The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Mark

Daniel is a great prophet of time, helping to discern the ages as he discloses great insight about the destiny of the world’s leading governments. God gave him understanding of dreams, visions, and wisdom about which nations would govern the world through its history. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a dream about who would rule the world. Daniel interpreted the dream saying, “You are the head of gold (of the line of governments to rule the earth).”

Nebuchadnezzar’s government did many wonderful works for the people, produced abundant fruit, food for all, even for the birds. His governing benefited the people the most of any governing power ever. But…he walked in pride, became filled with pride until his edicts resulted in God placing him in a field like a beast, drenched, unkept and marked with the beasts of the field. As Danial spoke to him, he was in this condition “for a time, seven years” until his human reason returned to him. Then he humbly blessed the Most High, honoring Him that lives forever more.

Nebuchadnezzar pridefully had taken the glory conferred as a king to set up and deify a statue of his own image on the plains of Dura, 6 cubits wide and 60 cubits high, made of gold. He had commanded men to fall down when they heard music to worship it. This story is KEY TO UNDERSTANDING THE “MARK OF THE BEAST AND THE NUMBER 666.

Nebuchadnezzar’s image was set up in the earth’s glory, with gold and music and attendants that displayed fleshly pride of life inventing deities for the inhabitants of this world, demanding homage. All but three Hebrews of the province did bow to worship that false image set up by the ruling man. This worldly homage, to bow in worship, was also demanded of Jesus by the Adversary when shown all the kingdoms the Adversary had in the world. Jesus refused that kind of worship:

“Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory; and he said to Him, ‘all these things will I give You, if You fall down and worship me.’” Matthew 4:8-9 NAS

Who was to rule the world was revealed to Daniel centuries before Nebuchadnezzar set up his image on the plain of Dura. Present day church ministries still fight for worldly fame and fortune. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, remains a good example of men mysteriously ruling in ways that form a false worship, demanding homage and obedience to a standard of man. Such standards bear the mark of ruling men still reasoning out of and about the bible, then making it as law to God’s people.

The king of Babylon should stand out in our minds because the Lord’s people need instruction as to how many ANTICHRISTS are still setting up false ideas about God. As understood in the book of Revelation, the candlestick churches have set up false images, with doctrines that sidetrack His people with natural thinking and literal ideas that give out incorrect vision of what God plans to accomplish now.

The ultimate test for every son of God is to worship God in the spirit of truth, to recognize what He reckons to be true, and bow only to HIS truth. That is what sons obediently should be doing with what we have received from the Lord! Many churches glorify the programs of fleshly minded men who are blinding God’s people with legalisms and focus on their own organizations. When will we, like faithful Abraham of old, offer obedience from a faithful heart, to leave the old places for promise of something new? What sacrifices are needed to rise up and go forth now, trusting God’s directives in a spirit of obedience?

Every disciple of Jesus Christ has and will face tests of our devotion, testing what we know to be true as the truth of Christ placed within our inner spiritual man. Our Father speaks here with His sons to determine the strength of our commitments exhibited in things He has taught us by His Spirit. We all are in need of being sealed into a greater obedience to His principles. Those who are filled with truth become in tune with spiritual powers that are members of a new heaven, the real New Jerusalem order. Thus, our devotion turns from earthly church standards as being things of the past, and we learn to be led of His spirit ONLY.

Natural minded Christians are anxious about social security numbers, credit card numbers, or laser-tattoos as being the biblical “mark of the beast”. Ruling men are trying to identify the “mark of the beast” in literal methods that miss finding true wisdom. Truly, natural mindedness about spiritual things of the bible is itself THE MARK OF THE BEAST!

CHRISTIANS ARE ALREADY NUMBERED WITH THE SIGN “666.” The mark of Nebuchadnezzar’s image was 6 cubits wide, 66 cubits tall, and the third 6 represents his demand for spiritual obeisance to the false standard set up by man. Six is the number of man, 66 represents ruling, and the 666 is the most serious: man ruling in spiritual matters. WE ARE THE “BEAST” when we are MARKED by man’s reasoning, rather than God’s spirit, about the things of God. Our Adamic beastly nature develops the understandings of ruling men. Using man’s wisdom about the scriptures and the things of God’s throne are the markings of a religious beast. John plainly told us:

" And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Revelation 13:16 - 14:1 NAS

Jesus still speaks SPIRITUAL words to us about SPIRITUAL things, about things that can only be revealed by His SPIRITUAL insight. He sees that centuries of church history have passed, and our inner spiritual person now knows this mystery. We now discern the ruling of man because the ruling of God’s Christ is in our inner spiritual person.

God enables our judgment to be correct. We have been identifying His wisdom which reveals the marking and nature that rules great numbers of men and women. We have had beastly humanistic viewpoints, resulting in the natural minded person being the ruling influence of our own lives until we are saved of soul:

Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of man and his number is six hundred, threescore and six.” Revelation 13:18

In the symbolism of Nebuchadnezzar’s image, and furthermore within Revelation 13:18, the NUMBER 666 is used to denote the characteristics and markings of man’s beastly rule in spiritual matters. This hast become very bad in these latter days as the nature as the NUMBER OF THE BEAST has increased in MANKIND ON THREE LEVELS — 666. One six is simply recognizes the fallen NATURE of man. The second six is seeing how this fallen MAN RULES WITH WICKEDNESS AND KINDNESS like a king, just as Nebuchadnezzar did. The third six to recognize is MAN RULING IN SPIRITUAL MATTERS where he should not.

Men with religious minds have polluted the courts of the Lord with foul messages, building into another false image that causes His people to bow down and worship a lie and harbor a false image of God. Yes, the MARK OF 666 IS THE NUMBER OF MAN WHO IS RULING IN SPIRITUAL THINGS — CHRISTIANS WITH NATURAL MINDED THINKING OF SPIRITUAL MATTERS.

The height of this deception is found in the Pergamum church that dwelt where Satan was enthroned, yet held the Lord’s name with a form of faith that twisted scriptural truth into falsities and half measures. These deceptions lead His people into a ditch of good works, self efforts that miss the glory of Christ’s rule within. Christian leaders use the Old and New Testament scriptures as identifying markings that can write the “image of 666” within various religious camps and levels of Christian people.

Many blind leaders are teaching and marking His people with a form of scriptural truth that is the letter of the law under man’s interpretations and viewpoints. Scripture confirms SIX is the number of man, including a good religious man. God grants wisdom daily to see how this works among His people.


We who are now members of the church of the firstborn must be taught deep insight to know the difference between the Father’s name and the mark of the beast, #666. Once we learn this, we refuse to be marked by those teachings or influenced by any beastly ways of worship. God gives the ability to see how Christ can reign over man’s confusion that is now working among His many brethren, creating a people of true wisdom.

Even if translators include the indefinite article "a" in Revelation 13:18 so it reads, “for it is the number of “a man”, this does not in any case mean that there is “a one man antichrist.” Truly the “number of a man” means the measure of man's nature, that is, his common inward understanding of God’s mental state, by his state of having a similar spirit. Truly understanding the NUMBER of man ruling in spiritual matters is important! Listen to God’s words: “His number is six hundred sixty six.” Enough insight makes us highly aware of the heights of perverseness, pride, presumption, deceit, and shame, of spiritual nakedness in the courts of the Lord where man’s understanding rules.

This is how the Laodicean church became rich in their thinking, not knowing how blind and in need we all are. Not one of us KNOW except Christ reveals it to us. Those to whom it is revealed are given deep instructions about getting out of the Laodicean church conditions. The Lord advised them to buy refined gold, representing a pure understanding of things, clothed in white garments, enlightened by truth to shine upon all that awful deceitfulness and nakedness of lukewarm churches:

“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalms 139:23-24

Ah, man fell from his rightful place into deathly traps of selfish desire. Man tries to be like God in religious manners and methods that have corrupted every stage of candlestick church development. The men and women in the Laodicean church have fallen away from their first love, to now be caught in the great deceptions of a religious organization called “the church”.

I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God ... I will ascend above the height of the clouds; I will be like the most high.” Isaiah 14:13-14

This record in Isaiah of Lucifer, the shining one, was all addressed correctly to a MAN, the "King of Babylon." The king of Babylon is still inspired by a devilish serpent, a lying spirit, a liar from the beginning. Eve responded to the liar to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in hearkening to the serpent’s tempting message: “YOU shall not die but be as GOD!” Eve was deceived to operate in her thinking, her soul wanting to be God, the mighty boss, the ruling one.

What temptation offered Eve was articulated in the deep-seated secret of Eve’s desire, her own VAIN NATURE. In her thinking she was the center, wanting to be the ruling factor: “I will be like the MOST HIGH, I WILL BE THE RULING FACTOR.”

Man has this vain nature now too. It is important to know how it works among Christian brethren who are still being marked by lying spirits working on man’s nature to be “religious”, wanting to be like God. Yet man’s heart, in regard to this fallen condition, is declared truly by Jeremiah the prophet:

“The heart [of man] is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9

Then, Jeremiah asks the searching question, “WHO CAN KNOW IT?” To the enlightened mind of this prophet, the depth of deceitfulness and iniquity of which the human heart is capable is so great that it is beyond the ability of any man to comprehend. And this iniquity is not just to be found in the overt sinners of the world given to adultery, murder, thievery, etc., but IN THE HIGH PLACES OF THE LORD’S CHURCH, HIS OWN PEOPLE. The fleshly ambitions of men have grasped after the things of God in the candlestick realms for the promotion of lies, FALSE IDEAS THAT TRY TO RULE IN SPIRITUAL MATTERS.

SELFISH MEN have always sought the preeminence before the people blessed of God. Much carnal minded effort has plagued those desirous of representing the truth about the things of God. Yes, God’s honored teachers are worthy of acceptance by men, though many are marked unknowingly with the mark of falsehood. There are many false prophets, false teachers, false healers, and false miracle workers among the ranks of the Laodicean church today, a falsehood that makes for a spirit of lukewarmness to be the normal and accepted condition now.

The people in Laodicea are counseled to come to a new table to sup. The Christian church needs to come to new tables, to the new Third Day food, a feast of fat possibilities that go beyond the accepted interpretations and traditions. In spite of all the apparent good works, some Christian leaders will receive little to no reward for their labors, but will finally hear what the Lord is saying:

“Then one said to Him, ‘Lord, are there few who are saved?’ And He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, many will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open for us, and He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from’, then you will begin to say, 'We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.' But He will say, 'I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out. They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last.’" Luke 13:23-30

Christianity has fallen into a Babylonish condition, becoming this “great whore” who has sold out to other lovers by working at building political connections to exalt her organization, making merchandise of God’s people in church heavens. This image marks to whom they will give their “right hand of fellowship” and in their “forehead” (thinking). In these systems, no one can “buy and sell” except by accepting their teaching in the sense of having their name, their mark of understanding. Thus, the beastly understanding of the word of God becomes similar to commercial realities which put on a show in front of others. The prophet Isaiah faithfully exhorted the people of Israel:

“Ho, everyone that thirsts, come to the waters, and he that has no money; come, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1

The prophet made it plain that he was not talking about BUYING and SELLING in worldly commerce, but about COMING SPIRITUAL SUBSTANCE, to receive spiritual “food and drink” DIRECTLY from God’s table. The "bread of life” given as hidden manna is new food, the oil is a fresh anointing that is like drinking new wine. The coming of the Lord is available in the Feast of Tabernacles, where a full portion of living bread, anointed oil, and rejuvenating wine has worked to abound towards flowing out from the wisdom within the wise:

Buy the truth and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” Proverb 23:23

To “buy” the truth means to PAY THE PRICE of holding on to that bit of instruction, to embrace it and walk in the truth of it. The “price” of buying God’s truthful character oft times comes simply being willing to resist erroneous practices and viewpoints! The church (candlestick church) at Laodicea prides herself that she is rich and increased with goods, proud that she had need of nothing, yet knows not that God thinks she is “wretched, poor, blind, and naked,” in need of great counsel. These admonitions are still valid for the Lord’s people:

“I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich...” Revelation 3:18

Babylonish minded ministers are especially marked, having the beastly mark of 666. I say it is in THEIR FOREHEAD, IN THEIR UNDERSTANDING of the scriptures that forms an image in their theological seminaries. This has placed a certain stamp of respectability in doctrines. Becomign steeped in traditions, it leads followers to become engaged in church work instead of character change. These leaders who are thus marked are aimed at and designed TO HAVE MINISTERIAL AUTHORITY AMONG THEM.

If a man is taught of God’s Spirit, he will preach a heavenly message. He MUST bear the Father’s name, being marked into his life by CHRIST reigning within, and is finally accepted! Christ reveals the manner in which men have ruled with beastly systems, marking the Lord’s people with their learned ministries, ruling over church worship that reveals simple marks of the beast. The beastly image of 666 kills brethren readily by backstabbings and lies that “kill” one’s influence.

Many teach the cutting-off of fellowship to any other ecclesiastical organization, creating instead another of the many divisions that have fractured the body of Christ with strife. Yes, Christian brethren are marked by the ideas of beastly minded rulers in Mystery Babylon. She will excommunicate you to hell forever over what she has taught and believe to be true. What corrupt lies have marked the Lord’s people!

Christians are called to high places not marked by man’s understanding of scripture, nor dead teachings about revelations. Christ does not accept ANY MARKING TO BE A PART OF US. He rejects any lie of fallen man from any dominated, organized denominations, or non-denominational fellowships. All use methods that mark the Lord’s people with an image of “church,” not Christ, producing more programs of “Mystery Babylon”:

"Come out of her, My people lest you should be joint participants in her sins, and lest you should be getting of her calamities, for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God remembers her injuries. Pay her as she also pays, and double the doubles, in accord with her acts. In her cup in which she blends, blend double for her.

As much as she glorifies herself and indulges, so much torment and mourning be giving her, for she is saying in her heart, ‘I am sitting as a Queen and am no widow, and mourning I may by no means see.’ Therefore in one day shall her calamities be arriving: death and mourning and famine. And she shall be burned up with fire, for strong is the Lord God, Who judges her." Revelation 18:4-8 concordant

The Laodicean church has a ministry that makes Christians think they are extremely rich in being blessed in earthly blessings, healings, and business, therefore not in need of anything more. Yet our Lord invites them to another feast that would CLOTHE THEIR SPIRITUAL NAKEDNESS. He must come into our spirit to LIVE AND RULE, to be the Spirit with which our spirit is clothed as we progressively put on Christ.

Christ certainly grants us entrance into the third heaven. Here where it is only God who speaks, where it is unlawful for man to speak. This new feast has been making our inner spiritual man understand a more perfect peace, a greater love of Holy Spirit given to just men now, a COMPLETE MEASURE.Christ conquers ALL our fears, subdues AL Lour fleshly efforts of trying to be like God. His Spirit comforts us with sure guidance in the true plans of God.

Hidden mysteries are not lawfully revealed in the babbling courts about Babylon’s programs. Our Father has been speaking for generations to those with hearing spiritual ears to hear His call: "Come up hither." We MUST come to the King in the New Jerusalem order to fit into His lasting universal convocation! On this mountain of the Lord are the spirits of just men made perfect, living and abiding in the same life as Jesus Christ.

Some now stand with countless multitudes of true messengers arrayed and assembled before the Firstborn, registered in heavenly matters, having been made perfect in understanding, tested in loving their enemies, thinging RIGHTLY about the revelation of Jesus Christ. Sons and daughters of God are NOW being written upon in our foreheads so that our spiritual mind is enlightened to understand better the ways our Father is coming to the body of Christ in this hour.

True priesthood is needed with a new anointed ministry that replaces the stale old bread of the church age with oil and wine from Zion. This is NEW DAY WINE, a sweet wine with intoxicating measures of the King’s presence flowing out of our inner man. This will strengthen us who are seeking a remedy for the mark of man, #6, ruling men #66, and most especially we need remedy for men ruling in spiritual matters ,#666, with beastly understandings that are giving believing brethren THE MARK.

Mark of the Beast

A Mark We Bear