The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Self-Existent Life










Only Jesus, as the firstborn Son of God, has full possession of inherent eonian life and the incorruptible nature of God our Father. There is only one life in the whole universe that can be counted as life.

He that hath the Son hath the life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life.”   I John 5:12

He who is believing in the Son has life eonian, yet he who is stubborn as to the Son shall not be seeing life, but the indignation of God is remaining on him.”   John 3:36 concordant

The truth of these passages is simply this: unless a man has the life of God, he does not have life and is just living under the deceptive curse of darkness and death. Thus, according to God’s own definition of life, only HIS life is life. Apart from His quality of life, no other form of life can be counted as life , so the power in death is what man esteems as life. What man calls life is really the process of death working in our cells, our thinking, and within our spirit's attitudes.

“In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die…”   Genesis 2:17

The natural world does not generate or perpetuate God life. It only generates and perpetuates more death. A baby is not born to live – it is born to die. All life forms apart from God are mortal. All are in one form or another breathing, blood-circulating, temporarily existing, physical beings.

Jesus made a statement which the first Adam could never have made.  Jesus said,

“Verily, Verily, I am saying to you that coming is an hour, and now is, when the dead shall be hearing the voice of the Son of God, and those hearing shall be living. For even as the Father hath life in Himself, thus to the Son also He gives to have life in Himself.”   John 5:24-26 concordant

LIFE IN HIMSELF! This is self-existent life, a life not derived from any natural source, not dependent upon any natural sustenance but inherent God life! Jesus could say, “I AM the LIFE!” No other man before Him could say that. But the exceeding great wonder of all is that not only does Jesus possess the self-existent Life of God, but God has made Him to be A LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT.

" If there is a natural body, there is a spiritual body too. So the first man, Adam, as scripture says, became a living soul; and the last Adam has become a life-giving spirit."    1 Corinthians 15:44-45  NJB

“Now this is the will of Him who sends Me, that, all which He has given to Me, of it I should be losing nothing, but I shall be raising it in the last day. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who is beholding the Son and believing in Him may  have life eonian, and I shall be raising him in the last day."   John 6:39-40 concordant

Notice the result of having the spirit of life given to our spirit:

“ Now if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is life because of righteousness. Now if the spirit of Him Who rouses Jesus from among the dead is making its home in you, He who rouses Christ Jesus from among the dead will also be vivifying your mortal bodies because of His spirit making its home in you. Consequently, then, brethren, debtors are we, not to the flesh, to be living in accord with flesh, for if you are living in accord with flesh, you are about to be dying. Yet if, in spirit, you are putting the practices of the body to death, you will be living. For whoever are being led by God's spirit, these are sons of God.”   Romans 8:10-14 concordant

How plain that the Spirit of our Father dwells — MAKES A HOME — in us and He vivifies or QUICKENS us, imparting THE POWER TO COMMENCE SELF-EXISTENT LIFE within us, that garrisons even the mortal practices of our bodies.

“These things speaks Jesus, and lifting His eyes to heaven, He said, Father, come has the hour. Glorify Thy Son that Thy Son should be glorifying Thee, according as Thou gives Him authority over all flesh, that everything which Thou hast given to Him, He should be giving it to them, even life eonian. Now it, is eonian life that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou dost commission, Jesus Christ. I glorify Thee on the earth, finishing the work which Thou hast given Me, that I should be doing it. And now glorify Thou Me, Father, with Thyself, with the glory which I had before the world is with Thee.”   John 17:1-5 concordant

“I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living. And everyone who is living and believing in Me, should by no means be dying for the eon. Are you believing this?"   John 11:25-26 concordant

He was not teaching us merely of the possibility of extending our physical existence for a few years, but that our spiritual inner man would not end in a physical grave nor be imprisoned in any darkened condition. He meant that He was quickening and watering the seeds of God's word planted by God within our spirit, even to form the incorruptible self-existent life which He gives. The life Jesus has made available is the life HE IS NOW. That life of God is receivable by our spirit to produce an eonian NATURE AND BEING of the same quality that is possessed by GOD OUR FATHER.

In receiving of this life, the Holy Anointing Oil of Yahweh’s Spirit flows from the Head to the body, giving unto the body the same SELF-EXISTENT LIFE with which the firstborn Son is endued. And truly having thus partaken of His very own spirit and life, the members of His body can now say truly, “as the Son HATH LIFE IN HIMSELF; so hath He given to the members of His body to HAVE LIFE IN THEMSELVES!” What other quality of life could we have received from Christ Jesus except the self-existent life of God the Father? Blessed of God, it is no longer us that lives but CHRIST that lives in us! This is the life God places in sons and daughters for which all creation groans.

“For I am reckoning that the sufferings of the current era do not deserve the glory about to be revealed for us. For the premonition of the creation is awaiting the unveiling of the sons of God. For to vanity was the creation subjected, not voluntarily, but because of Him Who subjects it, in expectation that the creation itself, also, shall be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God."    Romans 8:18-22 concordant

When Paul by inspiration penned these blessed words of hope, he did not have in mind a manifestation after the order of which Jesus was manifested while on earth. Jesus glorified the Father on the earth plane, and so do we. But the glory that we anticipate to be revealed is as He is NOW. That is the hope for which the whole creation is in travail. The glory to which we are called as sons of God is not the glory Jesus had on earth, but the glory for which He prayed for and gained when His earth-walk was completed:

“And now, O Father, glorify Thou Me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.”   John 17:5

Paul wrote,

“Whenever Christ, our Life, shall be manifested, then you also shall be manifested together with Him in glory.”   Colossians 3:4 concordant

And Peter declared,

“Now the God of all grace, Who calls you into His eonian glory in Christ, while briefly suffering, He will be adjusting, establishing, firming, founding you. To Him be glory and might for the eons of the eons. Amen!   I Peter 5:10-11 concordant

I tire of signs and wonders which cater only to the outer man, the flesh, and minister solely to the physical man on the plane of mortality — money, food, raiment, and all the rest of the corruptible things of earth. I am deeply discontented with ministry which blesses men in the natural but then leaves them spiritually bound and blind in spiritual darkness to carry on their lives as corruptible natural beings! There is NO EONAIN GLORY nor is there any God life released when THE BONDAGE OF CORRUPTION is controlling us to think as the mortal outer man thinks. We who have been quickened by Christ are to be spiritually alive to the life of God now. How expressive is the word which the Spirit selected when He inspired the apostle to write:

“For we are aware that, if our terrestrial tabernacle house should be demolished, we have a building of God, a house not made by hands, eonian, in the heavens. For in this also we are groaning, longing to be dressed in our habitation which is out of heaven, if so be that, being dressed also, we shall not be found naked. For we also, who are in the tabernacle, are groaning, being burdened, on which we are not wanting to be stripped, but to be dressed, that the mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now He Who produces us for this same longing is God, Who is also giving us the earnest of the spirit.”   II Corinthians 5:1-5 concordant

Paul says that the whole creation GROANS and EARNESTLY AWAITS the manifestation of God in His son(s) that swallows up the mortal parts of us by God's  life. He goes on to say that we ourselves also GROAN, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. The greater works of which Jesus spoke will appear when this corruptible body has more fully put on the incorruption of His divine life and the glory that mature sons of God are to display.

When we consider the transcendent majesty and power of a life beyond the limitations of death and attitudes of cursing, it seems but little wonder that such deliverance and reality is indeed THE DESIRE OF ALL PEOPLE (NATIONS). With what anticipation we do wait for this powerful, glorious manifestation with endurance!

“Now on the last, the great day of the festival, Jesus stood and cries, saying, ‘f anyone should be thirsting, let him come to Me and drink. He who is believing in Me, according as the scripture said, out of his bowel shall gush rivers of living water.’ Now this He said concerning the spirit which those believing in Him were about to get. For not as yet was holy spirit given, for Jesus is not as yet glorified.”   John 7:37-39 concordant

This well of spiritual water gushing from our inside is from GOD LIFE flowing from WITHIN OUR SPIRIT. This is the same Spirit of Yahweh which rests upon the firstborn Son now. We can only move on into the full measure of THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD as we allow the reality of Christ to move us from the church pew to the New Jerusalem order formed within by spirit. The apostle Paul was so concerned that we might be corrupted from the simplicity of this life of spirit that he wrote:

“For I betroth you to one Man, to present a chaste virgin to Christ. Yet I fear lest somehow, as the serpent deludes Eve by its craftiness, your apprehensions should be corrupted from the singleness and pureness which is in Christ. For if, indeed, he who is coming is heralding another Jesus whom we do not herald, or you are obtaining a different spirit, which you did not obtain (from us), or a different evangel, which you do not receive (from us), you are bearing with him ideally.”   II Corinthians 11:2-5 concordant

When Paul says that the serpent “deludes” Eve, the Greek words reveals that he actually cheated her out of something, for the word used is EXAPATAO which is a compound of the Greek word EK which means “out” and APOTAO which means “to seduce, or cheat.” Eve was, then, cheated out of her rightful spiritual state of being. The Greek word indicates by virtue of its strength, “thoroughly deceived” or “sold short.” What she was cheated from was nothing else but her inner spiritual connection to the glorious life of God.

God Himself was available to her in the Tree of Life. Just so, the church has been so cheated for two thousand years, flooded with falsities that deludes her with another source,  another spirit, another gospel time and time again, to become the great, whorish, Babylonish system of today. The nominal Christian church on earth is still wanting God's glory,

“…for all have sinned and are wanting of the glory of God.”   Romans 3:23 concordant

The means by which the serpent then beguiled Eve, and for two thousand years the church in general, is through subtlety—SOPHISTRY—the wisdom of this world. This is , according to Webster, “reasoning that is superficially plausible but actually fallacious.” It is also defined as, “the art of deception through perverted logic.” What was the argument that the serpent used that sounded superficially plausible but was, in fact, perverted logic?

Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."   Genesis 3:4-5

There was a truth in that statement, for after the woman and the man had eaten, God Himself verified the serpent’s statement of being a god as being truth.

‘And the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.’ “  Genesis 3:22

God stated that Adam had become aware of good and evil to be as one of us, as a god himself! “Ye shall be as gods,” the serpent had said, and the truth of his words stand confirmed by the Almighty in these words: "The man is become as one of us" – he has become AS A GOD.

In fact, then, the serpent had stated a truth. He had, in fact, employed a PORTION OF TRUTH to delude Eve. But what the serpent, in his sophistry (the art of deception through perverted logic), failed to disclose, was the WHOLE TRUTH: that INDEPENDENT OF GOD, men and women can NOT be a partaker of the Self existent God life and nature, therefore their destiny was to die. This should have been evident truth, but Eve failed to see it.

Eve was deceived by FACTS from another source. She took the promise to make her a god in the likeness of God as something in fact attainable within her own soul, rather than being true only as obtained by UNION WITH GOD's SPIRIT. Most of Adam and Eve's descendants today have not learned the difference between these FACTS and the TRUTH. Jesus did not say, ‘Ye shall know the facts and the facts shall make you free.’ He said to the Jews,

"If ever you should be remaining in  My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will be making you free."   John 8:321-32 concordant

Facts held and repeated by the reasoning mind of man contain no true anointed God Life. The LETTER of the law—the unanointed preaching of  scripture—KILLS. Knowing the truth by the spirit is the way to GOD LIFE. Truth is about spiritual REALITY. Jesus said, “I AM the truth and the life.” His life clothes us with our house from heaven, OUR TABERNACLE OF GOD which only comes by our spiritual UNION WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD.

The serpent still does not speak the whole true. He speaks facts about truth, intellectual knowledge apart from God life, a form of religious ideas apart from essence of God Life. Dead doctrine of self-efforts will presume to qualify by works instead of participating in spiritual union with God. God Life is to be inherent within man's spirit and experienced as a union with God by the spirit of Christ being sent to us believers. Thus, man is thereby no longer being CHEATED OUT of the very thing he was made to be, a dwelling place of God!

"Be not loving the world, neither  that which is in the world. If ever anyone is loving the world, the love of the Father is not in him, for everything that is in the world, the desire of the flesh, and the desire of the eyes, and the ostentation of  living, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world is passing  by, and its desire, yet he who is doing the will of  God is remaining  for the eon. Little children, it is the last hour, and, according as you hear that the antichrist is coming, now also there have come to be many antichrists, whence we know that it is the last hour."     I John 2:15-18 concordant

Many Christian ministers have preached mistaken notions against being worldly as external behaviors such as going to the movie theaters, the dance halls, wearing stylish clothing, and such like as loving the world. Most are confused about the world God is speaking about is the present SYSTEMS of things upon which people rely of this earth to supply their needs through work efforts, rather than God’s provision, thus continuing to act as independent gods still. These efforts are conceived by the reasoning mind and generated by the natural strength of man. It consists of all that man has instituted to replace God's Life, so he can still be god of his life.

The present political, economic, educational and religious systems on earth are of the world. When the activities, thinking, or teaching of Christian people enslave men to the old ways of death in the world, it usurps God's Life from RULING within. They then are compromised with the world and some of that compromise is what God calls spiritual prostitution — selling short of the the truth for temporal gain. Anything that causes man to sell out to disregard the Holy Spirit and be removed from the anointing of His Spirit is spiritual fornication with the world.

Just as Eve was the wife of the first man Adam, so is the virgin-church the many membered virgin wife of the last Adam, Christ Jesus. Only a comparative few are found by God to be virgins:

"There before the throne they [spiritual virgins] were singing a new hymn in the presence of the four living creatures and the elders, a hymn that could be learnt only by the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the world. These are the sons who have kept their virginity and not been defiled with women [soulish feminine church systems]; they follow the Lamb wherever he goes; they, out of all people, have been redeemed to be the firstfruits for God and for the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths and no fault can be found in them."  Revelation 14:3-5 NJB

 When in the distant mists of Eden the Creator presented Eve to Adam, He gave both Adam and his wife joint dominion over all things.

“God created man in His own image…male and female created He them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth…”   Genesis 1:26-28

Observe the use of the word “them” in this passage. God is blessing “them,” and giving “them” JOINTLY THE PLACE OF UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT. All the inferior orders of creation were set under their JOINT DOMINION. Eve received all her blessings in Adam: in him, too, she got her dignity and position and power. Universal dominion was not given to Adam alone; it was not said, “Let him have dominion,” but “Let THEM have dominion.” There was no other creature so near to Adam as Eve, because no other creature was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.

What affection Eve had for Adam! What nearness they enjoyed! What intimacy of communion! What full participation in his thoughts! What shared responsibility over all things! In all his dignity, in all his glory, wisdom, and power, she was entirely ONE. He did not rule overbearingly over her, but lovingly through her. Today the Lord of the whole creation, and all who are spiritually washed from worldly ideas about God, are also made ONE WITH HIM! They are the kings and priests of the kingdom order, joint heirs with Jesus!

" Buy the truth, and do not sell it, wisdom, and admonition, and understanding."   Proverbs 23:23

"I am advising you to buy of Me gold refined by the fire, that you should be rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be made manifest, and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may be observing. Whosoever I may be fond of, I am exposing and disciplining. Be zealous, then, and repent! 'Lo!’ I  stand at the door and am knocking. If ever anyone should be hearing My voice and opening the door, I will also be coming in to him and dining with him, and he with Me. The one who is conquering, to him will I be granting to be seated with Me in My throne as I, also, conquer, and am seated with My Father on His throne. Who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the ecclesias."   Revelation 3:18-22 concordant

Many false ideas about God have plagued the last candlestick church, the Lord's people in this last time. As the scriptures in Revelation reveal, this so true now that He is on the outside, knocking for attention, still counseling his Laodicean people to buy golden ideas that are tried and true. We are to love not those "dead letter of the word" teachings that do not come from the spirit of our Father.

Many false thoughts and teachings about God originate outside of His domain, embraced and instituted in worldly wisdom by people in churches that are in reality FLESHLY ACTIVITY contrary to the REAL mind of Christ. Even his true followers, a virgin people, have to overcome certain church conditions to qualify to find GOD'S SELF EXISTENT LIFE. True followers of Jesus Christ are spiritual virgins, who have allowed the FATHER’S NAME (NATURE) to be written on their foreheads (in their thinking), giving them spiritual insight an understanding of that which is true and flawless.

Measure UP

God is One