“ Lucifer, the king of Babylon in old testament times is the type of the new testament man of sin, the lawless one already operating in the church declares the apostle Paul two thousand years ago.. “

“ There definitely has been a better covenant made to a nation born of the seed of Christ, a spiritual people gathered out of all nations, their spirit was Born (awakened), and taught by the renewing of the Holy Ghost to sanctify them by the writing His Word of regeneration within their inner spiritual man, made precious and elect.”

“His golden altar people who measure up ascend to the third heaven behind the veil, to keep the third feast, the feast of tabernacles, which is a type and shadow of His promise to indwell a people until they are beloved sons and daughters in the same stature as the first born son where God has wiped away all their tears, clamor, and misery, until death is removed in all its forms to be found in us no more. “

“Love not those teachings which do not come from the spirit of our Father, for many false ideas about God have plagued the Lord's people, so that now He is on the outside, knocking for attention and still councils his Laodicean people to buy golden ideas that are tried and true. “

“GOD IS ONE with those He has written upon, they become messengers who sing a new song even about the celestial throne, they are not polluted with the false teachings of Babylon, but are flawless, of one mind, one of the clouds the Lamb appears in to reap and harvest His people's spirit homeward to the city of New Jerusalem.” 

“Listen, these principles of God have proven effective in easing life's hard experiences, by removing the bitter sting of death through yielding and accepting what God thinks rather than what we think as men. The answer to our problem is so near — right here within our being, the secret lies in whether we have been born of the spirit enough to view our situation as a challenge not a problem. “

“ A vast number of so-called religious mis-fits, church order rejects and Christian castaways who are not famous, yet who are precious people of God who have been beaten, wounded, and been broken in man’s  harsh religious rule in the courts of the Lord with false accusations of the enemy to have suffered with Him, and they also shall reign with Him. These having repented and still do repent to come alive within as having found the key of knowing the Lord.”

“Some are called "all the way up" to the top of the mountain as Moses when he received the dispensation of the law. Something greater is here today within those who come "all the way up" unto the order on Mount Zion. “