The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

In the Spirit

“For is any of humanity acquainted with that which is human except the spirit of humanity which is in it? Thus also, that which is of God no one knows, except the spirit of God. Now we obtained, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we may be receiving that which is being graciously given to us by which we are speaking also, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, matching spiritual blessings with spiritual words.” I Corinthians 2:11-13 concordant

What is true in God, man knows not, except as revealed by the Spirit of God that is in him. By the Spirit of God we can know the things of God, even into the deep mysteries of God. By His Spirit, we can see as God sees, understand as God understands, think as God thinks, speak as God speaks, act as God acts, and live in God’s life. By the Spirit of God, we see as He sees, we understand what is coming by the spirit. Understanding by the spirit of God grants enlightenment like Paul, who prayed for the Ephesian saints that;

“…the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.”   Ephesians. 1:18

God is providing understanding  for us by His Spirit, to know His words, ways, and works. We are to know His will, know His truth, know His plans, and His purposes. We are to know His heart concerning our daily life— so much so that the Spirit of God is making our spirit one with Him. The Day Star has arisen in our hearts causing the shadows of darkness to flee away from the hearts of our mind which has been planted with the truth of God’s Word.

Man can never understand God until God’s Spirit reveals His understanding to him. Most Christians today have not been taught by the Spirit to have spiritual eyes to see beyond church doctrine, nor do they have ears to hear and understand the messages that come from His throne. They are filled with the things church tradition teaches, not the things God’s Spirit teaches. Spiritual things taught of God exalt a man into the work going on at the right hand of our Father.

The veil of man’s fleshly understanding must be uprooted with clarity to be taught His plans and purposes by God’s Spirit in all things both great and small. We sense the need to be joined to a great cloud of departed saints who are true witnesses of Jesus Christ. We sense we’re with an invisible company of  overcoming believers who are taught by His Spirit and do move in the mind of Christ. God is moving in both heaven and earth to shake us from the old so a solid understanding of what His Spirit reveals and becomes crystal clear.

God’s Spirit is enlightening our understanding right now by wonderful truths of reconciliation and sonship. The kingdom of God burns brightly within our hearts while seeming meaningless to others and others reject it with hostility! The Spirit of God has quickened our spirit to see spiritual things into the depths of God, as He really is now. We are given understanding to enable us to see backward (history of the Lord's people), forward (the future of the Lord's people), and how the Lord is coming right now to subject us under His feet (understanding). We know the words of the Lord are spiritual and make us alive now and throughout all remaining time. Receiving His word as our daily bread makes our spirit alive to peace and righteousness.

Because the carnal mind has been so active in and around the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is not so strange that "knowing by the Spirit" has been so difficult for Christian men to grasp. Leading bible scholars would rather expound about dates on the calendar for the rapture, or teach about a one man antiChrist. They do not teach about the “up hither realm” the spirit teaches about, denying all religious works and selfish practices making place for man to profit and be preeminent before the Lord’s people.

The knowing of God’s Spirit lifts us into the ground of LOVE, giving full measure and meaning to that which is rooted and growing within our heart. God’s Spirit does not teach fantasy or fallacy, but reveals the sovereign work of God being done in the lives of those who believe the very truths He gives. We are understanding what the Spirit is making known unto us because the counsel of God is given to us by the spirit in every hour.

Multitudes of Christians continue to walk in the dark mixtures of the doctrines of men. They are marked in their minds with religious standards and judgments, even mixed with worldly methods. Yet followers of Jesus who are taught and led by His spirit are alive to the understanding of God's Spirit.

Revelation is a spiritual understanding, not a literal understanding of scripture. Christians today should not stubbornly cling to what has been revealed in those heavenly church realms which are passing away, namely the order of big named denominations known for centuries as “the church.” These are established in an order of fading glory, an order of former days that have ended up worshiping relics like the heathen.  

Our hearts have responded to a spiritual call to “come out of her” and "come Up hither" so we could take hold of things that are new and are now able to grasp the things that are revealed by God’s Spirit. Our former heavens have been rolled up like a scroll and set aside. We have found a new order of life, a new heaven and a new earth, where the Spirit of God brings light of a new day, brighter than it has ever been, to move us into the oneness He plans for His people.

The Spirit of God quickens our spirit with enlightenment, cleansing us from the bondages of carnal thoughts and the religious ways of man. These cleansings clothe us with a spiritual garment made of the same glorious light and life as Jesus Christ who shines for all who have eyes to see in the true purposes of God. Newness is coming from the Lord, new power being given, and great rejoicing is heard from those walking in the mind of Christ.

The understanding given of God’s Spirit brings deliverance from every yoke and every hold of death’s bondage within a person. Attitudes and ideas are overthrown until death’s bondages in our inner being are broken, because we can not bring death, hell, and the grave into the city of God. Being enlightened to follow, we continually seek freedom to be led by His Spirit so the reign of God’s judgment is exercised over every other thought and motive within us BY THE SPIRIT until we partake of the divine nature perfectly.

We are not looking for a one man antiChrist, nor for the great tribulation, nor a general rapture of the church off this planet, for we have met with God’s Spirit "in our  spirit" to have heard of His heart. We have beheld scripture according to His mindset, having been joined and sealed into doing our Father’s will.

The invincible host of the Lord belong to the city foursquare, the heavenly Jerusalem, and precisely mount Zion, where Jesus is King standing upon the great host as the government predestined to rule nations. This heavenly host is letting God reign in their spirit. The Day Star has arisen in their hearts and the kingdom day has dawned within them because His mind is planted and operational within. As it overshadows our puny little ambitions, light of a third heaven now emanates within our spirit. We are with those brethren born of His Word and Spirit, those now raised to know God's Spirit teaching about love.

It is only when the clamoring voices of this world and religious minds have been silenced, only when the strife and opinions of the flesh have ceased. It is only when all our religious works have been abandoned and our earthly views have been quieted to recede that the heavenly voice of truth is recognized. Then truth is unveiled enough for us to understand the unseen. It’s a still small voice of God’s Spirit making known insight "by the Spirit."

When the spirit of god has caused much separation from the clamour of men, a spiritual communion could be established, a learning within us. We are given ability to tread the courts of the Lord with the fragrance of His life enveloping us. We are now being strengthened and equipped to fulfill the will of our Father in bringing us all together as one. Our Father is manifesting Kingdom glory in Jesus and in all the followers of Jesus Christ.

God, our Father, planned what has happened and what will happen long ago. God’s deepest purposes for the church age have been centered on calling out a people for His name. His ultimate purpose is the saving, delivering, teaching, purging, purifying, dealing, maturing and bringing a poeple progressively unto the full stature of Jesus Christ “by His Spirit.” He has partaken of this process for two millenniums, bringing His called to perfectly qualify as sealed sons of God.

Many had to wait for their time of reward in a new heaven, but the time is come for a third heaven to unfold as the Day of the Lord. Meanwhile, the Father has not interfered with the downward course of the world and its worldly systems. He has allowed the selfishness of the human race to be dragged down into ever lower depths of defilement and degradation. God is even allowing His own professed people in church to be misguided by Satan’s lies into being motivated by fleshly ambitions, making place in the established apostate church-state systems that deceivingly uses the Christian name.

Pentecostal church heavens have fallen way short of the kingdom, creating much confusion and mixture of misguided efforts. Believers are trying to establish peace by Christ in an earthly, religious way, not “by the spirit.” Backstabbing bloodshed from arguments in carnal warfare (gossip and guile) by brethren in church fellowship have ushered in religious tyranny done in the Lord’s house.

God did not intervene for two thousand years. He has waited to execute His plans “by the spirit” working for the salvation of those brethren who believed. God’s Spirit taught these separated ones to wait for and grasp His understanding, to know “by the spirit” how to separate from all the work and efforts of man done in the Pentecostal orders known as "the candlestick churches" in the world.

God's Spirit is able to instruct all Christians worldwide to learn that, apart from oneness with the MIND OF CHRIST, nothing can be accomplished to establish the Kingdom of God within us. The last two thousand years were and are limited to passing heavens. God’s Spirit teaches us all to succeed by knowing His will more perfectly. In keeping with His plans, we are to be led of His Spirit out of passing heavens that have been trampled by traditions. God’s Spirit teaches us to let go of our best efforts in establishing old heavenly orders of past days.

There is a new feast beyond pentecost that is greater. Tabernacles is the greatest feast of Israel, granting all the fruits, a full harvest of fruits. The Feast of Tabernacles is a celebration of abundance in God’s Spirit. Ponder if you will this marvelous truth: God's Spirit is not depressed, driven, anxious, upset, worried, confused, fearful, frustrated, weary, weak, nor defeated! And God’s Spirit dwelling in us, tabernacling within us, the CHRIST, IS NOT EITHER. Tap the infinite resources of God's Spirit within your spirit and the promised land is opened to be inhabited TODAY.

What enables a rising from the barren dust of worldly wilderness, or the soulical religious activities in the mid-heavenly places to make connection with God's Spirit? He is dwelling in our spirit, both now and forever, wherein we find what is available in God must prepare one to go outside the control of man. We are to go ever onward in God’s control, a reign upward into the vast expanses of experiencing God as a Father. Here, there is no limit to love and mercy in righteousness, nor limit to the passion He expends to draw us to union with what can be experienced "in the spirit."

When American astronauts began their explorations to the moon, it was not sufficient that they should have entered a rocket and pushed through the atmosphere for an hour or two. True, they were in space the hour they started. But space is vast — and they must go on, and on, and on, and on…even to the surface of the moon.  Similarly, there is a full measure for grace and peace that He readily gives us "in the spirit."

Now, God has made us partakers of His Holy Spirit, and that simply means He has called us to explore the inexhaustible sphere of the deep things of God and the infinite summits of His wisdom, power, and glory. Our spirit has been quickened by His Spirit for this very purpose:

“…that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God”   I Corinthians 2:12

The natural mind cannot discover these things, hence the Spirit of God is sent into our spirit to reveal them unto us and to search out and explore;

“…all things, yea, the deep things of God…”   I Corinthians 2:10

For those who know, everything God does is done by His Spirit. We find that as we walk in the Spirit, He gives judgment that delivers us of our own low opinions. He drains our desolate fleshly places to change us within. Christ has come into our fleshly places. It is the third heaven that comes down and fills our earthly vessel with glory. It stills all the raging waves of the stormy sea deep within us so that HIS PRESENCE BE IN OUR SPIRIT REVEALING JESUS CHRIST.

"…by revelation the secret is made known to me"   Ephesians 3:3 concordant

"And, turning about, I perceived seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like a son of mankind, dressed in a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle. Now His head and hair are white as white wool, as snow, and His eyes as a flame of fire, and His feet like white bronze, as fired in a furnace, and His voice is as the sound of many waters. And He has in His right hand seven stars, and out of His mouth a sharp two-edged blade is issuing, and His countenance is as the sun appearing in its power.

And when I perceived Him, I fall at His feet as dead. And He places His right hand on me, saying, ‘Do not fear! I am the First and the Last, and the Living One: and I became dead, and lo! living am I for the eons of the eons. Amen! And I have the keys of death and of the unseen.’ Write then what you perceived, and what they are, and what is about to be occurring after these things:"   Revelation 1:12-20 concordant

There is voice issuing out of His mouth that He would like us to understand. He has made special efforts to get these understanding words into our believing hearts in order to form Christ in us by the spirit of truth, a teaching that establishes His understanding in His people. We Christians are now to grow more completely into the Head placed on the body of Christ. We are now to have God’s Spirit usher us into the holy city, to be found with the “spirits of just men being made perfect”.

God has written many thing directly upon us in the spirit. It is written upon our hearts to know God as Father. When we see what God is doing in OUR spirit, we are made willing and able to be directed into what He is doing. One taught of the spirit of Christ should clearly understand the meaning penned concerning anyone who may add or take away from the words of His servant John's words;

"I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.   Revelation 22:18-20 NASB

What man knows the revelation of God save the Spirit of God that teaches him? By spiritual instruction, we perceive the things of God, we see as God sees, understand as God understands, think as God thinks. Get wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing we can get! Understanding the meaning of what God’s Spirit teaches within us by the spirit is to gain further enlightenment in our heart, until like Paul, we too pray for others:

“Therefore, I also, on hearing of this faith of yours in the Lord Jesus, and that for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may be giving you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the realization of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened, for you to perceive what is the expectation of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of the enjoyment of His allotment among the saints, and what the transcendent greatness of His power for us who are believing, in accord with the operation of the might of His strength, which is operative in the Christ, rousing Him from among the dead and seating Him at His right hand among the celestials, up over every sovereignty and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this eon, but also in that which is impending: and subjects all under His feet, and gives Him, as Head over all, to the ecclesia which is His body, the complement of the One completing the all in all.”   Ephesians. 1:15-23 concordant


Restoration into Oneness