The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.


“I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1

It is important to identify this beast, from a spiritual viewpoint, as having the very NATURE of blasphemy upon his head. Not one head but seven headquarters are filled with the very nature of blasphemy. Upon this beast are seven heads that inscribe a seven-fold name of blasphemy on the sea of humanity, the complete picture of absolute blasphemy.

This word blasphemy requires special consideration and decoding. It was a familiar word in the Old Testament era. It is not used so much today, but it does have its modern counterpart. The Jews of Jesus’ day always charged Him with being a blasphemer. It was because, when speaking, He dared to call God His Father and yet also called Himself the Son of man.

Therefore, they called Him a blasphemer because He was not teaching and operating according to the understanding set in the rules and regulations handed down by generations of men following God’s laws from Moses. In their council of the scribes and Pharisees, His doctrine was not acceptable. His entire message and ministry was outside the BOX constructed by the religious leaders among the Jews. He said that He spoke ONLY what He knew of personally from His Father.

The word “world,” translates from the Greek word “kosmos” meaning order, arrangement. It is a system called the world in relation to God because it is a system organized outside of the anointing life and substance of God. The world is the present systems upon this earth, conceived by the mind of man to provide the needs of that man. The world generates the supply of food, clothing, shelter, education, entertainment, defense, and the religious covering for it all, just like the natural man desires.

When Christian people do certain activities and partake of things, whether with good intent, or do ugly or evil things that enslave men to corrupt ways of death, usurping God's place as Lord of our temple, they compromise and are then subject to death. Death is anything that causes man to disregard the spirit of God, anything that man does that is removed from the anointing. This causes men to stop making spiritual progress onward and upward, being an independent spirit of antichrist that cannot identify the Antichrist spirit in themselves.

All that originates from God’s spirit can change any man's mind by instituting His own thoughts and activities in the midst of that man’s inner world. We are not to be subject to any institutionalizing of our spiritual thought life. Instead we are to maintain FREEDOM from every corruption, break every yoke, doing only what is expedient in stopping the workings of death in our lives.

PEACEMAKERS are called sons of God indeed. His called out people need not be subject to any settlement of religious people that dominate others with traditional forms of headship found in churches. He bids us come out of all the candlestick worship, leaving these camps of church wisdom to find the spirit of truth. Christ is to be living within us as the conquering Life of God, and because God’s life abides within, we learn not to love the world.

Let us understand divine thoughts about blasphemy. Blasphemy is related primarily to religious and spiritual ideas that are sent forth by preaching and teaching words which misrepresent God's true words and thoughts about sacred things. What could be more blasphemous than making a religion out of Christ’s WORKS? Christians are among those who show the light of Christ to reveal God's grace and favor coming by His Spirit. As God is our judge, He knows the answer about what is true.

Some of the worst blasphemy is disseminated as false ideas that mark Christian people with dead images about God. Many Christian heavens are effectively filled with works, preaching and teaching a mixture of traditional church falsehood as being God’s truth. The great names some Christian churches have maintained highlight what their people believe. The people meet at their buildings and are stamped upon with their religious “mark”.

If the Lord's people are being taught falsely, could there be a greater blaspheme in His eyes? His overcoming people are held to a standard of growth that is something obviously greater than that produced of the Mormon Church, Methodist Church, Catholic Church, or any Pentecostal age church. It is indeed easy for a Christian man to become a man of blasphemy. Jesus said:

I will build my church…”   Matthew 16:18

The church of the firstborn did not ever become Luther’s Church or Billy Graham's church or St. Peter’s Church. We see this sea of human trouble bearing in its head the images of these names of blasphemy that have taken the works of Christ and used them for their own gain. It is not difficult to stretch men’s understanding to a special religious standard. Religious concepts capture men's understanding in order to yoke that understanding to their religious works. In ways of teaching, these concepts place a false kind of measurement in the heart of its people.

God is making us face the fact that blasphemy is very active today. It’s in the old heavens of traditional Pentecostal church orders that need be swept up higher into the face of kingdom judgment, brought up where man’s distortions cannot diminish or misrepresent the truth of God's Word. His Word and Spirit is standing up within us to free us to His kingdom purposes, with free will to find His ways.

Most other men and women are asleep in the troubled sea where they cannot identity these great religious works as blasphemy. The great heads that have misrepresented Christianity, however, are now to be judged openly as blasphemous by God. They bear the mark of “666”— man’s rule in spiritual matters —in God’s eyes. We need to see this truth to have God’s wisdom, for here is wisdom working in our own heart. His wisdom acts to enlighten us to all the marking (understanding) blasphemy that binds and blinds His people, supplanting and usurping the truth of God.

Every one following God's call is being tried and tested as to how much they can be deceived into taking upon themselves any understanding found in the seven headquarters with names of blasphemy. The firstborn Son of God, when speaking of the head blasphemers, the scribes and Pharisees, commanded His disciples:

“But all their works they do to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”   Matthew 23:5-12

The path to exaltation is plain. Humble yourself so as to not exalt yourself. God sees when men compromise to take exalted status upon themselves with the titles of the privileged in Mystery Babylon. These titled men assume headship in the church but have made more names of blasphemy where men call themselves “father”, “reverend,” “pope,” or “bishop.” Our Lord’s clear instructions state:

Be ye not called Rabbi (teacher, master, leader): for one is your Master, and all ye are brethren.

Ministers of Christ are not Reverend office holders — we are BRETHREN. Every son of God is the brother of every other son of God. And we are all the younger brethren of our illustrious Firstborn Brother, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no point in mentioning names, but men you would think should know better have aspired to titles and theological degrees to gain money and recognition in the eyes of other men. Some reason that a doctoral degree will open doors for them that would never open otherwise. It is also felt that their work, over the years, should be certified and receive notice and recognition.

Men who are very deep in revelatory knowledge are very much in demand among the body of Christ. Yet we will all be successfully purged, thoroughly proven not to be building with hay, wood, and stubble, on these foundations of the passing Pentecostal heavens. Some are called up hither to the throne realm where God makes priests of a lasting Kingdom order. This is an order that lifts up our inner spiritual man into the spirit of the Lord’s Day to learn how to dwell in those spiritual principles of the New Jerusalem order connecting us even now.

Many in the ministry have succumbed to the allure of worldly fame and wealth. They have yielded to the titles, collars, and all the images of man’s established religions, with the purpose of gaining money, popularity, acceptance and approval. Many others, however — at least one hundred and forty four thousand — are completely separated, and have not bowed the knee to the worthless pursuits of Baal.

Some kingdom priests are prayer partners with God the Father and may not be involved in pulpit or public ministry. Many are quietly going about their Father’s business in some out of the way, back-water place designed of the Lord just for them to become His abode. Just as Moses had to have his “backside of the desert” experience prior to setting God’s people free, our liberty had its beginnings in the driest of deserts roasted over some hidden matters in secret places known only by you and our Father.

In dwelling with God, wisdom is given to us. It did not come from accredited institutions of higher theological learning who thrust forth its disciplines from the stained-glass, deep-pile carpeting and air-conditioned cathedrals of Babylon. Nor have kingdom priests burst on the scene from among the vaunted ranks of the well-known seminaries. Kingdom priests have nothing else to recommend them in any way whatsoever except the light of their Father's name written within their spiritual being:

"For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my Maker would soon take me away." Job 32:21-22

God makes proof of what we say. We must speak truly to believe we are His witness so our conscience can be clear. God knows us all. God's gathered sons and daughters have come to some age and maturity in this hour. In all their past generations, they have not needed authorization by any of man’s headquarters. Such credentials cut one off from understanding the true headship of the Lord and His messages.

We are not taught to beware of false prophecy but of false prophets, meaning the messenger is not truthful in matters of principle. It is quite possible for false prophets to have much clear cut understanding of the scripture yet lack spiritual insight and maturity to apply God's Word skillfully. The Father’s words are spiritual and bring life.

Is it possible to maintain the glory of God and come into our full spiritual inheritance, while retaining the harbor of past church patterns that are mixed with worldly wisdom established in traditional worship? Glory does not belong to fools, nor to those on the milk of the word. Nor is glory found in the business of building programs or the many methods leading men used among the candlestick church orders.

This is the hour for many to see the handwriting on the wall and actually hear the voice of heaven saying “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE”. Then we are willing to die ministerially, to be hidden in obscurity so God can deliver us from all markings of those passing systems and the beastly headship we have passed through. We are able, now, to receive instead the FATHER’S MARK (understanding) in our forehead.

Such ministers let go of the fame, the recognition, the adulation, the money, and the way of living like the world pursues — no more bishop palaces for them. They know deep down in their spirit that the old orders are passing away and they were in danger of going down with its passing. These ministers all know that God has established His LASTING order on a higher order than the order of the candlestick churches. What is this odious discord, the sickening stench of decay of bondage which arises from Christian issues, causing strife and division among the candlestick churches of the Pentecostal age?

The saints in the city of God are the very best at oratorical abilities. The best writing skills are there exalted. The charismatic skill in ministry to the people is dramatically increased by God’s authority, to be free flowing in exalted singing and praise with the playing of musical instruments in worship. He has sacrificed that a measure of life, a measure of anointing, a measure of success, a measure of blessing, a measure of victory is given candlestick overcomers to drink of His life as a son or daughter of God. We celebrate freely the loss of all things to gain Christ and to drink the cup He leads us to drink.

Christian ministries are sometimes motivated by fear that the people may leave them and scatter if they embrace certain truths in open ministry. The sad fact is that, regardless of what men do to hold people in their lying blasphemous kingdoms, God will continue to call His people OUT from the church age ministries. The call now is to be gathered more and more unto the spiritual throne of the King to minister in the spirit of the Lord’s Day, from the third heaven, the third feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb.

I have no axe to grind with individual ministers, yet do have problems with the corrupting methods of man instituting leadership that steals the headship of Christ. To so wrongly attach falsehood to His people — with that I must take issue. I do not want to harbor malice toward any brethren. I am nonviolent, so when caught in trying matters and traps, I look for the path of peace. But of that adulterous woman, Mystery Babylon, I cannot partake of traditional ways of Protestant worship, nor hold to any blasphemous idea formed in the candlestick churches.

I have laid down my warmed-over versions of the same old thing — stifling deceptive structures offered as alternatives to any new measure of God given Spirit. God has something much better in store for us. It is in His PEOPLE where He makes all things NEW.

Look to spiritually perceive the holy city, the new Jerusalem! See it descending out of heaven from God, right into you. It will help make us be ready, as a bride adorned for her husband, ready to be joined as one spirit with the Lord, united in marriage to Him. Hear His voice coming out of the throne loudly, saying:

"Lo! the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and He will be tabernacling with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them. And He will be brushing away every tear from their eyes. And death will be no more, nor mourning, nor clamor, nor misery; they will be not more, for the former things are passed away.

And He Who is sitting on the throne says, ‘Lo’! New am I making all! And He is saying, Write, for these sayings are faithful and true. And He says to me, I have become the Alpha and the Omega, the Origin and the Consummation. To him who is thirsting I shall be giving of the spring of the water of life gratuitously. He who is conquering shall be enjoying this allotment, and I shall be God to him and he shall be a son to Me." Revelation 21:3-8 concordant

We must pay heed to God’s inspired thoughts as the beloved apostle admonished us:

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew Him not.” I John 2:15-17; 3:1

The Lord has delivered us from the snares of our enemies and their roaring spirit that devours His children using the spirit of the world in the church. He has transferred us into another realm, a new society, a higher order, a kingdom: the Kingdom of His dear Son. We no longer belong to that old disintegrating candlestick order that is passing away, nor to the great religious dragons which still hate Christ.

As falsehood, it has risen up in contempt, in wrath, in fury, in order to persecute us, to devour us, to overwhelm us, and entrap us again in its snares. Yet the blessed members of the body of Christ are called higher to a wedding supper with the Lamb as chosen faithful people thoroughly clothed with the wedding garment delivered by God.

ONLY HIS HOLY SPIRIT can dispel the darkness cast over our mind to reveal the things that are spiritually true pertaining to God's kingdom, for great and precious promises must be made sure:

“In that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent, and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” Isaiah 27:1

“The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.” Isaiah 57:20

Truly this is that old serpent spirit that is destined to dwell in the bottomless pit within the thinking of man's carnal mindedness. It feeds man deceptive desires of a bestial (human) nature right within the very soul. This spiritual force opposes the Spirit of Christ and tries to keep us bound to earthly minded thoughts, keeping us aliens in our thinking from those things which are spiritual.

Oh, we will rejoice in the fulfillment of God's promised punishing of the lying serpent in the spirit of men. God’s promised deliverance from the alienation of earthly concerns is now working in Christ to release us from vain earthly pursuits for sure. This promise of deliverance from the workings of the dragon in the sea of humanity will not need to include us. We have been loosed from our individual troubles so we can become part of a higher sea of clear glass.

God has made a mighty big promise of a divine intention to work on the agitating waters of wickedness until He makes their turbulence CEASE! The beloved New Testament visionary has said:

“Now Jesus, being aware in Himself that His disciples are murmuring concerning this, said to them, ‘This is snaring you? If, then, you should be beholding the Son of Mankind ascending where He was formerly? The spirit is that which is vivifying. The flesh is not benefiting anything. The declarations which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. But there are some of you who are not believing.’" John 6:61-64 concordant

His words have spiritual meaning and are the supreme truthful application. He speaks truth that can calm the troubled sea in our human life. Hearing and following His words by the spirit removes our turmoil and trouble. His words are able to calm that troubled sea within us that “cannot rest.” His Spirit brings abiding rest whereby that lying, killing serpent spirit is slain by the mighty, strong Spirit and Word of the Lord.

God’s Word is wielded by His placed sons and daughters. It becomes clear that clean waters from heaven's throne have soothed every trouble in our hearts. God's power rests in calmness that makes us serene, makes us content and quiet. His power even transforms our spirit — by grace are we saved — into oneness with the Spirit of the Lord. We have entered His seventh day rest to find it is He, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is raising up to the prey, to slay the dragon that is in the sea:

"Lo! He is coming with clouds, and every eye shall be seeing Him…" Revelation 1:7 concordant

The beastly spirit and the mark of its blasphemies that have been working in the candlestick churches will be washed from us by the strong sword of His Word in the Day of the Lord. The spirit of those following Him have now been quickened, transformed, to stand on an inner sea of glass. This is a people who have been heated by fire, tested and tried to be one with pure, peaceable, enlightenment from the throne, to all who worship God in spirit and the truth:

“And before the throne it is as a glassy sea, like crystal." Revelation 4:6 concordant

"And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, holding harps of God." Revelation 15:2 NASB

"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14

The sword of the Lord is the Word of God, the living energetic word by which He slays the beast in the sea. We just need to hear the Word He speaks to us and know the Spirit of it. Thank God, amidst all the trouble, distress, sorrow, problems, and pressures of life in this world, there is Godly deliverance that rises within the spirit of us to keep inner peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost abiding continually!

This is allowing us to stand with the people who are in the presence of the throne. The Day of the Lord is HERE for us, our beastly nature is slain IN THE HIDDEN PARTS of our heart which has become wondrously calm and tranquil at the majesty of the Lord. Oh, yes, the glory and power of the only covenant- keeping GOD will come and make His abode with us now and keep us from any and all blasphemy. Oh, if only we knew how important it is:

"Therefore I am saying to you, Every sin and blasphemy shall be pardoned men, yet the blasphemy of the spirit shall not be pardoned. And whosoever may be saying a word against the Son of Mankind, it will be pardoned him, yet whoever may be saying aught against the holy spirit, it shall not be pardoned him, neither in this eon nor in that which is impending." Matthew 12:31 concordant

Blasphemy spoken against the working capabilities of the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven in this age or the age to come because it is only by the holy spirit that deliverance comes. The truth makes us free. When God sends His Spirit to enlighten men’s minds, they will stop teaching His people the dragon's ideas, with no more of opening their mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and all those who dwell in heaven.


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