The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Divine Prescription

If an American is sick, they go to the doctor. The doctor examines them, diagnoses the case, and writes out a prescription. The person rushes home to begin taking the medicine. If the medicine works, soon the symptoms disappear and they are healthy once more. Ah, beloved, God has DIVINE PRESCRIPTIONS that work for the imperfection, the carnality, the disease of sin and death in our lives. His medicine is a definite working of truth on the inner parts of us that is as effective as any medicine or any chemical compound. The Spirit of truth is DIVINE PRESCRIPTION that is powerful and effective enough to conquer all that hinders the PERFECTION of Christ Jesus from being in our lives. God’s ways are precise:

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” II Corinthians 3:18 NAS

Now observe the words in this simple passage "we are being transformed.” WE ARE BEING CHANGED BY SEEING INTO THE SPIRITUAL GLORY OF JESUS, seeing Him as He is now. He contradicts all our self-efforts and rebukes our religious works to be like God. We finally realize we cannot change ourselves to be good enough. God is true and every man a liar! Only God can change us to transform us to be what God is.

Throughout the New Testament, we find wherever spiritual transformation is described or promised, what is implied is for the child of God to grow in spiritual stature formed by Christ within into a person who grasps the spiritual dimensions of God’s life. Heavenly things are different than earthly things, as temporal things are those animated on an earthly plain. Heavenly things are spiritual and are lasting. What is born of His Spirit is spiritual. Growth of our inner person to know spiritual things is not involuntary. It takes place as we are enlightened, being transformed in a happening within our inner parts. Jesus said we must be changed:

“You must be born again,” John 3:7

We cannot BORN ourselves, yet we who are born remain challenged by God and scripture to be transformed!

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2

We are transformed when our mind is subject to the divine message that has power to transform our mental influences, changing our thought patterns within. We do not transform ourselves! Certainly something outside the thermometer produces a change in the thermometer, and just that certain is it that God transforms the inner spiritual being of a Christian person. God LOVES to Father marvelous fruit within us as His character is reproduced in us.

Yes, we are changed by God in our inner character to be a spiritual person, with a mind to match. Our spirit is now alive to God, because what is born of the spirit is spiritual. A mature Christian soul is susceptible to spiritual guidance, a party to change, a part of it, yet it goes without saying, that neither our own soulish ability to “work” at it nor something motivated by our own will can produce righteousness. That is equally certain.

All Christians must be led BY THE SPIRIT to reflect as a mirror the real character of Christ Jesus. We are transformed by spiritual insight into that same image we see, from good character to better character, from a better character to a more perfect one. Here a little, there a little, we press on still more to complete a process, sometimes in slow degrees, that forms HIS PERFECT IMAGE sealed within us until being attained.

The path of “going on to perfection” is compressed in our life in simple but divine prescriptions: "be spiritually focused," "spiritually see the Lord," "be disposed to what His Spirit is instructing”. These inner mind sets are how we are changed to REFLECT THE MIND AND CHARACTER OF JESUS CHRIST BEING TRANSFORMED WE WILL CONTINUE TO BE TRANSFORMED INTO HIS PERFECT AND DIVINE IMAGE.

When we are focusing upon the truth presently, within our being it is transformed in our spirit. Our spirit is enabled to see Jesus as He is, to mirror and reflect Him to know how to be one with His divine character. This revelation helps us grow in stature. We must use our renewed mind to spiritually focus on earthly and Kingdom business, matters of the throne of God and of our family and homes. We need not be found short, held in passing heavens with the faults and imperfections of the in-part candlestick church orders. Those realms are unable to see and reflect the miraculous image of the risen Lord of glory in Zion.

Every eye shall see Him as He is in spiritual Mount Zion. We need not be focused on celebrating the Lord as a baby in a manger. Celebrating Christ as an infant from holiday traditions is removed from us when we hear the all- powerful King speaking. Yes, He was on earth two thousand years ago as a babe in a manger, but He is long since risen in position, now perfectly placed in full divine love and perfectly full of divine intentions. He is now the LORD of ALL.

Every person, created in the image of God, REFLECTS WHAT THEIR HEART IS FOCUSED UPON. To see with our quickened spiritual mind is the divine prescription that leads to complete transformation, healing our inner person.

“Wherefore we are not despondent, but even if our outward man is decaying, nevertheless that within us is being renewed day by day. For the momentary lightness of our affliction is producing for us a transcendently transcendent eonian burden of glory, at our not noting what is being observed, but what is not being observed, for what is being observed is temporary, yet what is not being observed is eonian. For we are aware that, if our terrestrial tabernacle house should be demolished, we have a building of God, a house not made by hands, eonian, in the heavens.” II Corinthians 4:16-5:1 concordant

Now the Spirit of the Lord becomes our most constant companion. We daily practice "observing the spirit of Christ’s guidance" as we are aware of how the days of our life are forming an intimacy of fellowship and vital union with HIS SPIRIT.

We draw our daily bread from the messages coming from the throne of lasting heavens. We become more under His Spirit’s influence than under any other influence. Our very own soul has characteristics that are now reflecting peace and enjoyment of an inward source of God’s life. Trusting that Christ is reigning within us changes our every human thought and action over time to reflect keynotes that have sounded out the height, breath, and depths of Jesus Christ.

We must learn by the spirit to place our heart's mirror at the right angles, turning it towards HIM daily until we SEE correctly. The fashion of our character and countenance can then be changed, transformed from the inside out. This divine transformation is cultivated in fellowship with the spirit of truth. It is a union, a oneness of spirit that enables our spirit to be alive and subject to Christ as we are “chewing” on the messages His Spirit reveals. This spiritual food lifts us from what is difficult, to think with a clear spiritual mind about what more He can do.

“'Behold'! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye shall be seeing Him.” Revelation 1:7 NAS

The law of the Spirit of Life, once planted and watered within our spirit will work automatically to increase. The words coming from His throne will grow roots of new love in our heart. And, if it has chance to sprout above the earthly reasonings of our own mindsets (where men and women love to dwell), it will burst through to an entirely new dimension of spiritual reality!

Understanding this DIVINE PRESCRIPTION will do its blessed work in faithful ways that change us into Godliness,. We are enabled to be continually one spirit with the Lord of glory. We too are made glorious when we “see Him high and lifted up” as a glorious Being who MARKS our mindsets with HIS NEW NAME. A NEW NATURE has been written upon us by God who fathers life in us as He does in Jesus. We are changed in our inner forms to become one of His fully redeemed believers in the family of God.

Today inner change is unavoidable! The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees us from our own soulish mind sets of carnal reasonings that have held each of us in death. Conversely, if we subject ourselves to the constant influences of the “beastly” systems of this world — seeking comfort in its fellowship, following after its religious ways, adapting to its standards — we will most certainly become marked by it, stamped within by the mark of that beastly system. This is unavoidable if we cannot see Him as He is now.

Christ abiding within our spirit brings change into the VERY IMAGE of new heavens. These spiritual realms are introduced and experienced because His righteousness IS attainable within our tabernacle. Outward regulations or commands of man’s religious mind do not rule within us. Outer shows such as “touch not, taste not, and handle not” rules are hypocritical.

We believers become conscious of HIS SPIRITUAL TABERNACLING, coming to ABIDE within our spirit. Then we understand and can honestly say “I see Jesus.” It is not head knowledge of the scriptures that transforms us, rather it is spiritual insight of Him. He reveals Himself in what is written on our heart by the spirit. Our renewed mind does transform our inner being to move beyond recitation of the "dead letter" of scriptural law.

Now we apply lessons of spiritual revelation within that works to transform us by renewing our mind to the spiritual viewpoints of sonship. Our relationship with God is spiritual, not “beastly”, as we observe what He is writing out within us. These are divine prescriptions for our health and wellbeing, applied to all matters to transform our personal state of spirit, soul, and body.

We need to see further into the perfect expressions God has taught our inner spiritual person. We are freed from our own ignorance in order to “sing new songs” of Zion’s heavenly state. Zion is a state of love, joy, and peace placed within us to raise us to the heavenly Jerusalem. There we are truly free from every other heavenly realm to now experience the POWER of HIS RESURRECTION, being raised to where Jesus ascended:

“…far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named.” Ephesians 1:21

Jesus sits FAR ABOVE all others in RANKS, in QUALITY OF GOD LIFE, in DIVINE EMINENCE, in AUTHORITATIVE POWER in the GLORY of GOD! Jesus Christ is enthroned in the highest heaven as Lord and has given this same authority to those who OVERCOME certain conditions of His candlestick church of today. This includes those in the Laodiceans who “think they are so rich, they have need of nothing”.

All overcoming sons whom the Father has chosen in Him from ages past are being drawn into the Beloved Son. Overcomers are connected and empowered with the same resurrection power that works FAR ABOVE every other principle or power. Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren:

“If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth, for you are dead, and your [new] life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3

Are we risen to be hidden with Christ? Do we seek spiritual things? Are we hidden with Christ in God’s life now? These questions need honest answers from each of us, but God is the only fair judge. Is it really our PERSONAL experience that God has:

“…quickened us together with Christ; and has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!” Ephesians 2:5-6

Our bodies may still be tied to earth, eating earthly substances, but the spirit within His sons and daughters are raising up and discovering the glorious and lasting realities of GOD’S abiding place in the HIGHEST OF HEAVENS RIGHT NOW! Most precious faith this:

“As is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly…” I Corinthians 15:48

Such that ARE HEAVENLY draw from our spiritual minds sufficiently to clearly understand how to be experiencing Christ within. We daily live out our lives FOCUSED on Jesus’s victorious and triumphant Life as the firstborn Son of many brethren whom God has Fathered. He formed a place in us that is far above the many sorrows, worries, problems, limitations, struggles, fears, disappointments, and death of the earthly minded.

When we hear believers say, “Oh, I am so worried,” or “My, I am quite depressed” we immediately know they are expressing the powers of death, expressing the former bondages, chained to darkness somewhere within their affections. If ever we also are raised with Christ, we are able to be freed of human depression. Many have need to refocus from the earthly darkness which works in their own souls and refuse to be led by any other person’s dark soul.

Christ working within our spirit seeks our freedom so that we are free to learn, free to see, free to submit as the Spirit of the Lord guides us in the matters we face. Today we recognize and acknowledge His headship, so our calling is to stand with Jesus immediately. The spirit of sonship makes a way to appear within, to stand up within us and within our words: “Jesus and I do not agree to be depressed or victimized by any kind of depressing situation.”

We DO have access to the ascended mind of Christ. We are hidden in faithful fellowship that God has Fathered. Thus are we being drawn to be one spirit with the Lord. I also am RESURRECTED, I also can BE ASCENDING INTO THE HIGHEST HEAVENS, I also will be PERFECT as He is PERFECT. When His Spirit quickens our spirit, we stand in union with that which is far above the highest unseen places.

We are no longer dwelling in the lowlands and valleys of death because we have learned to “put on Christ”, that which is heavenly, in a place far above sorrowful earthly conditions:

“Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads.” Revelation 14:1 NAS

Some do endeavor to receive the reality of infinite truth but we are often brought into conflict by those remaining elements of human reasonings working in our own earthly mindedness. We have questions: “How can a man, born into error, and molded in iniquity, be made one with the Spirit of the Lord? How can a man sit with Him upon the throne of heaven to draw inexhaustible supply of God’s endless life? How can a human be found in ascended glory while performing the mundane business of everyday life?” It sounds so ridiculous to the natural minded to be thought impossible:

“The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned.” I Corinthians 2:14

"…and I saw, and lo, in the midst of the throne, and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb hath stood as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the Seven Spirits of God, which are sent to all the earth, and he came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who is sitting upon the throne. And when he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, having each one harps and golden vials full of perfumes, which are the prayers of the saints, and they sing a new song," Revelation 5:6-9 YLT

Natural mindedness keeps us from praying for and receiving what Jesus receives. It keeps us from understanding what His eyes see and understand. The carnal mind does not know that the seven Spirits of God are commissioned to take authority over our earthly mindedness so we can see and hear Him even now:

“Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch from his roots will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” Isaiah 11:1-2 NAS

This completing measure of God’s Spirit is coming to all those with Him in Zion, enthroned now as creatures who are living and commissioned to display the truth of God to others. This is not limited to four people but to includes some people from the four corners of the earth — every race, creed, and color. Transformation has, is, and will be happening now to the called and willing hearts who are receiving proper vision of their inheritance. This measure of inheritance involves us finding God Who is sending the completing Spirit, the seven fold spirit, INTO us. Yes, we are to be enthroned with His righteousness.

PRAISE THE LORD! Christ gives us spiritual eyes to SPIRITUALLY understand, and spiritual ears to hear what Jesus is saying to people in spiritual Mount Zion. We are now delivered from the pits of the natural minded. Christ has, is, and will be raising up people who make place for the Lord. These are led by His Spirit to sit together with Him in new heavens that are higher. All my troubles, all the distractions, all my problems, all the hardships, all my weaknesses, all my struggles are the burdens I place under trust to His completing Spirit.

I can REST without noting the problems in my earthly mind. I am not troubled within or trying to solve the earthly problems of my own life. I can rest patiently from displaying my constant struggles, for the more troubles I have gone through, the more POWER I have received to see and observe what Christ can mean to me. Jesus is the CONQUERING ONE. His Spirit will conquer all that remains to be conquered within all of us.

God is changing our minds about what is possible and what it means to fully experience Christ’s instructions in our spiritual inner person. His truth becomes the REALITY of maturing sons and daughters. They allow the word of the Lord to TABERNACLE (dwell) within them, becoming alive to God. Now, as on the day of Pentecost, there is come time for heavenly revelation.

A new day of wisdom far greater than ever has come where the Spirit of God will be poured out like rain to quicken our spiritual growth. We most certainly are being quickened FROM ABOVE. It is the divine prescription given to the people who are spiritually quickening to recognize how His Spirit is working and reigning within our inner spiritual person.

God’s spiritual prescription imparts a RE-birth, a RE-newing, a RE-storing, a RE-demption, a RE-conciliation until we are safely brought back, redeemed from our earthly sorrows and lack in these lower, passing heavens and earthly states. We are translated into our proper place, in the kingdom of His dear son as true examples of living creatures that are:

“…raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places…” Ephesians 2:6

And it is here.. in the high heavenly places ... that we see how wonderfully God has provided ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS for us. The seven spirits of God are sent now to reign over our earthly parts. Christ is available in blessings of wisdom and knowledge, of joy and peace, of love and faith, of grace and glory, of righteousness and power, of the sound mind of knowing God as our Father.

These spiritual blessings are revealed to SONS and DAUGHTERS who come out of carnal mindedness found in old traditional candlestick church heavens., We are delivered from thinking we are rich, yet not realizing we were found as ‘babes in Christ” as those who focus on visible rewards and earthly blessings. Sons come out of that focus to come up into higher spiritual blessing found only about the throne. The cost to worshiping God in spirit and truth is that we must also be made true, standing focused on the heavenly, rejoicing about singing new songs of oneness!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him in love. He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us.

In all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory." Ephesians 1:3-5 NAS

One will know that he is no longer numbered among the lusty throng who are babes in Christ when he sees into those things which are above, in the city of God, where Christ Jesus sits at the right hand of God. Our inner character, or lack thereof, is like the thermometer by which we can mark our rise from the lowlands of passing heavens to the vaulted skies of Zion.

God knows how to move us, to place us into SONSHIP where our prayers are answered. We are asking most often for HIS SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS to fill other people’s hearts. We find that we pray more for world leaders, and the poor, and those oppressed and abused rather than asking for the rich to maintain their TEMPORAL BLESSINGS.

Our GROWTH into God’s knowledge depends entirely on how we SEE things. Our understanding of scriptural things is like a revelation. We can be either dwelling in an earthly viewpoint or be heavenly minded with insight. It depends entirely upon WHAT WE ARE ALLOWED TO SEE and what we understand as our heart reflects His truth.

Earth’s sorrows in this natural realm have become all-consuming and remains very important to even the best Christian people in America who are led into ditches by blind leaders. The things of the spirit realm are hard to see there, growing dim. The spirit realm seems far, far away, unimportant, removed, and scarcely worthy of our consideration at all. We are unable to understand it.

Yet to those who are quickened by God's Spirit, taught by that Spirit to dwell in the light, the gaudy things of EARTH grow dim and distant, very trivial and quite paltry and mediocre. The wealth and fame of earth’s rich prideful leaders fade away when the celestial prayers and the song of the saints bursts forth from within. We are singing of new things that are bringing divine healing to our broken, sick condition. God “has torn and He will heal us” on this third day with a Divine Prescription that comes just in time....a miracle…. right now!

Our Conversation is in Heaven
