The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Christ the Healer

Those who grew up under a legalistic Pentecostal denominations know certain sins are preached about in most of the meetings long and hard until it is difficult not to come away with a “sin-consciousness.” But the powerful blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ should remove the consciousness of sin from us completely — and all devil and demon consciousness, too:

“For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? Because that the worshipers once purged should have no more conscience [consciousness] of sins. But this man [Jesus], after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that He had said before, ‘Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more’. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.”   Hebrews 10:1-18

God has given us a glimpse of His mind. He has already made remission, put an end to our missing the mark. He has taken away our sin, and borne all our iniquities to His own sacrifice for sins, so that God no longer remembers our faults and is not holding them over our head. That's how He thinks about us who believe in Jesus Christ.

Christ formed in us, thinks likewise, and will take away our sin-consciousness focus. The Holy Spirit effectively gives us a change of mind by this CHANGE OF OUR INNER FOCUS, from our earthly failings to His heavenly success. Greatest hindrances are established in the lives of the Lord’s people who have two points of view or double vision about what rules within them. Pentecostal preachers have had us vacillating back and forth between our fleshly earth-centered failures while pointing out God’s higher principles presented in the scripture — between spiritual truth and the earthly minded, soulish perceptions of reality.

Pentecostals are double-minded people that hear the word of God, yet miss the experience of letting the Spirit led them from within, in the inner man. Rather undisciplined leaders allow their own soulish church building efforts create doubts about following the Lord outside every camp, and teach people to “remain in their church” which in effect causes them to remain weak in in-part understandings of the scripture. Many honored leaders are simply laying down laws on external conditions they see, “Don’t do this, don’t do that.” This has created systems of legalistic teaching that is a mixture that will eventually beat us numb with traditional rules fighting some form of sin, some devilish condition they are aware of. Our initial inner victory is soon swept away with WORKING AT BEING BETTER. We are then held captive, sometimes for the rest of our life, in some religious prison houses of do's and don'ts.

Those with nasty habits reach the end of their rope to find they need help desperately, but any suggestion of going to church, is answered: “Church? Why go there? they’d just make me feel worse!” Many who are degraded by life can identify how to escape the clouded eyes of a RELIGIOUS SIN CONSCIOUSNESS. The reality of being subject to so much evil in this present world helps them accept the Lord’s forgiveness and grace like the tax collectors and prostitutes who get into the kingdom of God before the chief ministers and elders!

Many good Christians have gone all their lives trying to serve God, but never come to a realization of His Spirit being connected to their spirit, of His life forming Christ to abide inside their spirit. They were taught good things in a form of legalism that kept them busy but has left them stunted in spiritual growth. Those taught the legalism of do's and don'ts are doing the best they can with the knowledge they have, but lack sufficient spiritual growth.

These do not understand clearly that self righteous judgment has caused many to flee the churches and Christian fellowship. They no longer care to be part of a hypocritical standard of righteousness, submitting to a double mindedness that is blinded by religious works, trying to do better at keeping themselves doing good but not really gaining satisfactory changes WITHIN.

The denominational and non-denominational churches have come pitifully short of delivering us into the Kingdom. They have fallen into much confusion contending with, in proclamation of, and in publishing a host of deceitful ideas mixed with scriptural truth. Some have become literally mad trying to live this Christian life, trying to be acceptable in the eyes of their peers.

This sad history of failure has all been God’s doing and should show us the error of devoting ourselves to these passing heavens. Unknowingly many, not wanting to be hypocrites, have run from these centers of worship, and many running from these erroneous conditions ran into a closer relationship and walk with God the Father OUTSIDE the established Christian camps.

Lack of understanding in Christian camps has allowed abuse to be done by the many teachers who unknowingly place false hopes, ambitious doubts mixed with devilish fears, into our spirit when in their camp. God’s unconditional love for us is not, however, a vindictive tyrant out to capture, train, or punish us. When ministry represent God as ready to reprimand us, quick to cast us into fiery doom that amounts to eternal damnation if we do not accept their bidding — that is deceitful abuse!

People who have been spiritually abused find it hard to trust God in unconditional forgiveness, extended mercy, and acceptance by God. They have been marked with the confusing experiences and distorted ideas presented in church fellowships, where limiting ideas about God abound. God is our heavenly Father Who deeply cares to nurture us so that we can grow up into sonship and become all that He has planned and proposed His sons and daughters to be.

We need to see with an enlightened spirit what He is calling us to be. If when we believers reach out to God in church, then find our consciences are conditioned (brainwashed) to feel guilt, to place labels on other people in terrible condemnation, and make pronouncements that separate us from intimate fellowship over even the smallest of infractions, THEN we need a spiritual healing that is of utmost importance.

Now God's believing people need oneness of spirit with Christ the healer more than ever. Jesus puts a face on God. The firstborn Son of God is the perfect image of the invisible God. He NEVER condemned the multitudes, His disciples, or His followers, nor His betrayer. He only castigated the RELIGIOUS RULERS among the people, the misguided guides — those cloaked in self-righteous wickedness while working at representing God to the multitudes.

Jesus ate with publicans, who would be like today's businessmen. He went into Simon’s house and there came a known prostitute who kneels down before Him and anoints His feet (which could easily be construed as personal caressing) and dries His feet with her tear-laden hair. He did not squirm, nervously embarrassed, nor uncomfortably urge her to hurry up and be done, nor did He turn her away. Rather He openly receives and defends her before all as being within the boundaries God sets as right and proper.

Jesus never fails to do right in God's eyes, and He still never fails to impart the right spirit to lead us from within. He talked to the immoral woman at the well who was living with a man who wasn’t her husband. He did not speak to her any word of correction or rebuke about her unmarried lifestyle. He didn’t upbraid or expose her because she was not married to the man she was living with. He did not offer advice that she should leave this man in order to do things right. Oh, no, He spoke of gaining something far more important than that.

He informed her He had something DIVINE, living water, and would like to give her a drink. He revealed to her that when she drank of this water, it would become an artesian well within her, springing up unto unity with the eternal God. Jesus imparted NO sin-consciousness to remind either one of these two women of their faults.

True Christian ministry does the same today in wanting people to be aware of a better unconditional gift available that can transform their lives by the flowing spirit of divine life coming from the MERCY SEAT OF GOD! His kingdom ministers do not impart reminders of other people’s past personal failures. LOVE covers the multiple sins of each one to grant spiritual access to God's transforming life.

It is a fact that multitudes of men have been turned to seek and find God in a measure even in church messages that are pitiful mixtures of truth and error, concocted to reach men in their religious minds. They work day and night to produce more converts like themselves to fill their camps with children that are born of their church-age mixture. Ishmael was truly born of Abraham, yet also born of Hagar, the Egyptian bondwoman, through the knowing of God's promise mingled with self effort as fruit of their religious ideas of working out what God promised.

Many are the varied erroneous ideas that are contorted representations of God’s truth used to conform people to their church. Many preach the word of God as a dead letter of literalism, in legalistic standards of carnality, breathing out lifeless words. These ministries fill the Christian churches with children who have inherited a double-minded vision that accepts these standard weaknesses, deformities, and pathetic imperfections. Yet, there is no lying in the city of God!

No doubt many of us were first conceived in a Christian organization with such defective weaknesses. Most of us have had to struggle to be free. Only as each of us is miraculously and supernaturally led on to know the Lord can we be fully healed of all these former ways of dedication. Whenever we come out of a camp ruled by man unto the Lord, we can come higher into the image and likeness of God’s Son, right now, regardless of the poor and wretched condition of our earlier conception. CHRIST IS OUR GREAT HEALER.

Christ does heal all of God's sons and daughters of their tragic early conceptions. This great healing work takes place OUTSIDE the candlestick church orders. We are quickened of spirit that takes over our soul's way of thinking and allows the spirit’s instructions guide what we do. Our mortal body is quickened to let go of any practice that is destructive to the body.

Through great healing power, Christ gracious deals with the faithful, dramatically and gloriously transforming our inner spiritual being. As we put on Christ, those religious customs, speech, mannerisms, methods, practices, and other fleshly Christian efforts to cover ourselves in false standards of righteousness are PUT OFF. All static creeds, empty rituals, ceremonies, and ordinances, lifeless programs that are dead works — which once characterized our understanding, attitudes, and activities toward serving God publicly in worship — are put off and gone from us.

All the marks of Babylon were upon us at birth, but those marks that are impressed on His people by man are being healed. Now, the COMING OF CHRIST IN THE SPIRIT raises us up from within, to reproduce within us the very image of the Lamb upon His throne.

Jesus the Christ is a divine source for healing from the diseases of our body: “BY WHOSE STRIPES YOU WERE HEALED”. He heals our inner mental condition that plagues us with fears, doubts, and innumerable prideful hindrances, impacting the health of our bodies as well as our peace, love and joy in living. He heals our thinking, our mental disposition, so we have a RIGHT MIND, to be sane. He heals our marriages. He heals our spirit, soul and body.

He is coming now to heal the WHOLE MAN, to change us by awakening our spirit, cleansing and washing our soul, renewed to His true spirit, to sanctify and purify us as His called, chosen, and faithful. Our Father, through the spirit of Christ, heals us by purging away the old way of thinking with daily tests and trials to refine. He is in the process of making us wholly His own.

We are no longer suffering lack of God Life because the same immense promise given to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well springs up within each of us. With hope in God, the need is met. We are satisfied to never thirst again except for more of that water welling up into life eonian. HE IS THE HEALER AND RESTORER OF HIS PEOPLE! He does this by culling out all the snares within us from His kingdom. They are cast into the fiery furnaces of daily life in order to purge out of us everything that defiles and offends His loving, merciful, and peaceful spirit.

He circumcises our heart from all that opposes the spirit of Christ. Listen to this! The great and wonderful MERCY of the Lord is received by those who have blemishes, fleshly hangups, and terrible failures. It is only because of His power that He is able to heal ALL the hurt and trauma of those who sincerely come unto Him. He requests to dwell within us as Lord, as one who enables us to be changed, to grow up more fully in stature.

Think of how He has put up with the unspeakable carnality in even His very closest disciples. Many times they did not understand Him and it has been the same with His people called the church for two thousand years. At the proper time, the due time, we all shall be completely healed BECAUSE WE SHALL ALL BE COMPLETELY CHANGED.

We see it is very important to us that we go through our time of being changed NOW if possible. The “in-part” ministries of the passing church age may have gotten by with blemishes, defects, and deformities, but now a spring of water in Mount Zion is set to minister a flow of delivering God life until ALL His sons and daughters are NOW FREE from EVERY bondage to corruption.

His spirit ministers a complete healing to our whole man from every principle that holds us to a vestige of carnality, weakness, limitation, sin—all of the consequences of death in man. Instead, we are now being filled, transformed, and raised into a state of inner liberty:

“Faithful is He that calls you, Who also will do it!”   I Thessalonians 5:24

In the Lord’s good time, He will speak a word of authority to release His life within us. That Word shall raise us up to the fullness of it, taking some even now to the “living creatures” realm as they gather to worship God in the Feast of Tabernacles. Here should come also a word of authority that releases healing for even the nations in marvelous ways, raising us to places of peace in His lasting kingdom:

“For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” I Corinthians 4:20

That in no way belittles or depreciates the value of much candlestick church preaching. The power of God is in His word. To have a message without power simply means that we are not in the King’s domain. Jesus had a word about a kingdom, a word with power, and that is why the people exclaimed:

“Never man spoke like this man!” John 7:46

Jesus’ own disciples were exceedingly amazed and marveled when He commanded the wind and the waves of the sea, crying out:

“What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him!” Matthew 8:27

A word that commands the wind, that is a word with power — it is the word with the power of God, His Father. Having scriptural knowledge of the the dead letter is impotent at producing kingdom fruit and unable to demonstrate the true witness of the King. God, our heavenly Father, is now manifesting power within His people, serving to fulfill His wonderful purposes of redemption.

As promised, He is buying us back. This operation shall continue to operate until ALL mankind is made into His own image and likeness.

"For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." I Corinthians 4:20

The power of God is coming into those followers who learn how to be transformed into a more mature stature of Christ right now. He is giving power to do it now. The power of God came first into the life of Jesus to raise Him up from the dead, filling Him with the nature and life of the Father. It is now flowing from Him by the spirit of Christ to bless and restore willing men and women who do find their satisfying portion in this unspeakable gift, this being FILLED WITH GOD!

We most certainly are experiencing the power of God working within us to finish our race by maturing into the order He reveals and manifests more clearly than ever before. The truth of God is flowing to us in completion of what it has already begun. It will continually flow until we are made fit to reign over our earthly parts, having God flowing out from our spirit unrestrained and uninhibited.

This flow of His word will provide a clear expression of His understanding to be known to the full extent. There is light burning brightly within that has the power to execute His word. He made the way for us to be reaching oneness with His enthronement within, while having compassion for those people held in the deepest, bottomless, darkest abyss:

“…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may be giving you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the realization of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened, for you to perceive what is the expectation of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of the enjoyment of His allotment among the saints, and what the transcendent greatness of His power for us who are believing,

in accord with the operation of the might of His strength, which is operative in the Christ, rousing Him from among the dead and seating Him at His right hand among the celestials, up over every sovereignty and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this eon, but also in that which is impending: and subjects all under His feet, and gives Him, as Head over all, to the ecclesia which is His body, the complement of the One completing the all in all. ” Ephesians 1:17-23 concordant

“…that He may be giving you, in accord with the riches of His glory, to be made staunch with power, through His spirit, in the man within, Christ to dwell in your hearts through faith, that you, having been rooted and grounded in love, should be strong to grasp, together with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ as well which transcends knowledge that you may be completed for the entire complement of God.

Now to Him Who is able to do super excessively above all that we are requesting or apprehending, according to the power that is operating in us, to Him be glory in the ecclesia and in Christ Jesus for all the generations of the eon of the eons! Amen!” Ephesians 3:19-21 concordant

Want to be completed? Grasp the power of truth that works to bring real change. Believe for healing that brings fulfillment to our inner being! God is raising us from the dead to know Him, so we know what we also are called to see and understand and enabled to walk in now. God does give power of enablement to some for attaining liberty from worthless pursuits, freedom from being unequally yoked with unbelief or unrighteousness.

Freedom enables each of us to reach the resurrection that brings each of us out of every dead thing, just like Paul prayed to attain:

“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection out from among the dead.” Philippians 3:10-11

Christ Jesus is coming by the spirit for many to see clearly what He is calling us to become. If we can be healed in our spirit and be taught of His spirit, our soul (our mind, will and emotions), will be changed to expect even our body to be quickened! We are being raised from every dead thing, to live BY CHRIST ALONE, not rules of “don't touch this,” and “don't do that”, so we become liberated and empowered spiritually.

“…many are walking, of whom I often told you, yet now am lamenting also as I tell it, who are enemies of the cross of Christ, whose consummation is destruction, whose god is their bowels, and whose glory is in their shame, who to the terrestrial are disposed.

For our realm is inherent in the heavens, out of which we are awaiting a Saviour also, the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who will transfigure the body of our humiliation, to conform it to the body of His glory, in accord with the operation which enables Him even to subject all to Himself.” Philippians 3:18-21 concordant

Gathering unto What?
