The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

A Word About the Word

There are seven qualities of spirit that form the complete measure of spirit sent to us from God:

"Grace to you and peace from Him Who is and Who was and Who is coming, and from the seven spirits which are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Suzerain of the kings of the earth." Revelation 1:4 concordant

"Now this He is saying Who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars:" Revelation 3:1 concordant

"And out of the throne are issuing lightnings and voices and thunders. And seven torches of fire are burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God." Revelation 4:5 concordant

"And I perceived, in the center of the throne and of the four animals, and in the center of the elders, a Lambkin standing, as though slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God, commissioned for the entire earth." Revelation 5:6 concordant

The seven spirits are described as seven eyes, meaning a complete understanding. Seven torches of fire means a complete inner work done that refines our inner state. Seven horns means complete authority and power to do it. Each of these seven spirits has powerful anointed messages of “throne realm word.” Seven is the number of completion. Therefore, the seven spirits of God are the seven-fold FULLNESS of the complete mind of Christ given to overcomers by our heavenly Father. Overcomers receive the correct revelation of Jesus Christ, so they know the absolute and complete authority which comes forth from His throne.

Overcomers come to know the Lord’s seven messages of the seven spirits and seven stages of our development. Some shining stars do reveal heavenly wisdom for us all to understand and receive. God does grant us insight to experience historic events in truthful understanding of what He is manifesting to His sons and what is manifested among the candlestick churches. He gives overcomers a FULL understanding of His viewpoints at His appointed times.

Understanding the failures of the seven candlestick churches should open the realization that many religious standards and false conditions are operating in the candlestick church realm. Many have had to go outside the camps of known Christianity to overcome the deceptive systems of their day. Overcomers are raised from within to spiritually find a more personal and intimate relationship with the God that Fathers endless life in us.

A full salvation is granted overcomers who allow a complete work of unity to be accomplished within our inner spiritual person. God draws us to a delivering oneness of spirit, with freedom that breaks the grips and yokes of our corruptible bondages to sin and death. Who knows God in all His glorious fullness? Jesus knows God fully as He is. We must see what is being manifested in Jesus, so God’s plans can manifest to us.

Sons of God are receiving God’s word directly by hearing his voice within themselves. Directives from God's spirit lead us to a complete, seven fold impartation of holy spirit sent from the throne of Jesus. Sons and daughters of God learn to follow ONLY the holy spirit. They are sensitive to God’s spirit from within their being because their spirit is made one spirit with His.

They are secure in His mighty hand, placed in the kingdom of God. Though the pathway before all of us may differ in some details, the predominant principle remains and is active within each overcoming son and daughter. WE ARE LEAD BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD DIRECTLY FROM WITHIN OURSELVES, AND AS WE FOLLOW PROPER DIRECTION, WE LIVE.

The King of God is anointed with knowing the truth of God. We get truth by spiritual revelation. As His Spirit is sent to teach us spiritually, we know His messages by having His spiritual understanding, having that authority within us to actively see pathways to life abundant. His complete spiritual guidance fathers lasting purpose to our existence. The hope of salvation becomes attained as redemption completely transforms our inner being and daily life.

Overcomers of the candlestick church realm learn how to follow the inner directions of Christ, the anointed one. He is able to lead us confidently in our inner spiritual person. The King, our Lord Jesus, lives knowing the fullness of the Father's mind. We are now made COMPLETE when we share that fullness of knowledge with the Godhead:

“…in Him the entire complement of the Deity is dwelling bodily. And you are complete in Him, Who is the Head of every sovereignty and authority, in Whom you were circumcised also with a circumcision not made by hands, in the stripping off of the body of flesh in the circumcision of Christ. Being entombed together with Him in baptism, in Whom you were roused together also through faith in the operation of God, Who rouses Him from among the dead, you also being dead to the offenses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He vivifies us together jointly with Him, dealing graciously with all our offenses, erasing the handwriting of the decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and has taken it away out of the midst…” Colossians 2:9-14 concordant

Some ministries among the candlestick churches are holding out promises of life in heaven after our death and many also follow other exclusive ministries and movements. But mature sons and daughters of God are not taken in by the self-exalting promotions of any candlestick prophets, for they see Jesus as He is, and can hear His voice clearly. The seven fold Spirit of the throne realm works within the heart of a people saying “COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE”.

He is saying in Revelation, “Come out from the shortcoming failures found in the seven candlestick churches.” He challenges people in candlestick church realms to break free from the fetters of failed traditions, free of passing heavens dominated by man’s limited understanding. These heavens form people into religious experiences that do not fully release the Lord’s people into God’s nature. They are not made complete and are not free from the inner bondages of human corruption in man’s character.

His people need the indwelling messages of Christ to quicken their spirit to overcome their former lives and their former heavens. We find the truth of God’s lasting heavens established within our inner being now. To know God, we do not devote our time or energy to support temporary heavens, those lesser realms of former days.

God’s matured sons need not any man to teach or lead them. Yes, we who fellowship with the Father do gather with brethren to encourage each other with confirmations of the dealings of God. We fellowship with one another, keeping the Feast appointed for this hour, and do exhort one another to yield to the teaching of God's seven fold spirit, to get a full measure of that which is given the King. His holy spirit always leads us to ultimate victories.

The book of Revelation is a true prophetic word of truth extending understanding within each overcomer who has ears to hear what His Spirit is saying among the candlestick churches. A full portion of His sevenfold spirit is sent and commissioned to consume every earthly way in those with ears to hear. The message of Jesus to church people given in the book of Revelation includes important messages about the promised completeness worked into overcomers.

Christ is being formed within us completely — formed within and placed with the King’s understanding of God. His Spirit has been faithful to lead us to our appointed destiny. Our fellowship is now with the Father, Who has encouraged truth to spring up within us in every circumstance. Now we know as we are known. The Lord himself sends the seven fold Spirit of God, the Father.

Flowing out of his throne is a river of the water of life. Truth has drawn us to Him as we are RAISED UP HITHER not of ourselves, nor by any organization in passing heavens that are short of the city of God. True reapers are few in number yet gain great reward for their labor in the day of the Lord. They are now gathering the Lord's people to their proper spiritual homeland! The living and the dead are to be raised to our homeland, the New Jerusalem order.

Sonship messages of Jesus Christ flow within His many-membered body. Understanding the messages that come from His throne realm has been found to be a great treasure! His truths are like refined diamonds that shine when looked upon from any angle. We understand scripture is inspired by God, today bringing us to heavenly communication with God. Now we live by every word He speaks to us.

Today in the spirit of the Lord’s day, we can hear what the Spirit says to the churches. That sevenfold Spirit is sent with messages flowing forth to give understanding to His people as the “sound of many waters”. Yet also His voice gives life as a sharp two edged sword through messages with deep meaning, whose sword flashes in truth of His appearing within His body of believers.

We live by every word coming from the mouth of God. Trust what Jesus is saying, eat thereof and spiritually be quickened, come alive. Rise above the confusion in church organizations or the loneliness of the wilderness. It is alone that we all hear the still truthful voice within us that guides us to the light and reality of our heavenly Father.

What the Lord has spoken to overcomers of the candlestick churches makes us hope in and prepare for great power to receive the promises, trusting our hearts are circumcised by Christ. We understand that our Father’s will is to, in fact, take ultimate authority over us, changing us into honorable members who fit perfectly into His body of sons.

Moreover, those Cherubim stationed at the gate of Eden long ago did not have swords made of metal to ward off any who would approach. The Hebrew denotes a “movable sword”, that is, a flame or a flash of glory, such as of lightning, which is unsteady and blinds the eyes. The lightning of these Cherubim depicts the form of a sword in continuous motion, moving to cut with searing, flaming, words of the Cherubim who know, more than human beings, to block man from paradise. None have ever made way to cross that dread portal to eat of the tree of life UNTIL:

"To him that overcomes [the condition in the Ephesus church] will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." Revelation 2:7

All that Eden represents as paradise is guarded and kept in the unseen treasures, becoming untouchable — humanly unapproachable — UNTIL overcomers in the early Christian church were raised. Men like John and Peter were laid hold of by God to inspire scriptural records full of spiritual measurements of the completing work done by being enlightened with the revelation of Jesus Christ.

I expect John now understands the true messages coming from God’s seven fold spirit. He knows new kingdom food is available, truth in complete portions witnessed by the pouring out of His Spirit—an outflow of the early and latter rain.

To be a son of God like Jesus Christ is what some overcomers from every generation have gained by being true to every word coming from the mouth of God to them. Today, we hear the voice of those saying our spirit and soul are being joined together in a perfect manner already and our offenses erased:

“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect." Hebrews 12:22-23 NAS

From the day Adam fled before Eden’s gate, his life became a continuous flight—always searching, always wanting, always needing, a man living in the flesh. Man is still on this same search upon cursed ground that is only producing thorns and thistles. The natural earth is still cursed, with earthly minded humans bringing repeated sorrow for profit in desperate falsehoods, vainly toiling against constant frustrations to find only the disappointing frailty and falsehoods of the natural life.

In Adam we DIE. In Adam we are continually running into the curse because God set boundaries with a flaming sword for the express purpose of SHUTTING MAN OUT FROM GOD’S TREE OF LIFE! In the Lord’s camp, the movings among the sword of Cherubim are formidable, preventing our circumventing the ark of the covenant in any way. The Cherubim are woven into the fabric with folded and flaming wings that are stationed over the ark of the covenant. They are a sword at Eden’s gate, directly keeping men back from touching, tasting, and eating from God’s tree of life in their EARTHLY CONDITION.

The cherubim wings extending over the ark reveal the covering knowing of GOD in the ark realm. The directions that proceed from the midst of the Holiest of All are typified by a voice and message that supersedes the Holy Place’s authority to lay down the law. The ark is a type and shadow of Christ within our inner being that produces the best quality of fruitful behavior. His fruit is an inner goodness and upright stature that is from more than religious efforts required by scripture.

If the Lamb’s book of life is written within us, we follow His Spirit. We no longer keep legalistic rules, as the law makes nothing perfect. Religious men still set off to fulfill their own soulish ideas with fleshly strength. This is most common throughout the history of the church age. It takes a sharp delivering Word from behind the veil to divide between our soulish efforts to build in the image of an apostate church (under the law) and God’s spiritual work in us:

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 NAS

The word “sword” is found in the Bible over 400 times. In scripture there are both positive and negative connotations to that word. The apostle Paul, speaking of putting on the whole armor of God, admonishes the saints to:

“…put on…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” Ephesians 6:17

Then the writer to the Hebrews declares that the sword of God’s word is “QUICK.” Quick means living and active — LIFE-GIVING:

“For the word of God that speaks is alive and full of power — making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword.” Hebrews 4:12, Amplified

Yes, here is the sword that conquers death in its touch. God’s Word has power to GIVE US GOD LIFE! The sword of the Lord is the quickening, energizing, life-giving WORD OF GOD! Out of the mouth of Jesus Christ a sharp two edged blade is issuing the LIVING, CREATIVE WORD. Yet in most churches, there is also a word which Paul calls “the letter of the word.” These "letter of the word" administrations continually keep Christians from developing their inner spiritual person. It keeps them as babes in religious bondage, with some people staying in the same pew their entire life.

Right understanding is freeing us from earthly toil and religious efforts that don’t work to bring about inner change. We are following new insights from His spirit. The “letter of the word” is man’s understanding of the scripture. It is the records and history, the laws and commandments, that make up rules and regulations of external ordinances to form rituals and ceremonies — the traditions found in visible forms of worship.

Scriptures, however, teach us many things in terms of understanding the mind of Christ. Truth leads us to understand the messages now sounding a more complete understanding of the sacred scripture. Then the inspired WORD of God beckons us to eat from the tree of life again.

The letter of the word is a word portal that keeps us WORKING OUT our salvation with fleshly, rather than spiritual, efforts. Angels (messengers) of legalistic viewpoints are propagating literal reasonings of man. God subjected Adam to the sorrow and vanity of trying to work it out on their own. Outside of inner contact with God, having just an in-part measure inside, an earnest of the spirit is all there has been in churches. That message was only to know in part. This describes the best of God's people in candlestick church heavens:

"They will keep up the outward appearance of religion but have rejected the inner power of it. Keep away from people like that." 2 Timothy 3:5 NJB

The Word of the Lord quickens us. It is sharp enough to separate us from the old soulish ways of understanding Him. It causes us to cease from religious works, to REST completely in the perfecting work being done within the spirit of His up-hither followers:

"Love is never lapsing: yet, whether prophecies, they will be discarded, or languages, they will cease, or knowledge, it will be discarded. For out of an installment [in part] are we knowing, and out of an installment are we prophesying. Now whenever maturity may be coming, that which is out of an installment shall be discarded.

When I was a minor, I spoke as a minor, I was disposed as a minor, I took account of things as a minor. Yet when I have become a man, I have discarded that which is a minor's. For at present we are observing by means of a mirror, in an enigma, yet then, face to face. At present I know out of an installment, yet then I shall recognize according as I am recognized also." I Corinthians 13:9-12 concordant

Today, religious men use earthly understandings of the sacred scriptures to generally draw believers to a limited installment that should be discarded. Many good church programs keep Christians so busy working in limited measures and in-part installments of their inheritance but do not have the completed promise of life THAT CHANGES THE HEART.

Knowing Jesus in the up hither realm of the sevenfold spirit makes us tabernacles—dwelling places—fit for God. Some people, however, have been called, chosen, and proven faithful to develop a relationship with the Father. They are among those who see eye to eye in Zion, and, with the prophets and apostles, are built up a spiritual house facing the Lambkin:

“It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing.” John 6:63

“…for the letter [of the Word] kills, but the spirit [of the Word] gives life!” II Corinthians 3:6

Seven Spririts of God

Meat You Know Not Of