The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

All the Way Up

God said to Moses, “Present thyself to me IN THE TOP OF THE MOUNT”. The top of the mount was Moses’ goal, representative of the top of spiritual Mount Zion, which is our calling as well. It is impossible for us to make anyone else go up all the way to the top. For those who do partake of His life enough to measure up to the standards of His kingdom, we must be prepared to be alone — ALONE WITH CHRIST developing in us.

Our spiritual progress is not based on acceptance by fellowshiping other people, but on fellowship and relationship with God as a son or daughter. God's heart testings that actively occur in our desert places bring swift qualification to those who are answering the call to ascend to the spiritual operations on top of Mt. Zion. They hear the call to COME UP HITHER, going it alone if necessary, to meet the Lord at the top of the mount. They long to be with His other remnant people that He has drawn— all of His chosen remnant.

The host of the Lord ascends all the way up the mount to present themselves to Him on the threshing floor of Zion. Not one member of that predestined body of Christ, the firstfruits, shall be missing, for the Lord is leading them. He is building HIS Church with them by His Spirit. We are all waiting to be made to completely fit with that people of deepest faith.

Wondrous things await the followers of Jesus Christ, things that are not possible for the natural minded man to understand. We do not know all that awaits us, but enough is known, enough is revealed, to wean and purge us from the elementary doctrines about Christ, all earthly minded interpretation of scripture, and the priorities of religious activity.

Christ has come enough that we know our spiritual mind is full of awareness of extraordinarily divine understanding. Listen carefully to the wonderful provision God has made for those who love Him. This provision is for those who seek His rule above all else: above money, above the praises and positions of men, above fame, above our own pleasure, for He has:

“…made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him...that we should be to the praise of His glory...and...that in the ages to come He might show (display) the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Jesus Christ.”   Ephesians 1:9-12; 2:7

We are now come to a dispensation that was yet future in the day Paul wrote about it. He points to the complete, comprehensive work of restoration and resurrection God will do in us. The workings of it have now dawned within us as a glorious power that changes and restores ALL THE INNER WAYS OF A MAN. The world has never seen anything like that which shall take place as God manifests Himself in the body of Jesus Christ to bring about a gathering of His people into a oneness of spirit.

Jesus Christ will have to come inside a man by spirit, there to be unveiled within His brethren, the chosen of  God. Yes, every eye shall see Him! The transformation of the saints into oneness is in commencement. We want to keep going in that  direction! God has prepared all His people to be made one in the greatest symphony of harmony the world will ever know. This is a symphony of divine wisdom and omnipotent power, displayed in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of unbounded rivers of divine inspiration to our spirit.

At this present time on the earth, God is fine-tuning the lives of His people. Still it seems as if every man is tooting his own horn, everyone is playing his own little fiddle. It sounds a little out of tune to those of us who listen, a medley of discord that is carnal because of differing and discord. But God is changing our lives by teaching us His ways as He writes in our hearts. He is bringing enlightenment to know every thought to be:

“…casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

We are being established in His will, transformed from within to form a word in us which speaks in a chord of harmony with the life of Jesus Christ. Our spiritual minds are now being quickened to receive a renewal. We are in a transformation by the spiritual operation of Christ coming to us from within, as He works through the crucible of our daily experiences.

Yes, God does His work through the crucible of our daily experiences! God is making a son of us. We are learning to perceive and better understand the wisdom in the mind of Christ as we grow to full stature in Him. We are no longer bound to thinking with our soul’s reasoning mind. God, by testing and refining by fire, has purged the trusting in our own soulish strength out of us: any harboring confidence in the flesh, any yielding to our inbred mentality and religion. What raucous screeching discord is emitted from our lives as it goes!

We dare to claim that we are the sons of God, called to go all the way — all the way to the top — in growth into the Head. We are destined to MEASURE UP TO THE STATURE OF THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST, to partake of a ministry greater than that of the church age. This ministry is granted greater power to set creation free by reconciling ALL PEOPLE to the truth of God being our Father. Some people have asked, “Just who do you people think you are?” To find out, just listen. 

It really makes a difference what we think, and it makes a great deal of difference when we understand THAT WE ARE APPREHENDED TO BE ONE WITH GOD, as our Father and subjects of JESUS CHRIST. God has quickened us with the spirit of sonship. Our spiritual ears have heard the sound of heavenly messengers and we cannot, dare not, settle for anything less. We want only the standard measurement found on spiritual Mt. Zion, where no guile or false word comes out from us.

If His judgment stands, we must follow on to know Him in all of the glorious fullness of God's WORD and God's SPIRIT. He is standing upon a people in Mount Zion showing them what a SON of the LIVING GOD is. God has many hidden sons today who are not caught up in world events and prophecies of gloom and doom, not worried about the desperate needs everywhere, nor following Babylon prattle. They are occupied with the knowing of the FATHER’S will and knowing of the FATHER’S works.

These pursuits do not build in fleshly ways of Christian ministry to try to explain everything, defend anything, promote and protect any church work established in the earthly mindedness of man. Every dark hurt and beastly danger suffered by men and woman can be healed by the coming of Christ WITHIN them.

How? To heal is to obey, to follow the leading of His spirit. Some now stand in the great Day of the Lord as evidence of a greater deliverance worked within their spirits than what has been working in the church world. Yes, some are now receiving the mercies of healing through the free communication in our inner spirit. We are dwelling as one spirit with God as Father:

“‘Here I am.’ Set yourself to feeding the hungry, and satisfying the afflicted, then your inner light will rise no matter the darkness. I am forming you to be a habitation of God, I am anointing you to reign over earthly things and be joined as a kingdom of priests destined to minister true salvation. I am sending you forth to be bread, broken to feed the hungry multitudes. I am pouring you out to flow, and surging, be bounteous rivers of life." (Eby)

God, our Father, is in control of everything, even the seemingly uncontrollable darkness! How faithful He is! If we ever truly keep the Feast of Tabernacles, it will cause us to be LIGHT, with that river of LIFE flowing out of our belly. Let us go all the way up to the Feast set in spiritual Mount Zion for this hour. Let us SING A NEW SONG. Let us be celibates from the influences of the old Christian systems sitting in mystery Babylon.

Let us go ALL THE WAY UP HITHER, following the Lambkin as being our kin, our nearest brother. Let our mouth not be false, but rather filled and flawless:

“And I perceived, and 'lo'! the Lambkin standing on mount Zion, and with It a hundred forty-four thousand, having Its name and lts Father's name written on their foreheads, And I hear a sound out of heaven as the sound of many waters and as the sound of loud thunder, and the sound which I hear is as lyre singers, playing on their lyres.

And they are singing a new song before the throne and before the four animals and before the elders. And not one was able to learn the song except the hundred forty-four thousand, who have been bought from the earth. These are they who were not polluted with women, for they are celibates. These are those who are following the Lambkin wherever It should be going. These are bought from mankind, a firstfruit to God and the Lambkin. And in their mouth falsehood was not found, for they are flawless.” Revelation 14:1-4 Concordant

Let us not deny the Lord who has purchased us to be His people for the ages. Some will be priests of it, some kings, and all will be participants of His domain. While many seek their own glory, there is, nevertheless, a great heavenly glory and wealth for all those who fulfill His will by following the precepts found in the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5.

This deep inner spiritual work of God seals us to qualify as His chosen sons and daughters. Therein God is shaping each of our lives with a view to the future He has predestined. What is happening in each of our lives as offspring of God today has a bearing on what our condition will be in coming days, seasons, and ages God has prepared for our experience.

The Kingdom of God is now long established and increasing throughout all the ages — the present and ages to come. Our present travail will be easier to bear when we fully realize the fuller measures of glory and power promised to us as being the dwelling place of God Almighty:

“…And I hear a loud voice out of the throne saying,'Lo’! the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and He will be tabernacling [dwelling] with them, and they shall be His people. and God Himself will be with them. And He will be brushing away every tear from their eyes. And death will be no more, nor mourning, nor clamor, nor misery; they will be no more, for the former things passed away." Revelation 21: 3-4 Concordant

A crown prince of a nation cannot live like other people of that nation. When the crown prince of Great Britain is born, he is a marked child from the day of his birth. He is different from other children in Britain. His education, his way of dress, what he is taught in the home, his associations, his activities, where he goes, when and how his leisure time is spent — everything about his life is planned to prepare him to be a king.

Do you think God does less with His royal judges, His sons and daughters? Likewise, the man or woman called and given to sonship to God is on the move, marching up a different path than most of his contemporaries. He hears the spiritual sounds of victory at the top as he moves to the next battlefield in his life on Zion's rugged slopes.

Sons stay in rank, in line with Jesus Christ who directs their steps to march in step with the Leader. Sons march to the sound of many waters of celestial origin. Led of God's Spirit, these possess the MUSIC of ZION to flow in the streets of the New Jerusalem. It is a different kind of music, a sound not dominated by man in church systems.

We are called to go all the way up to the vast company who are singing with Him on Mt. Zion. They are sounding out something new, making an unpolluted word sound so inviting that His people are being drawn out of former heavens with the sounding of its truth. And they are joined with others to sing a new song, the song of Zion which is LOVE!

Multitudes of the Lord's people are taught to keep hoping for a heavenly place at the time of physical death. The Spirit in sons is raising them to a heavenly place NOW. Many brethren are sensing the powerful vibrations of LOVE coming from His throne by the spirit. They know it by its position of eminence, by its power, by its authority. We are moving in response to our heavenly Father's call to greater life, light and deliverance than what is found in the best of existing Pentecostal heavens.  

Our Father's business is to bring the city of God into focus for all His people throughout the entire creation. We are to be reapers who are REPAIRERS OF THE BREACH that is caused by death. This is an appearing deliverance for many generations, coming to work deliverance into our religious heights all the way down into the lowest places of depression within us. He is come to reach our personal “bottomless pit” places. There He comes to our fleshly places to change us.

The great artist, Sir Joshua Reynolds, once painted a picture of Lord Holland, a prominent Englishman. The artist asked a large sum for his work, which he had completed in only a few hours’ time. Lord Holland said to him, “You get money very quickly. It did not take you much time. How long were you in painting this picture?” Reynolds replied, “All of my life.” The artist meant that the talents which had been developing all his life had entered into the picture and had made possible its production in a few hours. And he was correct.

No great picture is painted in an hour. Much time of many years of life is behind it. And God's kingdom priests are not made in the day of their coronation. Oh, no! The willingness to submit to God’s dealings in the work of conformation into the image of God’s Christ is not reached in a moment. It is the outcome of a life dedicated to upward progress by which we are transformed from glory to glory into the likeness of God's Son.

It is the outcome of years of breaking, purging, experience, growth, and development in the spirit throughout long months and seasons. God has given us a lifetime, so I assume that is generally how long it takes to have the the character of the king written upon our spiritual mind. The flowering out from  the seed of the Word which has been planted and nurtured in our heart is tested day after day after day. It is not attained by one grand leap of faith, but by growth into a state of godly maturity:

“Who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fuller’s soap: and He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver...”   Malachi 3:2-3

In the refining and purifying process, there is a purging taking place. He sits on the throne fully intent on making us as pure gold. We see the need to be purified by God of unwanted and unnecessary material. When a dictator comes to power he institutes a purging of opponents to his government. He casts out all of those not in favor of his agenda and whom he believes cannot be trusted to cooperate completely with him. Opponents are put out of office. If a conspiracy to be rid of him is discovered, there is another purge.

Those involved in this purge are not just relieved of their responsibilities, they are most likely executed. Under the former Soviet Union, there was a purge of the high officials every time there was a change of leadership. Even changes of American leaders means many are demoted to a lesser office, some are retired altogether, while others are promoted to higher positions and power. This is what is called a ‘purge’.

The Father's husbandry includes the purging of the sons of Levi (His priesthood people in Zion) FIRST. Out of us goes all of man's rule, the rule of the religious soul in man. He purges out the old to cleanse us from any offense and from the mixing in of God's pure spiritual word and will with the old carnal ways of religious man. He comes to them as a consuming fire to burn out what is contrary to His standard of righteousness. 

“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28 KJV

For this purpose, God is performing a great work when coming to each one of us by His Spirit. In the new realm, sons are called to be made priests and are purged, dethroned, and demoted if found using any old fleshly ways. God has been purging His sons to accomplish A COMPLETE SURRENDER TO HIS WILL AND WAYS. He is upholding His standard of obedience to the directions He gives us from His Word and Spirit written within.

These have clean hands, no blood from slaying others with their tongues of gossip. They are not as Cain, who slew his brother over differing offerings of worship. God is dwelling within us to PURIFY THE MOTIVATIONS OF OUR HEARTS. He abides with us as He is allowed to reign within as Lord.

Who will stand when He appears? How can anyone be put in a place of authority and power in the Kingdom who has not come to the place of complete SUBORDINATION TO THE KING? If the Lord does purge the sons of Levi, the priests of His Kingdom, the number disqualified must be great due to lack of growth in spiritual devotion to knowing and doing His will.  

God knows if we cooperate completely in the administration of His intent. God is saying “depart from me”, if you are “workers of iniquity” — doing your own thing for Him. “Depart, I never knew you…”, even though you prophesied in my name:

"‘Not everyone saying to Me ‘Lord! Lord!' will be entering into the kingdom of the heavens, but he who is doing the will of My Father Who is in the heavens. Many will be declaring to Me in that day,'Lord! Lord! Was it not in Your name that we prophesy, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many powerful deeds?' then shall I be avowing to them that 'I never knew you! Depart from Me, workers of lawlessness [iniquity]!’” Matthew 7: 21-23 Concordant

The ways of Babylon need be washed off ALL Christian ministry. All the soul-possessing demands of the insipid church systems must be purged. Yes, even we need all the attributes of the carnal religious mind purged from each of us. Our old kings (whatever rules us) must be put off, until self is denied. The Lord's brethren then learn how to cooperate with this process of being made purged, purified by our purifying fiery trials.

We Christians must learn to sing the new song of UNITY found in the Lord's  Mt. Zion people. They sound out the same way about the same things. This can only occur when we are all united in HIM. The desire of our Father is to write His name quickly on us as He beckons us come up hither where all other Christian motivation is being purged. Sons no longer care to make a name for themselves or to gather men to anything other than the presence of Jesus Christ in the spirit of the New Jerusalem.

The ones who have quietly been waiting for the day of His coming will be found standing as He appears. He is coming to continue His purging of us from earthly ways of worship. He is coming to refine and purify us to offer WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH, FLAWLESS before His throne. This is the work going on in sons who are going ALL THE WAY UP to spiritual Mount ZION!

Kings and priests are not honorary titles God confers on us because we have believed on Jesus, had our sins forgiven, and expected to make it to heaven when we died. Rather, these are positions of responsibility, authority and power in ADMINISTRATING God's lasting government. They are positions for which He Himself has trained us, through far, far more rigor than those who bear little responsibility for administration of His Kingdom.

His training for kingdom priesthood in sons and daughters is far more thorough than the churches’ seminaries who train its “in part" ministries. God will make sons who endure until the Perfect Man is formed within. His people come to know Him as called sons of God who partake of a more excellent ministry than what has been in the history of the church — and it certainly will bring in a better dispensation.

A dispensational Day of the Lord comes in the evangel of the enthroned Lamb standing on people raised to the top of spiritual Mount Zion. Judgment has come to them FIRST as the house of God. God is manifested by Christ as the head of His beloved Son so His body can rule over all earthly things, performing and bringing about the will of God to earth as it is in heaven. Obviously, great transformation is taking place in our inner person when we are enabled to meet the standard set by Christ for going all the way up to the top of spiritual Mount Zion.

The promises of God are vast and varied. Some of them, like forgiveness of sins and healing have been freely given and are unconditional. These promises have been obtained very easily at practically no cost. That is why so many receive them, as they come easily from our Father. Yet if we should be joined to a spiritual growth into Kingdom Priests who receive power to live forever with blessings for all, without curse, we are empowered to deliver people from the traps of death.

This deliverance does not “impute their trespasses to them”, meaning, this deliverance is merciful, not labeling people with their every corruption. THIS is a judge that does far more than gossip over people's differences. We must become as those who through FAITH and PATIENCE inherit the promises. It takes patience to attain any worthy goal. It takes faith for this endurance too. Jesus said:

"Not one, putting forth his hand on a plow and looking behind, is fit in the kingdom of God."   Luke 9:62 concordant

Even in this hour, some brethren are looking back. They’re looking behind to former orders established during the church age through which God has brought His Christian people. Many who are called are still clinging to those lesser realms that unknowingly disqualify ministers from finding God’s highest callings. Overcoming ministers called to God’s heights are only found working above in the spirit of the New Jerusalem order.

We do not attain this purging of the old in just a moment. Neither do we qualify all at once for SEALING, authenticated by God as a mature son. We need PATIENCE to experience something beyond what has been in the past — past what is historically behind us as Christians knowing present truth:

“Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.” 2 Peter 1:12

Spiritual growth in Christ will bring us to be placed on top of Mt. Zion but this can not be received at one night's meeting at an altar call. We have need of patience to go through the processing of rendering our hearts before Him, growing up unto the head in the full measure and right stature over time.

God has ordained some to learn HIS new song. They know His song and hear His voice as THE VOICE OF MANY WATERS, all coming from that spiritual city Abraham was seeking. In that city is a mountain of people who went ALL THE WAY in order to be a people growing KINGDOM FRUIT. These are spiritually mature, skilled ones who are experienced at serving the marriage supper of the Lamb at a new table spread with the bread of life.

They are prepared to feed His people at another level of His house, to feast on hidden manna from the homeland, the New Jerusalem. Some are called ALL THE WAY UP to the top of the mountain as Moses when he received the dispensation of the law. Something greater is here today within those who come all the way up unto the order on Mount Zion!

Repentance is the Key