The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

The Synagogue of Satan

Satan is not so senseless as to approach our FATHER to try to convince Him to condemn us because of our weaknesses and failures. Nowhere does the scripture state that satan accuses the saints to God. What it does say is this:

“And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent called Adversary and Satan, who is deceiving the whole inhabited earth. It was cast into the earth, and its messengers were cast with it. And I hear a loud voice in heaven saying, ‘Just now came the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ, for the accuser of our brethren was cast out, who was accusing them before our God day and night. And they conquer him through the blood of the Lambkin, and through the word of their testimony, and they love not their soul, until death.”   Revelation 12:9-12 concordant

It should be abundantly evident that satan does not accuse us to God, He merely accuses Christians BEFORE God. He accuses us through each other. He does it in many ways that are normal procedure in church fellowship. It is not the almighty and omniscient God whom satan wishes to convince of our unworthiness — it is YOU and I among our brethren.

Satan has no ability to persuade God of anything, but he can influence US to testify falsely when talking of others, hinting and inferring about the unworthy behavior of others and their lack among brethren. Lacking in God’s love and acceptance, satanic thought eagerly finds faults, promoting gossip that paints pictures of failure and worthlessness in the eyes of others.

This world’s sinners come to find they are weak and hopeless, while babes in Christ attain high esteem in the eyes of others by insinuating how far short certain other people are (generally the leaders of other groups). They are quick to testify of what they assume. Religious learning makes people think critically and some to declare false accusations about their accused’s ability to lay hold upon God's life, gossiping to draw attention to their “negative insights,. 

Satan's voice is available to each of us. Its mindset is constantly accusing others, finding fault and speaking accusations falsely. It works in us religious people to point out the faults of others, in fellowships and families. This truly robs ourselves of inner peace, confidence, and joy, the victory promised Christians who are alive and joined to the testimony of Jesus! It is the DRAGON VOICE that is accusing Christians by the legality of the law in worship services to WORK HARDER day and night, giving more, and attending more.

You see, satan does not come to Christians as a hideous fire-breathing monster with horns with a forked tail and a pitchfork, but dresses in fine robes to blare flooding trumpets of carnal ideas at us through microphones. The dragon voice is Anti-christ and really is a part of what happens at church. A lying spirit has battled to influence Christian thought to form false understandings and wrong perceptions of God. These release feelings and desires for something less than truth.

In two thousand years of Christian worship services, a battle has raged for dominance of the MIND. Mixed religious concepts have been formed in churches, and their mixed messages have been filled with accusation toward others. These messages are condemning those who resist Christ to hell forever. Many such concepts try to hold us from within and without to mindsets that are less than God’s best. Christ Jesus openly opposed the teaching of religious men in synagogues, calling them fathered by the devil. Even so today, great religious systems dominated by the mind of man are in fact influenced by devil spirits.

Well seated is this enemy of truth to be enthroned in systems of inventive, yet devised worship that is dominated by man’s tradition, not by Christ Jesus. Yet, in this blessed hour Christ has been sent in full strength to raise a third day people who WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. Thoughts of a third heaven fill us as we are placed where it IS unlawful for man to speak. We are being given authority over every lie of the devil's misleading appetite for condemnation.

The serpent, the devil, the dragon CAN be denied, his pride rejected, his plans thwarted, his suggestions repudiated, his vainglorious offers of power ignored! The base of his operation is uncovered to be eliminated, swallowed up by Christ’s light! Every lie of the serpent, the devil, the dragon voice has no place to work in us. This victory is available to be experienced now in the life of every son and daughter of God.

All those who have embraced the cross of Christ are accounted, then sealed, and placed as being alive from the dead with Christ. We are now GROWING UP into the Godhead, becoming mature sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. We too experience what was declared of the firstborn:

“I will not talk with you much more, for the prince of the world is coming. And he has no claim on me, there is nothing in me that belongs to him, he has no power over me.”   John 14:30 Amplified

How unspeakably wonderful is our personal freedom when there is nothing in us that belongs to the prince of this world! The prince of this world has no power over me if he cannot find anything within me which came from him. There is nothing remaining within us that is planted by him, “bad seed” that grows into misunderstandings of godly matters. None of his claims hold us when nothing in our spirit responds or corresponds to the message of Satan’s synagogue.

Our spirit is then grown into the kingdom of Christ where no lying power can lord it over us. Even in our body, Christ is Lord. Once freed to worship God in the spirit of the Lord’s day, we are beyond being influenced in the synagogues of satan. Jesus said Satan’s throne was in the Pergamum church with those lusting for religious position, laying down the dead letter of the law and grabbing for hierarchical power. They are full of pride in fleshly works being done to dominate Christian thought unto the systematic building of churches existing today.

If brethren are crucified with Christ, the lust of religious flesh must be deadened, the lust for power over others be held in check, the pride of our life forgotten, all cunning deception forsaken, and every lie of darkness be exposed to be removed from our being:

“Little children, it is the last hour, and, according as you hear that the antichrist is coming, now also there have come to be many antichrists, whence we know that it is the last hour.” I John 2:18 concordant

John the Revelator saw the adversary, the accuser, embodied in a great host of people, in an assembly of His people, to whom Revelation was written. These are great congregations with religious systems, a synagogue of law-keepers who oppose, and slander, and intimidate the called, chosen, and elect of the Lord, THEN AND NOW. 

The “synagogue of satan” began to appear in the Smyrna candlestick, the second candlestick, when the Adversary cast many Christians into jail (naturally and spiritually). The many Antichrists of John’s day grew to have greater influence over those who knew the will of God, persecuting and afflicting those who were and are pressing on with faith in a higher and deeper life of God. As one American brother shared, “The Jews have never persecuted me, the world has not really persecuted me, but a number of Christians have wounded me a great deal."

It is challenging to gather to worship with some Christian ranks, groups that will not allow any kingdom truths to be shared with them from beyond their church storehouse. They don’t allow truth if it is even just beyond their boundaries. In these gatherings, when a word of spiritual revelation comes, the leaders’ countenances cloud and they become agitated and fearful. Should even an anointed voice continue to share, the leaders often raise up against it and commence to retaliate.

Should that one dare to speak further words of revelation, that one will eventually be cast out. Before not many days have passed, that whole religious system will have been warned against your name, and your name will become anathema to all those Christian people in that fellowship.  That one discovers he has been crucified, which is just what the Lord wanted!

Now if we are on the right mission, led by the Spirit, speaking the truth in love, we discover that, here a little, and there a little, light does penetrate our darkness,. We see that some of our precious spirit and soul is illumined to awaken from the deep sleep of religious tradition. Please see we do not hail our messages to the hierarchy of either the First Baptist Church, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Calvary Bible Church, First Pentecostal Church, or any other mansion in the Lord's great house. We write to those called out.

We are not criticizing them to them. Our message calls for agreement among God’s called out people who are coming to spiritual Mt. Zion. We are called out of the religious efforts in the Laodicean candlestick who thinks it is so rich. He called us out to feed us, to partake of a higher feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb. This is a type of the Feast of Tabernacles in the Old Testament, that great promised spiritual feasting which comes by supping with the Lamb. Here is a real opening to our heavenly homeland by a spiritual joining that takes place within our being.

We love to worship with the Lord's people in the counsel of the feast of Tabernacles! The Lord nourishes us with healing truth, freeing us from blinding errors and deep sleep found in traditional church worship. Those crucified with the Lord are being thoroughly purged and purified from all the ways, doctrines, programs, methods, and spirit of Mystery Babylon. Those who profess to be called out while continuing a promiscuous relationship with the lewd ways found in that religious harlot are certainly not manifested sons. They are more close to being “babes in Christ,” who can only tolerate the milk of the word.

But we are not called to become ADVERSARIES to any man, but to be saviors on mount Zion, a priesthood that blesses and reconciles all men to the Kingdom of Life, Light, and Love. This priesthood knows the heartache of trying to awaken sleeping brethren only to have them turn on you, bite you with gossip and falsehood, despise you, hate you, then only to fall asleep again. This makes it even more a necessity for us to become a kingdom priesthood who are LED of the spirit.

We have known what it is to be attacked by whole congregations of adversaries simply by preaching the “econciliation of all men” across America. I know as well that God is teaching me not to despise or strike back against any man held in the fetters of ignorance, hell, or ways of Mystery Babylon. We are called to be gentle, kind, gracious, tender hearted, compassionate, apt to teach, and loving even our enemies. We are ordained to bless them that curse us and pray for those who despitefully use us, and all those who persecute us.

We are growing beyond human hurts that hold men back from being true sons of our Father who is in heaven. He sends His rain upon the just and the unjust. God is coming, bringing those "poor in spirit”, “poor with a hunger for what’s right," those who are uninitiated in the ways of religious Laodicean churches. His great purpose is to draw these to dealings as sons and daughters, overcoming by His spirit within our spirit now. We all together are to rise higher, COME UP HITHER, to know the power of the New Jerusalem and be treading for higher ground as true sons of the Most High.

There is a synagogue of satan that plagues many of the Lord’s people. It is any assembly ruled by carnal-minded Christians. With a self-righteous spirit, Christian leaders burden the Lord’s people with keeping the "letter of the word." They lay down laws as commandments of men, added as rules to regulate their form of worship into a deceived — and deceptive — legalism. Religious legalism can place a person under heavy bondage for ages because it is so hard to get rid of.

The sin-conscious mindset always teaches rules like “Do this, do that, don't eat this , don't drink the other.” Such rules for keeping oneself acceptable are the constant theme. The synagogue of satan forces “a spirit of legalism” and “works” into the pattern of gathering, resulting in external observances in church that create a performance with ceremony. So they build, with ultimate hate in their hearts for those who break with their pattern. Then they curse their brethren in the Lord, saying, “God will be getting you. Because you don’t conform to what we say, you will burn in hell forever!”

Legalism marks the minds of Christians by the millions with spiritual immaturity and carnal-minded religiosity. It is where Satan is seated, the spirit of the adversary that keeps us unaware and tied to religious darkness. Paul makes this very clear: we should not let man (or the spirit that works in man) judge us when He states:

“And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath He quickened together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body (substance, reality) is of Christ.” Colossians 2:13-17

Christ has blotted out what is contrary — antiChrist — in us so that we may find rest. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of TRYING to circumcise our own flesh by keeping church rules. Trying to change ourselves by head knowledge, knowing the law, is a curse. It is the CURSE Paul says is contrary to us — it is the way used of the ADVERSARY. The spirit of Christ does not thrash people with the lash of laws, He draws us unto Himself with the cords of love and truth. Speaking the truth in love, we Christians are not supposed to come to mount Sinai, symbolic of being under the law, but to mount Zion.

I do not like to see God’s children whipped with iron rods while gathering at the thorny sides of Sinai. When the accuser tries to pummel you by the demands of the law, it is your duty to kick at that goad like a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke. And rightly so, for the motive which propels a free-born heir of the kingdom is born of GRACE, not of the law. WE are led by Jesus, not by Moses.

I see with Paul how trying to keep the law religiously is the BONDAGE OF SELF-WORKS. Such self-effort stands in opposition to the spirit of life in Christ working in us to ENABLE a walk in the spirit. Teachings from spiritual Mt. Sinai keep Christians busy working in self-efforts, under programs of good works, trying to be better, knowing more about the “letter of the LAW” than the spirit of it. As Paul said to Timothy, they are:

“…holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these.” 2 Timothy 3: 5 NASB

We are to avoid the many cardinal concepts and fleshly methods within those established and used openly in the synagogue of Satan that is found in candlestick churches. The seat of Satan was first formed in the Smyrna church and its operation expanded to be enthroned in the church at Pergamos. It is found to have many antichrists as seen in raised ego. They are saying, “WE ARE THE CHOSEN [Jews], ” yet their legalistic doctrines are formulated in the synagogue of Satan, keeping us from knowing the truth.

Christian children are told that God will "get them" too if they disobey their parents If they later lust, or cheat, or tell a lie and didn’t confess it in the church to get it “under the blood”, they too will be in danger of a fiery hell. According to some, we are saved by our keeping ourselves in holy living, with some calling this “eternal security. ” What is put out as gospel for some people are doctrines of NO SECURITY. It is no real “gospel ” (good news) at all, for many have failed to measure up to the church’s standard of “righteousness,” then needing to “get saved” all over again, numerous times.

God has made this time for every Christian man to come out of every prison house and stop living in darkness. We are all to come out from false doctrines and devilish mindsets that keep people walled in a bottomless pit. This abyss of hell itself is simply INNER TORMENT. The devil quoted from scripture to Jesus in the wilderness. Now the leaders of the synagogue of satan quote the letter of the word to form doctrines that oppose the truth of God’s UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND FORGIVENESS for all.

Our reconciliation does not contradict the word of God, which He declares will NOT be imputing our trespasses unto us (that’s satan’s job), and that we are justified by His grace through FAITH. We are justified, MADE JUST, in it alone, “not of works, lest any man should boast”! Now, some have said that a gospel of pure grace is going to give people liberty for fleshly appetites to go wild, planting fear of the consequences of this Truth.

We are learning God is in the business of making holy people. He knows how to do it and will do it for all in His time. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, NOT imputing their trespasses unto them. God has forgiven us all our trespasses, and He has also quickened our spirit to make us alive in Christ. No one will come to perfection, to mature stature in the image of Christ by any fleshly effort of our own life, nor by any knowledge of scripture under the law. Christian’s can’t do it by laws!

Yet where flows His anointed spirit of Life, the very essence of our inner spiritual being shouts “Hallelujah” to that power that is greater than all flesh. Christ is within us, raised up to be alive in our spirit. He is become our righteousness, our reality, until Christ is our ALL. Christ isn’t formed in us in one day, one month, or one year, but once formed, Christ ABIDES. He remains, or TABERNACLES in us, constantly teaching us to grow up into His Head, where only the Godhead is considered and applied to all our ways.

Those who daily receive God’s bread of life, the truth of hidden manna in the ARK REALM, are instructed from victory to victory by knowing God is not condemning us for falling short of His Holiness. He frees us from trying to keep ourselves. There is no “license to sin” here, just a measure of freedom that brings trust in His sufficient grace. His mercy is extended, His love swallowing up our faults, changing our confusion into a great faith in God's operating ability to REACH PERFECT UNION with us.

AntiChrist II

We Are the Battlefield