The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Way of Jesus Christ

"By many portions and many modes, of old, God, speaking to the fathers in the prophets, in the last of these days speaks to us in a Son,Whom He appoints enjoyer of the allotment of all, through Whom He also makes the eons; Who, being the Effulgence of His glory and Emblem of His assumption, besides carrying on all by His powerful declaration, making a cleansing of sins, is seated at the right hand of the Majesty in the heights;

becoming so much better than the messengers as He enjoys the allotment of a more excellent name than they. For to whom of the messengers said He at any time, ‘My Son art Thou! I, today, have begotten Thee?’ And again, ‘I shall be to Him for a Father And He shall be to Me for a Son?’ Now, whenever He may again be leading the Firstborn into the inhabited earth, He is saying: ‘And worship Him, all the messengers of God.’"   Hebrews 1:1-6 concordant

The Amplified Bible renders verse 3 so beautifully, "He is the sole expression of the glory of God—the light-being, the out-raying of the divine—and he is the perfect imprint and very image of God’s nature."

Christ Jesus is the DIVINE RADIANCE, the out-raying of the first completed son of God. We can grasp many beautiful pictures of a Son of the Father in scripture. In nature, we consider the sun of our solar system as the Father, the power essence, the source and origin of all energy. We humans cannot even gaze steadily upon the sun. We see only the sun’s emanation, its’ out-raying. The light and heat and energy that flood our earth is not the sun itself, but its radiance, yet that radiance comes from the sun. It is the sun shedding itself, revealing itself. That is similar to mature sonship as the Father outrays radiance by shedding revelation of His Word and Spirit, imparting of Himself.

Similarity is also seen in the mighty workings of the sun’s energy upon our planet most commonly known as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere. It supplies most of the energy necessary for life on Earth, a process by which green plants make sugar and starch from water and carbon dioxide, caused by the power in sunlight.

The sun is a type and figure of God the Father, the source of all things. His Son is the out-raying radiance of the Father. As we receive Son light we are energized to effectively work a change within our inner being. The origin of this is apparent, for our Father finds expression in His Son as the Son is one with the Father. They are sending an anointing, Christ, the Holy Spirit, that works to energize our inner spiritual person. This is creating the right understanding of God’s truth, transforming us by the power of God more and more.

And yet, who can separate what is essentially one? Jesus prayed for us to attain oneness:

"So that they all may be one just as You, Father, are in me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us."   John 17:21 amplified

The ultimate expression of the body of Christ is that we might show forth a union of oneness with our Father and others in the body of Christ. Christ is not divided. There are NO divisions in the New Jerusalem order! We must come to the place that WE ARE NOT CAUSING DIVISION. Our Father makes us to be LIGHTS that are heavenly luminaries. Our destiny can be joined more quickly as one taught of the Lord. When our inner celestial body bears His light, then we are made after His own kind.

Jesus is the way to oneness with the Father. God has shown Him everything God knows, and He also shows us the way to oneness with our heavenly Father. He comes to show us the way to a complete salvation by teaching us to be LED by His Holy Spirit. This is how we learn to walk into the fullness of God.  HE BECAME THE WAY TO BE ONE WITH THE FATHER!

What does this word “way” mean?

The purpose of "a way" is to bring us into how something is done or how it happens. Oneness with God is the way of Jesus Christ. He must give us directions by drawing out a scriptural map of how oneness happens. He is leading us by the Word and the Spirit to be indwelt by our Father so our spiritual being can be ONE with His power. Then we radiate a process of resurrection life that frees us from the death of Adam, a transforming from within that reaches for our fullest potential. Yes, Jesus Christ is THE WAY.

When I go to the store, I get on the streets that I know will take me there. When I get on the right streets, I am going the right way. Oh, we are already on the way to the Father and are being made ONE WITH HIM by believing and standing on His promises with strength! We do believe, oh yes, we are coming to unity fused into one spirit with the Lord.

Our inner spiritual person is more one with God than we can imagine or think. God has granted the spirit of sonship to believers. WE HAVE “THE WAY” OF JESUS CHRIST being revealed. God reveals the way of the firstborn Son is open for us who believe and follow on to know the Lord. We can be one in the Father now. We also are called to be Sons of God, brethren to Jesus, in order to glorify God our Father.

Surely Jesus had this very truth in mind when He prayed for people in the world to believe what God was doing:

"That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."   John 17:21

There are tremendous depths and mysteries about the ways of Jesus Christ. He is the perfect unveiling of God's life. In Him we can see the Father’s will being done. Then we know what is right for us and, reaching for righteousness, we can be made one with them. This is not a new word, a better creed, a more important doctrine, a theology study, but rather A HEART’S REQUEST FOR TRUE MERCY.

We ask God to grant us the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowing of Him. May we see what is right to pursue, what leads to glories that are our rightful inheritance. The truth is that we many times could receive more by letting go of past troubles, by letting go of our religious works, letting go of all our fear, letting go of all life’s pain, dispelling the sorrow by being filled with His Holy Spirit — yes, becoming sons and daughters of the Living God indeed.

We can see clearly the way by knowing the TRUTH. We can receive the spirit of truth from God and the truth becomes effective in us as we become one with what truth He quickens to us. That truth makes us one with the Father through the firstborn Son on so many points of interest. What truth is gained grants us spiritual freedom, liberty to be Sons, bringing us closer to oneness with truth. It brings us “the way of Jesus,” which makes us one with the Godhead.

When we recognize the way of Jesus being in our spirit, we will recognize our spirit is true. We have a spiritual homeland, and can now find that place where we fit in His Kingdom. He has been preparing things for us:  

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who blesses us with every spiritual blessing among the celestials, in Christ, according as He chooses us in Him before the disruption of the world, we to be holy and flawless in His sight, in love — designating us beforehand for the place of a son for Him through Christ Jesus;” Ephesians 1:3-5 concordant

This is experienced in a full measure of sonship that completes our spiritual journey, so that we too are placed as a Son in the Father like our Lord Jesus Christ.

In church, the vast majority of Christians have received elementary instructions, doctrines, and baptized blessings of God, but are still not grown spiritually to be one with the Father of Spirits. They at best have an in-part measure, not the fullness of His nature of LOVE. Many good Christian messengers speak, teach, and preach about God while yet thinking and walking in worldly ways that are not right, as they are not one with our Father.

But in some, Christ forms an inner spiritual body that receives the spirit of truth in the way of Jesus. Sons and daughters of God are focused on becoming one with the life that is now manifested in our Lord Jesus Christ. He is coming to prove we can be one with the Father as He is one with the Father. He is coming by the spirit, instructing, leading, molding, perfecting our inner spiritual person.

There was nothing that the firstborn Son said or did or will ever do that is UNBALANCED or untruthful. He never speaks any word or does anything that is not truthful. He is faithful and that faithfulness is established in us. He keeps us from evil, just by being one with a true faith:

"Jesus is saying to him [Thomas], ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. Not one is coming to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.’" John 14:6-7 concordant

An oath we swear in the courts of the Lord is an oath He accounts as something we stand in. This is like the oath of the American courtroom where we swear to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." OUR OATH BEFORE THE LORD’S PEOPLE AND IN HIDDEN PRAYER IS TO BE MADE ONE WITH THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.

All we Christians are challenged thru scripture to be ready laborers together with God in the consummation of His great purposes in delivering creation from the bondage of corruption. He makes known the revelation of Jesus Christ, by Word and Spirit, in us. The hour has come, and now is, that God, being our Father, ABIDES AT HOME WITHIN US. Our spirit is one with His Spirit, making us enter His life, the one life in all those connected to what God is doing. Yet it is His own Christian people who need eye salve to see, who must hear what the Spirit says until they can shout: “I SEE”:

“I am advising you to buy of Me gold refined by the fire, that you should be rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be made manifest, and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may be observing.Whosoever I may be fond of, I am exposing and disciplining. Be zealous, then, and repent!

Lo! I stand at the door and am knocking. If ever anyone should be hearing My voice and opening the door, I will also be coming in to him and dining with him, and he with Me. The one who is conquering, to him will I be granting to be seated with Me on My throne as I, also, conquer, and am seated with My Father on His throne. Who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the ecclesias."   Revelation 3:17- 22 concordant

"‘Lo!’ the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and He will be tabernacling with them."   Revelation 21:3 concordant

The scriptural revelations that are given grant that we may see Jesus. It is a way of being one with God that has been revealed to us by the spirit of truth. That life-giving spirit has formed within each son a confidence that becomes part of a tabernacle God inhabits. God makes a home in us as we fit into His homeland and are made one spirit with Him.

To receive the Father's Life radiating brightly out of us, we are strengthened, which is causing us to see further. We reach higher into the great truths He uncovers and teaches us. We do hunger and thirst for the right way to be established within ALL people, so all can be satisfied with what God grants men and women of every generation. The Lord’s instructions have been followed by an unseen army of believers that became messengers who dispense a great harvest message that increases the reality of this realm of oneness.

No matter how high a man climbs with pride or how low the weak wallow in torment, how dry, how hard, or how dark a place grips men and women’s hearts, they will crumble before God in His Sons. The Day of God’s judgment has come to the church! His judgment is unto a SALVATION that reveals a COMPLETE (PERFECT) work, just like what God did in Jesus.

THE WAY OF JESUS will shine light within those who are awakened, hearing and seeing how to come out from darkness and disunity,. We are coming out from bondage and torment until we are open in heaven and nothing but the ark is seen in those of us who come the way provided by Jesus Christ!

Open the Temple of God in Heaven

The City of God