The Feast of Tabernacles is a collection of teachings by Richard Mikelson.


These teachings explore spiritual depths of influential texts of scripture,  and of the human condition.

Purpose for the Church Age

The scripture states in simple and convincing language that our omnipotent and omniscient God has both formed and marked out a path of destiny for EVERY person and EVERY nation of people who have existed upon the earth, FROM THE BEGINNING. Unceasingly, and untiringly, God has been working out His purpose in every generation, shaping man’s destiny through successive generations and time periods called ages (eons) in scripture.

Beginning with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, after the time of the flood, a chosen family was divided from men in general. Later scripture recognizes these two groups as Israelites and Gentiles. The Chosen Family, or Israelites, were selected to bear witness of the truth of the one true and living God. Israelites were to show God to the wicked and idolatrous people in the nations surrounding them.

They always remembered that they were chosen, but quickly forgot FOR WHAT. Instead of bearing witness of godliness to the other nations, they harbored prideful contempt for them. And worse yet, Israel copied heathen religions and became corrupted by those idolatrous and wicked practices.

Beginning at the day of Pentecost over two thousand years ago, another chosen group appeared, a group called to royalty as a body of believers in Jesus Christ. The very name church comes from the Greek word “ecclesia” which means “called out.” The real church of the firstborn is a CALLED OUT group.

Overcomers of the candlestick churches are called out to a spiritual resurrection that is composed of people that are both descendants of Israelites and all other peoples in the Gentile nations. Theirs is a special faith in a Messiah that proclaims salvation for ALL — a salvation that saves the world, speaks only the truth, and gives life giving spirit in His particular GRACE. A measure of salvation has been proclaimed among the nations, yet Jesus remains God’s solution for the problems that plague ignorant men subject to sorrow and death.

A deliverance is now found working in overcoming believers who have developed a relationship with God as sons to be made priests of God’s kingdom. The solutions God wrought out in Jesus Christ have been set forth only in an in-part or down payment (earnest) measure, as examples worked into generations of church age believers. They are revealed as the candlestick churches of Revelations 2 & 3 who only received a portion of what was allotted to that generation.

Yet God has been gathering ordained family members, His sons and daughters, to form an invisible nation of holy people. These are gathering with those “spirits of just men being made perfect” to a general convocation with the King and His chosen witnesses. It was never God’s purpose to convert the nations during the church age. That age did not sweep the nations into the kingdom of God, as many missionaries love to proclaim. The best of Pentecostal church gospel has always saved some, but never all, the people of a nation.

God’s purpose, then, during this Pentecostal church age, is to gather out a people for His name’s sake, a called out people destined to reign as His government within which his NATURE is perfectly placed. Out from among the billions of people on earth, God has called and is choosing a FIRSTFRUIT COMPANY who bear His name. It has been a hidden work of spiritually inscribing the nature of the Father within the everyday experiences of the CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN — those whose names are written and registered in heaven:

"Simeon has related how God first concerned Himself about taking from among the Gentiles a people for His name. With this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written, After these things, I will return, and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen, and I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it, so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the gentiles who are called by My name, says the Lord, who makes these things known from long ago." Acts 15:14-18 NASB

Overcomers who are called out of the candlestick churches are formed into a perfect expression of His life. We are to know the mind, will, and nature of our Father because God’s Spirit is touching our spirit to enliven it, making our spirit alive unto God. This changes our mind as we grow to become one spirit with His Spirit. Our spirit is written upon, marked by God’s Word, revealing the great heights and depths of His present redemption.

For two thousand years of church history, God has been drawing certain believing people together to a higher domain than candlestick church worship. They become spiritual virgins not ruled by man, but a group of messengers called out as overcomers to form the enthroned body of Christ. God has formed most of this company of called out brethren precisely from the earthly minded problems plaguing the candlestick churches which are called Christianity.

When we hear what His spirit is plainly saying to the candlestick churches, we can be granted to eat from the tree of life, safely eating hidden manna. We are being uniquely clothed in Christ to see the revelation of the King together with those gathered to spiritual Mount Zion. We are called “up hither” to the throne realm where the true church is found. Here are the people whom Jesus Christ has built together as a habitation of God in the spirit. We are established within by an enthroned government of Spirit in our spirit.

The Lord Jesus Christ is destined to rule and reign over the earthly things found in the hearts of men. So thoroughly He washes us that the nations of the earth will learn peace and beat their swords into plowshares. They will come up to keep the marriage feast of the Lamb,. This is the spiritual feast that develops a tabernacling of God where we are receiving a full portion, the seven fold spirit of the Lord’s inheritance. Oh, the Lord’s fruit of love, peace, and joy is sweet, the most divine of attributes:

"And he shows me a river of water of life, resplendent as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God and the Lambkin. In the center of its square, and on either side of the river, is the log of life, producing twelve fruits, rendering its fruit in accord with each month. And the leaves of the log are for the cure of the nations.

And there shall be no more doom, and the throne of God and of the Lambkin shall be in it. And His slaves shall be offering divine service to Him. And they shall be seeing His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. And night [darkness in them] shall be no more, and they have no need of lamplight and sunlight, for the Lord God shall be illuminating them. And they shall be reigning for the eons of the eons."   Revelation 22:1-5 concordant

God’s purpose in the church age was not to reign over the nations, but the apostate Jezebel church tried. Evangelicals preached to save men from gross sins with messages of everlasting hell for non believers, promising they will surely abide in lasting torment and doom after they die. But GOD’S PLAN was not to bring all men now. First He set a throne, a King, a court, and a house on high, and He reigns in those hearts His Spirit rules.

We are called out of the candlestick churches with the glorious truths found in the mind of Christ. We become fit citizens with the saints, His chosen brethren given the Father's name. God inscribed within our spirit the truth until it affects every part of our being. We have a spiritual body that continues on after physical death in the kind of person that is dwelling within our temple! Sadly, most Christians never come to fully realize even this:

"...what is sown is a natural body, and what is raised is a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is a spiritual body too."   I Corinthians 15:44 NJB

Some of today’s best church leaders are busy working in national politics, mixing it with faith in church programs, blundering around with the governments of men using carnal ideas that form more fleshly programs that amount to “Babylonian playing church.” It’s become a big show where most church leaders are blind leaders going into ditches of natural thinking, too busy, too proud, too established in tradition already to be dealt with in intimate repentance by hearing what His Spirit says. Christian church organizations have trained their ministers to follow church doctrine and patterns, not to explore beyond the dispensation of laying down the law.

The consummation of the age of Old Testament law observance brought forth Jesus Christ, the Messiah. So too the candlestick church age must, at its consummation, bring forth a sealed and harvested virgin group that is God’s ultimate purpose for the church age. We have now come to Mt. Zion, being made one with Jesus, the BODY OF CHRIST, the CORPORATE SONS, of which Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren. Tens of thousands, and thousands of thousands are now messengers brought to glory, matured, conformed unto perfection, molded into the exact likeness of their truly glorious Leader. Yes, these brethren in Zion are filled with the fullest measure of Himself!

God now intends that Jesus Christ use His body to rule over the nations of the earth, and subdue all dominions. God will manifest judgment in His sons and daughters. This company of footstep followers have heard His voice, received His messages, then learned to follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes. These are blessed sons made priests of God who have gone through trials and testings. They are purged by a special supply of spiritual insight that processes a transformation within their spirit to EMBODY His divine nature. 

This may seem to be extremely simple for some, and very small and insignificant in experience, after all that has transpired in the history of the church. But God has a much greater and lasting purpose in perfecting the saints suffering under candlestick church errors. This is a HIDDEN WORK OF THE HEART which cannot be overemphasized in importance! God needs to be teaching and guiding us by His Spirit, spirit to spirit. Those who are drawn up hither have done so in small numbers compared to the numbers of people in the candlestick churches, but overcomers are the only ones destined to exercise Kingdom authority in SUBDUING ALL THINGS.

May God grant us vision to see how He daily establishes His government in our hearts and lives in order to fit us with ranks of hidden and holy believers. These, through our Father’s faithful dealings, are FORMED TO BE PRIESTS OF HIS KINGDOM GOVERNMENT — A HELP TO HARVEST ALL MANKIND! Reapers see into what God has done, and why He is doing it!

Do we bear His name written on our inner parts merely through our short lifetime on the earth? NO WAY! We, like Paul, now have a spiritual body, a house “eternal in the heavens “that is lasting:

“For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we who are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.” II Corinthians 5:1-5 KJV

After this [after the Lord has completed His work of calling out and forming His special governmental people] I will return and build again the tabernacle of David that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who does all these things. Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world!”   Acts 15:16-18

The “residue” of men in Acts 15 specifies that God is dealing with ALL THE REST of mankind AFTER bringing a government people to be enthroned with love, peace and joy. The residue are those who are not included in His called out firstfruit company. The wisdom of our gracious heavenly Father has formed a government of faithful and obedient sons and daughters. These Kingdom priests will bring the truth of His freedom to all realms, seen and unseen, in due time.

Yes, the ultimate purpose of God through 2,000 years of Christian history was to slowly, surely, and wisely choose a company of believers who are prepared by fiery trials and furnaces of affliction. This company is formed by purging and processing that allows Christ to fully form compassion and love within us, even toward our enemies:

If we suffer [endure chastening], we shall also reign with Him.”   II Timothy 2:12

"For Thou wast slain and dost buy us for God by Thy blood out of every tribe and language and people and nation, Thou dost also make them a kingdom and a priesthood for our God, and they shall be reigning on the earth.”   Revelation 5:9-10 concordant

To him that overcomes…to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”   Revelation 2:26-27

We are in the beginnings of a third thousand year age that takes Christians into the third heaven, the third feast, Tabernacles, for His people. A marriage supper is supplied from within the spiritual dimensions of the New Jerusalem order. Our Father tabernacles within us to display a full portion of spiritual inheritance. Matchless graces are bestowed within His beloved sons and daughters so much that when others see what God has done, the residue of men shall actively seek after the Lord!

In the Day of the Lord, ALL nations will come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. Some are now sitting at His table. They have the Father's name written upon them, as well as a loosening from the rule of their outer man. REIGNING WITH CHRIST becomes absolutely full of meaningful purpose when inspired by God. God surely inspired the authors of the Old and New Testament scripture:

“And a reed like a rod was given me, and one said ‘Rouse, measure the temple of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. And the court outside of the temple cast outside, and you should not be measuring it, for it was given to the nations, and the holy city will they be treading forty-two months. And I will be endowing My two witnesses and they will be prophesying a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”’  Revelation 11:1-3 concordant

We do not deny that this text explains precisely why His two witnesses, which are the Word and Spirit of God, were trodden under foot of man’s rule in the church age and prophesied in sackcloth and ashes. History shows us the same during 1260 years of Catholic church reign before Luther. Even the reformed church did not have clear messages of insight as the reformed Lutheran churches made an image like the mother harlot-mystery Babylon, the organizations called the church. It is evident that they have never been able to conquer the enemies of Christ.  

The candlestick of Ephesus was moved out — lowered — never to recover from man-controlled systems calling itself Christianity. Instead they were molded after a harlot system, a mother church, even while being healed with revival time and time again.

God has been doing a special hidden work while most Christians have been busy following blind church leaders who have hijacked the Lord's people on earth. God’s business is the slaying of those false ways that have become corrupt and are systemized into a Christian religion. God is passionately jealous for the correction of the beastly systems now called Christianity. Thank God there is now come the light of judgment that exposes what has been done in these candlestick churches. They supposedly represent Him yet only after an “in-part” measure, in the realms of Pentecost church at best.

There is a higher abiding place established within the Spirit that comes within our spirit to raise us from old heavens and old worship in order to find our spiritual homeland. We have ended our service to the church age and its methods of worship that we know so well. We are released to individually know God now. Overcomers are caught up into a spiritual understanding established in wisdom that makes them alive in God. They have evidence of His reigning within them:

“For let not any of you be suffering as a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or as an interferer in other's affairs; yet if, as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, yet let him be glorifying God in this name, seeing that it is the era for the judgment to begin from the house of  God.”   I Peter 4:16-17 concordant

Judgment from God deals with HIS OWN PEOPLE FIRST, for God’s judgment begins at the house of God. All Christian inclinations, desires, and works formed of a fleshly mind shall be burned up by God’s fire. God has a passion to burn up the religious systems that control the minds of His people. God’s judgment is coming to burn up all corruption IN THE PURIFYING FIRE OF GOD. This judgment is found in the New Jerusalem order.

A cleansing fire of God completes the redemption for the whole man, completing the fullest characteristics of Christ within our spirit to a mature state. Many are being cleansed, purified, and purged, completely and forever washed by the Spirit of His Word to be the tabernacle God dwells within:

"Then I heard a loud voice call from the throne, ‘Look, here God lives among human beings. He will make his home among them; they will be his people, and he will be their God, God-with-them.’"   Revelation 21:3 NJB

God loves all people and judges His people using the sword of the Word to sufficiently back up His claims. God inspired the scriptures to be giving us strength of understanding what is correct, clearly seeing what is right, with instructions for seeking out the promises of God.

What is available to you beyond partial victories of former days in old heavens? Who can deny that a due time of judgment has come? God Himself cast our religious man into a cleansing fire, a divine fire that burns with love to consume every inherent human weakness and fault, including all our dread and doom. God’s primary purpose is to make man holy, made into the right image of Him! Make no mistake about this spiritual operation which is continually working until we are complete, renewed by the consuming fires of God. OUR GOD is a consuming fire!

The fire of God is a cleansing not for gross sinners but for His own. This fire consumes the wrong paths Christian leaders have taken with the things of the King. These multitudes of thieves and robbers use legalistic head knowledge about God to glorify themselves and build their own mansions in the ministry of the passing heavens of the church age. Christian leaders need much correction from God to be harvested into the homeland. A cleansing flow of unity needs be released in His own people for unity with those bringing the spirit of the Lord’s Day in order to keep the spiritual Feast of Tabernacles, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. 

Thank God all false images that hinder or mar His perfect image among His people shall be burnt up in the unquenchable flame of His two witnesses, the Word and Spirit. These two are standing up in a people, not in sackcloth any more for the burning, my beloved. They have yielded a purity of message unto us, for ONLY THE FIRE CAN PURIFY God’s new man:

"Now in a great house there are not only gold and silver utensils, but wooden and earthenware also, and some indeed for honor, yet some for dishonor."   II Timothy 2:20-21 concordant

"…Jesus Christ. On this foundation, different people may build in gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay or straw but each person's handiwork will be shown for what it is. The Day which dawns in fire will make it clear and the fire itself will test the quality of each person's work. The one whose work stands up to it will be given his wages; the one whose work is burnt down will suffer the loss of it, though he himself will be saved; he will be saved as someone might expect to be saved from a fire.

Do you not realize that you are a temple of God with the Spirit of God living in you? If anybody should destroy the temple of God, God will destroy that person, because God's temple is holy; and you are that temple. There is no room for self-delusion. Any one of you who thinks he is wise by worldly standards must learn to be a fool in order to be really wise. For the wisdom of the world is folly to God.

As scripture says: ‘He traps the crafty in the snare of their own cunning’ and again: ‘The Lord knows the plans of the wise and how insipid they are.’ So there is to be no boasting about human beings: everything belongs to you, whether it is Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, the world, life or death, the present or the future -- all belong to you; but you belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God." I Corinthians 3:12-23 NJB

Eisegesis is the process of reading into God’s word something that is not there. It is inserting a thought that the writer never intended to convey. Most times this happens when the context surrounding the passage of scripture is ignored or when one approaches a Bible passage with their own bias and those trying to change the meaning of words to fit their preconceived ideas. Men do it all the time. It has helped form the generally accepted interpretations of scripture popular in the various church systems. Eisegesis is easy to fall into, especially when one seriously approaches God’s word with a predetermined mind.

It is quite fearful for many church leaders to reconsider what they have believed to be true for so long, to replace it with the thought that their viewpoint might be wrong. Instead, they find comfort in the approval of others, in education, in seeking crowds who also hold their long-held beliefs and defend them to the end. Church age leaders are trained in ventures of teaching the Bible with bias, only considering THEIR possible interpretation as being true.

Even the best men can become narrow minded, narrowed to view Bible scriptures as something known yet plagued by not understanding how to be taught of the spirit. Once established, church leaders prefer to rest in their comfortable traditional bed, finding it easier to accept passed down generational teachings without carefully checking out the spiritual intent of the author Himself.

Exegesis, on the other hand, means drawing from the passage of scripture what the words were intended to convey. It considers the context and seeks to understand the true meaning without bias, personal agenda, or preconceived ideas. Thus, it allows God’s word to speak for itself as the Holy Spirit supplies enlightenment as to a proper understanding of the truth that God inspired to be written. Listen to what Paul wrote to Timothy:

"Endeavor to present yourself to God qualified, an unashamed worker, correctly cutting the word of truth. Yet from profane prattling stand aloof, for they will be progressing to more irreverence, and their word will spread as gangrene, of whom are Hymeneus and Philetus, who swerve as to truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred, and are subverting the faith of some."   II Timothy 2:15-16 concordant

The church age dispensation and its administration has subverted the faith of many for the last two thousand years but now this is ending. God formed a people who have been gathered out of the church age who are now made lasting priests, having His name written upon them. They speak no guile, they sing a new song which man can not duplicate, by which they take rightful places of authority to speak truth as kingdom priests after the order of an endless life. This priesthood operates in the lasting order of the divine life in Jesus. He is the truest representative of the true church, and He has built a people together in unity that man cannot corrupt:

"And the same One gives these, indeed, as apostles, yet these as prophets, yet these as evangelists, yet these as pastors and teachers, toward the adjusting of the saints for the work of dispensing, for the up building of the body of Christ, unto (UNTIL, and only UNTIL) the end that we should all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ, that we may by no means still be minors, surging hither and thither and being carried about by every wind of teaching of human caprice by craftiness with a view to the systematizing of the deception."   Ephesians 4:11-14 concordant

Ministries in church offices are given to enhance our spiritual attainment. The apostles and prophets have ruled over our spiritual growth to mature stature, reached by not being tossed about by men and their sleight of hand. Inward spiritual growth was promised to overcoming believers throughout this last two thousand year old church age. These overcomers are the hidden members of the body of Christ who have had an INNER CHANGE OF CHARACTER by an operation of God’s Spirit and Word.

Matured sons come to spiritual Mount Zion to be enthroned now with the lasting orders of the King, where it is unlawful for man to speak. Yet Kingdom priests set forth lightnings and thunder from the throne realm of the King’s Day. This will usher in an entirely new Day, a new age with a lasting ministry actually bringing the maturity and full stature due all New Jerusalem people.

Most Christian people on earth are now being held in Babylonian mindsets that are a bondage. This keeps them in baby stages of Christian growth subject to fallen systems of doctrinal teachings that have twisted and compromised His truth. The FREEDOM coming from spiritual Mt. Zion is to break the rules that have systematically deceived His people with the religious teachings of men. Christianity is to be harvested and brought deliverance from those blind candlestick church leaders who left their first love to SYSTEMATIZE efforts to profit with mystery Babylon’s deceptions.

Thank God, the third Day is coming to us who heard the call, who respond with understanding to become His ABIDING PLACE, HIS HOUSE, HIS TABERNACLE. May He touch things deep within us, so our heart even now learns to follow on to know the Lord!


To the Overcomers