Some believers in Christ, that are on earth in physical bodies are the “spiritual “ feet members of an unseen body of matured Christians. Saints that are last shall be “first” in kingdom rank and authority. The “last that are first” function now as kingdom priests and will continue though out the ages to executing the Word of God righteously. The Bible clearly states, a royal priesthood will work to open heaven’s doors and show what has been hidden away. They will prevail until the nations stop making war, and the time come not to teach war. The people of every nation cry for freedom and Christ offers a walk in the light of a new day as the Lord Jesus Christ comes with great reward and lasting honor for the faithful followers He has gathered from the former generations and ages. Saints of every generation have received and obeyed His word as best they could. He always speaks the truth, and we have found the upward path of God’s leading. We have heard the call to come up higher, to press into a pure expression of Christ formed for this present time. The truth of Christ now is formed within His followers in the seen and unseen where each of us are free from the human nature with it’s religious pride. Christ enables us to wait steadfastly for a new day.
God’s heavenly kingdom are individual peacemakers who do not attack the people that persecute them, thus while becoming shining lights of what that God sent fiery trials that touched our inner being until we practiced making peace when faced with all kinds of discord, and quickly rather find inner compassion for those suffering by getting involved with destructive word battles or bitter wars of any kind. God has turned our hearts to behavior filled with agape love, love without animosity or blame toward any other person or people. God’s sons are not prejudice about any racial heritage, nor are they thrusting each other trying “to straighten each other out,” but rather are challenged to speak only the truth in love.
God is in full control of the circumstances of our lives, and will use them in order to change us “even in a moment” with “the trump of His Word.” He gives strength to endure anything as the Spirit of truth reveals the hidden things that work in the human nature. The book of Revelation teaches we have a lasting homeland called the New Jerusalem. The Spirit of truth has revealed those now coming to “spiritual’ Mt. Zion are being made perfect in love, mercy, peace, and joy, thus calling and enabling us to righteously dwell as citizens of this New Jerusalem holy hill Mt. Zion. This citizenry that is anointed with our Father’s love, now working within our being, so we can and do hold to our peaceful homeland trusting God to guide our every step. Zion holds vast numbers of the spirits of just men from former generations. These men are clearly those that were and are being led by Christ as being joined within their inner being to now be cleansed from every fleshly way.
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.” Hebrews 12:22-24
“But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap. He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the LORD offerings in righteousness.” Malachi 3:2-3
God’s refinement within our personal life will be revealed in the “fiery” trials we go through. Victory here brings great release within our being as He comes to burn up our former ideas about Him that are formed from religious hay, wood, and stubble. He knows how to burn up all our “good works” we are so proud of. Those abundant works found in the candlestick church realms, cause all to fail a granting or ushering into true perfection, the unity promised the body of Christ. The path to perfection has been a hidden spiritual work not found in Bible colleges or church heavens, for those heavens are filled with all kinds of mixture, strife, and division. The church of the firstborn is entirely made up of mature believers, many that have overcome the concepts presented in the candlestick church and most all gone on to higher understandings of a heavenly agreement He invited us to come to. “Come up hither” where He raises us for His habitation. This all takes place within our being. It is for told in the Old Testament Feast of Tabernacles, which is a type that foreshadows much about the third heaven where it is unlawful for men to be uttering their own opinions about the great things of the Lord. Some people are truly being made alive now, healed, led to be perfectly complete in our heavenly Father.
It is obvious to most with discernment that lying wonders still rule masses of “Christian people” through mixing literal interpretations of Revelations with newspapers, and books, they have filled the airwaves with sensational fears for the modern state of man today. There is good news found in the gospel of Christ, where love can be placed in our hearts not fear, fear is in the heart of mankind, fear does not motivate us, it only causes us to be frustrated about things coming to pass on the earth. Truly gross darkness is now covering many human minds, and Christians have been so easily influenced. Nevertheless, the Lord is coming to free us from dark earthly conceptions and replace that fear with godly courage. We are becoming stronger as we yield to Godlike qualities in our spiritual life. He is comes to talk to us by Spirit that we may know what to trust about Him. He makes an end of our darkness, we are freed within our own being as His rebukes every lie we embraced. He is making us “alive” by raising us from our former ignorance, freeing us from errors leading to hellish mental torments, granting release from our own internal opposition. God frees our inner being from every tormenting thought, thoughts can take hold of people’s inner being. Christ within frees us from the depths of death. His resurrection life strengthens us to qualify for divine character like His perfect being. Godliness is profitable for this life, and the life to come, it goes way beyond rules about eating and drinking. He has committed truth to our heart, it truly aligns our mindset and spiritual character with His instructions. He is faithful to bring it to pass within you and I, He is faithful to complete His perfecting work.
Bodily pain can rack our physical body to the point of death, yet our spirit is made to live, and our spiritual body is in union with God, we are a body formed of spirit that will never end or “die.” Those now already quickened are rather already made alive and growing within their inner being. Sons will continue until the end of time, then it does not yet appear what we shall be, yet we know when He appears we will be just like Jesus Christ. Our daily duty is to now know His viewpoint concerning the truth, I need a quickening that makes me aware of how to apply His wisdom, that which causes me to recognize His guidance as it comes into our hearts and minds. When we became harmonious with His words, it establishes us in His enthronement, the throne realm. Our heart can soaks up deep truths that will anchor our soul in His steadfast love. He feeds us hidden manna daily, revealing higher insights, opening vast supplies of truth that are anointed with merciful love. We would bring peace with others, as springs of enjoyment flowing out from His enthronement.
Some have come to Mt. Zion where the trumpet sounds, where lions roar the truth in the face of every lie, where power brings healing continually flowing out until it brings deliverance from ignorance, poverty, pain, and disease. Yes, He is now wiping away all our tears, our sorrows forgotten by the Spirit of His Word. God’s Word works quickly and powerfully to change us, causing us to recognize and apply His guidance effectively. The truth of Christ sets us free from within, it anoints our inner being with expectations of deliverance for our vile bodies to be changed. We are challenged to believe the and walk in the conditions we find ourselves until we are found more fully fashioned like unto His glorious body. God liberated Jesus from all death, that is the ultimate promise of freedom given us as written of and offered in the Bible.
“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:20 -21 NAU
We now have freedom from life’s sorrows, escape from the sad memoires and tearful events that have weighed us down with regret and shame. Christ working within us frees us from every deep seated personal opinion or grudge, frees us right now from curses that have generationally gripped the core of our natural families. Yes, thank God we are increasingly freed from our own greed, hidden fears, and hatred, our thoughts are purged until cleaned, and we put on nature of Christ. We are following on this path to know the Lord. These truths of Christ are in us and are found already formed within a great host of heavenly people.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:3-6 NAU
The kind intentions of His will to adopt us and bestow within us now a quality of His character, so we are found with attentive souls loving His appearing. God keeps supplying us with His strength, godliness is revealed to us, so that is what we express within our lives. This spiritual process grants greater and greater inner liberty. We are now free from the cobwebs of the fallen human nature, and our claim is being proven as we walk accordingly as He writes deep within our spirit of the truth. His Word and Spirit agree to free us from every root of human darkness. God is against all and any unclean thought that conveys corrupting influence. Christ is working mightily to free us from every deceptive lie, especially those lies that limit our faith in Him.
Today churches in America are expressing bold lies with assertions created by worldly minded leaders. Corrupting malice toward others should not be in the candlestick church realms today. We promote words that place His coming now, as having started already causing us to decern the Lord’s body. “His people” on the earth that are “Christians” should not be occupied with bitter divisions, strife, jealousy, such verbal abuse fills hearts with the same malicious pride that is exhibited by the leaders they blindly follow. Yet, God already has His holy people that are shaped into a union with the Spirit of truth, come “up Hither” to the realms of His throne, come to Zion, and to the city of God where the spirits of justified men are made perfect. These people are having no problems with vain human futility that loves lies, and the making of lies, lies do not abide within these holy people of God.
God’s Word is alive and working within us is like a flame of fire that consumes the brittle bark of passed year’s problems, all the troubling doubts rooted in our affections. He will releases us from every bit of human dross into bright new purity daily, as He comes by His Spirit flowing in new truth that washes away all the old stings, bites, and devouring’s of the dead human heart. People that have a new circumcised heart have stopped the blame game with all it’s incorrect accusations. Saints have come out from the dark bottomless human pits and human ways of the unregenerated man, a bottomless pit. Saints are not trained to be critical fault finders, but on every level our life is bestowed His Word and Spirit revealing the finest qualities of godly characteristics that certainly cleanse our own heart. We are becoming powerful and strong in His beautiful characteristics, we have them written upon our hearts until it fills us with the proper attitudes so that we recognize and choose those things that really do please our heavenly Father.
Jesus is the first born of many brethren, many are taught of the Holy Spirit and guided into knowing deep truths every day, many are entering the higher celestial realms of Zion, many are a part of God’s continuing city destined to be completely filled with His glory. Sweet liberty has already been formed for the body of Christ, and Christ within us has changed us, by raising up a knowledge within us who walk with God as our Father in our life. Our inner spiritual person has become a part of the Godhead that participates in kingdom matters, judgements are formed in our heart about righteous standards, about living honestly, in humility dealing with others, live as godliness grants growth from our first stages of salvation.
Candlestick churches promote lukewarm viewpoints that promote building with $$hay, $$wood, and $$stubble, on stages that project an image of a “proper church order,” as taught in “their” church, yet the history of Christian church organizations are filled with dismal short comings revealing a blood-soaked throne of Satan. The Pergamum candlestick is where Satan’s throne was, (Rev.2:13). Church history can be found by proper interpretation of the “candlestick churches” found in chapter 2 and 3 of the Revelation. Those seven candlestick churches have been from their beginning, corrupted with major disqualifying errors for every generation. Even before the early apostles departed corrupt “Christian” men left their first love of God to seek preeminence in the church. The candlestick church orders were and are lowered into carnal exaltations of man’s self, steeped in ordinances conceived by religions minds forming orders to rule over the people is the very spirit of the Nicolaitans. False teachers have laid down church by-laws and rules that corrupt with mixed messages promoting icons, relics almost any form of hierarchies which limit spiritual growth in revelation of God’s Word. Yes, these leaders of good “Christians” are all “good ”people” that keep social laws and alliances with those they expect to find support from, with this too they gain advantage in regulating and exercising control over the vast majority of God’s sincere “saved” souls.
God has blessed overcomers of the candlestick conditions with every spiritual blessings: "Who blesses us with every spiritual blessing among the celestials, in Christ.” We may be waiting for a MANIFESTATION THAT LIBERATES OUR VILE BODY TO BE CONFOMED LIKE UNTO THE LORD’S GLORIOUS BODY. YET, OUR INNER SPIRITUAL MAN IS ALIVE NOW, THAT IS GRANTED BY GOD! GOD grants His sons and daughters to be clothed in WHITE GARMENTS, that’s an inner cleansing that raises up our understanding far above the corrupting platforms man has established in candlestick church heavens. Satan’s throne is there and only overcomers of the candlestick church realm come to know the throne realm, we are not stuck in carnal church programs, but have rather have been separated to know the Lord in closer dimension where our spirit is made perfect, unified, made one perfectly in fellowship with the Father, the Son and the body of Christ. Some have come to Zion’s perfection, even we sense a working that brings perfect aspects of Himself into view. The faster we understand spiritual truths the faster we are brought out of the shallow carnal minds of men found in the candlestick church realms, into what the apostle Paul states is an ultimate cry for liberty, that is shared by the entire creation:
“In my opinion whatever we may have to go through now is less than nothing compared with the magnificent future God has in store for us. The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own. The world of creation cannot as yet see reality, not because it chooses to be blind, but because in God’s purpose it has been so limited — yet it has been given hope. And the hope is that in the end the whole of created life will be rescued from the tyranny of change and decay, and have its share in that magnificent liberty which can only belong to the sons and daughters of God!
It is plain to anyone with eyes to see that at the present time all created life groans in a sort of universal travail. And it is plain, too, that we who have a foretaste of the Spirit are in a state of painful tension, while we wait for that redemption of our bodies which will mean that we have realized our full sonship.” Romans 8:18-23, J. B. Phillips
EVERY PERSON EVER BORN ON EARTH, EACH SHALL HAVE A SHARE IN THE LIBERTY THAT BELONGS TO GOD’S SONS! Full deliverance means a change for our bodies -”soma” - the physical body. Divine council has prepared those who qualify, they are sealed into His understanding of scripture, true insights are granted that are tremendously valuable in gaining spiritual footholds that progress into the promised completing deliverance God has offered. Divine liberty for our spirit, our soul and body is offered by Jesus Christ. He has enlightened us to these promises of God, it releases us from the powers of death, truth frees us from all that would or could destroy us, it stops the tormenting's voices of hell. We are certainly made free from religious ideas of death, hell, and the grave! Christ definitely has been working truth into us, He feeds us the truth of His Word, and that works within us to exposes any selfish contrary conduct. We are separated unto becoming beings now calling on His power to omnipotently supply EVERY spiritual blessing that we need to be completely rescued from decay and made perfectly complete in Christ Jesus.