The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.


“And I perceived a woman sitting on a scarlet wild beast replete with names of blasphemy, and having seven heads and ten horns, And the woman was clothed with purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, brimming with abominations and the uncleannesses of the prostitution of her on the earth. And on her forehead is written a name: ‘Secret Babylon the Great’ the mother of the prostitutes and thc abominations of the earth.” Revelation 17:3-4 concordant

The revelation portrayed in the book of Revelation of that great harlot system, the mystical Babylon that has made nations drink of her drink, can be seen in today’s light as nothing else but the apostate (fallen away) Christian churches. They influence the worldly and religious governments of powerful men. This apostate church had started out well in Ephesus, but left their first love and moved out of their rightful place. It was lowered from the original heavenly level to become a fallen church by accepting certain doctrines. They became corrupted by falling for other subtle deceptions, even being led by something other than Christ!

Mystery Babylon gives herself to many lovers other than her rightful husband. This apostate church now sits in great ecclesiastical councils, making Christian heavens that are exalted with wealth and influence in the earth. The present Church realms are backed by the kings (leaders) of the western civilized world, for many centuries and to a considerable degree. The church has prospered among civil powers because they are more or less intoxicated with her standard teachings and example of Christ led by the mind of man.

The first candlestick church at Ephesus lost her spiritual place. She LEFT HER FIRST LOVE and lost her proper faith as taught by His Spirit. They were held to organizing worthy good works on earth, spiritually severed from the anointing that develops Godly character within. The candlestick churches adjusted to suit worldly ideas and, in return, she was received by the ruling powers in western civilization. Now masses of the Lord’s people have become centers for these mysterious teachings of Babylonian influence.

In the midst of the Lord’s church people, a false standard has been accepted in large measure. Earthly leaders support her, even presidents and congresses need her vote, all the way down to the mayors, city councils, government social institutions, civic organizations, etc etc. The churches of the western civilized nations long ago became associated with the powerful worldly leaders of their day, having prostituted any remaining purity.

Babylon is fallen to disgrace herself as a professional harlot and has given birth to a host of “daughters” — religious organizations — named differently on each corner. Babylon’s daughters do follow in her image and footsteps so closely that she can clearly be seen as the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Christ has been calling for virgin purity for two thousand years, yet men, established on a lower plain, prefer the preeminence before the Lord’s people.

This so-called mother of harlots can be clearly identified in her unfaithfulness by the Spirit of sonship. Many claim the name “church of Christ” as their high privilege, but in revelatory scripture, God now occasions her the title “harlot,” not suitable for true Christians. Her influence has been on earthly minded believers to be building ecclesiastical empires, fully mixed with inconsistency and confusion, idolatrous and drunk with the exalted power and influence from “representing Christ.”

Governments of the western civilized world are largely influenced by the dominating power of these great ecclesiastical systems called Christianity. They are clearly pictured in the book of Revelation as a great spiritual harlot called Babylon. Mystery Babylon is a mother of harlots — great religious organizations now called the church in the world.

Both Papal and Protestant have come short of having His glory. They have kept the Lord’s people as babes in Christ, and have made even nations drink of that “fornication”. Christianity till today has been marked by strife and division in earthly minded members to become this great harlot system which reigns in the minds of too many. Little wonder, then, that John the beloved described this lewd woman as he did. A great many of the peoples and nations of the earth are certainly under her influence:

“The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Revelation 17:15

These people, multitudes of the nations, make up the empire of spiritual Babylon today. Little wonder that the message of God's Spirit was, is, and will be:

Come out of her My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4

Yet there are conflicting voices coming from churches today about which voice purports to be the voice of God. But the voices of God’s reapers are crying out in the spirit of truth:


Another voice is issuing forth out of the mouths of Christian ministry who are supposedly anointed leaders and teachers. These are honorable doctors of divinity in the Christian ministry, who exhort the people, “STAY IN HER, MY PEOPLE! Stay in your denomination… stay in your organization. Stay in your fellowship as cold as it is, idolatrous as it is, dead as it is, formal as it is, carnal as it is, unscriptural as it is, abominable as it is, STAY IN CHURCH EVERY WEEK! For after all, the fellowship will make you a BETTER CATHOLIC, a BETTER METHODIST, a BETTER BAPTIST, a BETTER CHARISMATIC, a BETTER BABYLONIAN!”

It takes spiritual discernment to hear which of these two messages is the voice of Jesus and which is the voice of an Antichrist. It’s time for us to be reaped, to meet the true church in the “clouds” of God’s Spirit, to be placed with the spirits of just men being made perfect, members of the church of the firstborn, developed into the Godhead for the Kingdom:

“But you have come to mount Zion, and the city of the living God, celestial Jerusalem, and to ten thousand messengers, to a universal convocation, and to the ecclesia of the firstborn, registered in the heavens, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just perfected…” Hebrews 12: 22-24 concordant

God is still in the business, in this late hour, of presenting Himself to a people who hear the call to COME OUT TO BE A PEOPLE FOR HIS NAME. He is in the business of GATHERING TOGETHER ALL THINGS INTO CHRIST. He is in the business of building together a people who are a HOLY CITY, the NEW JERUSALEM.

God’s King is married to a CHASTE VIRGIN COMPANY, a company who speaks His language and knows His intimate thoughts. God is in the business of making them Royal Priests, having authority to create a Holy Nation by reaping God’s peculiar people. Calling the Lord’s people into New Creations of the Righteous Branch, Christian overcomers are now letting Him stand upon them in Mount Zion.

This is a company of people who are NOT DEFILED WITH WOMEN (that harlot system lead by soulish minds). We are not to be defiled by the soulish ways of Babylonian organizations that leave THEIR MARK, not the King’s mark, on His people. As God reveals the Son within us, He removes the false images so that we can see His true church. For us the flood of teaching coming from the midst of Babylon is dried up and we no longer eat at those tables.

Our hunger and thirst have acquired a taste for God’s spiritual anointing. Rivers of dried up teachings of the mere husk of God’s word are no longer good food. The prophetic page clearly reveals that Christians who have any Babylonian image controlling their thinking about God will yet face destruction of her influencing voice as the Lord appears suddenly, violently shaking all that can be shaken within us. His will is to complete this in us, as thus forcibly stated:

“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus, with violence, shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” Revelation 18:8, 21

And it also reveals that all the kingdoms of men are to undergo a gradual consuming process:

“But the judgment [of the saints] shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion [world domination] to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” Daniel 7:26

Therefore be it clearly seen that one of the great outcomes of the battle of the great day of God Almighty is the total and utter destruction of ignorance in the Lord’s precious people!

We do err in always equating salvation to getting to a place called heaven when we die. That religious idea suggests that God’s great purposes are completed later, in another geographical consideration for the future. Christian teachers have taken us to midheaven stating that we are saved from one place— hell — to go to another place — heaven— when we die. Of course neither of these places are on this earth, so the only purpose for our being on this earth, according to them, is to make preparation to get out of here and go someplace else.

Misunderstanding God's Word brings judgments called “wrath. ” This is really God’s PASSION to save us all, as typified in the book of Revelation in “the lake which burns with fire.” False teachers have frightened people into accepting their viewpoint of scripture by threatening lasting punishment in this lurid, horrible hell. In Babylon, people are cast off forever, without hope, into hell for the slightest failure to honor them.

Many Christians are yet taught falsehoods about spending eternity in a far-off heaven somewhere. May we rather hear the messages coming from Jesus Christ by the Spirit NOW. “Grant us, God, the power to receive wisdom and understanding to see how we are promised a complete redemption to be made one spirit with all Jesus’s wisdom, and all Jesus’s righteousness, all of His sanctification.” AMEN! The Spirit sent from Christ Jesus saves us now from the images of this present evil world by quickening and instructing our spirit to a complete measure.

The apostle Peter spoke of scoffers in the church who were fixed on their own ambitions, oblivious that God has destroyed the heavens of old and the earth deluged by water to perish. Peter stated the present (Christian church) heavens and (control of the) earth are stored up for fire (God is a consuming fire) for a time of judging and destruction, not of the men, but of the IRREVERENCE in men:

"Now the day of the Lord will be arriving as a thief, in which the heavens shall be passing by with a booming noise, yet the elements shall be dissolved by combustion, and the earth and the works in it shall be found. At these all, then, dissolving, to what manner of men must you belong in holy behavior and devoutness, hoping for and hurrying the presence of God's day, because of which the heavens, being on fire, will be dissolved, and the elements decompose by combustion!

Yet we, according to His promises, are hoping for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is dwelling. Wherefore, beloved, hoping for these things, endeavor to be found by Him in peace, unspotted and flawless.” II Peter 3:10-14 concordant

John the beloved saw in vision the ultimate accomplishment of this hope and declared:

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first [former] heaven and the first [former] earth were passed away… And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Revelation 21:1,3

The average Christian today should be looking for God to DWELL WITHIN THEM NOW in fulfilling what Peter and John were looking for – TO BE CONNECTED SPIRITUALLY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS IN CHRIST’S NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH. Christians should not be anxious to get off this earth and go to heaven, but be EXPECTING to be clothed upon spiritually. Jesus taught us to pray, saying;

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10

Jesus the King is coming quickly, appearing within our spirit to deliver us from the spirit ruling this present evil world. We do not want to die to be taken to heaven! WE WANT TO PUT ON CHRIST, Who raises us to our heavenly home NOW. We want to be raised in spirit with correct mental mindsets that hearken to a higher state of PEACE and LOVE within. We have been taught by the spirit of truth.

The spirit of sonship reveals the things that worldly men can only conceive with religious thinking. The record states Jesus said:

I have given them Thy word. And the world hates them, for they are not of the world, according as I am not of the world. I am not asking that Thou shouldst be taking them away out of the world, but that Thou shouldst be keeping them from the wicked one. Of the world they are not, according as I am not of the world. Hallow them by Thy truth. Thy word is truth.” John 17:14-17

And now a thousand years is as a day to the Lord, as Peter stated, so the two thousand year church dispensation has passed. We are in the third Day, the Kingdom Day. This is the Day of the Lord that will show what He has perfected in His body. He shall yet make Zion see eye to eye, forming us together with His heavenly host who has come to life by God’s Spirit. Come, Lord Jesus!

Fire of God's Passion

Free of Fear