The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Spirit of Understanding

It is Jesus, first of all, who has received the sevenfold complete intensified Spirit of God.

“And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God.” Revelation 5:6

Isaiah prophesied:

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him… and shall make Him of quick understanding.” Isaiah 11:2-3

And the New Testament states;

“The Word of God is quick and powerful…” Hebrews 4:12

Jesus is alive with powerful understanding, being anointed with the sevenfold intensified fullness of God’s Spirit. He has an UNDERSTANDING OF GOD. Yea, when we see Him face to face we too fully understand God. He gives an understanding that is QUICK to comprehend in terms of a rapid awareness of the things taught of God.

Scattered among the human race is a special people to whom God has been teaching a spiritual awareness. They are in the world but not recognized by it. These people are divinely called to understand something deeply spiritual, to have a deeper understanding than the majority of today’s church members. They are dedicated to something more than escaping hell by having a good clean life, holding offices in the traditional church, fulfilling the demands laid on them of family and community, and waiting for heaven.

Attainments in the in-part church heavens have lacked this FULL salvation. A void of spiritual maturity is found within the inner being of many church members. They too know their church is not IT – that there must be something more, a heaven that’s higher, something richer, something deeper in God that they have not attained or understood. Many are disappointed in themselves at the failure of their self efforts to live as Jesus. Something deeper must work within than what is presented at denominal and pentecostal churches.

Those Christians whom God deals with as sons are coaxed (drawn) into new revelation experiences of higher realms in God, into the spiritual realm of the FEAST OF TABERNACLES. Here a new understanding is spiritually feeding believers. We have a great opportunity to grow by the shining of His light on the scriptures, and our spirit leaps for joy in instant recognition of the truth!

In time we come to know from whence we came, being right now able to grasp and understand what God is yet doing. Something deep within God has called unto the deep place within us. We respond to be made for the purposes He has Fathered. We know God made all things, and all things are held together by Him. Sons have developed understanding to see more precisely how each of our own steps in life’s journey have been ordered by His divine plan.

From the day of our natural birth, God has been with us, directing our steps. He has watched over us, He has led us by guiding us to His way, step by step, without us really knowing it. We never could have found this way on our own, nor would we understand His great plans and purposes for us, for His people, and for the souls of all men who have ever lived.

Those on the pathway of sonship are now taught by God’s Spirit. They are understanding His ways, they are understanding His word, they are understanding His will. Thank God for the many things that contribute to our spiritual development — meeting the right people at the right time, reading timely books, hearing various powerful ministries, experiencing moves of God in and out of fellowship with His people.

It was God who ordained and orchestrated each and every event and circumstance of our sonship life. His mighty hand is bringing mature sonship to us in this hour:

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him… and shall make him of quick understanding…” Isaiah 11:2-3

Sons and daughters who are led to maturity are given quick understandings that are the clear and unmistakable intelligence of God’s will. Babes in Christ seem content to remain in the stagnation and bondage of religious creeds in systems ruled by men. Meanwhile, those called to come out of spiritual bondage are being made to be sons and daughters of God by His Spirit.

Sons now have a special spiritual anointing to propel them farther and higher into the purposes of God. They are gaining marvelous understanding. They are gaining vision, with eyes to see Jesus’s work and strength like spiritual wings to soar above every opposition to God’s Spirit. Understanding what God’s Spirit teaches brings an ability to agree with God in the faculties of our spiritual mind. Without agreement of mind there can be no mutual understanding that corresponds precisely to the conditions developed in our daily life.

We need a quality of consciousness that discriminates just what to count on, what to trust, what to represent. God makes sons of a quick understanding. God creates in sons a life form that is capable of understanding His spiritual qualities, so that, in our spirit, basically, resides knowledge of our inherited spiritual characteristics. For instance:

“When I was a minor, I spoke as a minor, I was disposed as a minor, I took account of things as a minor. Yet when I have become a man, I have discarded that which is a minor’s. For at present we are observing by means of a mirror, in an enigma, yet then, face to face.” I Corinthians 13:11-12 concordant

A babe in Christ thinks, knows, and understands like a babe because he has not discarded childish things to gain mature understanding by God’s spirit. Understanding even some of what God’s Spirit knows will make us different. We become attached to a higher order of understanding, devoted to a more mature viewpoint of what is abiding within us. We know what God is doing in us right now.

The church world is full of babes in Christ that have need of understanding the thoughts and ways of God's Spirit. Yes, they need to be taught by His Spirit until its influence brings real peace and righteousness into their lives. Likewise, God is of a different and higher order of thought than natural mortal humans. God must reveal to a man’s inner spirit His deep thoughts and reveal the intents of His heart.

He reveals many things by His Word and Spirit, making us fit residents of His Kingdom. God is a SPIRIT functioning on a divine level to dispense spiritual knowledge and understanding to make us whole. Mature growth in Christian potential is made real when our inner spirit has common ground of understanding God’s viewpoints of scripture established within our hearts.

What we understand has a great deal to do with where we are. The natural minded man is incapable of comprehending what pertains to the deep thoughts of God. It is as impossible as it is for babes to comprehend the thoughts and understanding of a grown man. So, until humans receive God’s quickening truth TAUGHT BY THE SPIRIT, they are impaired by man’s lack of spiritual development in KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING GOD. Natural minded man does not know the thoughts of God.

That truth did Paul write to the Corinthians:

“For is any of humanity acquainted with that which is human except the spirit of humanity which is in it? Thus also, that which is of God no one knows, except the spirit of God. Now we obtained, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we may be perceiving that which is being graciously given to us by God which we are speaking not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, matching spiritual blessings with spiritual words." I Corinthians 2:11-13 concordant

So then after men receive what God teaches by spirit, they are sealed by God's spirit to grow into the mature measure of the clearest spiritual knowledge and understanding. This helps them appropriate their portion and measure of God’s indwelling Spirit. Our Father is making them become a son, just like Jesus. Jesus was a man in whom God now abides:

“In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily…” Colossians 2:9

"For He Whom God commissions is speaking God's declarations, for God is not giving the spirit by measure. The Father is loving the Son and has given all into His hand." John 3:34-35 concordant

All of God’s many sons get His full Spirit without measure or limit. No in part measure belongs in higher heavens. As Sons they are given the fullest measure of Spirit. Sons expect to have all the discernment and understanding they need to be flowing directly from the Father's mind. But what faltering mortal can claim the fullest measure of Christ until judged by God Himself? Sons are judged as confirmed and sealed into the mind of Christ, having the Father's name written in their "forehead."

Yes, some Christians are growing to become actual sons right now, just like Jesus! They heard a call of His Spirit to receive the spirit of sonship, to be without fear, not to be yet babes in Christ on the milk of the word. Newborn babes are cute but do not have a deep knowledge and understanding comprehension until they have grown to further experience in life. Likewise Christian babes need to be more perfectly filled with a spiritual awakening, one that grows into the thoughts of the Godhead. They need to recognize with understanding what the spirit of our Father is doing within His people.

What things we believe in and want to see work in the Lord mark our understanding well. Our spiritual understanding marks our mental faculties. God’s Spirit recruits our mind so that HIS spiritual mind might be developed and matured in us. His mind is one that is true, making the quality of the mind SPIRITUAL. He imparts the spirit of the Lord’s day wherein righteous heavens are established in us. We are being indwelt with a mind looking for the greatest potential to be found in the conceptions and glory of Jesus Christ.

We see clearly, in the Old Testament scriptures, the time the Spirit of God descended upon man to move man to do God’s work. The emphasis was upon the Spirit of God being the motivating power toward man. In the Old Testament, through generation after generation, the works performed by the men of God were the result of God’s Spirit coming unto them as a power that rested upon them. Although these great people in the Old Testament received God’s Spirit resting upon them, yet in reality they also died looking for a better promise of being made perfectly alive, one with the life God’s promised.

It was not until New Testament times that the Holy Spirit actually did enter into the inner spirit of men to give them life like His. They are given a new heart and a new mind THAT GOD BE IN THEIR LIFE. They are given a mind that knows the Father’s name, knows what divine life is. Therefore they now possess the means to have the divine mind deliver divine thoughts continually.

The prophet Ezekiel saw the day of the New Testament coming, bringing remarkable regeneration by which men would actually be changed by God to become sons of the living God. He prophesied, saying:

“Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean… a new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, and do them.” Ezekiel 36:25-27

In Christ, we not only have our sins forgiven, but there is sent an IMPARTATION of Holy Spirit that teaches us how to let the divine life of our Father abide within us:

"For you did not get slavery's spirit to fear again, but you got the spirit of sonship, in which we are crying, ‘Abba Father!’ The spirit itself is testifying together with our spirit that we are children of God. Yet if children, enjoyers also of an allotment, enjoyers, indeed, of an allotment from God, yet joint enjoyers of Christ's allotment, if so be that we are suffering together, that we should be glorified together also." Romans 8:15-17 concordant

Our hearts have been impregnated by the truth of scripture as His Spirit awakens our inner man by quickening a knowledge of His Word and Spirit. In order to receive the spirit of understanding, we are brought to life within our spirit by His Spirit. So yes, from deep within us, we cry “ABBA, God is my Father.”

In my understanding, the workings of this relationship with God becomes something very figurative and also very literal: God is FATHERING us! The Father abides within us once our understanding is quickened from dead thinking to understand with a spiritual mind what is available for attainment in the kingdom realm. Therefore:

“Jesus answered and said to him, ‘If anyone should be loving Me, he will be keeping My word, and My Father will be loving him, and We shall be coming to him and making an abode with him.’” John 14:23-24 concordant

There is within our spirit a divine source of life that abides within. God’s Spirit also flows out to make men to be His true sons and daughters, an extension of the Godhead’s family. Our heavenly Father is alive, always faithful to change us from glory to glory as we are growing, sometimes even unknowingly, by His spiritual instructions into His work. He is never weary, never exhausted. He is ever expanding in transformations in the inner beings of every son and daughter. God becomes our all in all right quickly, as we are made to be the abode of the proper image God intends.

Like Israel of old, in the reading of the scriptures, a veil has been spread over Christian minds to limit them to only what their church leaders could grasp. So many have seen the things of God from a limited viewpoint, through a glass darkly. That is, their understanding is limited by human understanding rather than spiritual understanding AS HE SEES THEM.

Divine revelation always carries one beyond what the natural mind can grasp. Sons can read any chapter or verse in the whole Bible and discover GOD'S TRUE SPIRITUAL MEANINGS hidden beneath the apparent literal surface. Jesus stated:

"The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63

Although it is quite common for Christians to understand merely the dead letter of the word, we see spiritual truth that is above and beyond what is obvious to the natural, literal understanding of man. A correct spiritual understanding of the book of Revelation can be the sealing factors into the mind of Christ. His mind must be developed in us, formed, line upon line, here a little, there a little, to form a wise understanding of the Anointed One.

Many times we know something of God in our spirit, but because our spiritual understanding has not been developed to adequately grasp it, we do not understand. In practical terms, we lose what thoughts were coming from God. Sometimes it may take just a few hours after a spiritual touch, or it may take weeks, months, or even years before we are able to get it, to understand what we heard and sensed working in our spirit. Many times our senses indicate that a certain thing is true, and we cannot explain that thought in our spirit, or know just how the scriptures apply, nor yet put them into words of truth for those around us.

As we move with kingdom spirit and understanding, however, the scriptures leap out and our understanding crystallizes within. With the clarity of lasting truth, we harold the KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING given of GOD’S SPIRIT. These are truths not fully sensed before, just as so many of God's prophets received deep truths first given as simply something SENSED in the spirit but not UNDERSTOOD in the mind.

So then as we follow on to know the Lord, our every step forms faith in the wisdom and understanding given us from the divine. Thus, knowing truth is not a product of the learning of the natural mind, but is the DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPIRITUAL MIND within our inner man by Christ. We pray for the spirit of truth to be given to us and to His people, in order to understand His mind quickly and properly.

We ask that our own spirit be taught the things of the Spirit of God through a daily communion, connected by a functioning intuition of spirit BECAUSE WE ARE HIS OFFSPRING. We are all called to ever be developing a relationship that forms understandings of the spiritual mind of our Father. Like Jesus Christ, we are made proper abiding places for the Father’s Spirit, being the people in which He TABERNACLES:

“And I hear a loud voice out of the throne saying, 'Lo! the tabernacle of God is with mankind’ and He will be tabernacling with [in] them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them.’ ” Revelation 21:3 Concordant

Let us not forget that we possess, in measure, both a natural mind and a spiritual mind, both a natural body and a spiritual body. With our natural body we mind our work, find recreation, plan how to make money, and do thousands of other natural things. But that it is NOT THE SAME MIND that sees and understands the deep things of God's Spirit.

The natural mind of man can neither receive nor understand the things of the Spirit of God. Men try, but we Christians have now produced much dead religion. Many are the falsities of such great proportion that they have marred the church age. If we are found to be of that same category, products of seeing through a glass darkly, mixing the Word of God with the natural mindedness of man, what hope for transformation can we expect?

Many overcomers have been coming out of in-part church efforts in traditional pentecostal church worship to see and hear what His spirit says to the churches. To hear and see with spiritual quickening, the spirit of understanding reveals new, higher awareness of the express desire of His Spirit within our spirit. Through this, God grants change from our sorrowful spotted garments to white garments (spiritual understanding) on (in) our spiritual body.

In this Day of the Lord, a maturely developed understanding of God’s Word is being taught by His Spirit from the throne. This mature understanding is to give each of His followers a COMPLETE [perfect] understanding and instant recognition of all that pertains to Life and Godliness!

To Rule the Earth

The Translator