The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Key to the bottomless pit

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit” Revelation 9:1

The Christian church world is literally filled with sign-watchers, though I dare say most of them have missed the true sign language in the book of Revelation altogether, for they read with a natural mindedness that interprets a carnal application and holds to literal understandings about the scripture of Revelation. Christians can be so taken up with natural mindedness, mixed with worldly news of wars and rumors of wars, violence, political intrigues, of earthquakes and disasters of Armageddon, that they totally misunderstand the real things the scripture is pointing to about the realm of God's Spirit, creating instead false standards for the church where many Christians are not really taught of or led by His Spirit from within. Many Christians have not fed at the Lord's table, eaten hidden manna, and many have not gained His understanding of the scripture.

Christianity is becoming distorted with leaders mixing the evening news and the hearing of hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, crime, wars, the rise and fall of governments, the loss of liberties, the attempts at terrorism, when their perspective becomes distorted, hearers become influenced with doubts seizing good men’s thoughts, dread and darkness hold sway over multitudes as Christians become more conscious of “this world,” than they are of the triumph INDWELLING CHRIST. The mother church systems have produced many babes in Christ, for any time Christians are troubled or anxious about the outcome of an election, food shortages, or a thousand other things coming to pass upon the earth, their minds are obviously focused on the world’s darkness. God’s sons are “ caught up to know the Lord in the spirit, they enter the city of God spiritually and are approaching the King’s throne,” most Christians today are not yet even close to beholding the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Today Christian men and women are writing books, preaching sermons, teaching volumes, and editing papers on religious topics that are more fanciful, misleading, undependable, and dangerous than would be complete ignorance of such topics. Men have twisted the scripture to build thing that need destruction , the church world has gone wild glorying in varying degrees of delusions, misrepresentations with horrible features , and straight out lies which have a direct bearing on their follower’s present spiritual welfare. Unbelievable foolishness is taught as gospel from pulpits framed in foolish delusions. Mature Christians do not indulge the foolishness of man, they subscribe only to the sound thoughts of our spiritual Lord. We can finally see our earthly thinking has been tricking us, holding us to ignorance, the only reasonable course now is to forthwith forsake our own folly, as we come to see Christ working within our spiritual life. We all, every one of us, have been victimized by sin, we have all been deceived, and we should readily admit it. Thank God a “little flock” has been awakened, they are leaving all defilement found in the harlots’ corrupt teachings, and religious practices, kingdom sons forsake the natural minded interpretations of the book of Revelation found in the candlestick church world. Overcomers are raised above those traditional walls to now be living in harmony with the heavenly host at mount Zion where the glorious and eternal reality of God’s Christ is being revealed by the spirit.

The Spirit of God, the kingdom of God is to be discerned and understood by our spirit – it does not come by outward observations, God’s kingdom is not coming by outward head knowledge. Those whose spirit has been quickened by the Lord are no longer to be subservient to the workings of the religious mind. We that have been awakened to our spiritual being, have a spiritual consciousness that sees beyond the darkened condition of human understanding. We received Christ into our spirit so a renewal and growth has taken place within our inner being to now understand spiritual things. The appearance of Christ’s mind directly within us separates us from old ways of being, and thinking. If we could now understand the spiritual sign language of Revelation we could gain the knowledge of God, and have new ability to walk after the holy spirit’s instruction. We are now growing to full stature by rapidly realizing God is Fathering us as sons in every circumstance by dwelling guidance in our spirit, so that within our inner spiritual man—we are now partakers of the divine nature, focused on a spiritual conscious that’s making us righteous and alive. Therefore we are released from our own personal bottomless pits as our faults are forgiven, our death swallowed up, our spirit healed to now live and move and have our being in spiritual union and great harmony with our heavenly Father. He assures us He will make perfect that which He has started within each one of us.

The Holy Spirit teaches knowledge and gives understand about our membership in the divine family of God. He gives instructive insight and understanding about how death came upon God’s son Adam. God said to Adam that if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was in the midst of the garden, he would die. The serpent disagreed and said to Eve,

“You shall not surely die.” Genesis 3:4

Eve ate after she was deceived by the serpent, then Adam also ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, can we not see by this that death in God’s eyes came by being deceived in thinking. After EVE’S DECEPTION, ADAM CHOSE TO JOIN THE DELUSION, in order to be with his wife.

“And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression” I Timothy 2:14

Our grasp this great mystery is to understand that Adam chose to be separated from his spiritual connection with God to be with his wife in her deception, and Adam remained joined to her. Adam’s spirit was severed from God’s then spiritually darkened to be asleep, so separated because he was in agreement with a lie, Eve became the most important thing to him, now Adam was joined in both mind and body to the creation instead of the Creator, men became ignorant of knowing God because man became ignorant of his own spirit, to focus on that which is born of the flesh, flesh.

Like Eve’s belief in a false report about life and death, the doctrines of devil’s are a ultimate set of false views and values about God which constantly comes short so as to deceive us with laws to keep us thinking wrongly, in the death of the carnal mind. Far more than witchcraft or magic, Satan uses “religious” intellectual propositions formed from the scripture to appeal to the good reason of Christians. His most effective work is done, not in saloons and brothels, but in reasonable sermons preached from high church pulpits to multitudes of trusting people. The serpent floods the church with words that sweep away the understanding of the people with a mixture of lies they deceive earthly minded Christians who are working so hard at church business. The serpent promoted incorrect lies from the beginning! The Satanic spirit is great at pushing false religious propositions, false interpretations of scripture that promote many addictions to religious falsehood. Bonds of carnal minded death must be conquered by every overcoming son in the Lord’s army.

Adam was now joined to Eve, in the soulish mind of death, a natural mind, being of the earth earthy, he was cursed with a sin which broke him into weakness and confusion, beset by troubles and sorrows to die. His descendants became murderers and prostitutes, hateful, proud and arrogant, mean and vindictive, and above all subject to death and constantly dying —being killers warring among themselves along with all the other human tribes of the earth. God warned Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because that knowledge would cause death. We see by this that death is the sad fruit in a form of knowing, a form of thinking, in a mind that believes false reports, and trusts whole systems of incorrect ideas, even candlestick churches have been marked by false thinking in accepting viewpoints, opinions, persuasions, conclusions, conjectures, and assumptions, that supplant the real true spiritual understanding of scripture. Adam fell from his connection with God’s spirit. Adam was a son of God, who fell into the state of death, Christ came to free us from sin and death. Today most Christians on earth would benefit to understand what happened in Adam’s beginnings, as Adam was made in God’s image.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath (spirit) of life; and man became a living soul. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him” Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7

God actually imaged Himself in a man. God imaged His character in the spirit of that man formed from the earth. Thus a man, body, soul, and spirit , Adam, was created as a visible expression of the invisible God. When the knowledge of God shines within ourselves, to restore the divine image through Christ straightening out all the twisted, warped thoughts of our personal darkness, our night will be over, we are raised from the bottomless pit of separation, our night of separation, our second death is over. Long millenniums after Adam’s fall still the great apostle Paul asserted,

“For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he IS the image and glory of God” I Corinthians 11:7

This reveals man’s capacity for being like God, knowing God, to be restored by Christ; to experience knowing the presence of God, to entertain the divine nature within his own spirit, a Christian is to be energized by God in every faculty, body, soul, and spirit, feeling the power of being at home in the life and truth of God, to think His thoughts and do His works. Thus, some Christians are being called to sonship by God where they too bear witness of Christ”,

“For you did not get slavery's spirit to fear again, but you got the spirit of sonship, in which we are crying, "Abba Father!" The spirit itself is testifying together with our spirit that we are children of God” Romans 8:15-16 concordant


“ Now when the full time came, God delegates His Son, come of a woman, come under law, that He should be reclaiming those under law, that we may be getting the place of a son. Now, seeing that you are sons, God delegates the spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying Abba! Father!" So that you are not longer a slave, but a son. Now if a son, an enjoyer also of an allotment from God, through Christ.” Galatians 4:4-7 concordant

“There is a spirit in man, and the in inspiration of the Almighty gives them understanding. Great men are not always wise; neither do the aged understand judgement” Job 32:8-9

Only because the spiritual part of man is restored to connection with God can all this be possible. This revealing point of truth was given by Jesus openly when on that star-studded night long ago He explained to the questioning Nicodemus,

“"Verily, verily, I am saying to you, If anyone should not be begotten anew, he can not perceive the kingdom of God…. If anyone should not be begotten of water and of the spirit, he can be entering into the kingdom of God. That which is begotten by the flesh is flesh, and that which is begotten by the spirit is spirit.” John 3:3-6 concordant

According to Jesus, our earthly parents are the parents only of our flesh, for that which is born of the flesh is flesh. That’s all it is. On the other hand, God, and also only God, is the Father of our spirit, for that which is born of the spirit is spirit. God begets a quickening of our spirit to restored it’s awakened connection to God, and in His time, the Father comes to instruct the spirit of each one of us. Always think of God as the Father of your spirit. God is the creator of the physical world and all peoples, and He is the Father of SPIRITS. Because “God IS spirit,” He fathered the part of a man that is spirit, our spirit is quickened by the spiritual life force of the Son, and the Father. His life-force is quickening the truth all the time to those being drawn close to the glorious family of God — “the Father of spirits”!

Christ’s redemption liberates us from carrying the weighty problems placed on the fleshly consciousness of man. We are restored into conscious awareness of life with our Father, now that our spirit is alive, we are learning to be as one spirit with the Spirit of the Lord. Christ is delivering us from the power of serpent spirits, to expose Satan’s lies in the religious mind of man. God made us originally in a living place, and thru Christ we are again capable receptacles to connect with God, to learn from His spirit how to be His dwelling place. Sin and death is the common standard in man’s thoroughly deceived and degraded world, yet Christian men should not be deceived about who and what they really are within their spiritual life. Hear theses;

“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” Romans 1:21-22

“This I say therefore…that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart” Ephesians 4:17-18

“Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known my ways” Hebrews 3:10

All through the books of the bible the serpent, the dragon, and Satan is referred to as one who deceives “all nations” and deceives the “whole world” and deceives “them that dwell on the earth.” Yet;

“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone” Revelation 20:10

The end of the devil's kingdom comes at the time the consuming fires of God consumes the dross within men’s hearts, captures their thoughts in fiery trials and tests for strength as the King refuses admittance to heaven to any who love or make a lie. The cleaning sulfur of "brimstone" in the lake of fire, is where the cleaning of most religious men takes place, for even many Christian men are unaware every wrong spirit is headed for the lake of fire that God will cleanse and change all men into His intended image from the beginning. We shall all be changed into His image;

“ God, Who wills that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and mankind , a Man, Christ Jesus, Who is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all, “ I Timothy 2:4-6 concordant

“they may surely grope for Him and may be finding Him, though to be sure, not far from each one of us is He inherent, for in Him we are living and moving and are, as some poets of yours also have declared, For of that race also are we. The race, then, is inherently of God; we ought not to be inferring that the Divine is like gold, or silver, or stone, a sculpture of art and human sentiment. Indeed, then, condoning the times of ignorance, God is now charging mankind that all everywhere are to repent, forasmuch as He assigns a day in which He is about to be judging the inhabited earth in righteousness by the Man Whom He specifies, tendering faith to all, raising Him from among the dead " Acts 17:28-31 concordant

The serpent's lies seem so naturally reasonable to fit the human way of thinking, which message is itself“deceitful ABOVE ALL THINGS,” and is now still indeed deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. There is no escape without being born again, having a spiritual connection to our Father through Christ coming to touch our spirit with understanding, only this can free us from man’s falsity and corruption. Only by Christ can we know the true condition of our own heart. The Hebrew word “deceitful” means fraudulent, and is also translated crooked and polluted. And the Hebrew word translated “desperately wicked” means frail, feeble, and melancholy. That Hebrew word is also rendered as incurable, sick, and woeful. This is the true state and condition of the natural minded human from the heavenly perspective. The true condition of man in heavenly perspective is that the heart of man is wicked just because it is deceitful. Never were words more true uttered than when the wise man said,

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

What does this say to us about all the wars, greed, abuse, illicit sex, thievery, and conniving that are going on in this world right now. Surely it is the result of deceptive thinking and blindness of heart that’s evident. No one, whether young or old, man or woman, educated or uneducated, has the ability to prevent himself from thinking the same way as the worldly minded men think. Freedom from natural, fleshly reasoning is not possible outside of the quickening life of God’s Spirit given thru faith in Jesus Christ. Until men are quickened of spirit we are ignorant of our lasting part, our spirit, which is awakened to know we are spiritual sons and daughters of God. Some overcoming sons are given the spiritual keys of overcoming death, to rise by Christ’s resurrection, the truth of God which makes us free from every dark pit. Our ransomed spirit is raised up by divine energy, enabling us to overcome the deceptions working in the carnal minded, to learn how to sing a new song of deliverance.

A transition from death to life is taking place now within our being. It’s happening to more and more Christians who hear His voice, then put on that truth they found in the mind of Christ. There is a powerful desire arising within us to know God as our Father. Christ Jesus knew God as a son knows a father, and He lived out of the reality of this relationship perfectly as a new type of being, a son of God, this possibility holds true for everyone led of His Spirit.

God is begetting spiritual men and accounts for the treasures given all who ask of Him, He awakens the spirit that is already in every man, and continual "renewing" to those who hold on to their spiritual identity, they will be happy, for in Christ shall we be made alive, we shall all be vivified. God has now given life to our inner spiritual man. Our inner spirit man has drunk the water of His word, to exchange deceptive mindsets and wicked heart desires for ones that are true, purely divine. Our Father is giving us a quickened spirit, a new center, a new heart, a new consciousness, a new understanding that's divine. Surely Christ’s redemption includes all territory that Adam fell from. Christ’s redemption must wash us from wrong ideas of mistaken identity, wash away wrong concepts, wash away our death, until the truth of God is tabernacling within our spirit. Only a quickened empowered spirit delivers us from our own instinctive fleshly desires to preserve our old soulish self’s rule in forms of comfort and ease. The redeemed now turn with inner focus to hear and learn the teachings of His Spirit. They hear what the spirit says to the church and have opportunity to come to Mt. Zion, live with the city of God’s people, at the universal convocation of the church of the first-born, a gathering to God, where the spirits of just men are being perfected, and gathering to Jesus. Hearing what the spirit individually speaks within us makes us fit members of His corporate body, no man can take high place for himself in Christ Jesus’s real kingdom.

All mankind, all religions, most candlestick Christians are now alienated with ignorance and the blindness of spirit, to do works of good and some of evil. Lies are still coming from the spirit of the serpent, which has now become a great dragon in building heights of respectability within the confined of man’s religious flesh on this planet, but the true testimony of scripture is;

“For since, in fact, through man came death, through Man, also, comes the resurrection of the dead. For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified. Yet each in his own class: the First Fruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power. For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy is being abolished: death. For He subjects all under His feet.” I Corinthians 15:21-26 concordant

Jesus’s life on earth was lived to make it true that death be abolished in us. He repudiated every lie to tell the devil, “It is written!” He lived by what He knew was true of His Father. Part of His life was to refuse every lie, capture every thought throughout His ministry so that lying had no part of Him. All the other men around Him did not think as Jesus thought. They could not do the works He did, nor speak the words He spoke, for they spoke from their earthly understanding. The Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of true prophecy; He expresses Himself as the truth, He overcame all the lies working in the carnal minded people among which He had been born. He being born of a woman, born under the law grew to only express the true nature of His spiritual being, His spirit overthrew the sin in the human soul at every turn and is now ready to overthrow the delusions of life we face.

“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Christ were baptized into His death?” Romans 6:3

Christ baptizes us into His Word, as written on our heart, the awakening power of our heavenly Father lays hold of us with new cleansings of “His death.” He separates us the natural knowing of man’s good and evil in every deceptive form to expose every lie, to give our spirit harbour in the knowledge of God's reality. Our true spiritual state is being determined by how much our spirit is made one with Him;

"Happy are the clean in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

“Flee also youthful lusts: follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart” II Timothy 2:22

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water” Hebrews 10:22

“Seeing that ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit…see that ye love one another with a pure heart” I Peter 1:22

“But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible…” I Peter 3:4

We Christians are now born of God to be cleansed from the carnality of the earthly mind in man, and the devilish lies being cast in it. Our spirit has become alive, free of the past, being a new creation in Christ Jesus. The power of His Spirit and Word has been raised up in us to CREATE A NEW IDENTITY, A NEW SENSE OF BEING IN PARTICIPATION WITH THE DIVINE NATURE and of knowing the PLANS AND PURPOSES OF GOD! All this and more is the result of God sending the spirit of sonship to quicken our spirit, sending changes to us, granting what change He has written upon us! The key to open and be released from the bottomless pit (the deceitful heart) is gained by following Christ’s trumpet messages into a resurrection out of death’s destruction by facing and assimilating the truth.

The Abyss

The Truth of Fire