The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Secret Place

The prayer which for centuries has been known as the LORD'S PRAYER is the PATTERN PRAYER for all God's sons and daughters. Jesus taught us to pray:

"Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name." Matthew 6:9

Here is disclosed a great principle regarding the correct attitude about God. He is our Father, one in which disciples of Christ can approach through inner awareness that is hallowed, holy, set apart in our Father's divine nature. Mature sons do not rush to the front of every meeting or push their way into His presence. Neither do they come as beggars, pleading and crying that God do more for them or give more to them. Once the Most High reveals to impress the correct relationship, He then brings us to experience intimate in-workings of vital understandings that produce union and fellowship with Him as sons.

It is not only on the basic principles we are blessed and privileged to BE ASKING WHATSOEVER WE WILL, but our asking now grows into the deep things of God. We seek ongoing growth to know deeper fellowship and union with our Father. Even sons do not receive if our ATTITUDE is wrong, being selfish and demanding. We are to be ones who honor, reverence to obey, adore with appreciation, and thank our Father by walking in precious fellowship and union of mind, will, and purpose of the Father. We may surely ask what we will and receive LIBERALLY from the loving heart of our Father. The Psalmist admonishes:

"Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before His presence with singing…enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name!" Psalms 100:2,4

Melchizedek blessed the Most High God who had given Abraham a great victory in battle. The word in Hebrews 7 used for “bless” is the Greek word EULOGETOS. The English words ‘eulogy’ and ‘eulogize’ come from this Greek word which is a compound of EU (good) and LOGOS (a word). The meaning is thus ‘to say a good word,’ ‘to speak well of,’ or better expressed in English as ‘good word.’ It should be accurately translated simply ‘eulogized.’ In other words the blessing was embodied in the GOOD WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of Melchizedek.

Good words are not words of harsh judgment, condemnation, vindictiveness or cursing of enemies. Here it represents exactly what a GOOD WORD means — that spoken word which is a BLESSING indeed both toward inheritors of the promises and to the Most High. One cannot speak a blessing and at the same time be critical, judgmental, condemning, exacting or harsh. While many preachers in the church systems may damn nonbelievers to an eternal hell for not subscribing to their particular interpretation of the Bible, the Melchizedek Priesthood will always be characterized by speaking GOOD WORDS of blessing to all men. Their words of truth bring the light of righteousness with peace and compassion, a real BLESSING to men and to GOD.

Mature sons of God do not demand attention. They bless without curse, pointing everyone to WORSHIP GOD in spirit and truth. All those who seek first the kingdom will have their NEEDS MET IN THE OVERFLOW! Priests of the Kingdom order are recognized by the fact that they are connected to the Father, and therefore speak GOOD WORDS! A LIVING WORD flows unto men from them. They are BLESSERS, indeed!

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Psalms 91:1

All the blessings and provisions of the ninety-first Psalm — no evil or plague befalls us, angels keep us safe, we tread on lions and serpents, be set on high, call upon God and be heard, delivered and honored, have long life and be fully saved — are qualified by dwelling in a SECRET PLACE:

"For You, O Yahweh, are my Refuge! Because you have made the Supreme your habitation, evil shall not be your fate, and contagion (plague) it shall not approach your tent." Psalm 91:9-10 concordant

The Hebrew word for SECRET means “hidden, concealed, protected, disguised”. The Hebrew word for PLACE indicates a “standing, a spot, a locality, a condition”. Thus a SECRET PLACE of the MOST HIGH is a hidden standing, concealed locality, protected condition, a disguised location, a secret condition of understanding. It is not open before the eyes of men, but is reserved for those prepared to receive it. It includes entrance into that realm HIDDEN WITHIN THE VEIL where our Forerunner for us entered, where the MOST HIGH abides in fullness.

That word MADE contains the thought of action as in placing something, not passivity. Therefore the thought is of actively making , or placing the MOST HIGH as our habitation, so by faith God sovereignly INHABITS a place within us. This points up the fact that we have part in making the choice if the MOST HIGH will be our dwelling place.

The Hebrew word HABITATION is an interesting word. It comes from the root which means COHABITATION like a DUTY OF MARRIAGE. From this then comes the thought of a home which is based upon the union of two people. Therefore it is plain to be seen that the Most High is to be a HABITATION for us wherein a perfect union takes place. This perfect union is where lives are blended one into another, where LOVE RULES, where cohabiting is a reality where each belongs there and also belongs to the other, where the interest of the other is considered, where blending takes place.

Now, it should be recognized that the Most High blends with an Order of Melchizedek priests. This priesthood is of matured sons and daughters who are blended to make a habitation of the Most High as His tabernacle. There is a union we can experience that is intended to complete a oneness of spirit flowing forth from within our inner being, hidden in Christ in secret places. A good way to describe and understand this union is by what we know of true marriage, one which God joins two together even to be one in the flesh.

Marriage is intended for oneness, ideally to be a total union into oneness: “The two shall become one flesh." This condition of union with God as our Father into oneness as in Psalm 91 accounts for the blessings that follow: (1) No evil shall befall you, (2) no plague shall come nigh your dwelling, (3) His angels shall have charge over you, (4) they uphold you lest you fall. We glowingly repeat these words because they are such wonderful promises, but what precedes it is that God makes union a reality — a joining that makes the MOST HIGH our HABITATION!

There should be a recognized connection with our Father within us, in our spirit, actively seeking a deep secret place within our spirit where He abides with us. This is where His Spirit enters to quicken our spirit and abides to bless, which no enemy can stop or withhold. He is reaching this precious retreat because neither can any enemy keep us separate from it, because now the spirit of our Father tabernacles within us.

Is your adversary tormenting you with anxiety, fears and forebodings? Is there something that is disturbing and distressing you? Knowing God is our Father, He quickens our spirit so we can draw from the SECRET PLACE within our spirit that knows our Father. We know that He is within our spirit, blended into the image of the firstborn Son. We have committed our way unto Him and He will bring to pass the correct steps of our life experiences.

Finding our spiritual cleft in the Rock of Christ Jesus will place peace within our being, no matter how hard the winds blow, or how frighteningly shear the cliffs. We stand assured, hidden away in our inner spiritual man, alive with God Fathering us in a secret cleft meant for us to stand together with Him. Thus:

"…our life is hid together with Christ in God." Colossians 3:3 concordant

Other people will not know that you are hiding away in a SECRET PLACE WITH THE MOST HIGH. They will just see a supernaturally calm person even in facing stormy pressures. We are hiding away with Him, in a Secret Place within, so that even an adversary SHOULD KNOW whence comes this VICTORIOUS QUIET. This place is as much hidden away as an almighty God can hide it.

He, Father of our spirit, leads us by spirit, clothing us spiritually so we are not found to be “naked.” Worldly people do not presently see nor comprehend, but we have followed Him there, walking in conscious awareness of His overshadowing presence, in union with grace and power in a secret realm of the spirit. We live in these frail earthly tents, yet are set in high spiritual places within our spiritual man. Men of evil intentions cannot see into the secrets of God to understand, nor find, nor move us.

“But their apprehensions were calloused, for until this very day the same covering [veil] is remaining at the reading of the old covenant, not being uncovered, for only in Christ is it being nullified." 2 Corinthians 3:14-15 Concordant

As we are raised to a spiritual place prepared of God, matched with His spirit within so He abides with every step, we prove that Yahweh, the Most High, is alive within and around us, and that we are the home of His blazing glory. Offspring of the Most High learn to MAKE HIM THEIR ABIDING PLACE, where the strife and opinions of other humans have ceased because we’re separated to be alone with our Father. When earthly minds have receded and the Celestial image is drawn near enough for us to see the unseen, we hear the voice of our Lord DEEP WITHIN US.

The beauty of it appears deep in our own spirit. It is in such secret separation and communion that His image burns brightly to transform our spirit to life, renew our minds, and quicken our bodies into real inheritance as sons. God’s Spirit dwells within our spirit! It is the atmosphere we breathe, the source of joy for every part of us. We are being made one spirit with His Holy Spirit. ONE SPIRIT — unless through some of our own carelessness, we disregard making the Most High our habitation:

"Do not become diversely yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness? What communion has light with darkness! Now what agreement has Christ with Belial [worthless language]? Or what part a believer with an unbeliever? Now what concurrence has a temple of God with idols [false ideas about God)]?

For you are the temple of the living God, according as God said, that ‘I will be making My home and will be walking in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Wherefore, Come out of their midst and be severed, the Lord is saying. And touch not the unclean, and I will admit you, and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me’, says the Lord Almighty". II Corinthians 6:14-18 concordant

O precious Secret Place, O wondrous Habitation, where we can find the truth given of the Most High that opens our eyes and quickens our hearing ears! O what BLESSING this secret hiding-place is, wherein we are made to be a blessing too. We are here made to be priests in a kingdom that blesses all people everywhere with the GOOD WORD of God.

That Word stays with us, and behold how perfectly He abides there within to express Himself! What strength and power comes, what refreshing and holy swiftness appears to those who learn how to MAKE the Most High their habitation. They keep their tabernacle dwelling in oneness of spirit, centered in the SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH where God tabernacles in His people. Hear the great voices coming out of heaven saying “BEHOLD” — get HOLD of this:

"…the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God." Revelation 21:3

The Wilderness

The Constitution II