The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.


An absolute monarchy is where and when a king has total authority. Many national governments in Old Testament times were absolute monarchies. England originally was an absolute monarchy whereas now it is a constitutional monarchy, where the king or queen has limited authority by law, with a prime minister and parliament running a democratic government.

God has a government that is an absolute monarchy that is not corrupt. It is a theocracy — the rule of God’s King. The person, Jesus Christ, is the only ruling power governing with holy control, a holy influence over the corrupt ways men govern people. So many are tossed by tormenting seas of the wicked. But, a change of government has come for overcoming Christians. They have been given insight and entrance into the domain of God’s Kingdom, into His loving kindness where goodness and wisdom is bestowed in the knowledge of HIM.

God’s unseen government is a Kingdom, ruled by a King, wherein each participant of that domain has been made partaker of His God given rule. This is the rule of life that causes people to fit perfectly into that realm. God’s King has ambassadors and governors that are possessed by the same perfect goodness as their King. The tragedy of human’s rule of this world’s present populations is that nation are still waging war. Wars must yet cease according to heaven’s dictates.

National governments are systematically ruined by blind greedy people, with even the best falling into corrupt motivations and killing others. Imperfect men and women are no better than their failed forefathers. Indeed in most cases, national leaders are far more corrupt than their population realizes. Never at any time has there been a nation composed on earth entirely of righteous people — not in the ancient people of Israel, and not in their descendants scattered though out Europe, the ten lost tribes of Israel are now the forefathers of many nations in the earth.

Facing a historical claim that is unique, America’s constitution is founded on a deep mistrust of any one man’s dominating rule, such as the dictating kings of Europe. The American constitution is based upon principles of individual freedom in democracy that many nations have embraced. Today’s freedom loving nations agree in rejecting the lawless dictates of evil potentates. This world will no longer be ruled or governed by lawless kings and tyrants that oppress people in the many dark ways of past worldly kingdoms.

Israel’s descendants make up nations in the earth, of which America constitutes an empowerment of the people with certain rights. America is where all the people have individual liberty, justice, and freedom to find happiness. Now, they still aspire to freedom from the tyranny of corrupt men’s dictates. Nations that attack other nations still try to uphold their ideals on battlefields. Today the nations struggle to obtain some measure of freedom from indigent onslaughts. FREE PEOPLE RESIST UNJUST LEADERS that endeavor to rule unjustly. The whole world is crying out to be free from tyranny.

The principles of the Bible are the ideal constitution! It helped form the American constitution, a government ruled by laws that are established on the ideals of liberty and justice for all. This was a government established for the people’s benefit, not just for the benefit of the rich ruling class of royalty. The rule of just laws have agreement with civil rights for all people. Just laws espouse liberty for all to live as they please. This includes freedom of speech, freedom to work at our chosen goals, free to do that which makes us happy, within the boundaries of doing others no harm, not trespassing so as to encroach on other people’s safety and well-being.

Thank God, under American democratic government we at least have a portion of these rights in life. Further, Christ promotes great liberty and freedom to pursue the truth within our hearts. True happiness is found in the many devoted Christians in this world, many in America. Here we aspire to live rightly, soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. America is unique in that many Christians live here and their faith in God has made America great.

In the nations today people are desiring God’s goodness. Yes, His blessings are found in people in all the nations of the earth. God does have people who are ruled by His unseen kingdom. People all over the world want to be free from false leaders, even false religious leaders that become state-sponsored war mongers.

Americans have had to fight to form various freedoms for all their people, such as freedom to worship God without oppressive, unjust domination. It has been an experiment of tolerance that has formed a hope for liberty in the downtrodden places of the world. Such areas have not thrived under the rule of corrupt men grasping for wealth, power, and fame, using the oppressive powers that dominate by the sword. The man who says there is no God is a FOOL.

We know that all people everywhere are desiring to be free from oppressive leaders speaking out falsehoods. Today the whole world desires to escape the devilish violence of war from the injustice of lawless leaders who are controlled by hatred, having innocent blood on their hands. These leaders steal to become fat with riches and become so proud, yet soon their bodies are diseased and minds fearful and timid, having their spirits stunted by wrong doing.

Christ is coming to help us find peace among turmoil. Christ within disrupts the earthly thinking that robs the peace and security needed by all humans. Christ is found within His people, affecting the nations where they live. Something special is happening in America today. Christ has been formed in many people in America and in other freedom loving nations. God has given a measure of righteousness, a measure of liberty, a measure of peace. And a measure of light even now shines to correct and guide the ideal paths of the nations.

The creation is not groaning for more commercial consumerism that pollutes our water and land with processes that poison us, nor with polluted lifestyles that are constantly turned to greedy selfish goals in pursuit for worldly wealth. What makes people unhappy and marks their lives are about WHAT’S RIGHT AND WHAT’S WRONG. Unhappy people harbor hatred, have evil, fearful thoughts, get drunk, curse their neighbors, practice lying covetousness that kills the influence of others, so as to murder, and much more.

The people in America have come to understand an undeniable fact that crime of all kinds rises along with the individual freedoms granted in a democracy. Present-day Americans are a prosperous generation of consumers who, by overindulging in the rich bounty of this nation's resources, have gradually influenced the entire planet with the lifestyle they were allowed to pursue.

The pursuit of happiness is what the American constitution provided, yet only Christ ruling within our hearts can make us happy. Happy are the people who’s God is the Lord. Their lives are free of pleasure rooted the notorious ills of darkness. God is coming in His King to rule the world and the nations shall bow before Him, accepting the government God grants.

Every form of national government that political philosophers could conceive has been tried in our past and found wanting. The evils that have ruled democracy are perhaps fewer and easier to bear than the tyranny and suppression under dictators and other forms of government. However, we would not be blind indeed to conditions as they are to think that the democracy of our day has given the world a secure form of government.

America’s strength is found in its people, its people trusting God, IN GOD WE TRUST to find, know, and do what is right in His eyes. God is our Judge and He is the Judge of the nations right now. Christians are truly aware of the righteous government established by Jesus. God is bringing His people to a mature agreement about His governing.

It is Christ within that governs us from within as our hearts are turned to righteousness. He is jealous over His people, to grant them LASTING FREEDOM from every wrong that is in the human nature. His governing heals all the hurts and wrongs suffered by us humans. Only He can remove the suffering caused by false ideas and wrong attitudes, and only He can supply us with right thinking by showing us how fallen and failing are man’s fleshly and oppressive ways.

Truth that frees us from the deadly powers that destroy us is revealed by Christ within our inner person. God forms Christ in many people to become fit as a spiritual house, as one people, the people of God holding the destiny of all the people. God has created the nations to soon reveal the saving rule of Jesus, as He is.

God called His governmental people out of religious Babylon to reveal His Word by divine appointment. Now His governmental people are crowned with Him. His government is found within the SPIRIT of His people, because they are raised to know the truth that divinely liberates our spirit, changes our soul, and quickens our body. We are freed from all sin, all carnal minded death, all hellish ideas. We are freed from the grave yards of dead traditional worship and the fear of death. He heals our disease and stops violence of every kind.

Jesus said:

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!”   John 8:36

In Christ we are made free from sin, which includes the legalistic laws of religious methods:

“For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”   II Corinthians 3:17

God placed the hope and desire for liberty and justice in all people. People do desire to be governed justly and with a perfect form of righteousness. God has promised to manifest His perfect government which is in His firstfruit people, a many-membered sonship body. They are ordained to display God’s intent for freedom for all — a freedom from sin and death, freedom from every lie, freedom to do rightly, to love others, and live in peace.

Christian overcomers are now drawn upward in understanding how to stand in spiritual Mt. Zion. God has liberated sons that are sign-sons not unlike the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor that heralds freedom for earth’s teeming, oppressed masses. Jesus Christ is coming to reign completely within His body. In His people is the spirit that heralds freedom to earth’s teeming masses:

“For the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope. Because the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.”   Romans 8:19-21

The sons of God indeed are granted deliverance from corruption, freedom from fear, freedom from lack, freedom from pain and sorrow, freedom from death’s limitations, freedom from sickness and disease, freedom from ignorance and error, freedom from death, hell, and the grave. All that and much more is entailed in the liberty granted to the sons of God, as examples of what God will do for all.

Sons hold the teaching and testimony of scripture, which suggests they have more insight about God being their Father. The nobler they become, the more they are ruled by Christ. The allegiance of sons is to GOD’S GOVERNMENT. They do not pledge their allegiance to national flags of corrupt governments presently ruled by men. Corruption has ruled in every nation and some are destroying life on this planet with greedy plans for gain, helping themselves become rich by abusing the poor, keeping people enslaved with poverty.

We pledge allegiance to God, the judge of all. We stand with the spirits of just men being made perfect in Zion. Our pledge of allegiance is to Jesus. We have found that He is a Mediator of a fresh covenant. The world is now and has been struggling between wars and turmoil, bouncing from one troubling catastrophe to the next, each causing more tribulation and trouble.

The people of God are not natural minded. They mind the Spirit of God, they know the truth of God from the errors in fleshly minded men. These men are focused on the terror of more violence, more killings, more break-ins, more conspiracies, more defrauding, more armaments, more uprisings and so on.

Men’s hearts fail for looking after things coming on the earth. People are in sad situations, avictims of violence in their streets and privately in their homes, where hatred has broken out in distraught lives. An abundance of 7 billion people now in this world are groaning and in travail with pains still. Yet everyone is unknowingly, down deep within, waiting for GOD to reach them. I say HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD. His truth will abide deep within us:

“ Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.’” John 5:24-25 NASB

In the far away past is the clear voice of God’s prophets:

"And He will destroy in this mountain [the mountain of the kingdom of God] the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God shall wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His people shall He take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it."   Isaiah 25:7-8

“The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”   Daniel 2:44

Theocracy is the rule of God in His people. God’s people contain theocracy, not democracy. Theocracy is DIVINE GOVERNMENT. It is possible and yet promised to spread over the all the nations of the world. The word ‘theocracy’ comes from two Greek words: THEOS, meaning God or divinity, and KRATEO, meaning to have power, to rule, to be chief power as master thereof.

Theocracy is not the rule of the people, nor of political bosses in political parties of any kind, nor decrees of fleshly heritage as royalty. It is not the rule by vote of the populist majority. God has chosen a King to rule us from within. His Spirit is now providing an opportunity to grow up into His Headship, to be one with the Godhead in knowing what is originated by God:

“…the Head of every man is Christ... and the Head of Christ is God.”   I Corinthians 11:3

A precise order is established within the spiritual minds of those submissive to the teachings of Christ. A royal priesthood has been made out of those obedient to Christ. God successfully establishes true oneness with Christ within our inner being. God instructs our spiritual mind, a form of godliness that governs our inner being. Wisdom has built her house in lasting heavens that are built together as a source of GOOD NEWS, a lasting order that executes the King’s Word. We are united within Christ Jesus as being subjects governed by His authority and anointing. 

Paul correctly discerned our state:

“For our conversation is in heaven.”   Philippians 3:20

The Greek word that is translated as King James version word “conversation” is POLITEUMA —our communities citizenship — our politics! Plainly Paul says, “Our politics are in and about heaven.” Our politics are not about the Democratic party or the Republican party or anybody else’s political party.

Our politics have to do with a lasting heaven, one that is ruled perfectly by Jesus Christ. We have come to the realm of spiritual Mount Zion, in the city of God, the heavenly homeland of the New Jerusalem. Paul says our politics are about heavenly things, of seeing how our citizenship is in heaven, where GOD RULES IN THE SPIRIT OF MAN. Why would sons pledge allegiance to any lower level of government, to the politics of nations, or profess another government’s agenda that does not even recognize God’s King?

That King has ultimate authority and lasting commission to govern heaven and earth. All other domains and kingdoms are sources of lack and pain. They are all like thieves and robbers in what they have to offer their citizens. Christ helps us find heaven's viewpoint, the divine thoughts that remove our soulish thinking. His thoughts are spiritual and they motivate our actions. His Truth is our politics. He makes us know the truth on every level as that truth is applied to our lives.

The present church systems are not without the spots and wrinkles of corruptible lies. Many Christians are marked by half truths that strain church doctrines to form divisions, so many wrinkles and spots of division are in the churches today. Christian brethren in various church fellowships have theological seminaries training their willing young people as ministers like manufactured goods, universities producing “ministers” like so many sausages from a sausage mill. The consequence is that they, in turn, teach denominational thinking to keep the paychecks coming in and on time.

From that time on they go step by step, eating up everything the church elders say, swallowing all their traditional ways, not thinking of what beastly marks their people get from their systematic viewpoint of Christian faith. Brethren who hear the voice of Jesus to receive the spirit of adoption sooner or later become thoroughly undeceived by such carnality in present day church systems.

Systematic worship in the traditional parade called “the church” cannot hide the facts from us. We know the spirit of error has dominated its hierarchy. The spirit of error has deceived believers into feeding continually on milk that puts them to sleep in steep deceptions. The only right thing we could do is flee as if it were a plague. Christian ministers can look like they are covered in lambskin, appearing harmless and good, but in some of them is the heart of a wolf, devouring their people with lying voices that dominate the premise:

"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."  Matthew 7:15 NASB

God yet judges every wrong and plans to restore the whole creation to purity by sharing the soundness of His own incorruptibility. He will make us holy. Because He is holy, we shall be holy. He could do it in an instant with one sweep of His great hand, if that were His plan. God’s plan has processed a people that are become priests of higher Kingdom order, a ministry above the church orders, one without division, where we are made fully one with peaceful and righteous intent.

God has promised sons will be put on display for the ages, a beautiful display of His holy purposes for all men to see. God’s glory will be seen extending to the highest mountain, to the extreme depths of the unseen’s deepest depths, to man’s lowest personal hell through His chosen people. God has chosen a people to bring forth the magnificence of Himself. Today He plants words in us wisely, that quicken our inner being because our spirit is made alive. He leads us to drink of many waters, each one used to process Kingdom fruit within us.

A faithful crop is springing up to life. Sons are promised all spiritual blessings. He carefully, comfortingly, cultivates His truth within us with abundant wisdom. We understand how He loves, becoming PEACEMAKERS connected to Christ, connected to the mercies of God. God governs within us.As He abides, we get to enjoy Him even now, and will continue throughout the ages. Christ within breaks in pieces and consumes all the prideful ideas that have dominated and oppressed us while in the earth, and washes us from deceptions mixed in religious orders of every kind.

God controls the hearts of His people, He turns events according to His election, and He doesn’t need our vote! We don’t need to approve the things He does to make His desire come to pass. Jesus is coming to manifest Himself as the Lord of all! Whether people like it or not, nations will bow, church members will repent if they are not aware.

Worldly leaders were certainly not expecting the Messiah two millennia ago. The world’s governmental powers aren’t expecting God to powerfully manifest a people free from death’s control. Jesus has great patience in establishing a heavenly order of priests for which this world hasn’t planned. Worldly leaders have not planned on the appearing of Jesus Christ on the scene of their battles, with the power that demonstrates His authority.

We should, however, plan on God manifesting the reserved inheritance to His sons. THANK GOD, Christ shows us His unfailing promises and reveals His answer to our heart’s sorrows. He is delivering miracle working power that washes us in wisdom and establishes ways of righteousness in our walk. Then, PEACE rules our heart and fills us with JOY unspeakable as we are filled with the glory of spiritual understanding.

Thank God for a soundness of mind that undergirds us with His strength and grants us stability to inherit today’s substance of love. He provides the ability to love our family and our neighbors as His son, being faithful to the calling of sonship. His faith quickens us with transforming power from within — A POWER AND GLORY BEING MADE COMPLETELY KNOWN WITHIN US.

David expressed such hope in this manner:

“God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us; that Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee! O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for Thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth...yea, all kings shall bow down before Him: all nations shall serve Him.”   Psalms 67:1-4; 72:11

It is obvious that all nations do not presently honor Godly principles today, yet I see some do. Neither have all national rulers fallen down before Him. Communist China does not serve or even acknowledge God in any of their governance.

Yet, the day of the Lord is surely come upon us. Now every Christian rank must be raised to join the general assembly in spiritual Mount Zion. Here we find fulfilling LOVE, real PEACE, and the RIGHTEOUSNESS with which God is filling people. God is obligated to save us to the uttermost, yes, as our Judge and Savior. Jesus Christ will put in effect all the will of God in the nations on earth. They will soon beat their weapons of war into something profitable to plow with, so making a new age, a new earth.

The teachings of the Bible are burned into our being. With His spirit of fire, God writes His Word within our “foreheads”, to become partakers of the Lamb’s life. The Lamb’s viewpoint of the scriptures are not from the scrap heaps of ancestral errors, as scriptures are surely being proven true:

“Arise, O God, judge the earth: for Thou shalt inherit all nations. All nations whom Thou hast made shall come and worship before Thee, O Lord; and shall glorify Thy name. For Thou art great, and do wondrous things.”   Psalms 82:8; 86:9-10

Many precious fragments from David’s writings reveal the ultimate governor for mankind:

All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord, and all kindred of the nations shall worship before Thee, for the kingdom is the Lord’s and HE is the governor among the nations.”   Psalms 22:27-28

The Constitution

Government for the people