The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Meat You Know Not Of

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11

The bread that the disciples pray for is the same substance that sustained and strengthened the firstborn Son:

“ meat is to do the will of him that sent me.” John. 4:34

Doing God's will is why Jesus lives still and doing God’s will is also what He lives ON. It is His food. The word meat in this text simply means food. His meat gives strength, support, nourishment, health, and life. Such strength is afforded all who live to do the will of the Father. What we receive from God grows by assimilation into a spiritual inner life. His nourishment comes to feed our spirit in many ways. Nothing else could satisfy the appetite (desire) of Jesus. His meat is still in matters of doing God’s will. Meat of the word enables us to grow in knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ, as we grow by the nourishment God grants:

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

The church world is starving for the WORD that comes from God’s mouth that will nourish their inner person. Even those who have an abundance of head knowledge are still suffering from malnutrition. The quality of their food has not developed spiritual growth but rather spiritual dependency, making them poor, blind, and depleted.

Oh, the church world has many meats and drinks, but little nourishment that teaches them to live as SONS LED BY THE SPIRIT. That is not gained by them. These prophets prophecy for hire, they preach many things merely to intoxicate with prideful programs that broadcast religious gaiety, harboring societal efforts of all kinds. They use much head knowledge and fleshly efforts to change governmental law, yet these bring little satisfaction for the craving of the inner spirit in doing God’s will.

The church world is hungry because their meats and drinks have most often been mixed with worldly ideas and ways. They have superstitious rituals, flashy ceremonies, external ordinances, and over-excited pomp to impress their people who are taught to get involved “in the work” and proclaim their commitment to the work. They do and do, but in all this, something other than knowing the depths of God has become the central factor. The center has become the growth of a ministry, increasing the tithes, building more structure, the status of the gifts and offices, or some other external, natural thing.

All the religious realms of Christian churches are found in type in the candlestick church heavens that are merely intoxicated in a deception. Yes, millions of Christians are drunk with the messages of the host of them. Distorted thinking produces entertainment and hilarity that is not the thinking of the mind of Christ. Blinded leaders know little of how to truly grow to full stature, rather focusing on packing the pews by using worldly ways designed to gather wealth from those trusting they are supporting the will of God. Today’s Christianity is packed with “babes in Christ” who have not endured the many disciplines the Father brings upon His sons and daughters.

FOOD for a true disciple of Jesus Christ is found in DOING GOD’S WILL. There is no possibility of starving or suffering malnutrition on this fare. God’s will is eternal and omnipotent. He gives us life-giving bread daily, an omnipotent food of His Word with the understanding given of His Spirit for sons and daughters to see God and feed upon heaven’s manna. No man can ever find it out, yet He does secretly give entrance in the praying hearts of true disciples. They are joined with all the saints given entrance for these last two thousand years, yet few there seem to be that have found the glorified life even today.

Some advise that life is in keeping the commandments, others that it's in being joined to a church, in the taking of communion, being baptized the right way and in the right name so they can be taught submission to the elders of the church. But our principle truth is DOING THE WILL OF GOD and being one spirit with the Lord’s Spirit. That is doing what God wills, whether that is working or waiting, winning or losing, suffering or rejoicing, living or dying:

“For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him that sent me…” John 6:38

This is stated testimony of a Son's complete assimilation and understanding of the will of the Father. Jesus's mind, will, emotion, desire and actions fully respond to what He sees and knows of the Father. His words are keys to unlocking our hearts as His triumph over death unfolds within our own spirit. We know what inspired Him, guided Him, and satisfied Him at Nazareth in the carpenter shop, at Jordan in His baptism, in the wilderness tempted of the devil, in public with the multitudes, in living with disciples, in ministering to the sick, in dying on the cross. It was DOING THE WILL OF HIS FATHER.

Now what inspires and guides and gladdens Him still is seeing the glorious will of the Father fully known and accomplished in His people who have been following Him. This definition for age-lasting life has already been laid down by Jesus. With Him it was not theory, for He is alive, tested, and proved it to be true!

"Glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son should be glorifying Thee, according as Thou givest Him authority over all flesh, that everything which Thou hast given to Him, He should be giving it to them, even life eonian. Now it is eonian life that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou dost commission, Jesus Christ." John 17:2-3 concordant

Jesus prayed we would experience the same authority over flesh that he has, even that we would know God in a true, perfect manner. Perfect and complete correspondence of knowing God as Father is eonian (age lasting) life, according to Jesus. Now we need God to correspond to our spirit to know the truth of God, then correspond with our inner person to put on Christ. We need to correspond with God as a Father corresponds with a “just man being perfected”.

The whole purpose in spiritual redemption is to bring man into that inner correspondence with God. To bring God into men is to be in exalted correspondence involving a process — a process of maturing in our inner spiritual person. God takes us from one glory to more glory. Our spiritual inner man houses a correspondence that has been established by the washing regeneration of His Word.

It is renewed by the Holy Ghost in ways that make our spirit ONE WITH THE LORD’S SPIRIT. This reconciliation in the lives of His followers is an accomplished fact. Overcomers go from stage to stage in growth that, as the process for age lasting life, forms the law of life in Christ Jesus. Our spirit is quickened to renew our soul’s mind, casting down every lie in order to perfectly correspond with our heavenly Father.

Jesus is the pattern son and eonian life is being formed within our inner spirit in that same pattern. As we focus on Him, we see what has been joined to be one with His Spirit. We find peace, the peace of the Lord, when we find the Kingdom of Heaven and feed on what we have coming to us. Then the darkness of death in the physical, temporal, and corruptible world loses its fearful grip. We find in spiritual Mount Zion a deliverance from the carnal mindsets. We then find out about the things above, things at the throne of God.

The natural minded church leaders still govern by soulish ideas of WILL WORSHIP, which has always sought worldly wealth and to influence the laws of states that end up serving mammon rather than the will of God. This keeps Christians in the dark about the corruptible heavens surrounding them because they simply lack the knowing of God Himself.

Feeding daily, drawing our Father’s Word to eat communion by the spirit, brings pure freedom! The man-dominated church systems are dying of hunger because they are lacking spiritual food. They rely on external ordinances, rituals and external dead ceremonies. The mature Christian has had to go outside every camp many times, bearing that reproach to find the greater portion. We have had to search out what is quickened within us as we understand that we’re destined to do the will of God, just like Jesus. He found strength and we find more strength supplied of Our Father as we just walk after His spirit, trusting for life to come.

“If ye live after the flesh (soulish dictates), ye shall die, but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” Romans 8:13

The natural mind of man has impregnated the church world with dark thoughts that are death to our spiritual growth. They only correspond with that environment of lawgiving and “dead letter of the word” teaching, so swift and certain a way to ditches of darkness. Yet, Christ quickens a correspondence within us with the law of the spirit of life. We are destined to know God as a Father of an immortal and incorruptible sphere. This is where God’s strength enables us to follow after the instructions given by His inspiration:

“For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,” Romans 8:6 NAS

Man assumes he knows what death is, yet God’s definition is “TO BE CARNALLY MINDED IS DEATH”. Therefore:

“If you live after the flesh (with carnally minded dispositions and unforgiving mindsets) you shall die,” Romans 8:13

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.” I John 2:15-17

The reasoning man is dominated by a mind locked up in the vanity of worldly ways, of fleshly thinking that is falling into its selfish designs, marked by worldly experiences of life, and blind even unto death. Good Christian people can be focused on carnal worldly goals, locked into worldly competition, working in dimensions that are ignorant and even opposing the will of God.

Carnal minded death causes stagnation even in the best the church has had to offer. Christian men are constantly requesting God to bless these realms of mixture. Yet, overcomers of the candlestick church dispensations clearly know God within their understanding spirit. His Spirit grants insight and wisdom that enables them to do the will of God. And, it is our Father’s will that we have the same life Jesus has and do even greater things than He did!

We break bread in daily communion to eat and drink of God's Spirit and Word in various ways. Being led daily by His spirit etches our Father’s name upon our inner parts. Out of our belly flow rivers of true messages like a life giving river. Within our inner spiritual being is a wellspring from which we learn to draw.

Our spiritual mind leads our life to peace, love, patience, and all the other attributes of our Father’s character. The voice of the Lord is within our own spirit so we understand His new spiritual dimensions. When man's spirit is touched by God’s Spirit, he will be CHANGED: lifted, enlightened, enlivened. He will be drawn up hither to realms in spiritual Mount Zion, where God's deliverance is granted:

"Yet not only so, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the spirit, we ourselves also, are groaning in ourselves, awaiting the sonship, the deliverance of our body." Romans 8:23 concordant

We Christians find we are equipped with a new set of mental correspondences. Our mind possesses the qualities of knowing everlastingness. Our old mindset corresponds to the natural mind’s reasoning that knows earthly and temporal, the carnal and corruptible, ways so well. Our minds now, however, are harmonized by Christ to cease from temporal and fleshly thinking.

Our carnal mind no longer impairs or hinders our spiritual mind from dominating us. Yet final steps are needed for inheriting the fullness of God's life to seal us in an adoption that also redeems our mortal body. Christ within is constantly bringing the practices of our mortal body under the dominion of our connected corresponding spirit:

“He who is fond of his soul is destroying it; and he who is hating his soul in this world shall be guarding it for life eonian. If anyone should be serving Me, let him be following Me, and where I am, there My servant also shall be.” John 12:25-26 concordant

Carnal minded divisions persist in Christian heavens because the full certain characteristics of God’s character are lacking. Men are locked up in lack of understanding, being unable to be aware of the higher, more perfect environment of God’s throne. Ignorance is the necessary result of all man’s imperfection, the necessary end of all passing heavens. Jesus is a perfect example of a perfect person in an environment that necessarily can live forever as He abolishes death. Therefore it is necessary for the perfect to swallow up and abolish our imperfection:

“A wretched man am I! What will rescue me out of this body of death? Grace! I thank God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Consequently, then, I myself, with the mind, indeed, am slaving for God's law, yet with the flesh for Sin's law. Nothing, consequently, is now condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Not according to flesh are they walking, but according to spirit, for the spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus frees you from the law of sin and death." Romans 7:24-8:2 concordant

“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me." Psalms 138:8

Thank God! He is in the business of changing His people now! Each and every change and transformation, each and every victory, and each and every triumphant step brings more correspondence in knowing Him. My blessed hope is that I will be more like Him today than yesterday. We have hope that takes us behind veils, seeing more of Him tomorrow by being weaned away from any polluting dispositions of self-centeredness and carnal mindedness. Hope makes us better able to breathe in the atmosphere of a more pure and perfect realm. Our own carnality is being swallowed up while we are being disciplined as sons while still within our earthly tabernacle.

Our Father has led us to grasp and hold on to the victory that is worked out in Jesus. With the power with which God enabled Him, He draws us by giving us daily bread. He is writing truth from hidden realms where the ark is open in the city realm of the New Jerusalem, writing it on our spiritual inner man every day. This realm is something most Christians have only heard about, because they have yet to be taught by the spirit or fed hidden manna from tables that enable us to be doing the will of God:

"Now in the meantime the disciples asked Him, saying, ‘Rabbi, eat’. Yet He said to them, ‘I have food to eat of which you are not aware’. The disciples, then, said to one another, ‘No one brings Him aught to eat’. Jesus is saying to them, ‘My food is that I should be doing the will of Him Who sends Me, and should be perfecting His work.’" John 4:32-34 concordant

“Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

These are marvelous precepts, so great that we can hardly grasp them in their completeness by our present illumination. Now to hunger and thirst after a thing is to feel that we need it, need it badly! We need it so badly that we are determined to have it, whatever the cost. The Lord Jesus takes the most familiar cravings of man’s physical body, sensitive appetites for meat and drink, and applies these to the desires that motivate the heart. He is asserting a righteous rule to be in those whose hearts are hungering and thirsting after (for) righteousness.

We must know that God looks upon our hearts for conditions of agreement. The question that needs answer is: what have we set our heart's desire upon? Do we bend the facts to get what we want? Can we still face the truth when our greatest earthly possessions are taken, like Job? Do principle earthly blessings fill us to hunger and thirst after the righteousness of God? No. We find out that principle spiritual blessings satisfy the inner man with His kingdom blessings when God writes His name on those drawn ones and they are filled with the knowledge of God.

A scholar says the Greek expresses it this way, “Blessed are those who hunger for the entire loaf and thirst for the entire pitcher.” God has filled and raised up a people that are not satisfied with only an earnest, the firstfruits of the Spirit. That is not going to be a satisfying portion. Nothing less than a FULL MEASURE is going to satisfy those who know more than head knowledge.

We know about heavenly things that are beyond the gifts and offices working in blessed church heavens that no longer satisfy. “Thirty fold”(Passover) and “60 fold” (Pentecost) believers do not worship God in the “100 fold” Feast of Tabernacles in the spirit of the Lord’s Day. They have settled in elementary heavens that are now old, filled with doctrines of all sorts, with only a few speaking in tongues, healings with miracles along the way. We would rather experience being grown to full stature in Christ Jesus!

The “100 fold” realm is the third heaven, where TABERNACLING WITH GOD brings people into greater and greater light. This is light that is far beyond the old candlestick church realms who harbor such Christians who are “carried about by every wind of teaching” invented and used by men’s human caprice to SYSTEMATIZE DECEPTION:

“…that we may by no means still be minors, surging" hither and thither and being carried' about by every wind of teaching by human caprice [craftiness] with a view to the systematizing of the deception.” Ephesians 4:14

We, however, hunger for a full portion of God’s righteous inheritance to dwell within us now. We have a sober, sound mind, the perfect mind of Christ that saves us from such dark and corrupt ideas of death. The goal of holy living is not “going to extremes” and our faith in God is not just a fancy pipe dream. The things that are about God’s throne are not too high to ever experience! I Such desires are sponsored by the Spirit of God!

We are called to walk after His instructions. We are called to be blessed of God. Blessed in heaven and earth are those who hunger for hidden manna and thirst for the righteousness of God. Blessed are those who feed on the DAILY BREAD given from our heavenly Father. We too shall be filled with “MEAT other men know not of”.

A Word About the Word

Measure of Worship