The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Serve the LIVING God

The instinct of animals reveals remarkable things we cannot explain, yet we do know their instinct is naturally set to preserve their own life’s survival, displaying protective qualities for offspring of its species. Inexplicably, the animal’s instinct guides and warns them of those things which are dangerous to its well-being. Their inner compelling urges them, even drives them, to pursue the course marked out by their own inner instructions.

Men also have beastly type instincts naturally, rooted deep in past problems and struggles with earthly survival. We people experience toil and trouble only God fully knows about.

“…how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.” Hebrews 9:14-15

If we are called, Christ will be formed in us, guiding us to walk in His nature which cleanses our conscience and washes away our bondage to past failures. The toil and struggle of earthly life is lifted to be a blessings by the faculties of Godly intelligence. His truth becomes the inner wisdom we know.

God does reveal insights to enlighten us about the temporal states that matter in our life, forming inner connection to our enduring spiritual life. God’s called sons and daughters have insights into the true meaning of life, receiving a measure of His judgment. He gives life to our spirit as a spiritual knowing develops that happens within us now. Christ guides us into KNOWING GOD FROM WITHIN OUR OWN BEING.

The most exceedingly remarkable thing of human existence is that God’s truth can be planted within us as seed. When that truth is written and controls our heart, it purges a person’s natural minded thinking, including every selfish instinct that is motivated only by self preservation. Christ exposes any and all selfishness working within us. Christ delivers us from the human instinct to be proud, high minded, and selfish. Christ changes us from within, so our thinking involves fellowship with God and with one another.

Christ working within us will bring down our natural concepts as He reigns. Christ is reigning within the called sons and daughters of God. They are granted inner truths that quickly establish them in LIGHT that exposes every false testimony of men opposing His mind and our heavenly Father’s will. Still, many Christians are blinded with natural minded “in part” earthly viewpoints, making for many sad cases among His people.

Christians should THINK RIGHT concerning very particular things that are taught in scripture until they are equally balanced and experienced with divine truth. We are to become kind, loving to be patient with one another, processing agape love to perfection. This is something more than mere head knowledge can do. Jesus, the Christ of God, says the main objective of life is to love God, then our neighbor.

In the courts of American justice, they require that the judge be a disinterested party, not a part of the case, fearing that a biased judgment may otherwise unduly prejudice the courts sentence.

“Every man's way is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the hearts.” Proverbs 21:2

As a rule, human conscience awareness is centered in selfish thinking. Such self-centered thinking makes us believe we are right in our own eyes. But a few gain truthful insight to the mind of Christ, hearing His sayings to be raised from the lies of natural minded men with earthly ideas and methods. Multitudes of Christians today are simply too preoccupied with earthly needs. Becoming rich and maintaining worldly goods seems so important, they get swallowed up in vain toil and earthly troubles. Pride in wealth drive men to give passionate toil to gain capital goods.

Christ working within us changes the primary PURPOSES of our life. When we are quieted with thoughts that enlighten our conscience, He speaks strongly within us to approve our personal deeds done. Within us, He is expressing inner satisfaction or disapproving with a sense of grief that protests against the wrongs done, creating inner unrest and anxiety. Christ purges His followers from dead works, so we are delivered from our own selfish natural instincts. We are at last delivered from thinking ourselves to be right, loosed from pride and powerful lying influences:

“However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:9-11 NASB

God’s Spirit dwells within believers’ hearts to grant them great union, compelling allegiance to His lasting standard of righteousness. Most importantly, Christ is formed within us, granting an inner conscience (inner insight) to sense the mind and moving of His Spirit that brings new insight and understanding of God’s Word. So, Christ Jesus is coming within us by His Spirit to rule over us as His people.

We are continually being CONDITIONED in thought and character by the external struggles and negative influences of RELIGIOUS WORSHIP SYSTEMS AND THE WORLDLY EVENTS of this generation. God’s Spirit cleanses the minds of His called out people. Those who follow Him are called to higher moral conduct than the base, beastly instincts of the natural minded man.

Observing the life of a human child in their first bloom, we see that they are innocent, yet children readily develop a sense of what is right and wrong. As they grow older, the original simplicity fades through imbibing the family life and happenings of their environment. Most of the older people are tuned in to the human caprice and crafty viewpoints of leading voices on worldly stages of the hour. Yet Christ followers quickly discern that even respected religious leaders hold to and promote false standards, teaching false concepts that bear false witness of Christ that corrupt the conscience of their followers. Blind leaders always take their blind followers into a ditch.

God’s Spirit is working within us to deliver us from only drawing nigh with our mouth while our hearts are far from Him. This stems from the ungodly influences of lying leaders promoting human standards that craftily systematize deceptive practices. God’s Spirit affects our inner values. We learn from God’s two great witnesses, His Word and His Spirit, becoming CONDITIONED TO JUDGE RIGHTLY AND TO RESIST WHAT OPPOSES GOD’S WORD and HIS SPIRIT TEACHES US.

Our personal conscience is kind of like a computer that has been fed data from childhood. On and on, our conscience gives out to us a judgment of information that has been fed into it. We who follow Christ Jesus however, have our conscience constantly purged from such dead works:

“But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.” 1 Corinthians 2:14 NASB

The natural minded man is naturally haughty, deficient in the knowledge of God’s Spirit. Christ forms God's conscious awareness within our being, revealing spiritual concepts within to grant correct functioning judgment. Christ Jesus always judges correctly! Christ delivers us from our personal deficiencies, erroneous ideas, and false ways.

We have abundant opportunity to observe from the Old and New Testament scriptures the moral and religious lives of the Israelites surrounded by “heathen” nations. Those past and today’s present observations of the religions of nations who worship man-made idols, ideas and images perform the emptiest and most meaningless kinds of religious ceremonialism.

All are somewhat like the religion of ancient Babylon that set up certain golden images, 66 cubits high, which the conscience of Daniel could not accept. The standard practice of Hindus has been conditioned to believe that a cow is an especially sacred animal, to be revered. Their conscience would smite them if they were to kill a cow just to eat a steak. National consciousness, like individual men, takes the shape of the ideas they are fed:

“As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:14-16 NASB

“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience." Hebrews 10:22

Drawn to a spirit of revelation in Christ Jesus, we rejoice in the promise of an eternal inheritance, a deliverance from any and all evil consciousness. This staggers the imagination with its promise of wonderful release from false ideas promoted by scheming men who ask us to follow the ways of natural minded selfishness. Oh yes, we are meant to be freed from any and every defiling idea, SO THAT FEAR and HATRED BE REMOVED FROM US by the cleansing sacrifice of Jesus Christ!

Natural minded men of this world seek offices of power to dominate over others. God sets some of the vilest of men in these places who still need their hearts cleansed from murderous lying, cheating, ungodly curses, and hateful works that are evil. So also our Christian brethren seeking high church offices need to be cleansed from traditional worship, ways that are now only dead works in passing heavens.

Christians in candlestick type churches today certainly need to be purged of “doing good works ” as service to God. They too need to be CLEANSED FROM WARPED, DISTORTED, PERVERTED PROGRAMS THAT DEVISE RELIGIOUS, “GOOD WORKS,” IN ORDER TO CONTROL THE SOULS OF OTHER BELIEVING PEOPLE.

How desperately the Lord's people need to be reaped thorough a cleansing purge in all the many Protestant and Pentecostal church heavens! They still LABOR under man-controlled “in part” hierarchies that make up dead traditional church rituals and ceremonies. They are broadcasting only the “letter of the word,” with their focus on increasing observance of their programs.

We need to see how religious men, leaders, are still very active, making “coverings” for themselves in Christian circles like “wolves in sheep clothing”:

“For if the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh: how much more shall the blood of Christ purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God." Hebrews 9:13-14

God inspires people to be honest. The truth that these scriptures testify about is that NO ONE serving in “dead works” is really serving the LIVING God. DEAD systems promote dead works that are holding the majority of His people today in divided viewpoints that result in infantile spiritual ignorance. “Babes in Christ” are filled with head knowledge and traditional customs with religious leaders devoted to personal gain. Corruption has ruled all through the church age. A blindness was evident even from the beginning, according to Paul’s instruction to Timothy as “all the brethren had turned away” from Paul, gathering followers unto themselves and creating division.

Today great systems lead multitudes with dead sermons, conducting dead ceremonies weekly that are surely no more than religious dead works that reverence a formalized and only partly anointed standard. They know “in part”, and “prophecy in part” but parts are filled with false interpretations that misinterpret revelatory promises, forcing observance to a form of worship that does not really serve the living God. There are many self appointed leaders with false messages in churches, blind leaders of the blind, who have invented all kinds of good works. This is a “systemized deception” whereby they have sought to control others, representing their work as acceptable worship of God.

Purging our conscience of dead works is not just the gross sins of the flesh, sorry as they are, but also as a separation from these religious systems. These use the authority of God’s Word to dress themselves in their finest vestments, using high-sounding phrases and uplifting music in beautiful pageantry to present their program as acceptable service unto God. Christ is working within us to separate us from touching dead devotions. He has overturned every money-changer idea within us. We are freed, not bound to “prison houses of men’s good works.”

The Day of Christ Jesus has come and it does not come reviving dead works! Jesus Christ is separating us from the church revival, money-making business of today. He is in the “purging of dead works” business and many of His good people need to be completely purged still. Those who follow on to know Him find inner springs of truth that cleanse our conscience, leading us by the quickening Spirit of God, our Father. Jesus is alive because God is alive, but the dead works of the candlestick churches are caught in service that has become utterly obnoxious BEFORE THE LIVING GOD.

The truth about us Christian folk is we have been led into captivity by false leaders, with most in the clutches of “Mystery Babylon” now. This is seen by worship services that end up being done by rote, being rehearsed as shows that are spiritually dead, yet showing many “forms” of good works. Some of their bible teachers will be held out of the best rewards as they who teach incorrect things will be the least in the kingdom. Many today are holding to these passing heavens, held under false conceptions. Only the revelation of Jesus Christ can deliver and purge us from these dead works of blind leaders who are blinding the masses of Christians today.

But praise Him, the living God has called out a people. They are cleansed, having been granted spiritual minds that are thankful for ALL things. They function in the life of Christ in obedient service that pleases God. They have been raised into a new Day conscienceness, a third heaven where the thoughts of Christ are crystal clear:

“For if a heifer sprinkling them in those days purified their flesh contaminated by death, how much more shall the blood of the Christ purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God!” Hebrews 9:13-14

Many through the centuries have given all their goods to feed the poor, and many have even given their body to be burned. Many speak great swelling words, yet entire religious realms are without profit if not been possessed by AGAPE LOVE. Christ’s inworking raises our consciousness to escape such old heavens.

Pride in Christian good works are formidable chains holding so many good people in powerful religious traditions. Inbred by generations of formalized viewpoints coming from the natural instincts of good religious men doing good works, such viewpoints bring only death from their carnal minded foundations. These have caused good men to walk in numbing blindness, filled with enough condemnation to make them bitter, divisive, and judgmental, becoming a “two-fold child of hell”.

We do not need more religious activity! Christian men do not need more rules and regulations which soothe the outer man with human goodness. We need to grow beyond false illusions about serving God by supporting a “work”. The Spirit of Christ teaches men and women to KNOW GOD as their FATHER! Christ works within us to enlighten us to our true Father. Those who demand to be called “Father” are not following the examples of Christ Jesus.

Mature sons are being purged by Christ in their minds to actively follow after the INNER LEADING OF HIS SPIRIT. He leads to LIFE as we are turned away, having our conscience PURGED FROM DEAD WORKS TO SERVE THE LIVING God. Our great apostle, Paul, wrote to his younger disciple, Timothy:

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." II Timothy 3:1-5

The conditions to turn from here in the last days are described as a "form of godliness,” a form of worship that in reality denies God's POWER TOMAKE US GODLY ALSO. THE PROFIT OF GODLINESS in this life is the highest experience possible in following THE LIVING CHRIST of God who has brought His life to a many-membered body. A true church has been formed of believers led by the powerful Holy Spirit. A GOVERNMENT OF CHRIST IS FORMED WITHIN US, making us partakers of His Kingdom.

Therefore we are no longer defiled, in a spiritual sense, by touching DEAD FORMS of worship. The RUNNING WATER OF HIS WORD is sprinkled upon our hearts to cleanse it. An infinitely effectual cleansing is done within our conscience to purge out the in-part religious ideas of the candlestick churches. Christ delivers us from this unacceptable service found in the dead works of candlestick churches.

That “harlot church system “is a mother of many daughters. It can keep you busy your whole life with sincere yet hollow worship services, trusting in dead ceremonies and in doing good deeds, Churches do sell a rendering of acceptable worship of God, yet this “form of godliness” boldly blocks access to really trusting God’s possibilities through supplanting His headship with a hierarchy controlled by man.

The light of God's Word still brings right judgment shining clearly into our cleansed conscience. We are as one being enlightened, as one thoroughly written upon by His Spirit, yes as one selected for a new Day! This truth is etched in our hearts. The Spirit of Sonship has been sent forth now to abide within us who are cleansed within our inner being. Yes, IN OUR SPIRIT we are ALIVE also!

Receiving Christ’s Kingdom requires this secret hidden work of His Spirit that places us within His abiding presence. His dwelling place is WITHIN our own spiritual being. Our spirit has been washed, made innocent again. Cleansed, we become the abiding place of the Father of all spirits. God is preparing to save ALL people everywhere, and He is now saving some in this generation by washing our conscious from dead works, no longer being involved with dead religious works that deny the power of God. “Christian good works” are easy to spot in the candlestick churches but now Christ is sitting as our judge, as King of us, in a way that fallen man's senses cannot apprehend.

God’s power is coming to form the life of Jesus Christ in us! His sacrificial offering has brought us nigh to God and God nigh to us. We are wonderfully cleansed from the defilement of old order worship systems. We are released from fleshly methods, cleansed from myriad self-efforts coming from the carnal minded religious traditions established in so many of today’s churches. We are FREE to worship God in the spirit of truth, motivated to find new ways by being LED ONLY by the Spirit of the Lord.

The New Jerusalem order is coming down to those having been purged from the DEAD WORKS of LIFELESS RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES. Participation in this great release makes us become candlestick church OVERCOMERS, spiritual “virgins” who are not defiled with those whorish systems of mystery Babylon nor its religious taskmasters. We are no longer bound to a form of godliness that is truly denies His power.

It is not a question of whether we should attend or not attend church or whether we are "busy" for God or have been drawn aside to "wait" upon the Lord. It is a matter of SERVING THE LIVING GOD acceptably. Acceptable service is LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD in every aspect of our lives. This is especially so in gathering to worship God, an activity that requires only DOING WHAT HIS SPIRIT DICTATES.

Ah, when Christians are purged from their defiled human conscience, cleansed from what contaminates the old heavens, purged from man’s instincts, the nations will repent and learn the ways of peace!

Government for the people

Purge your Conscience