The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Open the Temple of God in Heaven

"And opened was the temple of God in heaven, and seen was the ark of God's covenant in His temple, and lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail occurred."   Revelation 11:19 concordant

"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; yet if not, believe Me because of the works themselves. Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing into Me, the works which I am doing, he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing. I am going to the Father. And whatever you should be requesting in My name, this I will be doing, that the Father should be glorified in the Son.

If you should ever be requesting anything of Me in My name, this I will be doing. If you should be loving Me, you will be keeping My precepts. And I shall be asking the Father, and will be giving you another consoler, that it, indeed, may be with you for the eon-the spirit of truth, which the world can not get, for it is not beholding it, neither is knowing it. Yet you know it, for it is remaining with you and will be in you. I will not leave you bereaved; I am coming to you.

Still a little and the world is beholding Me no longer, yet you are beholding Me. Seeing that I am living, you also will be living. In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My precepts and is keeping them, is who is loving Me. Now he who is loving Me will be loved by My Father, and I shall be loving him and shall be disclosing Myself to him."   John 14:11-21 concordant

Our Lord comes by the spirit to disclose Himself. He quiets the strife of earthly problems and stops us from using reasoned opinions from the human heart. When He is seen, we cease from being selfish within. When our earthly nature and earthly viewpoints have receded, then celestial things do appear near enough for us to see into the unseen. What is revealed within our being of His Word and Spirit shines a bright light within our temple. We then grow to form a spiritual body of Christ.

It is with much separation and communion that we gain His precepts and keep them, and truth is manifest to our comprehension. God directs our spirit with instructions until we understand enough to live in our Father’s characteristics, atmosphere, and attitudes. Like the air we breathe, we depend on God’s breath to become our inner source of life. His word and spirit lead us into transforming experiences that open our understanding to identify His present truth so being truthful is our present reality.

We have developed a relationship with God that is truthful, distinct from our natural kinships and worldly relationships as night is distinct from day. Oh, it is precious to find God in Christian fellowship, yet His promise comes as we find God as our Father within our inner person. He is the one spirit that rules our soul, disclosing His wondrous works with a vision that abides now deeply to the full length and breadth of what is rooted within our being.

Our Father planted His Word in us so we may behold our true state. God writes, etching His Word deeply in us. It abides and teaches us not to “give alms to be seen of men”. Our Father making an abiding place within our spirit is more than a boast. He has fed us hidden manna of a new feast. The Lord’s supper is still coming to those humbled ones who make the most High their habitation!

Our Father purposes to show worldly people that He does indwell His people who are bringing forth a new revelation and a clear manifestation of His Son. Out of their innermost being, God’s presence flows like a river to display, in due time, divine promise to all men. He baptizes our inner spiritual person with holy characteristics like garments we wear on the inside. It is done in the most secret places within our heart.

As the years pass, God abiding within our spiritual being makes us contain a testimony of Jesus as we too become vessels that bear the ark of God’s covenant. When we are opened in heaven, the ark is what is seen in us. Miracles were hidden inside those who heard the Lord’s voice in the trumpets of the latter rain movement. Many have been made ready for the coming harvest! Just like John the Baptist preceeded the Lord’s advent, the harvest is ready!

Christ has been formed within the inner parts of our lives so that our motivations are changed to reflect the divine will. It’s done secretly within, as God writes on our inner man the things that are right spiritually. Jesus speaks rightly, so His words are spiritual and truthful as His precepts come into view. For us, there is no longer delay, but now we are being released from every bondage. We sever every tie to corruption by following the Spirit of truth.

His spirit of truth is manifesting a true expression of God’s Word. These instructions are inspired to teach us now as we attain an inner oneness with our Father. This is our day of “at-one-ment”. We hear what He has to say to us and become one with it. The third heavens hold inner freedom, an ENTHRONEMENT of the truth of a new glorious life within us that has all power. The power of God’s Son is within our temple to sweep away all our sorrows, which also means dislodging and dissolving every tie to the old:

"We are thanking Thee, Lord God Almighty, Who art and Who wast, for Thou hast taken Thy great power and doth reign. And the nations are angered, and Thy indignation came, and the era for the dead to be judged, and to give their wages to Thy slaves, the prophets, and to the saints and to those fearing Thy name, the small and the great, and to blight those who are blighting the earth. And opened was the temple of God in heaven, and seen was the ark of God's covenant in His temple, and lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail occurred.” Revelation 11:17-19 concordant

Matured Christians are people who are showing only the ark when “opened in heaven." They are followers of Jesus Christ, God’s precious sons and daughters. They experience reward like no others, disclosures of Jesus as He is. The glory of the New Jerusalem is “par excellence” among men living and walking, spiritually connected to God through Jesus Christ. Our Father has given us an earthly body, yet in our lifetime He connected our inner spirit with the Holy Spirit. God is connected to our inner being as a Father who does provide connection to sonship operations in such followers of Jesus.

When the religious leaders planted their smartest lawyers and most learned theologians in the crowds who gathered to Jesus, they tried to discredit him with learned question but the wisdom within Jesus made fools of them. They tried to throw Him over a cliff to destroy Him, yet He slipped through their midst and went His way.

Never had a man spoken as this man spoke. Never had a man lived as connected to God as this man lived. Never had a man done the mighty works that He did. He lived on earth in an earthly body but He was indwelt by a higher power that led Him to go about teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God and declaring to those who could hear:

“The time is fulfilled; and the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand: repent and believe the good news!”   Mark 1:15

God quickens our spirit to reach into the breadth, length, depth, and highest places man has experienced with God. Sons and daughters have received corrective judgments that delivered them and others into a domain of light, life, joy, peace, love, happiness, etc. — all the riches of God’s Kingdom. Our time to be begotten and grow has past, so we too yield to continual repentance to obtain proper faith, to believe the truth clearly coming from the spirit of sonship.

We have fellowship with the Father and with His Son, and do trust that honor will rightfully be ours in His heavenly homeland. We are citizens of the New Jerusalem order and have learned to draw from our heavenly homeland as followers of Christ Jesus. Divine trumpets are used to establish His Word in the hearts of this generation, those drawn to be in the spirit of the Lord’s day. Many are joined, connected by the spirit of sonship.

God adopts us, then we learn to draw from our Father’s provision as a Son or Daughter. All Christians are called and required to be made one spirit with God’s Holy Spirit. We are called to be one spirit with the enthroned Lord of heaven. His concerns then become central to our thoughts and the desires that motivate us are turned from the earthly to see the value in heavenly things. God establishes His judgments within us, making us worthy to rise, to hear, to see by the spirit. Soon we, too, know that we are come to spiritual Mt. Zion.

The temple of our earthly bodies is subject to corruption, yet our inner spiritual being is alive to God. Our heavenly Father is connected in marvelous ways to people of faith who yield as individuals to be made new creatures by Christ, bearing the image of the heavenly, celestial man. We certainly see Christ Jesus rising within to show Himself as we bear with problems and face unfavorable conditions in life’s temporal situations. By these we are tried and strengthened to be just like Jesus in our inner spiritual person:

"And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” I Corinthians 15:49

“And no one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven.”   John 3:13 concordant

The reality of God is now centered in Jesus. While He was in the earth, Jesus was the embodiment and personification of God’s reality dwelling in a man. There was within Christ Jesus another world, a spiritual resource that He drew upon, available to Him to out-ray perfectly sonship’s close heavenly relationship with God the Father. What a powerful dimension has now been disclosed for us to draw upon!

Even while on earth, going through all its vicissitudes, its difficulties, its trials, and its adversities, we are crucified without earthly help—yet we are not alone. God had not forsaken Jesus on the cross. Heavenly hosts wanted to help Him, but could not oppose the Father's will when He was brutally sacrificed. Then He received heavenly substance of the Father that raised Him to wonderful spiritual power! Resources to all power are now working in Him, a Son who would rule in all matters and so bring peace to all men:

"Are you not aware that you are a temple of God and the spirit of God is making its home in you?"   I Corinthians 3:16 concordant

“After these things I perceived, and ‘lo!’ a door is open in heaven, and ‘lo!’ the first sound which I hear is as a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here! and I will be showing you what must be occurring after these things.’ Now immediately I came to be in spirit, and 'lo!' a throne, located in heaven, and on the throne One sitting." Revelation 4:1-2 concordant

Radio frequencies are invisible but they can be heard if we have a receptor able to “tune in” to them. In like manner, any trump coming from the throne of Heaven is important to receive. Deep within some followers, God has developed a receptor, a quickened spirit that CAN TUNE IN TO OUR FATHER’S SPIRIT!

We have tuned in so we too “sing a new song” a song of living a loving, peaceful, and righteous way, because we have heard many trumpets sounding out messages from the throne of sonship, kingdom, reconciliation, and the Feast of Tabernacles. We are no longer in the latter rain — that rain is passed. Now we are drawn aside to hear and receive an inner work of being “made-one-spirit”, hearing the voice from the throne sounding out invitations to "COME UP HITHER."

The Spirit is saying things to our spirit which allow us blessed spiritual understanding. We can know the things that will be occurring. Each of His body needs repentance from dead works. We need cleansing release from conditions of heart that cloud our life in jealousy and hate, even in using scriptural words that kill the influence of other ministers.

This is still apparent in the murderous lying tongues that are still trained to prey on the sheep for hire, stealing their chance at getting heavenly reward, stealing their ability to hear His voice as a trumpet worth following. They don’t know by the spirit all “seven trumps” He blows to seal us as placed sons coming to the last of His trumps. These are the throne messages that will change us to the completed state Jesus has gained.

Brethren gathering in church meetings need constant focus to tune in to a higher heaven. They do not know that the New Jerusalem above would spiritually descend into our meetings. Yet we have authority to judge what the prophets speak, for all may speak that all may learn of God. Kingdom order and kingdom judgment is coming out from God’s throne, merciful judgments that need to be clearly understood within our inner spiritual person. His judgment is sourced in MERCY FOR ALL. Perceiving higher spiritual precepts opens one to understanding truth, "to know our calling.“ Jesus meant it when He said repeatedly:

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying.”   Revelation 3:22 concordant

The Creator’s light within grows in strength to radiate and reflect the covenant within His Word and Spirit, so we may know the promises of God enough to become one with them. We are Christian men and women made kings and priests with God through Christ. Christ Jesus as God’s son is the spiritual fulfillment of all the Old Testament types and shadows showing the Ark of the covenant, the full presence of the Lord.

Christian people should use the types and shadows revealed in the Old Testament as insight into how a godly faith is in-worked into our inner spiritual person. When we perceive the promise established by God is spiritual, we are begotten by that spirit to hear and see anew what He is doing. Believers of the New Testament have an ability to keep following His spirit until they have found the place of a son, a son of the New Jerusalem order with the faith God grants Sons like Jesus. We become heavenly citizens that “bear the ark”, so to speak, even while being on this planet. God can change us in a multitude of things that we did not allow before. He has allowed some to now attain a resurrection out from among every dead thing.

Spirit-filled Christians have focused their inner ear to listen long enough through seasons of knowing and understanding what things are being taught by the Father’s spirit. We are awakened in knowing the will of God. The light of His Word orders our steps to identify the right paths to go higher, to that place in Mt. Zion of “being made perfect”. Christ Jesus intends all the people over whom He rules to be AT HOME in this place. We have a place with Him, He prepared it for us, and sends clear revelation to show us what is truth from Him and what is a lie.

This place is above the divisions and strife of man, above the common frustrations within the church age. We are moving past those heavens: “I didn’t come into this world just to get saved from hell when I die!” The depths of God's spirit has gotten into our spirit, and we now know the noise of His waterspouts. Many brethren are the Lord’s mouthpieces by divine appointment and are being opened for the great purposes coming from the throne of heaven.

Christians who come to know Jesus in a "born again" experience should also know of these things. Yes, it takes spiritual revelation to make kings and priests who know God’s great plans. These are worked out within their very own life, as those crucified with Christ, having been equipped spiritually to know His will and what are He purposes for us individually.

We walk and talk with God as our revealed Father through the experiences of our life. It’s in the secret places of our life that we have been separated unto Him. This is where His daily bread unveils His heavenly mind to our inner man. His spirit is sent to establish the third heaven within us the third feast that is completely reserved in heaven! A seven-fold spirit causes us to perceive the throne of heaven and come up hither to focus our understanding on what His trumpets are saying:

“Now the Lord is the spirit; yet where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Now we all, with uncovered face, mirroring the Lord's glory, are being transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as from the Lord, the spirit.” II Corinthians 3:17-18 concordant

The Lord’s Spirit guides us from glory to glory. We are given enough to change us, making our spirit more alive and our soul more subject to the desires He places in our heart. In mature Christians, there is strength to do the will of God. We know Him as He knows us. We worship God in the spirit of truth and feed on the Lord’s great marriage supper. A spiritual joining has opened within our temple, showing the way to an intimate sonship relationship with God Almighty.

Jesus prayed we would be worthy of holding up the ark of the covenant—that when we are “opened”, Christ will be seen clearly dwelling in us. Out of us, heavenly attitudes of LOVE and PEACE will flow, making others enjoy all God is. Yes, it’s worth the race to see at last all that is promised. The Lord comes with lightnings, voices, and spiritual earthquakes that yet cause an experience of destructive “hail” to anything that opposes the kingdom of peace. God’s love for sons and daughters has been opened, and it was reserved for us!

There are three great ranks of Christians, 30 fold, 60 fold, and 100 fold, each having valid experiences of Christian glory in their midst. These three levels are also shown in type and shadow by the Old Testament feasts of the Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles in Israel. Three times a year every male came to worship God at these feasts.

The Feast of Tabernacles came at harvest time. They celebrated on the bounty of new crops which allowed feasting instead of leanness for the winter months ahead. Now at God’s great harvest time, we who keep the Feast of Tabernacles can gain a COMPLETE SALVATIONcomplete that swallows up our issues with death, connecting within us a heavenly image that, when opened in heavenly places, shows only the Ark of His presence.


The Way of Jesus Christ