The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Day of the Lord

We live in a time when almost everyone recognizes that change is upon us in this fast paced, crazy, mixed-up world we live in. Most TV preachers and multitudes of Christians are constantly talking about how bad things are in this country and around the world. The earthly minded man is focused on how terribly dark it is getting with fear of disease, terror, and war.

Yet the inner part of a man’s spirit can be born to truth by the words of Christ that baptize us in His Spirit to be joined, made one spirit, made like unto God’s King. Enlightenment in Christ Jesus is a process of spiritual growth where a perfectly formed Christ is formed within our spirit. We are tried and refined to fit a measure of Spirit that transmits light:

“...the path of the just is as a shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect Day." Proverbs 4:18

Rotherham translates this verse, “But the path of the righteous is as the light of dawn, going on and brightening, unto meridian day.” The Revised Standard Version reads, “...which shines brighter and brighter unto full day.” The Moffatt translation says, “... like a ray of dawn, shines on and on unto the full light of Day.” Young’s Literal Translation renders, “...going on and brightening till the Day is established.” The Amplified Bible is so clear and expressive, “But the path of the uncompromisingly just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more — brighter and clearer — until it reaches its full strength and glory in the perfect Day.”

“A day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” II Peter 3:8

The “Day of the Lord” is Old Testament language for a time Yahweh exerts His power to reign over all other kingdoms and domains. This is the time when He is placing them under His feet — the feet members of His New Testament body of believers. Peter in the New Testament declares a day is as a thousand years to the Lord. The prophets and apostles have pointed out for thousands of years that a period of enlightenment — a day — was coming, and one day is as a thousand years to the Lord.

This Day has come, the greatest of all days! It is the DAY OF THE LORD. The greatest thousand year period in scriptural record begins with an open unfolding and revelation of God’s substance of life in Christ Jesus. His extended power and glory is sent into the spirit of His prepared people now. His army, tens of thousands strong, are in the unseen. Many are prepared to be seen as the feet members of the body of Christ. His prepared people are raised into the spirit of the Lord’s Day. God has Fathered something that manifests Himself so we may be found in the real authority and power of God’s Christ.

The Spirit of Jesus Christ is sent to teach us how to abide with God in our spirit. It teaches us, as sons, expressly of Himself and is now showing us the true state of Himself. All creation is unknowingly waiting for God to manifest Himself through His sons and daughters. The date on the calendar declares it is past time to be raised into the working reality of the Lord’s healing. This Day has been prepared by Him to draw us together into our rightful place. He places His Word in our hearts and His Spirit has taught our inner man to know His kingdom is alive within our inner person. We have been bought back by believing in Christ Jesus.

Two thousand years of church history are past — these are as two days to the Lord. So, it is now early on the third day, a third thousand year "day" from Jesus's resurrection from the dead. Early on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. His people, Christians, are now being raised from every dead realm created in the “two days” of the two thousand years of church experience. From one degree of glory to another, He appears until death is removed from within those prepared to experience God’s “third day.” Now we are personally raised to experience the third heaven being established in our hearts, with a great host already in the Spirit of the Lord’s Day.

We know that the Kingdom of God does not only last for a thousand years. His Kingdom shall stand and increase throughout all the allotted ages of time without end.

"Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end." Isaiah 9:7

The people of earth need His government of peace to increase within us now. Many scriptural proofs assure us beyond doubt that we are in the beginning of a third thousand years of New Testament faith. Now is the most special time spoken of by the prophets in the Old Testament as THE DAY OF THE LORD. The workings of the Day of the Lord are come into our life in Christ in a spiritual manner.

The life now in Jesus is revealed to us from a Father who loves us and gives us access to His full salvation through a manifestation of Himself to us. He takes over our thinking to grant insight within our being, guiding us to abide with God as our ruling factor. We are tested to prove that we have learned to follow His instructions soberly, with ears to hear what comes to us from the Lord.

His coming lifts us from the passing heavens of the two thousand years of church. Now the Daystar has more than dawned upon our heart to ever be growing in wisdom and knowledge until our spirit reaches the zenith of God’s appointment for us. We are joined in faith to Jesus, He is our Lord. My desire is to be one spirit with Him. I thank God I’ve come to know the mind of Christ, and learned to do the Father’s will.

“Come, let us return to Yahweh, our Elohim, For He tore to pieces, and He shall heal us; He smote, and He shall bind us up. He shall make us alive after two days; On the third day He shall raise us up, that we may live before Him.” Hosea 6:1-2 concordant

Many church leaders have taught about the Day of the Lord from the book of Revelation, stating that a one man anti-Christ takes over in a seven-year tribulation at the end of the church age. Then the church is raptured off this planet, but only after two thousand years of church history. We should reject these literal interpretations presented as traditional teachings of well meaning elders, many of whom are doctors of seminaries who handle the scriptures, mixing up concoctions from the reasoning mind of man.

Upon leaving this planet, Jesus promised to send His spirit to teach us all things. We who have allowed the Holy Spirit to teach us learn to know how He thinks about what scripture teaches. We can learn what it REALLY MEANS! A great vision is granted to those He prepares for different manners of His appearing. The Lord is appearing in this day. We do not want to miss His appearing today!

The Lord is "coming swiftly" to the prepared people placed in spiritual Mt. Zion. It is time for the multitude of Christian believers to be awakened from their sleep to see Jesus in the heights of Mt. Zion as a brighter light that now shines into our inner person. It is beyond the best of the church age, beyond believing in such literal minded interpretations of the book of Revelation.

A darkness is in the spiritual understanding of many Christians that makes them unaware of the spirit of the Lord’s Day. But some follow Him by the spirit, coming to know that God is being revealed to them from within, as the scripture said it would be. No greater light can shine unto men than the light He is. Most men in Christian churches have not grown to maturity in recognizing Him by the spirit, so they are not fully prepared for the glory of the Lord’s Day, yet He is coming.

He is coming spiritually to make His followers of a quick understanding. The spirit of the Lord’s Day knows the truth of God on a higher plane than men from the church age who are taught by church leaders a certain knowledge they think is right. Candlestick churches are fallen way short of seeing and knowing Him as He is. The church of the firstborn, the ecclesia, have an understanding of the scripture by KNOWING THE LORD. To gain spiritual insight, our thinking must be especially clear in the instructions His Spirit personally teaches us. When the Lord speaks, we can hear.

God has tens of thousands of overcoming saints who have found His resurrection life working within them, taken His spiritual words of instruction, moving to a celestial realm, toward the light of THE NEW JERUSALEM ORDER.

There has ALREADY BEEN great tribulation. Two days (two thousand years) have passed and the church has not been raptured. They shall be ‘caught up’, but IN THE SPIRIT, the Spirit of the Lord’s Day. His Day unveils Jesus as He is, the King, a High Priest of the lasting light of life. He sends His Daystar to arise in our heart; if not, He will come to many as a thief. To immature, unaware Christians, He is coming to them like a thief to steal all their religious goods, dump all their good works, renounce all their false perceptions about Him.

Our Father has predetermined Christ Jesus is to be seen by all His people. His passion is that they may understand and arise to be found WHERE HE IS. Overcomers of the church age are now sealed to appear in Kingdom authority to administer the reaping work that draws His people to the sovereign life of Sonship. Our Father is being manifested, unfolding within our inner being. To follow Christ, one must be sealed with a true understanding of His mind and Spirit. His followers have come to know the King’s counsel for this very hour.

Multitudes of Christians, however, continue to walk in the religious shadows of church traditions, in religious traditional thinking of past generations. Multitudes are still in the light of the church age, holding to traditional interpretations of the word of God, wrestling it to their own destruction, keeping them short of the city. Only the King’s version of truth makes us free from every lie found in Christian church circles. Candlestick church realms are packed with carnal teachings and legalistic thinking. They stubbornly cling to those things which are behind, the former orders and moves of God that have ended, the relics of a former day of church glory.

Those whose hearts have responded to the Lord's call to "come out of Her my people" and "come up Hither" are hearing His voice from the throne realm and being released into the spirit of the Lord’s Day, just like John was. We are being introduced to the Lord’s reality, transformed daily by His revelation in our inner spiritual person.

The days allotted for the former church heavens have been rolled up like a scroll and set aside for us. There is now come a view of a new order, a pattern in His throne that is the true image of the Firstborn Son. This heaven clearly does the will of God for us to be made complete in Him, holding out hope for all mankind to experience paradise.

God has promised life for all His people. We are being established in new heavens where things are right and peaceful, not woefully short of God’s glory. In the third thousand year day, we Christians will arise to our proper homeland. The Lord sends His sevenfold spirit to enlighten our spirit, change our mindsets, and quicken our bodies to become the habitation of God. This is the thing for which God has prepared us and has kept in store for us who believe.

King David, the sweet singer of Israel, penned these meaningful words:

“The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it gives understanding to the simple.” Psalms 119:130

The prophet Hosea, as well as King David, speaking of the Lord, said,

“Thy judgments are as light that goes forth.” Hosea 6:5

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

Also, our apostle Paul declares,

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” II Corinthians 4:6

Spiritual revelation clearly allows us to see in these passages an UNDERSTANDING OF GOD’S TRUTH. HIS TRUTH is LIGHT, UNDERSTANDING GOD’S JUDGMENTS is LIGHT, correct KNOWLEDGE of God is glorious LIGHT and LIFE. We often hear someone say, “I got some light on that.” They are declaring the reception of understanding of a matter. In like manner, DARKNESS is not understanding correctly, being ignorant in misunderstanding:

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them.” II Corinthians 4:3-4

The light of the Lord’s Day brings inner illumination to our spiritual being of Jesus being enthroned within so that we are enlightened of God. As the scripture confirms, He comes to us in great light through instruction of His Holy Spirit. Inner revelation transforms our understanding of the secret things of His throne realm. The light of the Lord’s Day has now come into our lives. Our inner spirit is fashioned like unto the state of His marvelous life. Those elected by God are spiritually enlightened and quickened. We are able to turn from darkness and face the reality of the Lord in this hour, knowing His light has entered our heart to draw us to focus on the lasting purposes of God.

We Christians will surely discern that there are two kingdoms within our life: the domain of a quickened spirit and the domain of man’s flesh. God’s Kingdom of Light and Life is not recognized by fleshly minded men with minds focused on worldly gain. Natural minded reasonings applied to scripture have created in-part heavens, light mixed with darkness, a state that is heavenly yet that is less than the life in Him. The true Kingdom exposes the multiplied realms of lying errors found in the multitude of His people. Praise God:

“…Who makes you competent for a part of the allotment of the saints, in light, Who rescues us out of the jurisdiction of Darkness, and transports us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in Whom we are having the deliverance, the pardon of sins, Who is the Image of the invisible God, Firstborn of every creature…” Colossians 1:12-15 concordant

The Firstborn of every creature has made our spirits alive. Our inner person is formed after His divine image, yet our soul has been greatly influenced by this earth's darkness and our body is still dying because of sin. It’s a matter of what our inner spiritual person is UNDERSTANDING while on this planet that determines our lasting spiritual experience. On planet earth every day is also a time of night at the same time. So it is in the Day of the Lord.

Our understanding changes our perception of matters. Spiritual life is not a matter of whether we Christians speak in tongues, how we were baptized, how many years we have attended worship meetings, how many church rules we kept, what messages regulated guidance unto us, what methods we used, or what church programs we support. The understanding that God writes on our inner person, by the spirit of God, is the condition that connects us to a truly heavenly state of being. We are built up spiritually to KNOW THE LORD! KNOWING THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD’S DAY IS UNDERSTANDING that brings peaceful transformation, enlightening our perspectives.

“Know ye not that ye are the LIGHT of the world?” What if your spouse came into your totally dark house at night, and found you standing in the corner saying, “I curse this darkness, I rebuke this darkness, I command this darkness to go, I'm going to break the power of this darkness! This darkness is so dreadful, depressing, and threatening!” Without a word they reach over, find the light switch, and flip it on. Instantly the room is flooded with light. Everything in the room becomes now visible so the danger, depression, and fear are all gone. What happened to the darkness? Swallowed up because light was turned on.

The LIGHT is necessary to defeat darkness. Turn on the light. You can practice it a number of ways, for you are the light of the world, according to Jesus! Find the light switch of peace, understanding, and love in your sound-mindedness and turn it on today. Have faith in our inner ability to see and turn on the light. It works well. Soon we are growing to know, as sons of the Light, that the darkness is past for us, and the true light NOW SHINES within us:

"Again, a new precept am I writing to you, which is true in Him and in you, for the darkness is passing by, and the true light already is appearing. He who is saying that he is in the light and is hating his brother is a liar and is in darkness hitherto. He who is loving his brother is remaining in the light, and there is no snare in him. Yet he who is hating his brother is in darkness and in darkness is walking, and is not aware whither he is going, for the darkness blinds his eyes.” I John 2:8 concordant

Unknowingly everyone around us is waiting for a manifestation of God. It will take that to stop people from hating each other, to stop cheating, lying, stealing, gossiping, to stop competing, stop belittling the other guy. Only those who keep seeking His face find that reality of His power. They can forgive and extend love toward the brethren and all others, including enemies, from their heart.

The Lord is coming to make that real in us, not with great fanfare but the pattern of a peaceful quiet spirit in the work of preparation as He is processing enlightenment within our own heart. The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus delivers us completely. The whole person — spirit, soul, and body — is delivered from the dark soulish conditions of our own dying man as He is filling us with His awesome LIGHT. The Daystar has arisen in our hearts to make that LIGHT an avenue of clearly visible DAYLIGHT.

The Dead
