfour Declaration on behalf of the British Government, encouraging the Jewish people to build and make a Jewish homeland around Jerusalem. And thus was initiated the first steps toward the formation of the current State of Israel, a clear sign of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus:

“And Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

This clearly and unmistakably identifies 1914 as the BEGINNING OF THE END for the times of the Gentiles. The END is equally significant as the events surrounding the year 1934 dawned upon the world only nine months after Adolf Hitler had become the dictator of Germany. This opened the way to plunge European Jews into the horrors of a Second World War, well documenting Hitler’s total efforts to EXTERMINATE THE JEWISH PEOPLE.

The year 1935 saw the BEGINNING of the most terrible and massive persecution of the Jews ever carried out in history. Literally 6 million Jews were killed in untold horrors. More were driven as refugees from their homes into other lands under the Nazi nightmare. Yet out of the violent convulsions of that war, the conscience of the victorious nations was stirred to make a major worldwide change. One by-product of all that conflict was the establishment of the State of Israel in the year 1948. Then 19 years later, in 1967, in the famous “six day war,” the state of Israel captured the old city of Jerusalem to make it a part of the Israeli nation for the first time since the start of Zedekiah's captivity. This is the sign that the Times of the Gentiles had come to its complete END.

We are standing squarely before the greatest time of all the ages, the great Day of God Almighty! Now He promises to manifest an EVERLASTING KINGDOM made up of saints who are to rule heaven and earth. His Kingdom will gather all realms of heaven and the governments of earthly nations together unto a battle. THIS PLANET BELONGS TO JESUS CHRIST, AND HE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE HIS GREAT POWER AND REIGN. It is the King’s reign that causes battles to rage in the heavens and earth, and they rage until their dominion is burnt up and the world is overturned.

Then the dominion is TRANSFERRED BACK TO GOD’S CHOSEN WAY of the kingdom of God built by Jesus Christ. At this time, world domination no longer belongs to the natural nation of Israel, but to the SPIRITUAL SEED OF ABRAHAM, by FAITH through Christ Jesus. The Anointed One is Jesu, Who is the head of a gloried body of believers, true SAINTS who are destined to make the kingdoms of this world the obvious possession of God’s King until the end of the eons.

"I was perceiving in the visions of the night, and behold, with the clouds of the heavens One like a son of a mortal was arriving; He came unto the Transferrer of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. To Him was granted jurisdiction and esteem and a kingdom, that all the peoples and leagues and language groups shall serve Him; His jurisdiction is an eonian jurisdiction that shall not pass away, and His kingdom shall not be confined.

As for me, Daniel, my spirit was perturbed within its sheath, and the visions of my head were flustering me. I drew near on to one of those standing by, and I petitioned him for the true meaning of all this. Then he spoke to me and made the interpretation of the matters known to me: ‘These monstrous animals, the four of them, are four kingdoms that shall arise from the earth. Yet the saints of the supremacies shall receive the kingdom, and they shall safeguard the kingdom unto the eon, even unto the eon of the eons.’" Daniel 7:13-18 concordant

“…and the government shall be upon His shoulder…” Isaiah 9:6

"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever. And the twenty-four elders, who sit on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying, ‘We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who are and who were, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign. And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.’

And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple, and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm.” Revelation 11:15-19 NASB

THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST is a many membered body that is the authorized authority to administer the blessings of the kingdom of God upon the whole creation, in heaven and earth, and to reach all that is under the earth. Jesus shall reign IN and THROUGH His many-membered body of brethren, the Sons of God who bear the weight of His authority. When something is upon the shoulder of a man, THE WHOLE BODY SUPPORTS THE WEIGHT OF IT.

What a tremendous heritage is ours — IF we qualify for the RIGHT to reign with Jesus Christ in bringing His blessings and deliverance to rest within our hearts. He has promised to deliver the needed ingredients to end the groaning creation’s bondage to corruption. He promises to stop the results of sin, darkness, and death. He is washing away all the curse of death within our spirit, soul and body because we were first to trust Him.

Behold, we are found to be CONQUERING the powers of death WITH HIM, including the spirit of Cain that is at the heart of man’s disobedient and devilish workings. All through the ages UNTIL NOW, Satan has usurped authority over the heritage of God, over His people, over His church, and over the brethren deceived by the man of sin.

Look at the history of the Christian people in general to see that they have suffered greatly from the powers of darkness for century upon century. Christians have been persecuted, then deceived, on every hand. Christians are afflicted with all manner of carnality, bitterness, bewilderment, sickness and disease, filled with sorrow and fear, and tormented by warring divisions.

Many have been taken captive by the spirit that has dominated this world until today. Even the church world, instead of being invested with power over all the power of the enemy, is spotted and corrupted. We see in the candlestick church realm a defeated band of slaves, “thinking they are rich and have no need”, yet divided into a thousand denominations and sects.

The church is cast into satan’s most prideful orders of division and disunity, continuing to hold to certain deceptive beliefs that keep people ignorant. Christians do not know that they are underlying instruments of torment, strife, and factions because so much of that floods the common way of understanding among Christian brethren. This church government has also run its course to now come to its end: THE END OF MAN’S TIME TO RULE.

The Spirit of the Lord in an overcoming handful causes them to be arising from the dust of death’s defeat and desolation. Some are placed in the kingdom of God as God dwells in them. These are stripping off all the old dominions and powers to put on their beautiful rightful garments, an inner display of Christ granting us the whole armor of God!

The trumpet of His anointed Voice is going forth in this great hour. At first it appears like another Gideon’s band, endowed to be “more than conquerors” through Christ who loves them. This band of believers, THE OVERCOMERS, are the Lord’s army who are His lasting government empowered and granted joint heirship in the dominion of heaven and earth. They do not arise by their own religious strength, nor by intellectual power, but BY THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD.

A trumpet has been blowing since 1948 to a people called to spiritual Mount Zion. The alarm is sounding to many of God’s holy people at this specific point in history as the Day of the Lord is more than just nigh at hand. The time for God’s Kingdom to be manifested in sons has come. Our Father will exercise His power to rule over our house. IF THAT SAME SPIRIT THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD DWELL IN US, IT CAUSES US TO BE JOINED TO HIS QUALIFIED PEOPLE — PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE — WHO ARE PART OF HIS THRONE.

He will rule heaven and earth in the people our Father places as His habitation. How blessed are those called to feed on the Lamb’s words! They may feed freely until they are joined as one spirit in a marriage with the Lamb. The feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb, will provide bread of life, anointed oil, and new wine that extends His dominance OVER ALL OTHER KINGDOMS, including all the great nations that rule this world.

The time allowed for the Gentile nations to rule this world has passed long ago. The time of the promised New Jerusalem, the real Kingdom of God has appeared by coming down to take dominion over every power that works within the soul of man. We are called to THIS CITY, our common homeland, from where the Lord Jesus is coming. If you can receive Him, if we hear and understand what His Spirit is saying, we are to surely enter the spirit of the Lord’s Day.

NOW is the time for Kingdom Dominion to be placed within the hearts of His followers. Jesus being Lord IS NOT A FUTURE EVENT FOR US, as only its conclusion is future! We are subjects of an unfolding of the King's government within our own spirit. NOW WE ARE SPIRITUALLY STANDING ON MOUNT ZION IN THE DAY OF THE LORD, of which all the prophets have spoken by faith since the worlds began.

NOW is the time to expect GOD's EVERLASTING KINGDOM to reign gloriously, age without end, WITHIN us by His coming spiritually to join us with a great host of people in God. We’re joined to a glorious body of Christ along with celestial bodies gathered to Him in the unseen realms. He is appearing to show us men and women on earth how to gain paradise now by having faith in Christ’s life and light maturing to reign within our spirit, save our soul, and quicken our earthly bodies.

Rule of Christ

The Well Within