The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

AntiChrist II

Every time there is war in the Middle East, Christian ministers express the idea that a one man antichrist is to appear as a great sign for us believers. The problem with finding the antichrist in the middle east, or in Europe, or in Russia, or in Israel, or some other place, is teaching about one man being the antichrist keeps the antichrist “out there,” in the external realm of world events. We then never really see the false standards of the truly antichrist thoughts, motives, and works within Christians—in church fellowships and our own thinking —to see how abominable it can be.

The truth is seen easier once we Christians realize that there are really only two spirits working within all Christian men and women, the antiChrist spirit, and the spirit of Christ:

"…the first man was out of the earth, soilish; the second Man is the Lord out of heaven." I Corinthians 15:47 concordant

There are Christians who are earthly minded and there are Christians who become heavenly minded, developing into spiritually mature men and women. It has been difficult for Christians to determine where Christ dominates and operates even within their own lives. Yet having only two kinds of thinking to recognize certainly narrows down the attention span, doesn’t it?!

At this time, some of God’s people are awake, and have received the word and spirit of Christ to have learned to what they are being conformed. Certainly Christ is not authoring a dreadful fear of world problems to come under a one man Antichrist. Those doctrines keep Christian men looking ahead to a certain false standard, thus aiding Mystery Babylon’s present-day emissaries in carrying on its teaching of falsities without interruption.

There has been some poison in the pot feeding Christian people for two thousand years. It is time for us to be enlightened to the Day of the Lord and leave any ignorance found in religious church ranks. We are coming out by overcoming every devilish thought working in the candlestick churches. We have come out in an attempt to follow His spirit into the majestic purposes of a lasting heaven, a new heaven.

We do forsake forever any ministerial position in those passing heavens filled with dead letter-of-the-word ministries built into church systems with ignorant zeal according to the commandments of men. Kingdom preachers and teachers have turned to the Lord in prayer and received true SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING, given of God’s spirit to become wise master builders of a lasting order, the kingdom order of Jesus Christ.

God is delivering every individual He chooses from such false standards. His chosen believers are all delivered from the carnal-minded foolishness and antichrist methods that are deceitfully practiced under a hierarchy of church ordered leadership. A transformation is taking place, however, within candlestick church overcomers. Their spirit is made alive, connected, instructed and awakened to the truth. Set in the belief of the SPIRITUAL coming of Christ Jesus, they are now instructed how to live, at the directing of His sevenfold spirit, until a complete revelation of Jesus Christ is formed within their spirit and mind.

The popular branches of Christianity are full of rich people and their programs are busy doing good deeds! But the Lord has chosen to give only an in-part measure of His spirit to these church age ranks because it is not a lasting order. Churches have certainly been corrupted by an antichrist spirit. John said many antichrists were in the church already. That’s where we find the antichrist spirit today, in the people of a corrupted apostate church.

God’s people have settled in passing heavens called “church”, but that is much less than what God offers as our ultimate homeland. We can know the spirit of our homeland now, but it takes a measure of the complete seven fold spirit to awaken fully to Christ living, instructing, and dwelling within our spirit as Lord as He delivers us from erroneous delusions promoted by man in church systems.

Overcoming believers have been pressing toward the full revelation of Jesus Christ, which God is granting to His overcomers. This is an attainment of true faith and full realization of Him:

“…we should all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ, that we may by no means still be minors, surging hither and thither and being carried about by every wind of teaching by human caprice, by craftiness, with a view to the systematizing of the deception.

Now, being true, in love we should be making all grow into Him, Who is the Head - Christ - out of Whom the entire body, being articulated together and united through every assimilation of the supply, in accord with the operation in measure of each one’s part, is making for the growth of the body, for the upbuilding of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:14-16 concordant

Getting molded into the mind of Christ generally can not be obtained but by leaving the popular crowd. The Father's will for our life is shown when we are knocking and asking Him directly for any possible insight into His life and glorious love.

Now, go and look to see every verse in the Bible which mentions the word antichrist. Don’t worry, it is a very short list. I got out my concordance and looked up those five verses which have that word “antichrist” in it. I found the word antichrist is not listed in the whole book of Daniel or the entire book of Revelation. Searching the scriptures diligently I was able to find antichrist used only in the writings of John the beloved.

When John wrote of there NOW being many antichrists, he was writing about the spirit of certain people in the church at that time who were teaching things in place of Christ’s teaching. He was not referring to the leading people of the world but to certain ones wanting to be leaders of the people in the church, teaching things contrary to the real faith of Christ.

These were not openly against Christ, as they were also professing believers and applauded ministers. But they were holding to certain teachings in church meetings that were clearly apparent to John to be something INSTEAD OFChrist. These were no longer in accord with John’s leadership and his council in dealing with these teachers is astounding.

The early church was in the beginning stages of “leaving their first love” of Christ. As a result, their candlestick was moved to a much lower place because devilish apostasy was taking control of the “Christian churches”. John says these antichrists were already there in the early church two thousand years ago. Today they “think they are rich and have need of nothing”;

“…now also there have come many antichrists, whence we know that it is the last hour. Out of us they come [church], but they were not of us, for if they were of us, they would have remained with us. But it was that they may be manifested that they are not all of us.” I John 2:18-19 concordant

We find that great apostle of love taking a stand, exposing the apostasy working to control Christian meetings and worship. John’s use of the word “antichrist” signifies not merely one who opposes Christ, but ONE WHO SETS HIMSELF UP IN THE PLACE OF CHRIST, by teaching and holding office before the people while substituting subtle errors for truthful ways, forming earthly understandings into the people of God instead of the spiritual reality of the mind of Christ. Anything that is INSTEAD OF CHRIST in His church is literally ANTICHRIST.

Christ Jesus is alive and rules in the church of the firstborn, all of the overcomers He has gathered to the city of God. They have been called to a the marriage supper the Father has prepared for His Son, a spiritual feast reserved for the Lord’s Day. But most Christians have not really grown to embrace His teachings by practice sufficiently, but rather have relied on the attitudes of religious leaders about certain ideas of faith. Such beliefs turned into doctrines, then rituals, ceremonies, sacraments, and ordinances set in tradition.

These are all formed by carnal means and methods which have TAKEN THE PLACE OF CHRIST’S TRUE REALITY. There are too many lying shadows formed into the candlestick churches, but not enough Christian CHARACTER growth into mature substance. Wholesale substitution is offered religiously that detracts from His leading and instruction.

The hierarchy in the fellowship of church wants our focus on their rule, not on the rule of Jesus Christ’s indwelling spirit. What indeed does ANTICHRIST do but flood the church with teachings that make the letter of the word dead with messages of works? These are messages containing bits and pieces of truth, but lacking spiritual vision into gaining attainment of godliness now.

Only the spiritual essence of Christ can work to really refine a man, to make him an overcoming follower out of every false teaching and slight deception of religious men in the church. Dead messages can’t hold overcomers because Christ is doing a delivering work in them. They are ordained to life, TO BE COMPLETED, MADE ALIVE WITHIN BY THE LIVING REALITY OF CHRIST BEING OUR ALL!

If at any time we accept, embrace, and submit to such head knowledge that influences our faith toward God instead of Christ, it will cost us something of heaven’s jewels. When head knowledge is used and relied upon instead of the inward quickening of Christ Jesus's Spirit, men unknowingly oppose Christ's rule. This battle is going on now within the bulwarks of our renewed imaginations. We are now pulling down our own reasonings and every thought that elevates itself against the knowledge of God.

Christ is leading us to make captive every apprehension, every vain thought, every intent of our personal motivations in ourselves and in His people. The battle is not so much an outward one, but an inner conflict between the flesh and spirit within our thought life. As our spirit is being quickened to catch the thoughts Christ sends to us about the revelation of Jesus Christ, we progress. And it makes us merry! We are happily being cleansed by refining fires, so refinedly purged that Christ Jesus is established within us as LORD.

The Lord is in our spirit, leading us to great realizations of the true glory He has set before us! Praise God, His word illuminates us with the light of truth as Christ’s mighty spiritual dealings process the character of God into our inner man. He only is able to reduce and remove all substitutes and counterfeits — “all the antichrists.” Oh, thank God we are recognizing Christ’s work within us!

After the early apostles had passed from this life, the antichrist spirit began to RULE in the Christian churches on earth. SYSTEMATIC ways of error were set in among the saints, instituting rules and regulations. Men began to substitute their ideas and other religious methods by laying down laws, formulating creeds, observing holidays mixed with pagan ways of worship, establishing sacraments and ordinances, elevating charismatic personalities to lead church government, making disciples of a great many too numerable to record.

The babble had begun in the early church of Smyrna and has become the model for the mysterious Babylonian systems called "the church" we know today. Oh, the spirit of antichrist has raised its ugly head to rule and represent Christian church to the multitudes of peoples in the world throughout these past two thousand years. The presence of the Lord in the morning-time early church began to be eclipsed when they left their first love and the power of carnal-minded men took position of authority and preeminence to gradually take the place of the leadership of Christ working within people by the SPIRIT.

The people of the early church of Ephesus left their first love, even though they resisted the acts of the Nicolaitans (priesthood over the laity). Consequently, the Christian church at Pergamum lost the battle and held to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. The whole church was robbed of the working of Christ’s headship as men established a vast and elaborate system of substitutes to take the place of His spirit’s rule.

When Christians do not walk in the precepts of Jesus to become alive to His quickened disciplined spirit, something antichrist fills the void. When the lies of head knowledge take the place of the mind of Christ working within our thoughts, that something is instead of Christ. It is something ANTICHRIST!

“I rejoiced very much that I have found your children walking in truth, according as we obtained a precept from the Father. And now I am asking you, lady, not as writing a new precept to you, but a precept which we have from the beginning, that we may be loving one another. And this is love, that we may be walking according to His precepts. This is the precept, according as you hear from the beginning, that you may be walking in it; for many deceivers came out into the world, who are not avowing Jesus Christ coming in flesh.

This is the deceiver and the antichrist. Be looking to yourselves, that you should not be destroying that for which you work, but you may be getting full wages. Everyone who is TAKING THE LEAD and not remaining in the teaching of Christ has not God. He who is remaining in the teaching, this one has the Father as well as the Son. If anyone is coming to you and is not bringing this teaching, be not taking him into your home, and say not to him, "'Rejoice!" For he who is saying to him to be rejoicing is participating in his wicked acts.” II John 4-9 concordant

Jesus Christ Is coming now into our flesh and blood bodies by the spirit! Teaching otherwise is very much a deception and is a PART OF THE ANTICHRIST! So, what is antichrist? There are many deceiving teachings about God that will work to keep us from seeing the Lord coming to deliver His followers now from every false idea that can be projected. Even with those in the early church, ANOTHER SPIRIT was presenting false precepts in the church, as John states. As clear as this testimony is, John has given us yet another identification of the antichrist just as clear, certain, and powerful:

“Who is the liar, if not the one denying that Jesus is the Anointed one? This is the antichrist, the one denying the Father and the Son.” I John 2:22

The antichrist lies about Jesus’s ability to be coming by the spirit today into the flesh and blood bodies of us believers. This profound truth has been missed in popular Christianity today as they wait for the “rapture” and heaven to change them. In fact, Christ is actually coming by the spirit to make an ABODE within the spirit, soul, and flesh-and-blood bodies of His followers. An overcoming rank of believers are spiritually joined to an age-lasting, inseparable union of blessed continuance in the fact that “Jesus is coming” within to accomplish a great number of things that have blessed, continuing effects:

“…every spirit which is avowing Jesus Christ, having come in flesh, is of God, and every spirit which is not avowing Jesus the Lord having come in flesh is not of God. And this is that of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and is now already in the world. You are of God, little children, and you have conquered them, for greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world.” I John 4:3-4 concordant

John's words reveal to us that Jesus Christ IS COME as the historical man who walked the shores of Galilee so long ago, and IS COMING into our fleshly condition to change us today by His spirit. John is referring to His “coming by the spirit” into the members of His body. This is true in heaven and on the earth. Every individual that confesses that Jesus Christ is not coming UNTIL LATER is of the antichrist spirit, for it puts off relying on the workings of Christ within us to save us NOW.

Just teaching it is another day, someday in the future, is another error of religious self-righteousness that has motivated fleshly good works, static creeds, lifeless ceremonies, organization of methods, and all worthless programs found in church instead of Christ. The ways of Baal are worthless and so are the teachings of the antichrist. The correct place for Christ to reign is within us, His people, and the correct time is now.

Men have subverted the Lord’s church by substituting wrong doctrine, earthly wisdom, with human abilities, for the Holy Spirit. God knows those secrets and shares them with the beloved in the GodHead:

With Christ have I been crucified, yet I am living; not longer I, but living in me is Christ. Now that which I am now living in flesh, I am living in faith that is of the Son of God, Who loves me, and gives himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 concordant

To these same saints he further wrote:

“My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” Galatians 4:19

"Now we have this treasure (Christ) in earthen vessels,” II Corinthians 4:7 concordant

It should embraced, not denied: Christ Jesus is presently forming an abode within the spirit, soul and body of believers in truth!

Christ is living in us to control us, which is our only hope of glory. God’s glory does not rest on man's ability to perform or show his own faithfulness and endurance. Christians are kept babes when cluttered with teachings involving myriads religious exercises and good works. Most of these are designed to assure each other of right standing in church fellowship.

Doing so for centuries has duped Christians to denying the Lord’s ability to come NOW, within. Their leaders do not allow for the coming spirit of Christ to instruct our spirit now. Yet He is still filling our spirit with His word and offering a place of sonship that functions as the will of God in our lives. The SPIRIT OF CHRIST JESUS does reign in us now instead of the spirit of antichrist.

God chooses what to add to us when there is something that needs changed. Those who receive the call to sonship should now learn and learn well: there is no need for any of religious trappings of the apostate system called “church” when walking as a son! Sons are given CHRIST WITHIN abundantly supplied in every thought, every teaching they can possibly ever need! Christ alive in us becomes all we ever need. We find truth within the inner spiritual man that has matured in the faith of Christ!

We do not have time to wait for anyone else to do it! God was in Christ, and Christ is now in us. We are now connected to a vast family of His “many brethren” who have received the same spirit of sonship. This spirit teaches us that the spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead has come to dwell within our mortal bodies and is making its home in us. God is quickening and healing our mortal bodies by the spirit of Christ dwelling in us.

We must bow in reverence to worship God in spirit and truth. Our Father has adorned His Sons with blessed insights to His reality of the high and holy callings. We do not stop seeking, asking, and knocking about what things are coming, what things are predestined to happen as the spirit of truth teaches, as Christ teaches.

We have learned from HIM that these past two thousand years of church have been formed on external religious observances that are surface applications. They clearly have been insufficient as lasting heavens nor are they bringing His people to be enthroned within by Christ Jesus. They are all swamped in the myriad substitutes planted by countless antichrists controlling so many church systems for centuries, many of whom yet think they are rich and have need of nothing.

BUT WHEN THE TIME FOR CHRIST TO TABERNACLE WITHIN OUR SPIRIT COMES, AND HIS ABIDING BECOMES SUFFICIENT to change our thoughts and confessions, our testimony is that Jesus Christ has come into our flesh and blood body by the Spirit. We are being married to Him, joined as one spirit, being divorced completely and forever from all the religious substitutes in the realm of the domain of antichrist.

God is bringing many sons to glory as we are being conformed to the image of God’s firstborn son now. It is a KINGDOM DEPTH where wonderful subjects are seen clearly and deeply within our spiritual understanding. These provide keys to the kingdom we are now considering and confessing, as they are CONTINUALLY coming:

"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven" Matthew 10:22

"Also I say unto you (that) whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God" Luke 12:8

"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.” Matthew 3:17

What we must realize is this: the antichrist is not a one man world leader! The Antichrist John wrote about has been formed to present false teachings to the CHURCH! If God can not perfect other believers as well as Jesus, He is an irresponsible parent! We are heirs of God, not by trying to pull ourselves up out of the gutter, but by knowing what Christ is offering and what He is providing for us.

The depths of God’s mind is far past man’s natural reasoning mind, yet His spirit comes deep into our spirit with the very essence, the very substance of what’s imprinted within His beloved son. He is coming swiftly to give “life giving bread”, new food at a new feast which nourishes our spirit so that our inner man grows up and spiritually flourishes with Christ.

The seed of God's Word was planted in our heart. He predestined times to water His seed until all we Christians grow to our proper kingdom place to be a truthful witness of everything God intends to bring to pass. So, we do not nurture the thoughts found in much of the present church heavens that are not focusing on being led of His spirit nor holding to the Head of the body.

We are not nurturing false ideas about a second coming, of the antichrist, of false literal interpretations the book of Revelation. These are tares, false teachings that have been growing at the same time as the wheat He planted in us. God soon binds these tares (ideas) in us to be burned up in order to remove the tares from growing any further together with His crop.

We can be reaped now from such church images INTO THE IMAGE OF THE KINGDOM. Now is our harvest time! At harvest time, the tares (false ideas) in His people are taken in bundles and burned up. God’s people are coming out of false church standards by His saving FIRE to a spotless condition that is reserved in heaven, with the order that knows Jesus is the Christ and that He has come to their flesh by the spirit.

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