The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Repentance is the Key

Repentance is the key that unlocks the mercies of God, introducing man to the heavenly treasures of the King of Heaven. Those who have a broken and contrite spirit are capable of repenting of wrong thoughts, fear, anger, and malice embedded deep in man’s own way of thinking and being. Surely the mind of Christ reveals the spirit of sonship as His voice again calls for REPENTANCE from us all, just as He was calling for repentance in the days of John the Baptist.  

In this significant hour, old orders of worship are passing away for overcoming Christians. Old orders still dominate the vast majority, along with learned orders of esteemed hierarchy called “the church,” but we now see clearly those heavens need to pass away. False and fleshly programs have been created by the carnal methods of man-made organizations that are focused on building structures. They promote false doctrines in candlestick church that need to be removed from the consciousness of overcomers.

These present day candlestick church heavens have already fallen long ago in the state of the early church. The early candlestick church was lowered from the high place sought by early church apostles:

"But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place-- unless you repent."   Revelation 2:4-5 NASB

God lifts His overcoming sons and daughters into a lasting dimension of His life. It has been a strange, mysterious path of His choosing, so our repentance is needed to keep us in direct touch with the new things He brings forth. We must progressively grow into the Godhead in order to be partakers of His present purposes. Our Father is sending the spirit of Jesus Christ into our hearts with expanding ever-increasing wisdom and understanding. New light is arising within our inner person, our spirit is alive and dispels the darkness that has been covering old traditional ways of worshiping God.

We are free to behold new spiritual realities that CHANGE our thinking and understanding, which is repentance itself. God renews our mind so that we’re transformed by that changing of our mind's focus to see the real spiritual conditions that dominate God’s people on every level. Light is coming to our inner spiritual person daily as, within us, truth is reigning through glorious oneness with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

TO REPENT means to change our mind! We must let go of all the dark animosity that men hold onto — the hate, the jealousy, the pride, and all those fearful thoughts that hinder, they must be repented of and refused, when the KING OF GOD is heard from Zion’s holy hill. Behold this is our God:

"The rage of strangers like heat in the desert, You subdued the heat with the shade of clouds, the singing of the tyrants was vanquished. The Lord of Hosts will make on this mount for all the peoples a banquet of rich viands, a banquet of choice wines — of rich viands seasoned with marrow, of choice wines well refined.

And He will destroy on this mount the shroud that is drawn over the faces of all the peoples and the covering that is spread over all the nations: He will destroy death forever. My Lord GOD will wipe the tears away From all faces and will put an end to the reproach of His people Over all the earth -- for it is the LORD who has spoken. In that day they shall say: ‘This is our God; We trusted in Him and He delivered us. This is the LORD, in whom we trusted; let us rejoice and exult in His deliverance!’”   Isaiah 25:5-9 TNK

The voice of exaltation is found in people brought to Zion! He enthrones our spirit and mind to make loving unity abide within our inner being. We need to be one spirit with the Lord and we need unity with brethren who truly see Him. Their messages and songs will yet shake the heavens and the earth. Silver trumpets will make the proclamation of the new and greater manifestation of God that is coming. The inspired prophet Isaiah assured us the zeal of the Lord of Hosts WILL perform to increase His government and to make a peace that shall not end:

"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this." Isaiah 9:6-7 NASB

The increase of the King's government is among His people. They have grown from elementary stages of growth and development to the stage of manifesting mature growth. We are now standing after the end of two thousand years of church development. At this time, EARLY ON THE THIRD DAY, we are raised by the Lord to introduce a GREATER MANIFESTATION of His PRESENCE! We have repented of the old and finally see clearly enough spiritually to cause CHANGE in our mind's thinking. 

The Lord has been calling His people to come out of the candlestick church realm. They who follow the Lord as just men are gathered up into the city of God, the New Jerusalem order. We can fulfill the promised inheritance given the family of God. The seed of Abraham inherits the city MADE OF GOD,a city “made without hands” that Abraham sought.

To be a present partaker in this transition requires a repentance on our part. He is Lord Who is after control of all our inward parts. We are to love God first, granting Him first place in our hearts. Brethren who represent Him are now boldly declaring, as Jesus did in His generation:

“The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the good news!”   Mark 1:15

It is important for every Christian to see that the time of God's working in the candlestick churches has been fulfilled. He was in the midst of that "in-part" realm, yet above it now for over two thousand years. In God's spiritual timetable, a day is as a thousand years. Two days—two thousand years—is now past. NOW the Day of the Lord has come, and early on the third day He arose. He is bringing in a new feast, a feast of fat things well refined, a spiritual type of the feast of Tabernacles.

This is a new age, bringing the fullest measures of God's fruitful character to dwell within us. The hour has more than dawned, the son is rising with healing in His wings to witness through revelations and inner manifestations of Christ. Christ is leading us to the next stage, His ever-increasing and ever-expanding reign over each of us, those who are in unseen heavens and us dwelling on earth.

God’s candlestick church program is now ending. God has been meticulously calling out a people who overcame the candlestick church limitations to form a people for His namesake. This is a body of sons, a man-child birthed out of the "feminine church." This church is clothed with a crown of twelve stars, which is the teaching of the apostles, yet she is standing on the reflected light of the moon:

"And, a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."   Revelation 12:1 NASB

The Father has a vast family of believing brethren, soldiers in the new age now upon us, to subdue the old ways unto Him who destroys all death. He destroys first the remaining death hidden within the lives of His people: both those living in earth and those living in the unseen heavens. There are many mansions in the Kingdom, many abiding places, yet we are all called to the general assembly, to hear from Zion, to stage an increase far beyond what we have known in Pentecost.

God is the savior and judge of all men. He grants a judgment of deliverance to those drawn to Zion. Deliverance is in Zion! ALL mankind will know of His dealings with His Sons. The billions of men and women who have lived and died upon earth throughout all the past generations will eventually come, as His plan unfolds through the ages yet to come.

Our spiritual being, our quickened spiritual body is the launching-pad into God’s present plans and purposes. His program extends the King unto and throughout all the unseen and unnumbered galaxies with their billions of stars and suns and planets and moons — unto all the works of His hands. All the things made by Him and for Him, for His pleasure, have a purpose now to reveal His glory.

We are gathered unto spiritual Mount Zion, to His Christ, drawn knowing the blessed deliverance brings great change, REPENTANCE to all who are called and gathered together INTO ONE, one in God’s undivided Christ:

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that you visit him? You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you crown him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of thy hands. You have put all things in subjection under His feet for in that He put all in subjection under Him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.”   Hebrews 2:6-8

This passage is a quotation from the eighth Psalm where the Psalmist identifies the heavens, the stars, the sun, and the moon as the “all things” that are to be put under man’s authority. New stages of Kingdom unfoldment will require repentance on the part of any who are elected to participate in its glorious, powerful purposes.

With a repentant attitude comes a willingness to be led. We are enabled to grasp His mind, changed in mind to grasp new insight into matters men never really know about the deep and mysterious ways of God. We are willing to repent, willing to turn away from candlestick church hindrances ministered as the letter of the word, as being "law," that all the old Christian systems use to dominate with time-honored traditions.

We repent in order to qualify to receive the light of the Kingdom and the strength to walk with an increase of the Lord's government within us. This is causing us to be CONTRITE AND CONTENT in spirit, not proud or boastful. When we do really repent, we are being fitted by our heavenly Father to be united with the lasting order of His people who have drawn up hither to the New Jerusalem type heavens. When we SEE the Kingdom plans and purposes with quickened eyes of spiritual understanding, we are strengthened to go after it. We enter into oneness with its principles, applying them like pioneers of a new order and administration.

Repentance and childlike faith prepare us to open into the brighter, higher realms of God's manifestation. As Jesus had His day of baptism by John and the early disciples had their time that Pentecost was fully come, so shall we have our FEAST OF TABERNACLES fully come within. Here, God is manifest to dwell within a humble and prepared people and it will startle an unconcerned, unsuspecting and unbelieving world!

Everything of the old orders will now be shaken to pass away, making way for real glory prepared by our Father to truthfully DWELL within our hearts richly. For those close to what God is doing, there is no error so damning as the hearing of the word of the King and then failing to apply it properly. All of us by holding, yeah, grasping onto the old, do not fully understand how to let go of former ways, former teachings, passing heavens. These need repentance that we may find entrance into the promise:

"Now a different one also said, ‘I shall be following Thee, Lord! Yet first permit me to take leave of those in my home.’ Yet Jesus said to him,, ‘Not one, putting forth his hand on a plow and looking behind, is fit in the kingdom of God.’"   Luke 9:61-62 concordant

Jesus knew the hearts of the chief priest, scribes, and elders of Israel were looking back. He saw that they were set in their ways and their minds were closed against any further revelation of truth. They had no attitude to repent of Moses in order to receive this unknown "Son of God" who offered them something of a spiritual nature. They were so hardened and entrenched in their minds that they were foreigners to their own Messiah, foreign to the order of God that stood in their midst. We should have discernment about their stubborn and unrepentant attitude. Jesus said of them:

“Verily I say unto you, that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.”   Matthew 21:31-32

Just as those religious leaders could not discern the way of God's visitation and refused to relinquish the old in order to apprehend the new, so are there multitudes of religious leaders in Christianity today who have failed to make the transition and will reject the new thing God is doing. Repentance is needed most by those who have been successful in the old order and think they are right. Many of His people do not comprehend where they are in Him spiritually.  Most are too set in their ways, too calloused of heart, too attached to their cherished traditions, and too indifferent to the offerings of the Spirit so they certainly fail to understand or receive the greater glory.

Yet, now, multitudes of the Lord's host are be transformed. Those who seem close, as well as those seeming the furthest away, are being released into a new spiritual relationship with God as being our Father. If the events surrounding the manifestation of the first Son of God are repeated in this hour, then undoubtedly the word of the Lord to the religious leaders in the Babylonian church systems of our day is just this:

“Verily I say unto you, that the business people and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you.”

I do know firsthand that there is a vast number of so-called religious misfits — church order rejects and Christian castaways — who are not famous, yet are precious people of God. These ones have been beaten, wounded, and broken in man’s harsh religious courts with false accusations while suffering with bearing some of the truth of Him. NOW ALL SHALL REIGN WITH HIM. These followers of Christ Jesus have repented and still do repent to come alive to the spirit within them. They have found the KEYS OF THE KINGDOM in KNOWING THE LORD.

God’s Challenge

All the Way Up