The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.


“I will remember their sin no more…” Jeremiah 31: 34

“Of the tribe of Manasseh were sealed twelve thousand…”   Revelation 7:6

The meaning for the Old Testament name Manasseh is “causing me to forget.”

“And unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came, which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bare unto him. And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father’s house.”   Genesis 41:50-51

Joseph had passed through many painful experiences with his family in the land of Canaan and Egypt, but now God had so blessed and exalted him to power and authority that it caused that pain to be erased from his memory. Joseph’s mind was effectively forgetting what had previously been unjustly done unto him. That wonderful cleansing of past problems God grants us still today! On the path of sonship, God causes us to forget the painful struggle and failure of former days. We too are leaving the painful misunderstandings of being with each other, forgetting those mistakes that have divided our families and fellowships, those trials and tribulations that have shaped our journey through life.

The mercy we find in Jesus causes us to forgive and forget the abuse we have suffered, our mistakes, the mistakes of others that caused trauma, the embarrassments, the weaknesses, the failures, and the multiplied sorrows to which we have been exposed in our life. God causes us to forget and forgive those wrongs that have been done unto us, just like Joseph. The time comes for each of His sons and daughters to forget the sufferings of their former days.

Joseph was a son of Jacob who was changed by God to be Israel, a prince with God and man, following a wrestling with a messenger, “an angel,” during the night. At the break of Day, his name had been changed from Jacob, a “supplanter,” to become “Israel”, a prince with God and man. He began to behold new characteristics working within, including a new courage to face his brother. We too have new abilities to overcome our fragile weakness by the multiplied blessings of being Abraham’s seed.

Faith in Christ Jesus makes our inner being come alive to godliness. Our inner character becomes new, enlightened to righteousness. We become alive to God within our inner being, in a new nature divinely in-worked within our being. God has been and still continues to write His new name upon our heart.

Great refinements are at work within the hearts of His sons and daughters who are being drawn to Him. The Lord has a great number of people in the seen and unseen who are displaying a change of nature. Sons who are drawn are sealed “in their forehead” with godly characteristics described and revealed in the meanings of Israel’s twelve sons listed in Revelation chapter seven. All mature sons have all of these characteristics.

For instance, the tribe of Gad typifies the characteristics of divine endowment where we believers can work together as a “troop.” It is listed third, as a highly required quality, exalted in rank for sons. The Lord molds us into His army in ranks. We should not fail to fit perfectly into the place our Father has prepared as our personal destiny. God is presently working in each of us to perfectly join our inner person to His Word and Spirit. We are now enabled to rise to higher spiritual perceptions of our Father because the scriptures are inspired and Christ Jesus still speaks about them in words that are spiritual and true.

The tribe of Manasseh represents a divine enablement to forget the past hurts we have suffered as we are molded into a mature pattern of Jesus. We are a son or daughter with godly characteristics sealed within qualities like the enthroned Lamb of God. God’s great family of sons and daughters are sealed in all of the twelve main characteristics found in the spiritual meanings of the names of Israel’s sons listed in Revelation seven. Each name represents a characteristic required to be sealed and seated within us. Now our fellowship is with the sons and daughters of spiritual Israel. Those who are fully sealed, tested, and seated with Jesus at God’s right hand are the designated priests who operate the government of God.

We Christians feel bad when we make mistakes, make a wrong choice, do the wrong thing, or miss God's best, but we never have to stay sad, condemned, forsaken, guilty, or feel rejected. We simply turn away, soon finding the spirit of truth within us that causes us to move on, to forget the sadness. We learn to move on from it, to forget old troubles that are past, for God is not against us and nothing compares to the glorious love about to be revealed for us.

We are never severed from His love. He is not out to expose our faults or leave us defeated. In fact, He covers the very things of which we are ashamed. Our own flesh has been in opposition to Him, yet we have found mercy in our inner spirit to be clothed with Christ’s righteousness. Our Father arranges our experiences to teach us how to overcome in each matter. We have found His merciful light and ways to walk in the will of God, to be sealed in the spiritual qualities of sonship.

God’s seven fold Spirit is now coming to just men drawn to spiritual Mount Zion where the spirits of just men are being perfected. Seeing Jesus helps us to repent and make inner changes. It delivers us from the rule of our fallen Adamic self to having Christ’s righteous rule within our inner life. This is profitable for this life and the life to come. As we are clearly seeing Christ Jesus cross out our sufferings effectively, enabling us to forget about our problems, our past, and ourselves with so much abundance, we really can forgive those who trespass against us.

We encourage you to press on to find Him in Zion! Every sealed son and daughter of God has great inner work being accomplished within that writes God’s NEW NAME on their hearts. That sovereign work has been done for two thousand years and is being done in just men and women now within those who are changed to fit His pattern of perfection. An order of unconditional love has been planted in us by God Himself. It gets beyond simply believing into BEING as we grow into a mature stature of having the faith of Jesus, of being a son molded by God into His perfect image.

Our Father uses all the circumstances of our lives and things around us to test, refine, and seal a regeneration in our spirit. Within our deepest recesses, God’s truth is springing forth, being written on our inner being daily. It makes us happy and free while natural minded men are frustrated and getting madder all the time. Even many church folk can’t really get beyond religious efforts that only work on elementary levels, not changing the inner character.

There are many “old heavens” created by man’s prideful head knowledge. Christian heavens of the church realms are so polluted they are now being rolled up like a scroll and set aside as a hindrance. Efforts to hold on to imperfect old heavens are being burnt up by God’s refining fires. Daylight grants us, by spiritual strength now, to see more, to forget what we must leave behind as we press for new, lasting heavens that are generated even now in the perfect spirit of sonship.

Christ Jesus will NEVER CONDEMN PEOPLE — not anyone — to hell forever. Nor does His Spirit condone our fleshly ways, winking at or overlooking everything we think, say, and do that is not Christ-like, not right. Some are facing God’s judgment even now, and everyone will face God’s judgments eventually. Truth will show His great compassionate heart that is given to freely forgive us, cover us, and feed us with His word that causes our spirit to rise and forget the troubling matters of the soul and all its past problems. We are being raised to sonship righteousness, giving our lives to bring forth the lasting glories of His victory. Now, today, in our lives, in this life, the LIFE OF OUR FATHER is come.

We are not slaves of the Adamic mind, so mankind’s carnal minded guilt is not allowed to have any place to rule in us. God grants us the victory of Jesus so we think and speak like Him now. We live in enlightened peace enjoying the spiritual blessing that God gives. He will eventually change every situation where there is or was pain and the sorrow of death’s injustice in mankind, wiping away the sufferings that hold our mind to the old processes of death.

Sonship victory is placed within the inner parts in those drawn to Zion. Victory is in our hearts, our thoughts are spiritual thoughts, our soul has learned to follow on to know the Lord. Thank God, our Lord Jesus Christ is the real seat of authority and His judgment is of MERCY! Oh, those sitting with Him are made like Him, strengthened by His spiritual ointments. Even His spiritual fragrance heals our inner being, as the spirit of truth shepherds us into the unending river of God. Our God is endeavoring to wipe away our every tear, the mourning and clamor of our misery !

"He appoints to each of His called and chosen elect that mourn and travail in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that we might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified." Isaiah 61:3

He has a special third day washing to cleanse, clothe, and seal His followers with the spirit of the Lord’s Day that raises us beyond the church heavens we have known to an enthronement of His life within. Most Christian people in America are still without discipline enough to flush away selfish characteristics of rich men’s pride and pomp found in following the soulish consciousness of man’s religious ideas and works.

Our brethren are held in passing heavens, “in-part heavens,” because error has been taught. Mixtures with blasphemous error are taught to make the guilty be in fear of death, hell and torment forever by myriad voices of systematic condemnation. The church systems we have known have failed to establish the full salvation promised to Christians that changes our character to end division and strife. Now the spirit of truth reveals a form that creates a new heavenly creature in us, God abiding within our inner spiritual person. When Christ within us transforms our inner being and renews our spiritual mind to thoughts of enlightened spiritual understanding, we see the scriptures as Jesus sees them. We, as overcomers, become mature in Christ.

In some mysterious yet divine way, God times each of our changes, so we do live, and move, and have our being in Him. Some are being metamorphosed into the images of third day perfection, what Paul called “paradise”. Sons and daughters drawn to Zion are raised to perceive and recognize the things God is putting in our inner being, in our spirit.

Messages do come from the throne realm that more fully help us put on the mind of Christ. Those messages cause us to forget carnal reasonings. All the worldly trouble we see soon dries up to disappear. We are freed to have a real name change, to BE merciful. We love to take this sealing process given maturing Christian believers who “wrestle” (Naphtali) till daybreak just like Jacob of old:

Put off concerning the former manner of life the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24

Much more could be considered concerning this name of Manasseh which mainly typifies “forgetting the sufferings of the past.” Although this divine change of nature has been mysterious, in the natural world biologists have discovered a similar process. There are two tiny glands at the back of the brain of caterpillars which secrete a growth hormone controlling its growth in order to form a worm, which started in its larval life. It is when these two glands shrivel and cease to produce their hormones that the caterpillar worm begins to cocoon and reform into the butterfly form. It is an amazing fact that an active force of hormonal secretion appears in the brain of the caterpillar at the precise time when the two glands controlling the larval life cease to function. It is this new hormone which actually causes the metamorphosis from the chrysalis stage to the butterfly.

In other words, both the death of the caterpillar and the formation of the butterfly begin in the hormones reaching the creature’s head. The death of the caterpillar is affected by the cessation of a hormone reaching the brain. The formation of the butterfly is caused by the secretion of a new hormone reaching the brain. Like the truth of these remarkable circumstances, the apostle Paul, by inspiration, wrote to us,

“Be ye transformed [metamorphosed] by the renewing of your mind!” Romans 12:2

Our former life was subject to the mental bonds to corruption that held us in chains to a carnal minded death:

“…to be carnally minded is death.” Romans 8:6

God’s definition of death describes something that is IN THE MIND. “It’s all in your mind,” people say many times in jest, yet our thought life must be formed in the wondrous and divine pattern of spiritual truth! We forget the old thought patterns as we find spiritually confirmed truth. The new mind of Christ is working in us. Nevertheless a transformation to godliness does begin with the renewing of the mind, as says the apostle Paul:

“…to be spiritually minded is life…” Romans 8:6

Paul continues still further,

“If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His spirit which dwells in you.”

If ever you need a reason for a change of mind, Jesus still reminds anyone short of glory to repent. We need Christ to complete the enlightenment of our mental state, so our thinking will reflect His newness and proper change will be seen working in our inner parts:

“Be ye transformed [metamorphosed] by the renewing of your mind!” Romans 12:2

Humans developed certain ways of thinking about things in ways God calls carnal. Spiritually developed people are educated to stop functioning in carnal perceptions. They do not let deceptive fears and reasoning doubts rule them because they see Jesus AS HE IS. We Christians are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, delivered from evil thoughts and false messages including every prophet or politician spewing lies that just fail human beings.

What is true for self-centered, natural minded people trapped in conditions of weakness, held to limitations of man’s sin, is not activated by Christ within. Christ makes us something NEW! Now we’re injected with truth as God’s name is written. We are kind and patient as we learn what He thinks and love being alive. God is sending His Spirit to quicken our spirit, to reveal and share His Spirit of truth.

He knows all people have a spirit that He Fathered. The spiritual consciousness of Christ Jesus as a son well pleasing to God has to be awakened within each of us. We are to “be born again!” When baptized with His Spirit to a growth and understanding of His life and light, we see the light of the Lord’s day. We who are being renewed of mind produce fruit perceived only in our inner spiritual characteristics. That is the fruit our Father wants of us — fruit of the spirit. We grasp goodness, righteousness, and truth that tests our thinking to prove us, like Jesus, to be well pleasing to our Father as a son placed at His right hand and following His guiding perceptions.

Christ brings Life, Light, and Love to us, forming a oneness of spirit within us that constantly lifts and changes our perceptions and understanding of Him. We learn to know His word and ways. Jesus Christ sends the Spirit of truth to teach us. It has enlightened our spirit in ways which change our thought patterns. We see those things that are working in the heavenly light of His throne.

When the ones who are enthroned with Jesus speak, it saves the soul completely, now and forever. The reign of God’s King is formed within a people with an abiding connection to a transfiguring power that quickens even our mortal body. We do not want to make any more mistakes about it! Paul declares forthrightly that transformation is the real way we must experience sonship — by a metamorphosis that casts off the corrupt reasoning of the natural minded soul. Man’s unregenerate soul holds us with chains of lies to deceive, and to deceitful systems that produce death’s bondage in the mind and body:

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” II Corinthians 10:4-6

Our fragile mental weaknesses and carnal strongholds must be balanced and replaced with soundness found only in the life given in Jesus Christ. His mind is virtuous and victorious. Right thoughts are set in His mental frameworks of complete knowledge of God. He has brought many people to enter the doors to his Kingdom and they received keys while they were still in their physical body.

We Christians of today have not heard a great deal about corruptible bodies putting on a body like His incorruption — this “mortal putting on immortality.” Candlestick church doctrines have embraced many theories about how this would be accomplished, but in one majestic sweep of inspiration, the apostle Paul brushes aside all theories to tell us plainly and decisively that WE MUST BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF OUR MIND:

“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.” Romans 12:1-3 NAS

So, when we are watching our thoughts for conveyance of godly intellect, it works to detect our joining with His perfect purposes. Spiritually sensitive folk find their principle thinking activities must be examined as to its source and intent. We are exercising control over ourselves as we are carefully finding and proving God’s will. Some find they are pressing on to find perfect paths to God’s will and way! It is God’s will that we be renewed of mind, to be experiencing divine renovations daily. He wills that we experience a reconstitution of our intent, a reprogramming of our thought patterns to dislodge our bitter dispositions, to overturn attitudes that have held us short of our divine inheritance. Our own carnal thinking needs to be renewed.

Humans in carnal minds of death on this earth are constantly focused on the temporal orders of the earth, mostly for promise of earthly gain. Greedy conceptions and selfish morality will excuse oneself for just about every foul deed and corrupt scheme working in fallen men. A spiritual minded man raised to see Jesus can recognize the anointed mind, the right mind of Christ we must recognize within our being. His righteousness brings peace to our inner state.

Yes, we have a spiritual mind. Our spiritual body is formed and alive, so that we will never die, even if our physical body would return to dust today. We Christians have the opportunity to form Christ within ourselves. The more perfectly we do that within our daily lives the more our inner person now becomes "a house for God" and is “at home” in us. Then we are in eternal heavens:

"If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body." I Corinthians 15:44 NAS

"Born again" brethren perceive the existence of God in our enlivened spirit where God grants true words for our acceptance. The fastest way to have our hearts written upon is by exposure to the teachings of the Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles UNTIL we attain unity with His viewpoints on scripture with proper faith that is formed within His saints. We are having spiritual insights that reveal the firstborn Son. The soundness of His mind is correct, not mixed with carnality but measured to us in understanding of His Word and Spirit. We are not to be tossed about by the natural mind of man!

I am just not accepting the gospel according to the judgments of religious men in the present candlestick church heavens who “think they are so rich.” These old church heavens are full of mixed messages, messages mixed with devilish carnal reasoning, good deeds and works of outer shows of virtue. “Hypocrites” are what Jesus called them. What a show Christianity has become as it is working in worldly ways to display corruption rather than spiritual growth to maturity in Christ. What a condition is among the Lord’s flock!

Yes, all of us Christians have now a spiritual body that is alive to God. And, if allowed to grow, not held to “baby land,” we can become strong receptors in knowing God as our Father too, putting on the mind of Christ. This spiritual perspective is hidden within us, only taking place between our Father and His son or His daughter. The divine spirit of truth makes peace, love, and joy to dwell in us. We are challenged to develop these spiritual characteristics as kingdom fruit, to grow until we are raised from the dead with Jesus. That SAME SPIRIT that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is now working to raise us up above every dead thing, even to quicken our dying body. This condition is described truly:

"However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh- for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:9-13 NAS

“Consequently with Christ I have been crucified, and live no more do I, and Christ doth live in me; and that which I now live in the flesh - in the faith I live of the Son of God, who did love me and did give Himself for me;" Galatians 2:20 YLT

The Spirit of truth promised by Jesus is flowing in divine intelligence, giving us an abundance of wisdom in right thought patterns and principled patterns of behavior by which death can be conquered in our life. Our mind is first set free from every hellish torment so the past forlorn stings of life’s disappointments that have taken our ancestors to the grave would not be voiced by us. It all can be put off NOW. We can “sing a new song “and be changed now:

"We will not all die, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." I Corinthians 15:51-52 NRS

These are spiritual matters that trumpet a voice we identify with and listen to, so what message He considers true is thus held by us. Christians are challenged to hear what Jesus is saying from the throne. We hear what He has to say to the candlestick church world and what He is saying to His brethren in this hour. It is the same message seen through His eyes, if we hear His voice TODAY. It is because He comes by the spirit of truth to feed us, and we feast on Him until He grants some to be seated with Him. Our hardened hearts are broken, separated from old religious, hypocritical attitudes, passing heavens that lack spiritual vision, taught from leaders without personal relationship with the arbitrator of life.

Jesus is the arbitrator who holds the keys, bringing wisdom, peace, and immortality, and this can work in every part of our being today! The sevenfold Spirit of truth is coming to sons who are being made kings and priests, granted governmental authority to reign over earthly domains. These have been sealed in the mind of Christ, putting on their wedding garment clothed in white, having the Father’s name written within their inner being to perceive and accept His life principle.

What our Father has given to Jesus, His life which is the life of sonship, is also now available to us! His mind works a transformation as it renews our mind. As we see what He is thinking, we put off the old because Christ’s light shines brightly within. His light allows us to identify those natural, carnal, earth-bound perceptions that used to operate within us. Christ does transform our whole being, spirit, soul and body:

"Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him. So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth." Hosea 6:1-3 NAS

The prophet Hosea saw a tearing up that lasted two thousand years. It’s the candlestick church history he saw, but we now are to be “made alive after two days.” On the third thousand year day we should “live in His sight” and may live before Him now. On the third day, the Lord shall shine with God’s reward for people who have the most glorious victories in possession. Our patient development has changed our thinking TO COUNT EVERYTHING AS LOVE GOVERNING US FROM WITHIN. Love expands to make progress and grows within us many new godly characteristics that come to ABIDE.

Like a flash of lightning, the last trumpets blast the Christian church history written about in Revelation 2 and 3, revealing that they did not attain unity of spirit with the Lord. Only overcomers who have been granted the faith took the grand leaps to grow in God. The early church's candle is put out of its rightful place because it “leaves its first love”. Heavenly voices today cause us to understand what time in the Lord church history has brought us to see. We follow on with the many inspired ranks of believers who love those who follow on to know the Lord.

His coming is as the dawning of the day, for He unfolds within our thoughts an embrace of His precepts. Here a little, there a little, His thoughts make patterns and form higher moral qualities. These are developing attitudes that are kind, just, true, and forgiving. Having a love for righteousness endures because God is the source. God guides our life to ABIDE in the enlightened understanding of what’s going on about His throne.

Chief messages from the throne are powerfully sent, sometimes trumpeted, in order to transform the thinking patterns of many hearers. God is giving eyes of vision to kingdom leaders and ears that His people will hear and grasp the truth. God’s King is being revealed in spiritual Mt. Zion today as we see more of Him, even face to face when we yield to His instructions. He teaches us about what is coming, what is happening, and what has happened because we are divinely connected by spirit.

What is within the Christian man should show him exactly how to stop living under soulish human reasonings about spiritual matters. All of us have a soul that must lose its life to find His. God indeed is displaying truth by expressing kindness, correction, guidance, judgment and deliverance in the truth rising within us. This working within grants us a place with sons and daughters in the throne of the living God. Wonderful indeed!

"Nothing, consequently, is now condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Not according to flesh are they walking, but according to spirit, for the spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus frees you from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:1-2

The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus brings freedom to us from the mental bondages of death’s workings, especially in using fleshly efforts to serve God. Those efforts become shameful works that stunt the spiritual growth of other brothers and sisters with troubled minds, divisions, strife, and jealousy. All such fleshly behavior is condemned to death.

Yet THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION for one freed to find the perspectives of our Father. If, in our inner comprehension, we apply the principles taught to our own inner person, then our consciousness, our minds, and our bodies will function right! We will be renewed and blessed with godly understandings that make us healthy in spirit, save our soul, and quicken our mortal bodies.

We are no more children, carried about by deceptive religious ways or words when we are raised to a higher consciousness. In union with His spirit, He functions as the LAW of our life. We inherit our Father’s substance with the other followers of Jesus. Dogs that fight and bite each other are on the outside. Dogs know dog things, just as fish instinctively know only fish things. Nature abounds with millions of examples of how this law of life-consciousness works. Every man acts out or lives on a level of CONSCIOUSNESS. It is time for Christians to be raised to a level of CONSCIOUSNESS that is giving true thoughts of His Kingdom, to be planted, grown, written upon, and sealed in the law of spiritual life found in Christ Jesus:

Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalms 16:11

God’s consciousness expands our consciousness today to explore wisdom’s heights and to know its breadth. To escape the sinking depths of sin and death proves God has given us the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. This is a quickening that makes us aware we are spiritually alive and made one with His INCORRUPTIBLE LIFE.

There is a great feeding before God’s people who will feed on this law of the spirit of life working within His chosen people. This means they can be CHANGED NOW. We are able to put off every thought that is against the Christ mind (the knowledge of God), being “anti-Christ.” We are no longer filled with anxious soulful concerns, sorrow, and sadness over mistakes, riddled with trauma and torment. We are not afraid of death but are raised up inside to know the power that works in Christ Jesus’s resurrection, a work that also raises us.

We must FORGET those things that are behind, PUTTING OFF the old, PRACTICE, not looking at the temporal realms of life. We are exercised in spiritual disciplines in our thinking which renews our hopes of prized rewards worth pressing onward to receive.

We press on with our whole being — spirit, soul, and body. We are being infused with a law of divine life so that we really know how love, peace and joy can move about righteously in all things. We are renewed in our minds TODAY and so glad for this RE-FOCUSING within to see what Jesus sees. He shares an inner consciousness that we perceive clearly as God’s perfect thought on many matters. It’s our pleasure to live in higher places!

Thus, sons and daughters are awakened to God’s divine life. Our Father has written His Name upon us. The law of life in Christ Jesus has produced life within us. The Father-Son consciousness produces responsibility to see and hear correctly, to be effectively joined in spirit to newly activated life. We are to daily find new ways of thinking and new ways seeing things in order to follow more perfectly the spiritual instructions that quicken us. We do not insist on following our own soulish inclinations . The life in Christ Jesus frees us from our former weakness to form the LAW OF LIFE, a higher consciousness within us, making us fit into His kingdom of priests.

Jesus is coming in the “clouds of heaven” — coming to feed the truth of His word and reveal His ways to those now with ears to hear. With ever-increasing measures of wisdom and understanding, He is granting unity to correct faith, so we are not tossed about by the slight of men, by those who lie in wait to deceive. Christ reaches truth to every department and compartment of our comprehension to enable an inner expansion that will increase His government within the lives of others.

His throne is set up in righteousness and is already set up perfectly within some brethren now. They will not be silent until all chains to the corruptible standards are broken, man’s agreement with hell is broken, every mental block broken, every agreement with death broken in the law of life in Christ Jesus. The old is being swept away, because the corruptible part of us is already broken. Christians should be aware of their own spiritual body, yet sadly many Christians have not developed that awareness. Their own spiritual development, for the most part, has not matured to grasp understanding of spiritual insights or the ways of the Spirit. Even a few hours of prayer is difficult to squeeze into an American Christian’s busy schedule.

Nevertheless, those who develop a relationship with God as a Father soon understand they are endued with a power that brings heavenly peace to their lives. His power grants faith to perform in willingness to receive Him in the deep secrets of our inner person. The law of life in Christ Jesus brings rewards to our life which are better than gold! The price is letting the spirit of truth cancel out the darkness of our reasoning mind to nullify the workings of death in our secret chambers. He knows, here and now, how many hairs are on our head.

Within the cramped cocoons which surround us, we have swayed with the stormy gales. Yes, storms with trouble have come yet we stayed attached to the tree of life. We now have been still—for a while. Suddenly something new cracks out from within us! We are freed of our cocoon as old things we’ve hatched are removed as a form that is just like Jesus appears! New laws of life stretch out to break our cramped cocoons, now freeing us to fly.

We are spiritually limber with God’s purpose for our life when we are forgiving our spouse, our neighbor, our brothers and sisters, and all the brethren with whom we have toiled in strife within our Father's house. Now in our heart we forgive, we forget, we have mercy! We don't let anything hold us to old bitter pits of sorrow.

Now the mystery of a butterfly is that it can be caused to forget that it was ever a caterpillar or it would never fly. God causes us to forget our strong opinionated religious mindsets and judgments that condemned others. Now the renewing of our mind is an experience of peace, a REST free of fear, with no more remembrance of being a worm as we are now filled with a life that can fly, like the butterfly.

LAUNCH OUT out for newness that soars above all the earthly problems, and little by little, and day by day, God will be causing us to forget the sufferings of this present time. We too are being born free of the opinions and wrong judgments of fleshly minded men. Oh, yes! God is the Father of all spirits. He has fathered our spirit, forming Christ within our spiritual being. God is changing our inner person, changing the nature of our characteristics, and refining our behavior by the fire of His presence, along with those who worship HIM in spirit and truth.

We all need to be sealed with the attributes of the tribe of Manasseh so our mind is renewed like Joseph. We all need to be caused to forget the toil and pain of our Father’s house due to the jealous brethren of our Father’s house! How truly beautiful are these spiritual characteristics of the twelve tribes of Israel! May each be written upon us to the last one, Benjamin which contains Jerusalem, the “sons at the right hand” where pleasures are lastingly in-worked by the spirit of God Almighty throughout all time!

Divine Prescription

The Dead