The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

A Mark We Bear

"….the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Revelation 13:15-18 NAS

There is much confusion among Christian people surrounding the “mark of the beast”. Some cast apprehensive eyes toward various natural events that arise, like American’s Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, any personal identity account numbers, or “bar code” marking systems, etc. Preachers cast projections of terrible developments that portend the supposed “end time” arrival of a one man antichrist that literally marks people in an age of fearful climax. The predicted end will demand that we Christians who missed the rapture be marked on our forehead and hand, without which we cannot buy or sell the food needed to survive in this world.

In my opinion this narrative is itself a mark of the beast, for many Christian brethren are subject to false narratives of revelatory interpretation. Literal thinking has kept many good brethren in the dark, fearing doom, because they have a natural understanding of the words of the book of Revelation. The mark of the beast is that very NATURAL MINDED UNDERSTANDING believers hold about the books of the Bible, most especially the book of Revelation.

The mark of the beast is the mark of MAN, #6. MEN RULING with a beastly understanding is two sixes, #66. The three sixes, #666 represents MAN RULING IN THE MATTERS OF OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE with beastly understanding. This stems from man’s just plain natural thinking that misses God, whose words are spiritual and have spiritual meaning. Many Christian leaders mark God’s people such beastly understandinsg of the New Testament book of Revelation. In fact, they also use the New Testament as a law to mark others with their limited understanding, with followers who are deceived and devoted to passing heavens.

So then, three sixes, the number #666, is a mark made by ruling men among the brethren who pass on literal understandings as the truth of the book of Revelation, with many believing Christians being deceived. Our revelatory outlook should, however, ONLY be marked with the wisdom taught by the spirit of Christ within us. His spirit teaches us to know the truth, to now be free to know how to be alive to God thru His Word and Spirit.

Our Father is writing truth upon our hearts to deliver us from any earthly mindedness. We will not allow preachers to mark us with any beastly idea of dead religious works. We are free from the faded understandings of Pentecostal heavens, as those markings are truly “old heavens that must pass away”. We are freed now to find the third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles which supersedes the feast of pentecost in our consciousness. Forgetting those things behind, including Pentecostal church teachings that mark so many with a form of natural thinking, we rather pass on toward the spiritual thinking of Christ, for our faith grasps new heavens and we are not limited to candlestick church realms.

God’s ability to expand within us enough to make us sons and daughters will introduce us to higher heavens that are manifest in the unseen. This is where the Father draws men whom He has written upon with the truth, by the spirit of truth. Candlestick churches have been like mothers, for two thousand years, holding our hand, and many are still held by the right hand of their fellowship. But our Father has always drawn some higher as they overcome to escape the religious markings of the mother church called Jezebel in Revelation 2:20.

Christianity is and has been full of natural minded scholars — doctors all — with so many simply trained to accept and compromise, heaping up confusion that keeps the majority of Christians asleep as to the Lord’s spiritual coming, asleep to third heaven truth. Kingdom priests, however,, are given the spirit of truth to see clearly enough of CHRIST WITHIN, and to see Jesus is the KEY to life.

Kingdom priests will not pay homage to mixed up old heavens that need to pass away. As sons and daughters of God, their focus is for all Christians to find the lasting heavens of God’s New Day. I do find the new heavens of God’s city working within us and in those who are taught of God. We have had to go beyond the candlestick church heavens to be overcomers who do seek truth from a higher order. Along with others who find God’s lasting order of life, we find a life that is part of a better, more excellent ministry.

Current religious and political leaders in America hold up the bible in front of their church buildings for selfish opportunities to profit and influence a projection of reliance that they represent Christ and therefore Christians. But I dare say the truth will prevail so dead works must be cast off and placed at His feet. Our hearts are convinced as to who and what represents Christ, and the people belong to the Lord.

The marks of sonship are not so hard to find in America today, but it is much easier to see lying hypocrites, blind leaders who deceive so many to follow after blatant lies. The candlestick church has been filled with them from the beginning of the early church “leaving their first love” to today’s thinking they are so “rich and have need nothing” attitude, which has ruled for so long a time within their lives. That Jezebel system has devised laws from the bible, using these laws to proselyte and make people “two-fold more children of hell than themselves”. Blind leaders, scribes, and religious hypocrites make up laws, piling up mountains of DEAD LETTER works revealing MAN RULING WITH THE LAW ABOUT SPIRITUAL MATTERS! THIS is the mark of the beast.

The wisdom in Jesus’s Spirit of truth sends us clear understanding of scriptural truth and much more so, the strength to never be corrupted by the markings of religious Christianity. Most are now blind leaders themselves marked with the #666 as they disseminate the wrong messages. No, we will not be subject ourselves to any false FORECASTS about future doom and an eternal hell from unenlightened bible scholars who are really seeking a place of honor for themselves in the eyes of others in their fellowship.

Jesus still thinks these are all hypocrites too. That is what Jesus said about the religious hypocrites who were the leaders in his day. Too many Christian leaders have religiously sought their own honor while professing Christ in messages that are general crowd pleasers while rampant with deception. Their traditional teachings, their spiritual understandings are especially marked with LITERAL interpretations of the books of the Bible. The author of the book of Revelation stated the truth about the antichrist, where John the apostle said many antichrists were already on the scene in his day:

“Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. “ 1 John 2:18 NAS

Such key words of revelation have provoked many carnal ideas that expose Christians to teachings of a yet-coming “one-man antichrist” or fears about having a future literal “mark of the beast”. John the apostle clearly said many antichrists were already present and working at his time of life. Teachings about a future one man antichrist are not scriptural, yet many carnal ideas have become commonly interpreted by generations of church elders, adding further corruption to the body of Christ.

For two thousand years, the doctrines and fleshly ways in the candlestick church heavens have developed into religious systems that cover up the average Christian today with worldly matters. This covers up the messages that would fill us with truth about the spirit of Zion in matters of really knowing God. Church heavens have been deceived by men who in religious ways taught falsehoods that marked them with a “number of man” rather that the mark of God writing truth on our hearts.

God’s desire is to free us from every mark of the number 666—man ruling in spiritual matters. The mark of the beastly mind is held in church facilities that deceive good Christians in many traditional ways. The “Jezebel” system uses the scriptures to get the admiration of those in the world, the learned scholars and the popes, and all potentates who take over every meeting. They speak confusing lies that have made mountains of confused people who believe earthly fairy tales misinterpreted right from the Bible. This continues to gender confusion and fear, glorifying devilish strife with no power to straighten out all the trouble that’s been stirred up in the earthly nations—all the struggles, the fighting, the killing, and the war.

Oh, these hypocrites think they know what is right, but are making grave mistakes that oppose the real spirit of truth. Now the judgment of God MUST be revealed to each of us Christians. If we will make peace, we must not settle into church heavens ruled by opposing divisions and strife over doctrine. We must find where we are ALL ONE IN CHRIST, with no creed or racial lines dividing us as to what is the truth. I say every Christian should be being taught by the spirit of truth. The spirit in Jesus knows what the truth is!

The truth has been missed in far too many church heavens marked by this #666, their systematic doctrines and traditional programs. They have built ways of worship upon carnal forms, establishing rituals, twisting and interpreting scripture into an apostate form that makes more hypocrites that are twice as carnal. Natural minded Christians have soaked up these fairy tale interpretations of Revelation in this present day.

Church in America has become big business, using worldly ideas and methods to catch and retain followers. Blind leaders have marked many of God’s believing people with lies and used financial deception to build their works. Their followers have accepted their false standards which are now revealed as “beastly” man-made crimes of ignorance. Church systems gain great wealth from the messages which these leaders are paid to teach as the people are filled with the messages the candlestick churches. Each part of the church has had flaws containing falsities with many shortcomings, coming up short of God’s best.

So now, I am writing of many Christians that have been taught literal interpretation of Revelation about natural disasters, frightening and disastrous end time events happening in their theological design, taught in ways that make another “daughter” of the mother church. Blind leaders take blind Christians into the ditch of literal thinking, teaching they should look for a literal rather that spiritual “rapture” from the earth. This doctrine is taught that just before a great tribulation, Christians are to be flying off to heaven as the predicted end. This is in sharp contrast to God’s thinking that occurs when His Spirit is the teaching, leading to proper interpretation of scripture that generates images of His truth.

Literal interpretations of the spiritual symbols and sign languages of the book of Revelation are common, forming a great many wrong ideas about Godly concepts and heavenly things that harbor within Christian viewpoints. Such teachings about the mark of the beast in the book of Revelation reveal a DECEIVED CONCEPT that marks His people’s understanding. Only the proper keys, the proper marks rightly APPLIED, form that which is taught by Christ.

Our spirit IS raptured and enthroned, freed from the mixture of man’s rule in spiritual matters where truth is twisted and carnalized. We are freed from watered down falsehoods widely accepted in the candlestick church systems. There has always been a mixture in these ranks that hold generations of blessed people. Multitudes of Christian people have thus been marked with Babylon’s beastly teachings and false standards. Generations of righteous men in candlestick churches have been confused, living their entire lives subject to religious orders that twisted the truth into a lie. God’s Spirit now holds up those who have the Bible written on their HEARTS. They know the SPIRITUAL SYMBOLIC sign language that is taught by Christ about the books of the Bible.

What marks sons about the book of Revelation is they do not have a literal understanding of those scriptures! The mark known as 666 does not mark them. Man ruling in spiritual matters can most definitely be #666, a mark of Christian men who are ruling over others and marking the Lord’s people by teaching scholarly bible knowledge in ways that are literally interpreted with natural minded twists to represent the secret treasures of God’s wisdom.

God’s wisdom has been and is hidden from the so-called “wise and prudent”, but without any hesitation whatever, He reveals wisdom to "babes who are “poor in spirit”. These have been taught to know every spiritual blessing and look to be led of Christ, not man. So many lies abound about the book of Revelation but only the CORRECT UNDERSTANDING of that great book will reveal God’s WISDOM. Rather than knowing the letter and laws of church order, our Father has allowed light into our spirit so we are enlightened by Jesus. We are destined to see what He has become as He awakens us to be a holy person who goes beyond the boundaries of former heavens of our great church pioneers.

Those in Zion are not spiritually asleep, continually groping about in old heavens, marked with man’s ignorance, that have created dense superstition and fear. Please do not accept the teachings that say the mark of the beast is the American social security number, or a universal product code or some future tattoo that identifies us with the number 666 as assigned to the antichrist. The mark of the beast is not a “laser-tattooed mark” on our forehead and nor will our hands be read by a “laser code reader” to test our allegiances.

These are mere natural minded speculations. There seems to be no limit to the credulity of the Christian public in its appetite for prophetic sensationalism, in fascinating excitement. The carnal-minded, sensation-hungry evangelical leaders have twisted the revelatory truth of the book of Revelation into many false fairy tales. We must understand that the book of Revelation is a SPIRITUAL BOOK, a book of SPIRITUAL SYMBOLS.

The mark of the beast SYMBOLIZED by the number 666 being “in the forehead and on the hand” is about those worshiping God in beastly carnal minded ideas and ways to build man-made systems, built and ruled by men. Good men have formulated laws into a form of truth that lacks the power to truly change us, as spoken by Paul to Timothy:

“For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.” 2 Timothy 3:2-5 NAS

Now, we honor God’s ability to write upon our mind and hearts by the spiritual anointing of Christ. We now know Christ is WITHIN us and able to form us perfectly. Truth is being given to overcoming saints who are raised to spiritual Mount Zion. These are being sealed with the 12 names (characteristics) of the tribes of Israel in their hearts and minds, AS WRITTEN BY THE FATHER. His name (nature of love, peace and joy) is being written upon our spirit as we are enlightened by seeing the Lord.

God’s Spirit and Word are sealing in us the inner qualities we need to bear our cross and have His NAME written in divine characteristics upon our inner being. Christ within us works to free us deeply in our spirit, so that our inner person changes as our core characteristics are refined into His. Christ perfectly inscribes upon our inner person new ideas about what GOD can do within our forehead — in our mind because it is in our spirit and affects all we do. All Christians should be ruled by Christ taking upon themselves the Father’s writings, marked only as those being sealed into perfection taught by His Word and Spirit.

Here is wisdom: nothing can really change the truth He has written upon us. No lie can hold us to take part in that order marked by MAN RULING in spiritual matters with a beastly RELIGIOUS MIND. Some overcoming Christians are wise enough to know the difference, having received the spirit of truth to understand what’s been going on in church history in Christian men. We know the difference between markings of various false promotions of literal understandings of spiritual things. Understanding the things God has granted can help us comprehend the true message in His words:

"And I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads.” Revelation 14:1 NAS

Jesus leads followers to spiritual Mount Zion where all have a mark of the Father’s name that becomes obvious in their understanding. Truth is written in the foreheads of all those just people called to spiritual mount Zion. THE SPIRIT of TRUTH WORKS within them to deliver from every false idea about life and death, the church, the world orders, and the various scriptural teachings of the religious world. God’s Spirit is drawing us to higher ground, to the mount of God’s rule.

Where Jesus rules as King, he is speaking truth among the chosen who are faithful. These believers from every generation are faithful to represent Him. To be a part of His government is their highest aspiration, and some have already attained positions as ambassadors that speak the true message with no guile. These are kingdom priests who truly serve the one true God.

David, the king of Israel, reigned in Zion gloriously. Mount Zion was the home of David, the king's place, the highest pinnacle of authority attainable in Israel. That picture of David’s Zion is a type and shadow of SPIRITUAL MOUNT ZION TO WHICH CANDLESTICK CHURCH OVERCOMERS ARE CALLED, BEING DRAWN BY THE AUTHORITY THAT ESTABLISHES PEOPLE IN THE KING’s WISDOM. Today the government of God (His administrators prepared to govern) are gathered to Zion’s heaven. They walk about Zion being made alive, new, openly showing a divine promise in Christ, reigning with Christ over the earth now:

"But you have come to mount Zion, and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, [ten thousand messengers] to the general assembly, and church of the firstborn, who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous men made perfect, and to Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkling of blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel. See to it that you do not refuse Him Who is speaking!"   Hebrews 12:22-25 NAS

Jesus Christ is still speaking truth and we are raised to hear Him, to learn to dwell in spiritual mount Zion where Jesus Christ is “standing up” within the spirits of just men gathered to Zion’s spiritual mount. These people are sealed sons composed of overcoming qualities, the qualities God deems just men and women need to be presently made perfect. Justified saints leave their earthly attitudes of heart and mind to reach a oneness of spiritual insight with the very highest pinnacles within God’s great plan for salvation.

Our inner spiritual person is free to obediently follow the ways of the King as a great company of people have, and are being sealed into a perfection gained ONLY BY JESUS. These human beings are the reality of what is written:

To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.”   Revelation 3:21

These overcomers are made into priests after an order of endless life, some of whom attain great honor in the King’s government. Such human creatures who live before and in His throne rejoice even now. They eat hidden manna in paradise, receiving “white stones” of truth clearly worked in them by the newness of God’s light. We are seeing what characteristics are divine as He writes His name within our being, enrolled into His heavenly authority to shine as lights of the morning, “stars” clothed in white garments.

Our Father writes upon us daily, and we live by every word He speaks to us. We are challenged to HEAR AND UNDERSTAND His many ways of making us fit, lifting us to the third heaven where only He speaks, where His throne is operationally ruling in Zion.

Therefore THE FATHER MARKS the saints with spiritual wisdom. They know their calling as part of His government shown in the 144,000 who bear the Father’s name. The number 12 denotes the government of God, so 12 by 12 is 144,000, representing those who do not defile themselves with whorish mixtures and mysterious church methods in realms of shameful division and strife. These move on, leaving the candlestick churches full of natural minded ways of working, moving on from forming systems.

Those ranks are filled with multitudes of worshipers who need spiritual awakening, cleansing, and an inner spiritual work done to make them greater partakers of the Father’s perfect will and purpose. Overcomers are chosen to rule with Christ over ALL God’s creation, in every heaven and every earthly matter. Even those under the earth will be touched eventually by the pure realms of God’s government, of whom it is written:

“And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads,”   Revelation 14:1

This is in GREAT DISTINCTION to the mulituties of Christians who have taken the mark of the beast ruled by man. They are held in the natural thinking of man, with understandings marked with the thinking and ways of their system of corrupt church doctrines that build forms of idolatrous worship that do not represent Jesus Christ in spiritual Mount Zion. Worldly standards and messages are mixed into church traditions to form images that mark the understanding of the multitudes! Their minds are focused on the systems called the church, but God calls it ”Mystery Babylon”!

The Father’s wisdom must be placed in our spirit. As His Word and Spirit are placed within, it gets into our forehead, renewing our minds so we are no longer being defiled by beastly ways in religious orders of church fellowship. Instead, we are made alive to God, raised up having put on the MIND OF CHRIST to operate efficiently in peace, love, and joy.

Though we can read many scholarly explanations about the mark of the beast, it would be safe to lay any literal interpretations aside. Then, just pray to understand what God teaches BY THE SPIRIT about the MARK OF THE BEAST, for His wisdom is being revealed. He reproves the carnal mind which is so active in religious men who love to teach THEIR ideas, ideas that have become beastly, even blasphemous, taught to and marking God’s people.

It is evident in Christianity's history that they have failed to find Zion in these formed systems that work in league with corrupt political leaders of national governments, creating laws regulating worldly affairs. Even commerce in institutions spawned and dominated by the mind of western civilized man are a part of this systemized deception:

“…that we should all attain ito the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ, that we may by no means still be minors, surging hither and thither and being carried about by every wind of teaching by human caprice, by craftiness with a view to the systematizing of the deception. Now, being true, in love we should be making all grow into Him, Who is the Head, Christ…” Ephesians 4:13-15 Concordant

The Father’s name is “written in our forehead” by completing a processing of growth in being sealed in subjection to Godly characteristics working within us. This process continues until we are SEALED by God in our forehead with His understanding, having our Father’s MARK in our forehead indicating an inner state of enlightenment.

“And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you…” Genesis 17:11 NAS

“…and he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, that righteousness might be reckoned to them…” Romans 4:11 NAS

'‘Do not harm the earth, or the sea, or the trees, until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.” Revelation 7:3 NAS

“The LORD said to him, "Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” Ezekiel 9:4 NAS

To understand what being “sealed” means, we look at government seals used for making impressions in wax upon instruments of writing, as an evidence of their authenticity. A “seal” is a mark of authentication, a currently approved “stamp of approval as a token of significance”. To seal is “to make sure of its author; to set a seal or mark upon any writing as a token of its being genuine and approved; attested, to confirm, to establish as authenticate by a distinguished mark.”

If we compare Genesis 17:11 with Romans 4:11, and Revelation 7:3 with Ezekiel 9:4, we find that the words “token”, “sign”, “seal”, and “mark” ARE USED IN THE BIBLE AS SYNONYMOUS TERMS. God is placing His mind in overcomers who intimately live by understanding what He says. Paul prayed God would give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing Him. God does grant insight to His mind when we Christians are taught by His Spirit about the worldly ways in church systems dominated by the religious nature of beastly minded men out to gain a following.

The particular Greek word which has been translated “mark” in Revelation 13:16 is “charagma”, translated eight times in KJV as “MARK” and once as “GRAVEN”. It is interesting to note that this Greek word for MARK is from the same root from which we get the Greek and English word CHARACTER! This word is translated as “express image” in the book of Hebrews:

“Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image [mark] of His person...”   Hebrews 1:3

The EXPRESS IMAGE of Jesus is the mark of God, therefore any manifestation of God that reveals that the HONORABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF HIS MIND are HIS MARKS. Certain ranks of CHRISTIAN MEN are marked as shown in the book of Revelation as enlightened beings. They are understanding the expression of the divine character of LOVE. Our Father looks upon the way we worship, noting if it is worship in the spirit of truth, a true expression of the DIVINE CHARACTER. This is what HE FATHERS within beings raised to higher heavens.

God certainly marks our heart with His truth because we are His house, built by His wisdom. We are humbled but not fearful about visible tattoos being the mark of the beast, nor are we afraid to use any brand of credit card, computer, or any natural thing as something that could mark us. God is referring to the development of the INNER QUALITY OF OUR SPIRITUAL MINDS to develop INNER CHARACTER into the full stature as being SEALED as mature SONS AND DAUGHTERS.

We are more interested in bearing the MARK OF GOD than attaining any fame or fortune. We would be selling our birthright for a bowl of pottage by buying and selling the things of God like being done among the present religious systems of church. Jesus was killed yet He lives now to come by the Spirit to IMPRINT AND IMPRESS HIMSELF UPON MEN and WOMEN. His will is to have His Father’s CHARACTER impressed upon the inner parts of those who follow Him.

Jesus is a great teacher of prophecy. He would have us know our sins are forgiven and we may ascend to a heavenly paradise even now. After His death, He was raised to give divine life to His followers, to IMPRINT AND IMPRESS the DIVINE CHARACTER of God the Father deeply within our inner spiritual person. He changes us daily, our soul is awake, and our body is quickened with healings. The people who follow Him receive a lasting mark as one who obeys His exhortation to:

“…put on the Lord Jesus Christ…”   Romans 13:14

This deep and hidden mystery of life is never discovered by investigations of natural minded scholars. The fulfillment of scripture pertains to realms beyond the reach of the natural minded, beastly man. Christ Jesus becomes our wisdom and His spiritual revelation keeps coming from on high to speak in manners we can perceive with more and more depth. The meanings of His revelation astound us with what can be accomplished IN US even now.

The book of Revelation 13th chapter shows two marks as two great ways of being marked within the Christian faith. It is evident that some are marked by the beastly interpretations of man symbolized by THE BEASTLY NUMBER - 666.

At the Old Testament Passover Feast, God designated a lamb to be slaughtered for each house, a lamb without blemish, a type of a spiritual truth:

“You were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation ... but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot…”   I Peter 1:18-19

“Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you... and you are not your own? For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your spirit, and in your body, which are God’s.”   I Corinthians 6:19-20

God seals us in the Lamb's blood. He marks the “doorposts” of our hearts as He is our principle of Passover. God quickens our spirit to believe, so we find revelation is written IN OUR FOREHEAD. Then WE DO have FELLOWSHIP with the Father, and His Son, Jesus. God is forming Christ within our spirit and our minds are being renewed. He rules over our own soulish OUTER life until our WORDS and ACTIONS are without guile, flawless, a judgment of our growth in Him:

“These are those who are following the Lambkin wherever It should be going. These are bought from mankind, a firstfruit to God and the Lambkin. And in their mouth falsehood was not found, for they are flawless.” Revelation 14:4-5 Concordant

To qualify as sealed sons we must have applied proper truth to our lives. By faith, the “feet” (what we walk out) of our understanding must be shod with clear messages of an everlasting gospel to show us clearly as we see how to apply His Word as THE way of life. We are actively participating with Christ to bear evidence that we are living witnesses of the FATHER’s NAME, MARKED with characteristics of His NATURE. Jesus Christ purchased us with His blood and paid a price to SEAL US INTO THE FATHER’S NAME.

The MIND OF CHRIST is opening new dispositions and attitudes within us that are not of our own doing. We are now disposed to His heavenly messages that feed us heavenly manna, the meat of the word, taken with refined wine. They are sweet as honey, heavenly bread that feeds our spirit so we too will be clothed with the fine linen of His righteousness. He can feed us in dry deserts or in the crowded multitudes with divine understandings and revelations.

This WILL separate us unto His high and lasting purposes. We must be taught and trained by the Holy Spirit in the ways and principles of His Kingdom. The order of the New Jerusalem is not the order of candlestick churches that are in earth. He removes the markings of beastly Babylon, those principalities of Jezebel that want to rule in our spiritual thinking. Wisdom has slain her beast and hewn out seven pillars of character, a blessed marking that quickens the whole man:

“Wisdom, it has built her house; she has hewn out her seven columns [pillars].” Proverbs 9:1 Concordant

God has been delivering overcomers, just men humbled enough to be sealed in a proper measure of His character, quickened and qualified by His Spirit to work perfectly within our inner being. Sons hear the call to repentance from the dead works of OUR hands — from dead church projects, dead programs, and sunday school activity by which so many learn to BUY AND SELL the holy things of God. The mature overcomers are now delivered instead into wisdom, being called out and separated to a more excellent ministry.

The Father’s name is written upon the FIRST ONES, making an ENTIRELY NEW ORDER OF PRIESTHOOD. Priests who are TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED by God’s life will soon inspire the hearts of all men! What promises we have been awakened to as BEING BORN ANEW, but we must grow up to the fullest stature available in the Godhead to bear witness of our Father writing in our forehead. The fact is every man and woman first bears the beastly mark of the natural mind. Man cannot perceive God’s mind until such a time as the cross of Christ cancels out the selfish ambitions and characteristics of man's fallen heart:

"‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.’ Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.’ And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."   Revelation 14:8-11 NAS

God's understanding of scripture is taught to us BY HIS SPIRIT. It quickens our spirit as His truth washes away the marks of man’s understanding. God is Fathering an inner perfection NOW that grants new strength, loving attitudes, new ways that clearly express Who is dwelling within us.

The Mark

The Spirit of Life