The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Our Prayers ARE Important

Our prayers ARE important. It is the way of the King:

"Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men...for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." I Timothy 2:1,3-4

Intercessions of prayer to God are interviews with intervening power. We find our prayers are a deep desire within, urging us to be and do what is necessary to have His will happen in our life the way God reveals it should happen. I am concerned how to worship Him properly. My intercession is intervening for divine power to flow out in relation to circumstances.

For years of following Jesus and fellowship with God's people, we find blessed fulfilment in seasons of waiting for His directions. He is teaching us of His ways, so we come to know about what He is doing. Prayerful intercession works to reveal Jesus so we may see and understand that God is in us too. We ask invitingly that God do what He wants done.

As His true ministers we take turns speaking decrees, mostly by faith, that it be done and in this way are now truly receiving our own reward:

"...and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are laborers together with God;" I Corinthians 3:8-9

We labor to invoke God's dominion over earthly situations through intercession to prove what is the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God, based upon the spiritual understanding He desires to give us. His will is bound to be done in that earthly situation just as His will is being done in heaven.

Private prayer releases spiritual unction for God's will to operate in our spirit. Any divine expression could be said to be from God’s true intercessor — God's strategist — who is seeing what God is after in every circumstance, privately knowing of God’s works along with His way of thinking. Anointed men and women used of God in the Old and New Testament always understood their specific commission. So must we.

God created all things by the Word. God SAID, "Let there be...and it was so." It is not that God wished, or God thought, but God SAID. That's a CREATIVE WORD. That word was expressed in Jesus continually, and will work in us also. Real prayer leads us to participate in the creative Word of God by asking for and seeking the things that are true in heaven above. We are to be KNOCKING in prayer for our spirit to really be opened to heaven, capable of receiving heaven’s thoughts, being subdued from within to come alive so that Christ is an expression in us. Christ in us! Yet, I admit it's been a mystery!

How narrow minded Christian prayers sometimes can be. We pray so often for ourselves: me and my family, my work, our financial affairs, yet not much more. Paul taught our intercession should be BROAD, with consideration for all! When our prayers come before God's direct attention, there should be a universal care about them, for IN CHRIST we have been made beloved, royal sons and daughters in the family of God.

As sons, we have been given the power and authority to carry out our Father's will and to establish His Kingdom here on earth. HOW WE ARE TO EXERCISE THAT AUTHORITY NOW IS REVEALED IN OUR PRAYER LIFE. His house are we, a house of prayer that has been Fathered with a royal purpose for creation. We are His house, to be filled fully with the spirit of Jesus Christ. He is our heavenly Head and we are members who make up His body.

The body of Christ is the firstfruits that God has purposed to show forth His work, to reveal His will on earth — yes, through you and me, beloved! We learn that without Him, we can do nothing. Yet, without us, He will not do everything! Look now for a Zion people coming together in peace with KING-PRIESTS — members of His Kingdom who are appointed to bless and restore men to God. The restored shall know the Father of their spirit and their prayers of faith will be answered with liberation to come to abide in His highest of heavens.

Still, many are ignorant, living in darkness and suffering in hellish torments without hope. Once we have drunk abundantly of the precious water of life in Christ Jesus, and have been instructed by His wise heavenly counsel, we are therein prepared to step forward with faith to conquer these waters of death (carnal thinking) that are pouring forth to cover our own minds. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our pattern and example.

Once when He walked upon this planet, there came to Him a Roman centurion whose servant was sick:

"And when Jesus was coming to Capernaum, there came unto Him a centurion, beseeching Him, and saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed." Matthew 8:5-8

Jesus spoke the word “Go, as you believe let it come to be with you,” and the servant was healed in the self-same hour. The Lord was not near the place, but a miracle took place. The centurion's servant was healed from tormenting palsy. How did this happen?

This same Jesus speaks today in His body. God's Spirit is going forth to carry out what He says so that dead people are raised, the blind see, those with a lame walk are straightened out, the diseased are cleansed, the dumb speak and the deaf hear. Now when Jesus speaks, mighty men who dominate worldly empires shake and fall.

Have you not noticed that Jesus did many great works with speaking creative words into some present manner of daily life? To the man with the withered arm, He said, "Stretch out your hand." To the paralytic He said, "Arise, take up your bed and walk." To the dead He commanded, "Come forth!" He spoke the creative Word and marvelous things happened. This is how the Kingdom of God still operates. One who is a son can SPEAK THOSE THINGS INTO EXISTENCE that he has received of His Father. Oh, how we Christians need to sit at His blessed feet, spiritually, and be taught of His creative Spirit!

A lifetime of Christian experience has taught me that there is ONLY ONE element necessary for one to operate kingdom faith. That one essential element is KNOWING THE WILL OF GOD. There must be harmony with the divine will. The secret is to have His faith, His mind, His understanding. Christ’s mind is in harmony and in submission to God's purposes. May our single motivator, our compelling thought that is controlling us, even when we meet challenges in this life, be motivated by the Lord, not thinking of the Father’s will as being impossible to perform.

Change is coming to the whole creation waiting for God’s sons and daughters to bring deliverance within their midst. Sons who are elected by God, those who have been chosen, men and women, are gathering to Him throughout every generation to be a promised blessing to each dispensational age. By this, men who have lived on the earth created by God would also live in the Kingdom heaven created by God.

"For I am reckoning that the sufferings of the current era do not deserve the glory about to be revealed for us. For the premonition of the creation is awaiting the unveiling of the sons of God. For to vanity was the creation subjected, not voluntarily, but because of Him Who subjects it, in expectation that the creation itself, also, shall be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God. For we are aware that the entire creation is groaning and travailing together until now." Romans 8:18-23 concordant

The preacher in church, the criminal in prison, the rich and the poor, the believer and unbeliever, all come to the unseen SPIRIT REALM to find God is ministering from there. All Christians are not made kingdom priests. Yonder is the great High Priest of our profession, who has pressed through hell and into the highest heavens to ever live to make intercession for each one of us. He is the MINISTER OF THE TRUE TABERNACLE and such are we — when we believe what God has told us.

His creative word is making those who hear Him to be kings and priests in Zion where we are made to sit together with Him in HEAVENLY places as a kingdom of priests. For these priests it is not necessary to be gathering to a church on Sunday morning. They find a spiritual oneness with Him that draws them to know the power of God’s working as THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH within their spirit. They are eventually moved only in expressions led of our heavenly Father, even in their everyday lives with all its earthly situations and circumstances.

I pray that the eyes of our understanding may be enlightened to the fact that we are mere learners in our Father's great school of sonship. There has come many beautiful unfoldings of His purpose, much outflow of His life, a continual manifestation of His Spirit to our spirit! Yet there shall now come the ultimate, total, and complete salvation of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ will save us from every sin and every bit of death, so that MEN SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS NOW, ALIVE IN US. They will not sow in a narrow minded traditional ways of church that limit the people to their version of salvation — ‘saved then used for church purposes’ — but the lasting Kingdom of God is coming to the spirit of each of us empowered with oneness of His true glory and expression.

His body has the total capacity of Christ without limitations. The body of Christ will have all of His power, all of His ability, all of His might ever displayed, all the majesty of the greatest kingdoms, and all the authority in the world. We are turned to it by God"s spirit quickening our spirit. He will keep coming this way until nations are swept into the Kingdom of God. The Spirit of God is coming to the spirit of many generations of dead men, raising us to incorruptible life. Creation is delivered and the last enemy, even death itself, is destroyed from the whole of Adam’s humanity forevermore!

We do pray for all men everywhere! What bright light and glorious prospects loom from our understanding of the vision in the High Priest's eyes! God has been communicating with people everywhere in heartfelt prayer that they may learn of Him, be fed of Him anew. We are being joined as one in the marriage of His spirit to our spirit now flowing out with revelation of Jesus Christ.

Knock and it Shall Be Opened

To Ask or Seek