The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Seven Great and Mighty Nations

"When the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the LORD your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them.” Deuteronomy 7:1-2 NAS

The great commission to Joshua was that the promised land had to be conquered. God said that he would give the people of Israel glorious victories over its strong, entrenched occupants, enemies that would fight any effort to dislodge them. Warfare was certain going into the promised land of Canaan. There were giants in the seven great and mighty nations of Canaan who must be subdued. These seven nations were built by men like Cain, with fleshly characteristics of men, hungry for power, who intimidate people with threats of confinement and violence.

Men rule by making others afraid of their dark motives. Arrogance, ignorant selfishness, greed, and jealous animosity have reigned in the hearts of our leaders. Even today our own people are made to howl under unequal justice. According to the Bible, the natural minded man is at enmity with God, hostile towards the characteristics of godliness.

We come to know the true life of God when Christ possesses our heart. Christ unites us with the promise of God. Christ has invaded our inner being with truth and formed an insight of heavenly substance that dislodges our former selfish characteristics. Our former ways of thinking and attitudes are changed, washed in the light of Christ’s life. Changed attitudes are a great sign that Christ has been formed in our inner being.

Christ shines to our inner man a light that exposes our former jealousies, greedy motives, loose lips and ambitious boasting that compete so readily among religious men. Now the Lord is leading with His people with the promises of a New Day, the third Day, a third heaven. A third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, is where He conquers us completely and we become inhabited by God our Father.

With all the delivering power in the outpouring of His Spirit in Los Angeles, California in the 1900’s Pentecostal movements, our brethren only received an earnest of our inheritance, a downpayment of the measure Jesus has received as He ascended from the dead. The conquering spirit of Christ Jesus promises us a full portion, a completed salvation held in store until right now. It is working in some of His people now! We are now in the 21st century, the coming of a third thousand year day from the raising of Jesus Christ from the dead. Beyond the candlestick churches is the throne realm, where those who have eyes and wings rise and are able to supersede all the dimensions of death working in the candlestick churches.

We can still experience the blessings of Pentecostal fellowships in various movements among His people, yet we know that they have only the earnest of the Spirit, a limited down payment of what Jesus has. But those who press on into the hope set before them by God experience a fuller portion of Christ. Even now more is possible within our own lives. As many of us were called outside the religious church camps of Babylon, Christ has exposed the truth of the matter powerfully within us, and the secret of God is in our hearts.

Mature Sons grow to contest every lie, expose every unjust word, convict wrong deeds, stand in the right to dislodge evil and worldly thoughts with powers of His righteousness. As we are exercised in godliness, it is being revealed within us. We see Jesus, that same spirit is in us, a Spirit of righteousness that conquers every fleshly way. He shows us the path we need to walk to find God’s life. It is clear within us.

I serve a man, a King, Christ Jesus, who became the supreme abiding place of God the Father. That same life has appeared to start work on divine subjects within our inner man. When our spirit is touched by His Spirit, our thoughts and motives are changed and our inner person is made alive to godliness. Now sons do cry out “ABBA Father”! Now an anointed one strengthens us to be conquering all the giant fleshly enemies that are so common within the mindsets, dispositions, and attitudes within the many ranks of Pentecostal people. That feast of Pentecost was the Spirit poured out on the flesh and that order did not gain the promise, ever!.

Pentecostal heavens of latter rain only had an in-part salvation. Even great leaders and famous preachers were found with great hindering weaknesses. Strongholds of fleshly ideas have caused problems that divided church fellowships, creating bondage for generations for those subject to that discourse. The candlestick church realm is full of discouragements, fears, and misconceptions that have held generations to a mixed conception of carnal ideas from religious men. I do not recommend joining a religious conception! We are joined to the LORD where we are not subject to fleshly desires, bad habits, moral sickness, or death that is working even in heavens of the candlestick churches, making divisive denominations of Christian people.

God has promised to save us all from the great apostasy. He removes every lie from our inner being. As daily bread makes us follow Him, our life is changed. We’ve now been marked by the King. A seal of sonship protects us from beastly viewpoints, our mind is free of corrupt boasting. Christ is formed within our inner being, now dominating our hidden inner thoughts and purifying our motives. We can be proven as godly, exercising godly dominion over our last inner enemies. Delivered,we stand, being awakened and aware of the divine process in which God makes us sons and daughters.

We are spiritually free, lifted into the truth, with God drawing us into the purest characteristic of Jesus Christ. In Adam we die, but in Christ we are made alive! Now we LOVE we’re a place of PEACE, and we enjoy GODLINESS, for it is a “great gain”. As sons have prayed to experience His promised deliverance, Christ is formed within our being, leading us to abide in harmony with God’s will. We are now brought to a seventh day, a seventh thousand years that completes the rest of God’s work in Jesus. We have rested from religious works through rich blessings of revealed truth. An abundant understanding of His Word has come and set us free. Christ within our spirit draws us higher to glory beyond that of the candlestick churches. The light of Christ is the power of the King, His words abide within us, changing our minds.

Let us look closely at the seven nations that Israel faced as they set out before Joshua, looking at these seven nations as types and shadows of enemy characteristics that must be removed from within us. Our Father will dislodge the spirit of them from our being within the “land” of our inner person, so that we can possess a full inheritance.

The word “Canaanite” in Strong’s concordance generally means “to bend the knee low, be under, subdued.” These are Ham’s sons, low-land merchants and traffickers. The type and shadow of the Canaanites now can be applied to church folk in a number of ways. I see the spirit of Pentecostal showmanship as making merchandise of His people with gimmickry, pretense, and religious misuse of scripture.

This antichrist spirit has been working to form apostate church systems from the beginning of the church two thousand years ago. Blind men have ruled over His believing people, usurping the leadership of God, His Spirit, and His Son. Ah, what a temptation Jezebel has been! It’s so easy to be a leader in church where you can make a living tending to those church altars. It's so easy to go into that business in the harlot's house and take their mark, their application of the scriptures that cause people to live in low places, building and twisting the scripture till all is divided and dead.

Blind people are following blind leaders into the ditch of despair. Destruction follows them, yet many still seek a following in church ministry. It has become the biggest business on the planet! An apostate system has used the scripture to formalize a deception unique to Mystery Babylon, but it can not stop the messages of Christ from the throne realm becoming unstuck from the many lies, to become alive to the church of the living God.

The lowlands of the Canaanites are built with the harlot spirit of Balaam — that practice of selling “prophecy for hire”, so to speak. It works for a paycheck and generally submits to a hierarchy in order to achieve this. Scriptural truth is mixed in with these fleshly viewpoints of religious leaders who will say anything that keeps them hired in the religious business dominating Mystery Babylon.

Some know this truth but will not preach it for fear of losing their position and pension. Canaanite preachers are always peddling something for a price, hawking their wares — selling books galore, CD’s, song tapes, or some little gimmick that will give them your name and address so you can send contributions for following their programs.

This normal business side of Christianity is HUGE. Religious Christianity has become the world’s largest business, along with becoming a lukewarm religion. Ministers study to make everyone comfortable, prophesying sweet things after you die. They are so nice with what things they do in consideration of future hire.

These are characteristics of blind men leading blind people in lowland behavior which must be utterly destroyed within our own hearts if we are to be counted a “sealed son”. Those who embrace the spirit of sonship are granted deliverance from this realm in order to gain godly reward. We are able to gain LASTING inheritance in the promised land by being with just men being made perfect, sons who are perfectly led to Zion. We are enabled to be with God’s chosen family.

We are not to harbor any Canaanite condition, nor any Babylonian idol in our tent!

The first nation to be dislodged was the Hittites nation. Hittites came from Heth, son of Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah. The word Heth means “terrible dismay” in Hebrew. The offspring of Canaan was beaten to confusion, abolished to be prostrated and broken down by life’s severest tests. The fear of death terrorized the emotions of people when facing the life-threatening circumstances of the nation of Israel. The Canaanites had heard of them and were terrified for forty years. Now going into Canaan, Israel finally took the first steps to take that land, and that dreaded fear was now made a reality.

In this Day, fear is being banished as sons possess their land. Christ within us repeatedly conquers the former and immediate fears. We cast off the works of darkness, learning to follow His Spirit to free us from every fearful thought that would torment us. His perfect love for us can reveal what to cast off as every last fiber of fear must be identified in order for it to be cast out of our being. Christ working within us will conquer our great big giant fears as well as our small little frustrations.

False teachings work to capture His Christian people in “low-land” understandings. These teachings keep us creating carnal works under the laws of do’s and don’ts, continuing to “eat from the tree of good and evil”. Thank God, we are now freed, loosed from being so carnal minded! Prideful thinking of the Laodicean church of thinking it’s so rich, yet not realizing it is in the low places that should open to His counsel.

His counsel changes our understanding to know the truth. God’s word is truth, so His truthful mind is reflected in our mind. The mind of Christ reflects the right mind, so we are knowing peaceful intentions for all men everywhere. Truth is dwelling within us — we all will have God’s Life, in due time, abiding within. NOW YOU REALIZE, YOU KNOW, YOUR SPIRIT IS ALIVE TO THE SPIRIT OF GOD!

Next Israel met the Girgashites. Abram was promised the land of the Girgashites. Girgashites were known only as the offspring of Ham which means “dark”. Spiritual darkness means to be ignorant, without understanding of the real hope, or having many false hopes. Having false understanding is the common condition of the candlestick churches. The condition of the Girgashites parallel the natural-minded man that Paul described in the following passage:

“But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned.” I Corinthians 2:14

All of us Christians have battled with our own human perceptions and have reasonings from other men influence our soul about things that are spiritual. Some natural minded men have sure presented mixed up messages about God’s word! God develops our thinking mind to respond to inner spiritual discernment as being more important than developing head knowledge in scholarly seminary halls, busy studying the scriptures.

His thoughts are SPIRITUAL, as scriptural words help us be quickened by the Spirit to His mind. This way leads to LIFE! The truth will make us free — free from every body of death! Our vile body can be fashioned like his glorious body! We shall not all sleep! Some are being swallowed up into His glorious life by understanding that spiritual truth as inspired by scripture.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” II Timothy 3:16-17 NAS

In America, Bibles are free or can be bought at almost all bookstores and sermons can be heard any hour of the day or night on radio and television. Yet it seems these public preachers are declaring more confusion to the nation, particularly about politics. This candlestick church at Laodicea thinks it’s rich, in need of nothing, yet they do not hear what the Spirit is saying from the throne realm. They have a carnal mind that loves to control ecclesiastical groups, grasping to control people’s understanding.

These men historically have not been spiritual eunuchs but have allowed men to plant their “seed” rather than words revealed by the spirit in the Bible. Few can detect the spirit of deception within their walls, especially about the book of Revelation. Few deliver the King’s messages from it that effectively burn up the human intellect marking God’s people. However, the correct measure of salvation is being revealed within discerning saints, those exercised in godliness, united with the mind that makes us alive to God.

God effectively writes the truth on our heart about the common faith, a faith that will do an effective work of TRANSFORMING us from death to life within our inner person. God plants the truth of His Word in every generation. He is touching our spirit with His understanding of these troubled times. Now we need to hear what the SPIRIT says to the churches as it teaches us how important it is to follow the way HE leads.

Words are spoken and, in obedience, our faith declares we can conquer the last enemies, even those foxes on the vine that spoil so much good. Against the characteristics of death, Christ strengthens us to conquer every fear, expose every lie, not to be deceived by any enemy that can torment us with darkness. Christ reigns within us to conquer all the characteristics of death.

These are seven dispositions that are like the seven Canaanite nations, chiefly the fears that control the lowlands! The traditional giants found in the lust of the eye, the pride of life, and lust of the flesh control religious men’s thinking to hold them in dark concepts of the truth. Truth is mixed with carnal teaching that result in God’s people being slain, uprooted, and left behind. The dark lords of the Girgashites’ controll their “downward-looking” condition of looking upon worldly events, focusing on earthly events and world leaders, having a literal, carnal minded understanding of the Bible.

Confusion has ruled in the candlestick churches for two thousand years, during which religious men have prostituted the truth and sold their honor with agreements with worldly leaders. Rich men have declared false opinions galore in the candlestick churches but Christ dislodges dark concepts so common among Laodicean church men. We see that we clearly need to possess understanding of the spiritual significance to truly hear the truth of God's Word.

In whomever the Lord reigns, there will be a fountain of truth flowing and some are taught of the Lord to gather respectfully with our elders in Zion. We must understand more correctly how to practice unity from within by being gathered to the Lord, yielding to the inspired Word of God. We are finding that God’s resurrection power is bearing us up in our ability to love one another with more perfect agape, love we are gaining the ability to mutually enjoy. God’s Kingdom blesses us in many ways! With much peace in our hearts we HAVE COME TO THE THIRD DAY, the THIRD FEAST, the THIRD HEAVEN WHICH IS FOR THOSE WHO HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD!

Next, Israel met up with the Amorites to smash their altars and pillars, to hewn down their Asherim, to burn their images with fire. The Hebrew meaning of an Amorite can be viewed as a “boaster on the mountain top”. Israel first needed to get the high ground as the Amorites were mountaineers and lived in the high places. That speaks loudly as types of large Christian denominations whose ministers publicly broadcast they are God’s best and brightest with exclusive rights to the best places. They present themselves to be followed, financially supported, and held in honor through supporting their generational traditions and exalted positions of authority.

Today, church ministers are trained in seminaries about traditional ceremonies and taught doctrines that include the many carnal ideas and vain imaginations of past generational errors. It is the prideful boast of religious life “on the top of the mountains” that twists the scriptures to their own destruction, exalting denominational interpretations into false fables that lack the knowledge of God. Much needs to be changed in order to conquer the hearts of modern day Laodicean candlestick church people who think they are so rich, “boasting on the mountaintops.”

Some, however, have been quick to understand spiritual truths presented by Christ working within us. We are constantly facing our Lord and will not hide our face in His light. Although religious pride brings encounters with very formidable enemies in the top of our mountains, God resists the proud hearts of rich men in the Laodicean churches. Overcomers of those orders become part of the New Jerusalem order. They have entered a higher dimension, gathered with a people made alive, fully enthroned with Christ life where there is no place for self-importance.

“Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

Be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” I Peter 5:6

HUMAN PRIDE has not been humbled very well in worldly minded people today. Pride is exalted in giant proportions where it should not be, there in Christian heavens. These “30 fold” Passover and “60 fold” Pentecostal heavens oppose the workings of God’s Spirit drawing us to the “100 fold” Feast of Tabernacles rank of overcomers.

The pride of their honored religious life before men has made some leading men become religious monsters that condemn and berate others to hell just to keep followers in line. These leaders use worldly methods to control people through evil methods, fear, and even violence, thus revealing the beastly nature that yet needs to be overcome. But having fellowship with John’s teachings grants great fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. While we are clearly not alone, attending regular worship periods in our home do reveal true insights, fellowship with His thoughts, a knowing of God’s life contained in the scripture but also in our spirit. I pray the Father makes us one spirit with the Lord!

Many Christian leaders and TV preachers are too invested in that old church order to accept the truths of the kingdom. Too many use religious maneuvers for a payday, but that Canaanite trafficker mjust be exterminated within our hearts. Thank God, many “end time people” have come out of the harlot’s house and are victorious, walking in the light to triumph over every inner agreement with greedy motives. Those who walk in the light come out from the altars of church worship by the boatload. The fire of God has burned all our bridges to past methods of worship, refining our understanding to proper instruction. God, through His Son’s Spirit, leads us to possess our full heavenly inheritance, in order to be a part of a coming Kingdom.

The next nation, the Perizzites, represent a nation that “dwells in the open”, in an unwalled country. Perizzites are defenseless, and that speaks of Christians who dwell in mindsets openly exposed to corrupting worldly influence. They are accepting behavior spawned by weakness, doubt, indecision, vacillation, limitation, inferiority, and condemnation. Many Christians are presently upset, troubled, worried, offended, confused, discouraged, distressed, disappointed, beaten down, and expecting trouble.

Everything looks wrong from these folk's viewpoints! Yet these people are open to and accepting all kinds of false ideas that are constantly causing them to be upset, worried, and confused within their own life! “Out into the open” they go, looking for a leader, open to all the undisciplined ways Christianity has become. We pray for every man to find growth sufficient to find the fullest stature Christ has chosen for us, to become mature enough to conquer the minds of such soulish men:

"Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; "nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21 KJV

Our inner spiritual person is alive to God! Within us is power to conquer every other power. An awareness of our Father is growing that knows His self-existent Life. Our life is focused now that we are following the Spirit of God! We are made strong, soaring above the weak and weary problems that plague Pentecostal saints who are constantly running around from meeting to meeting, from revival to revival, from preacher to preacher, from prayer group to prayer group, trying to find fellowship that fits. In doing so, many dear Christians have become open for anything, mixing eastern philosophies with all kinds of bad advice and worldly standards. DIVISION still stands in the middle of church problems, with every issue having created more divisions, including the kind of baptism we experience, etc, etc.

Our prayer is for encouragement, counsel, and help ongoing for the many divided camps in Christendom. The work of supplying proper food continues, as what Christians appropriate for food should come with the power of Christ. His power is able to working sufficiently within people so that they can trust His guidance for FULL salvation. They learn that they do not require help from church guides with spiritual senses that are smothered and swamped by harlot church system teaching. The mother of harlots is carnal minded, confusing the thoughts of men with their great religious show, molding them into soulish fellowships which feed on the milk of the word, certainly applying the scripture to the lowlands of their earthly understanding.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” I John 4:1-3 KJV

The Perizzites are a type and shadow of Christian ranks who are “unwalled, ” open to anything — eastern philosophies and fanciful rapture fables, being marked by literal interpretations of the book of Revelation. So few have overcome to maturely test the spirits to see if ministers are of God.

Christ is the great source for anointing substance that is sufficient to fill our every need, to answer every question. To supply every need, a Mediator is at hand who appears in every time of need. He is one who can solve every problem, one who deals with every situation in order to overcome the wrong in every obstacle. The victorious find the way for Christ to reign within, to conquer our every enemy. Christ frees us to transcend problems from within, establishing us in His Kingdom. The Spirit of God is flowing from Jesus Christ to make us strong so that we ONLY pledge allegiance to the firstborn Son of God and to His Kingdom, His life is the secret of victory!

“For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.” John 5:26 NIB

GOD’S LIFE IS IN JESUS, He is the firstborn of many sons. THE LIFE IN SONS is a self-existent divine life, a life not derived from any earthly source, not drawn from natural space or substance, not dependent upon any other person or group of people. Rather, Jesus is the perfect example of God’s life being in a man. Connection to that inherent Life is placed in all sons and daughters of God. Jesus while on earth could truthfully say:

“I am the resurrection, and the Life!” John 11:25

None before Jesus could truthfully say that but, I reverently add, our Father has provided provision for all His sons and daughters to have His life in themselves. God grants the power of Life in a growing relationship of Father/Son fellowship that forms Christ completely within our inner being. As sons of the Father, we are coming to know God as God knows us. Wisdom knows what Jesus knows about the Father of spirits. His daily feeding is the truest communion because the Spirit of God quickens our spirit to constantly guide us to be joined to that Life which makes us one with the Father.

The next nation of the seven strong nations needing replaced on the march into our spiritual land of promise is dealing with the Hivites. The word Hivite means “a village of a midland encampment”. It refers to Christian people who are organized in the midst of heaven as a society of traditional dwelling places in midheaven. This is the “60 fold” Pentecostal realm of Christianity that forms a method of worship to influence people of this world.

Today many are lukewarm Laodiceans church goers who hold to the “right” religious standards, without the POWER of change within. Hivites methods stay safely midway, not hot, not cold. They are doing good religious things in a middle-of-the-road way, mixed with worldly ways where every little organized fellowship establishes some order of church to control others who must conform.

These mid-heaven fellowships are like the families of the Hivite kingdom. They organize exclusive control through ministerial hierarchies that form sects and divisions in every movement in which God has appeared. Every Christian camp that is man-dominated becomes sectarian in a system — a church in the midst of heaven, a type of Hivite villages and encampments in the promised land. The Hivites are sons of Canaan. They love living in the low dwelling places with peddlers and hucksters who promote external forms of worship. God, however, faithfully draws some to Zion to worship acceptably above these midst-of-heaven places.

“For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, ‘I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘and do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you. And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me,’ says the Lord Almighty.” II Corinthians 6:16-18 NAS

Overcomers must come out from every low-land camp found among the mixed conditions in the many Pentecostal church heavens. Overcomers are made SEPARATE to God, drawn to 100 fold (complete; full) realms of the Kingdom. They experience direct dealings with the Father, who is faithful to purify His sons and daughters. Oh yes, many in the midheavens have elaborate ceremonies of church tradition, with organs and choirs and singing, even shouting and praising God with raised hands. But many also love to put on the same old outer show that appears to be worship in an external form that is but a sham, a facade that deceives the weak minded.

The “villages” of the Hivites are experts at this fakery and use many deceptive methods to conform His people to their standard behavior. Candlestick churches are built on MAN’S interpretation of scripture — men who desire to do good by building a better world FOR God. Their church fellowships are motivated and busy doing good works for God. Yet, today is the seventh century where a day of REST has come. The spirit is teaching us to REST from our earthly minded labours, to withdraw from those church works. Now we watch Him perform BY THE SPIRIT:

"And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.’ And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, ‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.’” Revelation 14:7 NAS

Seven Great and Mighty Nations II

Inward Division